This 48 page book published by Smyrna Gospel Ministries is a compilation of quotes from Adventist Pioneers which reflect the unanimous position of the early Adventist Church concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. Many say that only some of the Adventist Pioneers didn’t believe in the Trinity, when in reality none of the Adventist Pioneers believed in the doctrine of the Trinity. This documentation speaks loudly and clearly. This book was compiled by Lynnford Beachy.

The Printed version of this book is available from Smyrna Gospel Ministries for a suggested donation of $3.00 per copy. (Outside the U.S.A., the postage is extra.) Requests may be sent to: HC 64 Box 128 B, Welch, WV 24801 U.S.A.. You may also contact Brother Beachy via e-mail at:
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