How does the ministry of Christ in the Sanctuary relate to those who believe in Him? How was this illustrated in the Sanctuary service?

A few – a couple of nights ago. Was it nights, or sometime.
A couple of days ago, Brother Ken shared some thoughts concerning the sanctuary,
and today, I’d like to maybe contribute a little bit to some of the things he said, and maybe add a few other things.
I know that the theme of this camp meeting is
‘The ‘Foundations of Righteousness’
of the foundations…or the foundations of righteousness, I believe, are outlined in the Hebrew system of worship.
Symbol and type – yes, symbol and type.
We need to emphasize that, because sometimes that is not understood clearly enough, that it’s symbol.
But at the same time it was designed by God himself.
And one of the things that is certain to impress us, as we look at the sanctuary; as we read carefully what God said about it
In fact the whole system of worship that was given in the Old Testament; one of the things that impresses us is the extreme detail.
It amazes me!

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