In this issue:
Translating the Truth in Africa
The Parents Duty
Are parents placing the mark of God upon their households in this their day of probation and privilege? Are not many fathers and mothers placing their responsibilities into others’ hands? Do not many of them think that the minister should take the burden, and see to it that their children are converted, and that the seal of God is placed upon them? They do not restrict their children’s desires, referring them to a “thus saith the Lord.” Many suppose that the Sabbath-school influence will be all-sufficient, and that the Sabbath-school teacher will instruct and educate their children in such a way as to lead them to Christ. Fathers and mothers place their responsibility in the hands of others, and thus perilously neglect their own households. {RH, May 21, 1895}
The Divinity of Christ
Martin Eldon (contributed by Wilbur Hargreaves)
Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of the Living GOD. He was born before
all creation from the being of the Father. He was equal to the Father in
nature and substance.
There are some in ‘Christendom’ today, who deny the divinity of Jesus
Christ; some teach that Christ pre-existed as a created angel; others
teach that the ‘impersonal’ Word, or Message, from God lived inside the
man named Jesus.
Let’s read the first two verses of John and see what he tells us about the Word:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with (the)God, and the
Word was God (Divine). The same was in the beginning with God. All
things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was
made.” John 1:1-2
John tells us that this Word, that was with GOD in the beginning of
time, is not an impersonal ‘message,’ but is a personal being; he is
called Him. God created all things by (through) this person called the
Word. Also note that John is not saying that the “Word” was a god; but
he was God. He has the very nature of the ONE He was with. As we read
further, and look at other verses concerning this issue, we will see
that ALL things were created through Christ Jesus. This will place the
origin of Christ before all creation. As he existed before creation,
then as we will see, He had to be of the Substance of GOD, since the
Substance of GOD was the only Substance in existence before creation!
Truly, Christ is of the same nature and substance of His Father,
as every human being possesses the same nature of his parents, and is
from their substance.
Why is this person called the Word? The words reveal the thoughts of
one’s heart. Jesus reveals the heart of the Father to us. He has always
done that. He is the visible image, of the invisible God.
How does Paul say everything has come into existence?
“But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and
we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by
him.” 1 Corinthians 8:6:
The Bible teaches that “the Father is the source of all things; all
things are of him, and it teaches that Jesus is the instrument
or channel, through which all things were made.”
“Who is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN OF EVERY CREATURE:
For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in
earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him.
Colossians 1:15-16:
Here Jesus is declared to be the Firstborn of every creature. What
does this phrase mean? Firstborn is translated from the Greek word,
prototokos, and it simply means: first-born, —first begotten.
Thus we see in these verses that Paul is telling us that Christ was
‘Begotten first, or Born before all creation’, because all of creation
was created by God through Christ. (See Ephesians 3:9).
This is also the explanation given to us concerning this verse in the
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon: “Christ is called, firstborn of all
creation, who came into being through God, prior to the entire universe
of created things”.
Wigram’s Greek Lexicon tells us the following: “Or it may be; born before all creation”.
Jamieson, Faussett and Brown Bible Commentary has this to add: “
Translate, “Begotten (literally, ‘born’) before every creature,” as the
context shows, which gives the reason why He is so designated. “For,”
&c. (Col. 1:16-17).
Matthew Henry’s Commentary states the following: “He was born or
begotten before all the creation, before any creature was made;”
“Who is the image of the unseen God coming into existence before all living things;” (BBE)
“Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He was born before creation began,” (PHIL)
Was Jesus begotten before he came to the earth? “In this was
manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only
begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9
Now I want us to “THINK” a little. God tells us to come and reason
with HIM. The Bible teaches that Christ existed with the Father before
all creation, and was actually the channel by which God created all
This means that Christ is not a “Creature”, because He pre-existed all
creation! Now a “Creature” is something whose substance was brought
forth from NOTHING. Humans are creatures because we are made of dirt,
and dirt was created from nothing. Everything we see in this world is a
part of creation.
Christ is not a creature; He wasn’t brought forth from nothing, so
where did He come from? The Bible clearly teaches that He was begotten
before creation; so where did He come from?
There is but one place He could have come from, and that is the
substance of GOD. He was begotten from GOD before all creation. As
Children are brought forth from the substance of their parents, Christ
was brought forth from the substance of His Father.
For example when my wife gave birth to my daughter, she didn’t give
birth to a ‘foreign’ substance. Stacy was made up of the same material
as her Mother. They were both of the same flesh and bone. When God
brought forth HIS Son from HIS bosom, He had to be of the same substance
as His Father.
Now let’s read John 1:1 again: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”(Divine)
John is not telling us that the Word was the same person as “The God”
He was with; and He is not saying that the Word was ‘a god’, as some
sort of Ruler, or mighty man; but John is telling us that the Word, the
pre-existent Son, had the very nature of GOD. He is truly Divine, or
God,-by nature!
The Bible teaches ever so clearly that Jesus Christ pre-existed as the
Divine Son of GOD, and shared in the glory and riches of GOD; but He
emptied Himself of this glory, and these riches, and became a man, – the
poorest of the poor!
“Let the same disposition be in you which was in Christ Jesus. Although
from the beginning, He had the nature of God, He did not reckon His
equality with God a treasure to be tightly grasped. Nay, He stripped
Himself of His glory, and took on Him the nature of a bondservant, by
becoming a man like other men. And being recognized as truly human, He
humbled Himself and even stooped to die; yes, to die on a cross.”
Philippians 2:5-8 (WEYMOUTH)
Again, I will use the example of my wife and daughter. When my wife
gave birth to Stacy, what other nature could she possess? She couldn’t
have been a kangaroo, or a whale; but Stacy had to be a human. She had
to be born with the same NATURE as her parents! Like begets like. So
when GOD brought forth HIS Son, HIS Son could only have one and the same
nature, and that is the nature of GOD.
“For it is in Christ that the fulness of God’s nature dwells embodied,
and in Him you are made complete.” Colossians 2:9 (WEYMOUTH)
When GOD brought forth HIS Son, HE brought Him from HIS SUBSTANCE, and
with HIS very NATURE; in fact the fulness of HIS nature! (See
Colossians 1:19)
Again, I want you to look at my wife and daughter; which one of them
is “more” human? They are both equally human; they have the same nature.
Just because my daughter was begotten from her mother, doesn’t make her
any less human than her mother! Christ has the same nature as His
Father; thus, by nature, He is equal to His Father! Christ is from the
very substance of GOD, and thus He is equal to His Father in substance.
“Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you.
If ye loved Me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father:
for My Father is greater than I.” John 14:28
Since the Father and Son are equal in substance and nature, then why is the Father “greater” than the Son?
Now again, look at my wife and Stacy. Though they are equally human,
who is greater? In most ways my wife is greater. For example, my wife is
greater in age, in stature, in strength, and in authority. Yet they are
both equally human.
For another example, who is greater, men or women, the man or wife?
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving
honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs
together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1
Peter 3:7
Though men and women share the same nature, and consist of the same
substance, and in this sense are considered equal; yet man is
the stronger vessel. Man has been given authority to rule his household.
The same example is given for Christ and GOD.
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and
the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” 1
Corinthians 11:3
Because Christ’s life, substance, nature, power and authority are all
derived from the being of the Father, Christ recognizes the Supremacy of
the Father and honors the Father as His LORD and GOD. He submits
happily to the will of the Father.
The Father isn’t greater in Substance or Nature, but HE is of greater
authority and HE is unbegotten and the SOURCE of all things!
“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands
of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto ME that is to be
ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from
everlasting.” Micah 5:2
Here Micah tells us that Jesus Christ’s origin (goings forth – see
‘Brown Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. The RSV, the GW, and other
translations) is from everlasting or eternity. .
The Septuagint literally reads: Whose “arche (beginning) ek (is from) hemera (the days) aion (of eternity).”
As we have read, Christ Jesus existed with God before all creation,
and here we are told that His origin is found in eternity. Let me
attempt to explain this:
When the bible speaks about ‘eternity past’, it means before temporal
time. Time, as we know it, is temporal; it is all based upon the
physical attributes of creation. We base our years on the circuit the
earth takes around the sun. The months are based on the circuit of the
moon around the earth. The 24-hour days are based on the one rotation of
the earth on its own axis. Temporal time began at creation.
Christ was born before temporal time, and thus His ‘origin’ is in, or from, eternity.
Why are all men subject to death?
“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1st Corinthians 15:22
When Adam sinned, and became subject to death, all of his posterity,
all that would spring from his loins would also be subject to death;
because all of mankind was virtually in his loins.
Where was Levi before he was born?
“And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in
Abraham. For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met
him.” Hebrews 7:9-10
Levi, did not actually exist then; but he did, virtually, in the loins
of his great grand-parent. Genetically, all mankind existed in Adam, as
Levi existed in Abraham.
What is Christ called in Corinthians 1:24?
“But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.”
Here Christ is called the Wisdom of GOD; Wisdom originates in the heart (mind). God’s wisdom originates in HIS heart also.
In other places Jesus is called the Word of GOD. A person’s word is
his thoughts- “revealed!” Christ the Word, is the revealed thoughts or
Wisdom of GOD.
“No man hath seen GOD at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in
the bosom of the Father, He hath declared HIM.” John 1:18
“For the Father Himself loveth you, because ye have loved Me, and have believed that I came out from GOD.” John 16:27
While studying some of the writings of the pre-nicean church
“fathers,” I noticed that they repeatedly quoted the following verses to
prove that Christ was indeed “begotten.” The true meaning of these
verses are almost lost today, because of the sloppy modern translations.
“For the end, for alternate strains by the sons of Core; for
instruction, a Song concerning the beloved. My heart has uttered an
excellent word (logos)… PSALMS 45:1-6 (LXX)
Isn’t it an awesome thought, to think that Jesus existed in the heart
of GOD as HIS ‘wisdom’; and before creation, He was ‘made audible’ and
thus begotten, as a true Son,- not a sound without substance; a true
Being, with His own intellect! The next few verses of this Psalm clears
up any question concerning who the speaker has in mind. (See Psalm
L. Martin in his book, “100 and more mysteries about the trinity”, explains the eternity of Christ this way:
“It is a fact that a person may exist and yet have no conscious
awareness or any visible appearance. This is true of all human beings
who pre-existed genetically in their immediate parents and even in Adam,
just as Levi pre-existed in Abraham (Heb. 7:9)… This raises the
question: Couldn’t it be possible that in some mysterious sense beyond
the comprehension of finite human beings, Christ pre-existed as a Person
immanent within the Father’s bosom and was subsequently begotten as the
mono-genes? The Apostolic Fathers, who lived nearest to the New
Testament writers, who knew them and heard them speak, saw no tension in
the paradox of the eternity of Christ and the fact that He was the
literal begotten Son of God the Father. They simply believed that Christ
pre-existed as the [Wisdom] of the Father, Who was made audible
(begotten) as the Word, an independent [person] without leaving the
Father empty of HIS mind. This was the explanation widely held by those
who lived in a period when the church received a glowing commendation
from the Savior (Rev. 2:9); a period when the church was not torn by
unending theological controversies, divisions, wars and deceptious
schemes.” (100 and more mysteries about the Trinity.)
Let me share with you this example, which should make this more
understandable. For nine9 months, my wife carried Stacy in her womb. Was
Stacy a person while she was in her womb? Yes, she definitely was! Yet,
she didn’t become a distinct/visible person until she was born.
If the Son existed within the heart of GOD as Wisdom, then Christ is
eternal because GOD has never been without wisdom. And then, when God
spoke, the Wisdom became the Word, and the Son was born.
So we see why it is Biblical to believe:
The Son is of the Substance of the Father, and has the Nature of the
Father. Thus, He is equal in person to the Father; though the Father is
greater in power and authority.
The Son, though begotten from the Father, has existed with the Father, from eternity.
The Work in Jamaica
Ramble, St. James
For several years there have been no regular meetings in St. James
although there have been several believers in the Montego Bay area,
remnants of the group which once met at Copper. Recently, however,
Brother Gordon moved to Ramble where he has a home with ample room to
hold small meetings. Since then the brethren have been meeting fairly
regularly and so we can happily say that the light has not been
extinguished in St. James. Let us pray for this little group that it may
continue to be a witness to the truth in that parish.
Frome, Westmoreland
The group in Westmoreland was formed as a result of advertisements
which were aired on TV, where we advertised free materials on the
subject of the Mark of The Beast. As a result of these ads, several
ladies in the Grange Hill area of Westmoreland contacted us and after
some dialogue eagerly accepted the message. Up to that time these ladies
had been attending a pentecostal church. From this nucleus a small
company was started in Westmoreland at Frome and the believers met for
Sabbath worship, first in the home of a sister, and then later in a
basic school building. These believers were babes in the faith and every
Sabbath they needed somebody to feed and to teach them. It was a long
drive for those who came from as far as Mandeville and Montego Bay but
we tried to be there as often as possible. Recent developments in
Westmoreland have caused us a lot of distress. Domestic problems in the
families of several of the believers have erupted suddenly which have
resulted in them being unable to continue attending meetings. In more
than one case the people involved had to leave home and in one case one
of the sisters had her life threatened. We do not know what will happen
from this point on. At the moment meetings have been suspended in
Westmoreland and we ask that all who love the Lord and His truth should
pray for these believers.
The group in Kingston has been around for several years. First the
brethren used to meet at Hope Gardens, but for the past couple of years
they have been meeting at the Priory School premises on Hope Road in
Kingston. Some time ago they adopted the name of “Philadelphia
Fellowship.” Existing in the Largest city in the island, and in an area
with a heavy Seventh day Adventist population, this group has undertaken
several projects including several tract drives where thousands of
pieces of literature have been distributed. The latest project being
undertaken by this group is the establishment of a website. Hopefully
this will soon be ready and available as another source of truth filled
materials to assist believers around the world in the struggle to defend
the truth and overturn error.
Hayes, Clarendon
The group in Hayes is a small one, but they have been standing
faithfully for the truth from the beginning of the movement to restore
the truth about God in Jamaica. One of the leading figures in this group
is Sister Bev Walters. She established this church in her home, and has
recently erected a small structure in the front of her yard where the
brethren now meet on Sabbaths. This has been a vibrant fellowship, and
one where visitors were always made to feel at home. Recently they have
been seriously depleted with the migration of Brother Darlston (Orlie)
Clayton to the USA and Wayne and Lorraine (Nikki) Sutherland to England.
These brethren contributed significantly to the fellowship and their
going has left a gap in the group. However, those who are left are still
doing their best to stand faithfully for the truth.
Duncans, Trelawny
The Duncans group is a small one and a fairly recent additon to the
number of those who believe the truth about God in Jamaica. It started a
little over two years ago with a group of seven brethren who took a
stand for the truth in the SDA church at Duncans and who eventually came
to the conclusion that the opposition to the truth was so fierce there,
that they had no option but to leave and start a home church. Despite
the fact that they are few in numbers these brethren are zealous for the
truth and are always seeking for ways and means by which they can share
with others. Since the beginning of the group several new members have
been added to the fellowship.
Albion, Manchester
This is the oldest and the largest group in the island with
a fellowship of approximately fifty believers. This group has existed as
an independent fellowship since 1985 and has recently built a small
wooden chapel where meetings are now kept. This church being stronger
and older than the others has assisted in nurturing some of the newer
and smaller groups such as Hayes, Frome and Duncans. This group also
forms the nucleus from which Restoration Ministries was established.
Some of the projects in which Albion has been involved over the years
include island-wide tract distribution drives, evangelistic meetings, a
radio program which was aired for two years, Newspaper and television
advertisements which resulted in many people coming to know and accept
the truth.
Recent developments in this group include the establishment of a young
people’s forum on Sabbath afternoons where they are able to meet,
discuss and to air their views on several issues which are of concern to
them. A steady choir has also been established in this group which has
embellished the worship services on Sabbaths and other special
Southfield, St. Elizabeth
The group in Southfield is the youngest of all the groups and is just a
little over a year old. The establishment of this group is largely due
to the efforts of Sister Zemrie McGlashan who has been determined for a
long time that there should be a witness to the truth in Southfield.
Providentially she was able to obtain a place for worship, a building
which was actually designed as a church, but which had fallen into
disuse. After some refurbishing and minor repairs the small fellowship
has made this chapel their home and have established a vibrant witness
in the community. There are plans to have a series of evangelistic
meetings there soon.
Why Didn’t She Make it Plain?
One of the questions which puzzles
many people who have studied the issue of the nature of the godhead, is
the question as to why Ellen White did not explain the nature of the
godhead so clearly that there would have been no room for debate, no
question as to what she really believed.
Her fellow pioneers, in contrast, people like J.N. Loughborough, J.N.
Andrews, and even her husband James White very clearly and unambiguously
condemned the doctrine of the Trinity in plain and strong language.
Nobody can be uncertain as to where they stood on this question. Ellen
White, however, never even once used the word “Trinity” in all her
writings and has left room for uncertainty as to where she really stood
on the issue. Why is this so?
This is difficult to understand until we carefully consider the nature
of Ellen White’s writings as opposed to the writings of her peers. All
the other Adventists pioneers wrote on the basis of their study of the
Bible, their understanding of truth based on their intellectual and
spiritual capacity. What they wrote was their own conclusion, guided as
they believed, by the holy spirit. For the most part they were men of
deep thought and their writings testify to the fact that they were
possessed of strong intellectual power.
Ellen White, on the other hand, did not wr ite on the basis of her own
understanding most of the time. Her statements were not made on the
basis of her own intellectual power. She claimed all her life that she
was a “messenger of the Lord,” and it was on that basis and from that
foundation that her writings were produced. In other words, Ellen White
is not responsible for the seeming inconclusiveness in her writings. The
person responsible for this is God. Is this a reasonable conclusion?
The Bible has many teachings which establish a principle of the way
God works, supportive of the idea which I just presented. Why is it that
God permitted statements to be placed in the Bible which could be
misconstrued to teach the doctrine of the immortality of the soul and
the eternal punishment of the wicked? (Isa 66:24; Rev 14:11) Why is it
that God did not name the Pope as the antichrist in the same way that He
named Cyrus as the deliverer of Israel 100 years before he was born?
(Isa 45:1) Why is it that He did not repeat the Sabbath commandment
plainly in the New Testament so that there would have been no place for
Sunday observers to find an excuse? Why is it that He did not plainly
specify that the Messiah was first to die, betrayed and rejected by the
Jewish leaders and then later to return as a conquering King? There are
dozens of questions like this; many areas of controversy where it seems
that it would have been so much simpler if God had not left any room for
doubt. How we often wish to find some piece of evidence so plain, so
incontrovertible that all argument will be stopped and everyone be
compelled to acknowledge the truth.
God does not work in this way. Truth must be received with an honest
and willing heart. There is not much virtue in a person acknowledging
the truth only because he has no option. Such an acceptance of truth
will not produce willing and wholehearted obedience. The reception of
truth which is worth something is that which is based on honest and
earnest searching of the word of God. It is based on fair and unbiased
comparing of Scripture and the careful examination of ideas with a heart
willing and ready to submit to the guidance of God’s spirit, wherever
that spirit leads. For this reason, testing truth has always been plain
enough for the honest in heart, but vague enough for those who do not
love the truth to find a place on which to hang their doubts and embrace
Ellen White wrote what was revealed to her. She really was not the
most qualified to give a Bible study on the subject of the godhead. Her
claim to being an authority was on the basis of what God said to her,
and on the question of the godhead it is plain that once again, God has
left room for those who wish to take the popular, safe side, to find
room for rejecting the truth and embracing error.
Update on the work in India
Howard Williams
In March 2003, Lynnford Beachy of Smyrna Gospel Ministries and I made a trip to India to share The Truth About God.
The brethren who hosted this trip were few in number, but were already
introduced to the message through printed literature and personal email
Our visit was mostly to the southern part of India, namely the state
of Tamil Nadu. Since our visit we have kept in touch with the work and
though things started out more slowly than expected, the work has been
making steady progress there.
Brother, Dharma Suresh Kumar, who was present at the first meeting,
has taken the time to carefully examine the materials we took along with
us for distribution. Today he is convinced of the truth and is doing
his best with the little means he has to spread this truth. A few months
ago we were delighted when he sent us translated copies of some of our
tracts in his native tongue, Tamil.
Brother Suresh is a diligent worker who loves the truth and he has
been photocopying these tracts from his little salary, in order to share
with others.
We recently sent him some help which he used to translate and reproduce David Clayton’s book, “The Mystery De-mystified.”
The book is an edited version, which means he has just chosen the most
important chapters to print, since the entire book would have cost too
There are others in his area who have accepted the truth and who are now joining with him in the spread of the truth.
There are also other brethren in different areas of the South who were
also present at the meetings we had and they are spreading the word of
truth through personal witnessing as well. We had a recent report that
nineteen (19) persons have been baptized into the truth..
We are doing our best to get the brethren to work together in a more
united way. The uniting would include sharing literature and witnessing
We solicit your prayers for these precious brethren who have to work
under very difficult circumstances, living, as they are, in a country
heavily influenced by the Hindu religion which threatens any rival with
…and around the world
The brethren in Europe have
continued to move aggressively forward in proclaiming the truth about
God and His Son, in the face of stiff and hostile opposition. By the
time you receive this newsletter they will be holding campmeetings.
These campmeetings are vital in that they help people to recognize that
they are not alone in the struggle, they help to clarify issues and they
serve as a means of unifying those who hold to the truth.
It is important that those who believe and love the Lord should
continue to pray for these brethren and their work. Reports also out of
Romania show us that the work there is also progressing steadily. In
fact, there are daily reports of earnest efforts and advances being made
through sacrificial effort everywhere. In South Africa, brother Onward
Makeche and others have been travelling from place to place holding
meetings and sharing the truth with people. In Tanzania, in addition to
the work being done by brother (Pastor) Kitomari in translation, we also
receive reports from brother (Pastor) Patrick Katambo of great
potential in his area and of the interest in the truth being shown
From Australia
Dear David,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and strong in the Lord.
I’ve just received your newsletter and have enjoyed reading it.
After the first term break of college. I returned to school and shared
my new conviction about the doctrine of God. In the meeting with the
three directors and teacher of the school, I was surprised to see how
strongly they opposed my views. They didn’t have clear evidence (Bible
or Spirit of Prophecy) to change my views and were not convincing in
their response to my questions. These guys are Hartland graduates. I
realized then how weak their stand is and this strengthened my
conviction. Unfortunately, we could not agree. I was told that it would
be hard for me to stay at school with my views. So I replied quickly and
said “it’s o.k., I’ll leave.”
I packed up that afternoon. Although I was sad at the time, it wasn’t
long before I realized that God may not have wanted me there now. Since
leaving all my spare time has been spent studying this doctrine and its
been a blessing.
Bill and another friend and I are starting our own ministry. We have a
group of about twelve (12) believers and its growing. We have regular
bible studies on Sabbath afternoons and are sharing with many other
friends, some long standing Adventists.
We have also had long meetings with two separate self-supporting
ministries which we were supporting. But unfortunately, they not only
are resisting the message, but one now seems to be mounting attacks
against us. We admire their zeal and conviction for what they believe,
but are sad that so far God isn’t able to bestow the blessings that this
truth brings.
We’ve come across one strain of Trinitarianism, which says that
because God says His Son is begotten of Him (pre-incar) we need to
believe this, even if He isn’t really begotten literally. “He is
begotten, without being Begotten.” We can’t accept this as it was put to
us, even though we were given examples of this being a biblical
principle – “sounds strange.”
Your tape of the month sounds like it could be good for our study
group. If you could send us one I’ll make copies and share it
around. Also, if you should have any other tapes or literature which you
feel might help us in sharing the truth and also the errors of the
Trinity, I will make copies and put them to good use.
We already have, “The Foundation of Our Faith” by A.S. and your book “Telling The Truth About God.”
Now that we know what our purpose is for God, we’ll accept all that
comes our way. We pray for God’s strength every day, without which we
know we would be doomed.
We have you and Allen in our prayers always and all your team and supporters. May God continue to bless you all abundantly.
Christian regards,
Your Brother
Translating the Truth in Africa
The work of translating the
literature is going forward in many different countries and we have here
included samples of translations done by brother K. Kitomari in
Tanzania, and brother Mafo Chinyemba in Zambia.
Below is a portion of the booklet, “The Omega of Apostasy,” translated
into the Kiswahili language by brother K. Kitomari of Tanzania. Brother
Kitomari has translated several other books including “From Babylon to
New Jerusalem,” by A.T. Jones and “This is The Church” as well as, “A
Time To Choose.” Some of these books have not yet been published because
Brother Kitomari is hampered by a lack of funds.
“Ellen White aliandika habari za uasi miongoni mwa watu wa Mungu wa siku
za mwisho. Maelezo maalum yanayoelezea Mwanzo wa (ALFA) na mwisho
(OMEGA) ya uasi. Ellen White alitamka kua katika kitabu kinachoitwa –
The living Temple, kilichoandikwa habari za afya na John Harvey Kellog
katika kitabu hicho kulikuwa na mafundisho ambayo ni mwanzo wa uasi.
Faida iliyopatikana kutokana na mauzo ya kitabu hicho ilikusudiwa
kutumika kujenga upya Sanitarium iliyounguwa kwa moto huko Bettle Creek.
Wakati wote walikubaliana sehemu za kitabu kilichoeleza habari za afya
kwa undani ilikuwa ni nzuri na yenye kufaa kupelekewa watu, Dr. Kellog
alifungamanisha mafundisho ya uongo kuhusu Mungu katika kitabu hicho.
Mafundisho hayo ni ya aina yenye kueleza kwa Mungu yuko mahali pote.”
Here also is an extract from the tract, “The God of The Bible,”
Translated into the Bemba language (Zambia) by brother Chinyemba Mafo.
“Tuto ye ya Bibele i ambola ka taba ye nyunga maikuto. Buñata bwa batu
ba ikolwisisize ka se ba lumezi, ni haku fumaneha litumelo ze ñata ze
itwanisa ku a mana ni seo Mulimu ali sona. Zeñwi za litumelo ze, libile
teñi hala lilimo ze ñata, mi lilumezwi ki ba bañata. Nihakulicwalo,
litumelo ze hali konahali kuba za niti kaufela zona. Kono he buñata bwa
sicaba, aba tabeli ku batisisa kamba ku teleleza nto ifi kamba ifi ye sa
lumelalani ni sizo seba amuhezi kwa likeleke za bona kamba ku bokukwa
Youth For God
Youth For God is a website
dedicated to helping youth gain a closer walk with Christ through a
Christian atmosphere. It is a place where Christian youth can come
together and interact with other Christian youth to gain a deeper
knowledge of God and a place to be able to just talk with other like
minded youth in a relaxed setting and at a time that is convenient for
Hi, my name is Jonathon. I am 18, live in a valley nestled among the
sublime mountains of Northern California, and I’m the founder of Youth
For God.
And I am Jani, age 19, the administrative assistant of Youth For God, and I’m from beautiful northeastern Washington.
Youth For God was started in 2000 as an Ez-Board. It has undergone
many changes since its beginning , and we are continually working to
improve it. One of the biggest changes was creating our own website, and
making Youth For God ad free. Youth For God’s website now has several
departments: Bible Studies (continually being updated); and a friendly
and active message board, which includes many different topics. You’ll
be sure to find something you will enjoy there. For those of you that
use the Young Disciple lessons, there are two Young Disciple forums- one
is a place for us to discuss the lessons, and the other is for
everything else relating to Young Disciple Magazine. There is also a
live chat room where the members can visit together.
Youth for God welcomes new members. To join, log on to
“” and complete the registration form,
or if you just want to browse Youth For God, go to our homepage at And don’t forget to sign the guestbook.
This is a site designed for the youth, but those of all ages are welcome.
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men, men who will not be
bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men
who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is
as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the
right though the heavens fall.”
See you in Cyberspace!
The Youth For God Team
Open Face is published bi-monthly and is sent free to all who desire to receive it.
David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
P. O. Box 23 Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (876) 904-7392