In this issue:
A New Dimension
Howard Williams
How would you explain something to somebody who has never seen, or had any experience of it? We are told that there are three dimensions, which are length, width and depth. But some mathematicians and physicists have suggested that there may be a fourth or even a fifth dimension. However, it is difficult to imagine such a thing, because we have no experience of it.
I once heard someone say that he thinks there will be colours in heaven which we have never seen. Are we able to think of one? Of course not, it is not possible for us to conceptualize something which we have never seen. So if there is a dimension which we have never been exposed to, it is very difficult or impossible for us to relate to it.
Many years ago a wonderful instrument was invented, called, the Microscope. Before this invention, man had no idea of the existence of a tiny world of unbelievably small creatures. Man could not conceive of such a world for it was entirely outside of his experience. He had never seen or heard of such a thing before. But after the microscope was invented, man was able to see this other “dimension.”
And yet, even after the microscope was invented and this other world became known, a woman once visited a lecture where a scientist was giving a talk on the existence of this microscopic world. During this lecture he allowed people to come forward and look into an actual microscope where they could see these tiny creatures moving about. This skeptical lady stepped forward and peered into the microscope. There was a gasp of astonishment at the sight which met her eyes, but as she returned to her seat she was heard to mutter, “I still don’t believe it.” This reaction is typical of many of us. We find it difficult to believe in things which are not a part of our everyday experience. But the fact is, there are dimensions which we have never seen, and just because we have never seen them does not mean that they do not exist.
Changed by seeing
The Bible tells us about a man who was told that Jesus was an imposter. In fact, they told this man that Jesus had died, but that while guards were watching Him they fell asleep and that the disciples of Jesus stole His body and made the claim that He had been resurrected. They told this man that the followers of this dead Jesus were causing confusion in Israel, going about and trying to destroy the religion established by God. They told him that these disciples were spreading these lies and that people were actually believing them. So this man made it his sworn duty to stamp out this new religion at all costs. He swore that it would never succeed while he was alive.
In the book of Acts it tells us that one day this man was traveling to a certain city, again on one of his missions to crush this irritating new movement.
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters t o Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. (Acts 9:1-2)
Saul took upon himself the task of defending the faith of the Jews and he was determined to imprison, slaughter, destroy anyone who embraced this way. With this determination to accomplish his murderous purpose, he started on his journey.
But something happened to Saul on this journey, something of such tremendous significance, that it changed his life completely, and forever. He had an experience which caused him to see a dimension which he had never seen before. Somebody stopped him, and spoke to him, and identified himself to him. In response to his trembling question, “who art thou Lord?” The unexpected answer came, “I am Jesus.”
How Saul trembled when he heard that answer! All the things he had been told came back to his mind, all the lies which had conditioned his thinking passed before him in a moment of time. The reality of the heavenly voice which spoke and identified the person as Jesus, clashed with the years of training and indoctrination which Saul had received and brought a wave of confusion to his mind. But truth finally gained the ascendancy and drove all the false ideas from him and in that moment, his life was changed forever. All of a sudden the people who had been his friends became his enemies and the people who had been his enemies became his friends. He had seen a new dimension, a dimension he had never seen before.
Afterwards, Saul (with his name changed to Paul) never grew tired of telling of this experience when he had come to view things from this new perspective. It was his favourite testimony and over and over he told of the day when his eyes were opened and he came to see what he had never seen before. He saw Jesus, he finally met Christ and the world became a different place forever.
The problem of many who profess to be Christians is that they have never met Christ and so although they adopt His name and use Christian terminology, their thinking and behaviour is still very much of the world. They have never really met Jesus, they do not know His world, they cannot see from His perspective. They have never seen any perspective other than the common point of view which prevails among humanity on this planet.
An ever-present reality
In 2 Kings chapter 6, we read that the king of Syria was trying to discover why he was unable to trap and defeat the king of Israel. It seemed to him that the Israelite king was always one step ahead of him, almost as if he was reading his mind. In verses 11-16, we read:
Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not show me which of us is for the king of Israel? And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber. And he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan. Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about. And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. (2 Kings 6:11-16)
Perhaps Elisha’s servant thought that Elisha’s eyesight was failing him. He could see clearly that the city was surrounded with a great army of horses and chariots and saw no reason to be as calm as Elisha was for he was aware that they had come for Elisha, to imprison him, or perhaps even to kill him. But the next verse is the key. Verse 17 says,
And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2 Ki 6:17)
Had these horses and chariots of fire always been there? Of course they had been, but Elisha’s servant had been close to panic because he had not been able to see in that other dimension. So God had to open his eyes, God had to temporarily give him the ability to see the things of that other reality, and when He did, the young man saw what he had not known before.
This is what needs to happen to us today. Our eyes need to be opened, we are not seeing things the way they really are. We need to pray that God may enable us to see in a new way, for there is a dimension that we have not seen yet it is critical that we should clearly perceive this new dimension, for it is the realm of eternal life.
A spiritual world
The Bible refers to this unseen, relatively unknown dimension as the spiritual world. This is the dimension that at present, we can only enter by means of faith, but it is a real world nevertheless, it is a place of real substance, even though it may not be seen with physical eyes. It is an amazing thing to think that even now as you read this newsletter, there is another reality which is every bit as real as the things which you can perceive with your eyes, which is at this very moment present with you, all around you, but unseen and unnoticed by you. There are actual invisible beings in the very room in which you sit at this very moment. It is enough to make us want to take a quick look over our shoulders, but this will do no good. These heavenly visitors exist in another dimension and only the eye of faith may penetrate the barrier which veils them from our eyes.
Faith is the door
The dimension of which we speak is one which can be accessed only by faith. Faith is the only tool which a human being may utilize in interacting with that unseen dimension, it is the only means by which we may discern that invisible reality.
But what is faith? Faith is nothing more than absolute trust in what God tells us by His word. Faith is making the word of God our anchor and believing that something is true simply because we are told it is so by the word of God. The wonderful thing is this: If we can read the word and believe it, we can enter this dimension; if we can hear the word, we can experience this spiritual world.
A spiritual problem
All the evil which is in mankind, begins first on the spiritual level. Man’s problem is not a physical problem, it is a spiritual problem which begins with his mind. The Bible teaches that we are by nature, sinful, sinners, who possess a carnal mind (Eph. 2:1,2). This carnal mind is the reason for all the sinful actions in which we humans indulge, for we are told in Romans 8:7, that this carnal mind is enmity against God and that it cannot be subject to the law of God. This is what the Bible tells us. Can we accept what the Bible says? This is a very important question. Here is what Jesus tells us as He responded to the question of what it is that really defiles men:
And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. (Mark 7:20-23)
Jesus made it plain; what defiles us is within us. Where within us can this defilement be found? Is it in our bodies, or in our minds? In our minds of course! The problem is of a spiritual nature, the carnal mind is what defiles a person and obviously, if the problem is a spiritual problem, then the remedy must be a spiritual remedy. We cannot use physical solutions to deal with a spiritual problem. Therefore, in facing this problem, we have to go to the one who is the Author, the Originator of the spiritual world and who dwells in that spiritual realm. He must come to us in the spiritual realm and on that level, accomplish a change in us.
A spiritual solution
Is this so hard to understand? For us to be changed, there must be a miracle, and miracles are the actions of the spiritual world. For us to be spiritually changed there is nothing in the physical world which can accomplish it, there is no human device which can change a carnal mind into a spiritual one. Man does not even understand what his nature is, he does not understand what his mind is, how then could he even begin to change it? But praise God, it is His promise that He will do something for us to solve our problem and this new thing which He promised to do is to change our hearts – not the physical organ which pumps blood, but our minds.
When God changes our minds, our entire perspective of life changes. Suddenly we are able to see the new dimension and all of life takes on an entirely new appearance. Our relationship to everything in this world changes because the new dimension affects all aspects of our view and now we see things very differently. We have been changed on the inside and because there is this inward change, our outward actions change also. This is the wonderful good news which is proclaimed in Christ Jesus. This is the gospel in which Jesus comes within and performs His work of transformation, making us into a new creation. He lives within us, He gives us His mind so that we may think as He thinks, so that we may see as He sees, and dwell with Him in this new dimension.
A simple thing
When we really understand it, salvation is a simple thing. All it requires is that we see things as they really are by looking from a different perspective. Christ tells us that salvation is a gift freely bestowed, not of works, not of human endeavour, but simply, wholly and purely by faith. It is obtained simply by believing the word of God which tells us of the gift which God has provided in His Son. Are we able to see? Can our faith lay hold of the word of God? Can we look where we have never looked before?
Here is the simplicity of the word of God.
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (Rom 6:14)
Can we believe this? Is it a fact? Is it something which is tangible, which we can hold to because God says it? This is the point and anytime we begin to think that the word of God is not telling the truth, perhaps because our own experience tells us something different, we should deny our very experience! If our experience tells us, “well, I have tried and it does not work,” does this make the word of God of none effect? It may have no effect in us, because we really don’t believe it, but it is true nevertheless and will be true for us, as soon as we are able to believe. Then we will experience this new dimension where Christ is all in all, and sin has no dominion.
How are we to obtain and maintain this view of the new dimension? The only way is to stay with the word of God. In the word of God, the Bible, this new life is offered and explained and described in all its phases. There God tells us of the nature and the capabilites which become ours when we are born again into this new life and come to live in this new dimension.
Let me give an illustration which will explain what I mean.
An illustration
I have heard of a machine, called a “Kangen” machine, which makes alkaline water, using the process of electrolysis. This water is supposed to be very beneficial to the body as it helps to bring the body into an alkaline state. Experts suggest that this alkaline state of the body is necessary in order for a person to enjoy good health. I understand that this machine is very expensive and could cost as much as $4000.00 (USD).
Suppose I purchased one of these machines, but had no idea of how to make it work, what would be the first thing which I should do? The answer is obvious. I would go to the manual of course, I would read the instructions. So these instructions tell me how to obtain this alkaline water from the machine, and I am using it, getting what I want. ( Note : the rest of this illustration is not actually true ).
But perhaps one day a friend comes over and sees my machine. He says, “wow, did you get one of these machines? They are so good. I have one as well. Do you know that this machine can take raw sewage and convert it to pure drinking water? Of course I am skeptical, but my friend goes ahead and demonstrates to me. He takes sewage and makes it into pure drinking water. I am amazed at the capabilities of this machine and I value it even more.
Then another day, another friend comes over and it turns out that he also has one of these machines. He proceeds to tell me how wonderful the machine is and tells me that it has the capability of extracting water from the soil! Of course, I am skeptical, but again, this friend goes ahead and demonstrates to me how to use the machine to do this wonderful thing. I am elated and think, “this is just what I need for the time of trouble.” Of course, I value my machine more than ever and rejoice that I was wise enough to purchase it.
Now let us consider something: From the moment I got the machine, it could do all of these things, isn’t that right? But I did not know. This is an illustration which teaches us an important truth. When we pray for the spirit of God, does God answer? Yes He does, Jesus says that He is more willing to give us the holy spirit than a father is to give good gifts to his children (Luke 11:13). But the problem is, we have very little understanding of what this really means to us. We have no idea of what the spirit in us can accomplish. I know that I have been redeemed and I am happy for that, but that is as far as it goes.
But then, we start reading the manual and discover that those who are born again into this spiritual world and who remain there, do not commit sin (1 John 3:6,9). Well, that is a revelation to us. We did not know this and because we did not know it, we were still sinning habitually, even though we were born again of the spirit.
You see, the spirit guides and directs and teaches us, through the instruction manual, the Bible. Maybe the feeling we have is, “now that I have the life of God in me, I don’t need anything else,” but the truth is, ignorance will leave us without the power we need. The Bible is what tells us of the privileges, or the capabilities which go along with the life which we have been given in Christ.
Today, one popular method which is used in selling products is the use of testimonials. It is interesting that the Bible is full of testimonials. Apparently this is a good method of establishing faith in a product and what we find in the Bible is that when God tells us of what He has given us, then He gives us the testimonials. The Bible describes the lives of these people who have received the same spirit, it tells us of what it has done in them and convinces us that it can do the same in us. When I take up the Bible I see these amazing things which it tells me about the Christian life. I read that the person who is born again of the spirit will not commit sin, and I am amazed. This is so incredible that there are doubts in my mind.
But then I read the testimonials. Paul, and others testify of what the life of God in them has accomplished, they tell of the victory they have obtained over the flesh and the devil. I read these testimonials and I am convicted that the same power will accomplish the same thing in me. I believe, and thank God, and by this simple means it is accomplished. All the blessings and capabilities which have already been given to me by God, as a part of this spiritual life, become a reality in my experience, when I truly believe what the word of God tells me, concerning these abilities.
What really matters
I would like us to compare a couple of verses as we come to the conclusion of this article. The first one is found in Galatians 5:6. It says,
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. (Gal 5:6)
Notice that the verse says that all that matters, in Christ, is faith, which works by love. Let us compare this with what we read in chapter 6:15 of the same book.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. (Gal 6:15)
Isn’t it strange that Paul should twice speak of what really matters, in Christ, but in each instance, he gives us a different conclusion? Why does he say that all that matters is faith, working by love, and then again say, all that matters is the new creature? The answer is obvious. Both of these things are joined together in a relationship where they are one and the same thing. The new creature produces faith which works by love. In another passage Paul puts it this way,
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. (1 Cor 7:19)
When we put all three passages together, we can only conclude that when God has made a person into a new creature, then his life is directed by faith and love which result in the keeping of the commandments of God. Paul puts it all together in verse 16 of Galatians 6:
And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. (Gal 6:16)
There is a rule which governs the child of God and it is
the rule of the new creation. It is the rule of Christ in you. This rule
is, the spirit of God in you makes you new, the rule is that Christ
comes and lives in you and you become a different person. The rule is,
that you live in a new dimension, you are living in the spiritual and
not the physical plane, you are living with the awareness that you move
in the company of invisible beings, with the powers of the world to
come, available to you. This is the truth, known and experienced by all
who are able to see this new dimension.
Campmeeting Report
David Clayton
The Jamaican Camp meeting for 2009 has just ended and it has proven to be an intensely interesting camp meeting in many ways. Some people consider it as being among the best camp meetings that we have ever had, others were not quite sure.
This year we were back at the YWAM campsite in Manchester. All the hurricane repairs had been completed and the dorms and the chapel were back to the pre-hurricane Dean state. As usual, the people came from all corners of Jamaica including Westmoreland, St. James, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, St. Catherine, Clarendon, Kingston and even some from as far as St. Mary! It seemed that there were more people than ever this year, with people being present that even I had not met before.
The theme of the camp meeting was, “Families United in Christ.” It is evident that the end of all things is at hand. There are signs of this everywhere and if ever there was a time when we needed to have Christ in our lives, it is now. All the preparations which we make will be vain if we do not have this single great necessity realized in our experience. The recognition of this fact has placed a burden on the hearts of some of our brethren for the families among us which are struggling to remain united, and the theme of the camp meeting reflected this burden, as well as the conviction that nothing will solve these family problems except the unity which is found in Christ.
The local speakers this year included Brothers Neville Morris, David Clayton, Franklin Coach, Leford Russell, David Wilson, Sisters Erica Clayton, Marlene Gyles, Ingrid Peter and Yvonne Vernon. From overseas, we had with us as usual, Brother Ken Corklin, as well as Dr. Steven Burks and Brother Lenworth Frankson.
The messages generated tremendous interest. The organizers of the camp meeting this year endeavoured to bring a more practical atmosphere to the presentations by having more workshops and less sermonizing. Some greatly appreciated these seminar-type meetings and expressed satisfaction and felt that they had been very much helped by them. Others however, wanted more of an emphasis on spiritual truth and seemed to be disappointed with this change in the way of doing things.
For me, personally, it was very interesting to view the different modes of presentation. As I listened, I was challenged with the question as to which method of presentation drew the listeners closer to the Lord, and, for me, this question made me lean more strongly towards the preaching, rather than the seminar/workshop presentations. One danger which I noticed was that in the seminar-type presentations there was a tendency to concentrate more on human ways of solving problems and less of an emphasis on what God could do and would do. I suppose that when we, human beings speak of being “practical,” we tend to think of what we humans can, and must do. However, I saw the need to be careful to ensure that in everything which we say and do, we place Christ in the center of it, not just by a token use of His name, but by truly seeing Him as the one complete, all-sufficient answer to all our problems.
We all appreciated the wholehearted and earnest way in which the various presenters expressed themselves. No one could doubt that each person had a genuine desire in his heart to see us all become more completely conformed to the image of Christ.
One thing which is certain is that all of us who attended, left camp meeting this year with a greater determination to become what God wants us to be, not only in our personal lives, but also in our families.
As always, one of the highlights of the Jamaican campmeeting was the vigorous singing. This year the organizers of the camp made a deliberate effort to include more congregational singing on the program and this was appreciated. However, there were also more groups involved in doing musical presentations and many of us were pleasantly surprised when the Clarendon and the St. James groups gave several lovely presentations.
Of course, as is customary, the Albion choir did several presentations and the children’s choir, was not to be left out. We were also blessed by several musical items from them.
As usual, our camp meeting closed on a note of heart-felt regret. The privilege of being together for nearly four full days when we can fellowship and get to know each other better is something which we have all grown to appreciate. Each year, we look forward to this special time and it is the big highlight of our annual calendar.
When the time came for us to say good-bye, people stood around, enjoying the last opportunities for a final hug or a little chat, but finally it was over. We started off on our way home with our minds full of memories and the expectation of an even better time next year (if the Lord tarries). We can hardly wait!
Nature’s Underground Medicine Cabinet
Lenworth Frankson
For many, just hearing the word “ garlic” is enough to produce a frown or an unfavorable response. It is so often associated with bad breath, unpleasant body odor, a harsh taste and even superstitious beliefs, that it should come as no surprise when we see people reacting this way. However, in spite of the stigma attached to it, garlic’s popularity and acceptance as a part of our cooking and modern diet is growing.
In knowledgeable circles this small vegetable has a big, and well earned, reputation. It is a member of the Lily family, a cousin to onions, leeks and chives. When added to many meals, this little bulb can greatly improve the quality and taste of the dish.
Garlic, in the natural state in which it grows, is arranged in a head, called the “bulb,” which is made up of separate cloves. The cloves and the entire bulb are encased in paper-like sheathes that can be white, off-white or pinkish.
The cloves are off-white in color and have a firm texture making it easy to be diced and crushed. The taste of garlic is like no other. The moment you start chewing it, it hits the palate with fiery hot pungency. In some cultures it is called the Stinking Rose and in others Russian Penicillin due to its numerous therapeutic benefits. It is rich in a variety of powerful sulfur-containing compounds including thiosulfinates, sulfoxides and dithiins. These fancy-name-compounds are responsible for garlic’s characteristically pungent odor and they are also the source of many of its health-promoting effects. In addition, garlic is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C and a good source of selenium.
It appears that garlic is native to central Asia and seems to be one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. It is reported that the Ancient Egyptians were the first to cultivate this plant that played an important role in their culture. Believed to have sacred qualities it was placed in the tombs of the Pharaohs but was also given to the slaves that built the Pyramids to enhance their endurance and strength.
At just 4 calories per clove, garlic is a low-cal immunity-boosting superstar. One clove contains about 5 mg of calcium, 12 mg of potassium, and more than 100 sulfuric compounds — powerful enough to wipe out bacteria and infection. It is said that garlic was used to prevent gangrene in both world wars. Research shows raw garlic, not cooked or dried, is most beneficial for our health, since heat and water inactivate sulfur enzymes, which can diminish garlic’s antibiotic effects. In clinical studies the toxin-fighting agents allicin, alliin, and dithiins present in garlic seems to lower the risk for some types of cancer, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, aid circulation, prevent strokes and kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It is also a powerful antioxidant and immune booster with anti-inflammatory properties.
So why is garlic called a medicine cabinet? Obviously, the answer lies in the many medical emergency and first aid uses of this miracle working bulb. Let me share with you now some of the interesting things that I discovered while researching this wonder bulb.
Crushed raw garlic is a very powerful antibiotic. If applied and used properly it can be a life saver. It is said that if the freshly crushed garlic is applied to the site of an infection including Staph and Strep, (after setting for about seven minutes) it will work as an antibiotic. The reason is that crushed garlic releases sulfenic acid (it produces the burning sensation) which steadily breaks down into allicin, the highly antibiotic compound that kills bacteria on contact. Burning will be experienced for a minute or two but it is an excellent way to kill staph infection without a prescription medicine. Garlic will also kill strains of staph bacteria that have become immune to modern antibiotics because it kills in a different way and the bacteria cannot become immune to it. It kills bacteria by causing their cells to swell and burst rather than blocking chemical receptors like pharmaceutical antibiotics do. The important thing is that it must be applied to the site of the infection in order to produce t he positive results.
For deep festering infection, lancing and draining the wound before applying the garlic might be a good way to get to the root of the problem . A word of caution: Staph bacteria can be fatal and a person should not treat this type of infection lightly.
It is important to remember that in using or applying garlic one should always be careful seeing that raw garlic can burn delicate or sensitive skin . I have personally experienced this on more than one occasion. Applying it directly to the affected area or region allows a more intense and purer concentration with much better results, but in doing so you should be cautious. Diluting the garlic in water reduces the chance of burning while maintaining it’s effect. Another important word of caution: People who are or may be allergic to garlic or any of its sulfur compounds should not use it.
Hungry survivors due to the desperate situation they are in, can end up eating things they would never normally consider eating. For example they could end up eating a piece of meat that is not fresh. Before cooking, rub crushed garlic all over it. This will allow the garlic to kill most if not all of the exposed bacteria. Raw garlic will kill a lot more germs if rubbed on the food before eating.
Crushed raw garlic can be used to kill bacteria and other tiny organisms such as E. coli in contaminated water, if no other water is available. After crushing the garlic let it wait for a few minutes as mentioned earlier, and then mix it into a bottle of strained water. Leave it to settle for a few hours before drinking. The water might not be completely purified, or taste great but it will be safer to drink than before and if death is the alternative, less toxic is preferable to more toxic. Garlic’s antibiotic properties also make it useful for sterilizing things like dishes, pots and utensils.
Other uses
Another use of garlic is to treat snake bites – so I am told. Again the garlic should be crushed and rubbed directly into and around the fang marks. It will definitely burn a lot but will eventually stop. Most snake venom is fat soluble and therefore spreads through the lymphatic system, not the blood circulatory system – so do garlic’s sulfur compounds. By rubbing it all around the area it should seep into the skin and into the area’s lymphatic system. Eating some of the garlic can also help seeing that some will enter by this method into the lymphatic and circulatory system. Venomous snake bites are serious and life threatening. Crushed garlic may not be the ideal treatment for snake bites but it’s far better to try something that might help than doing nothing, especially if medical help is far away or unreachable.
Garlic can also be used effectively in enemas. This kind of enemas kills the bacteria that cause irritable colon and chronic diarrhea. Bacterial infection in the colon can be treated by applying a garlic and warm water enema which may prove effective in ridding the colon of the offending germs. Simply crush a couple of cloves (not bulbs or heads), wait 14 or 15 minutes or more, add to warm water, strain out the larger particles and use. Garlic that has been diluted by water is much milder and less likely to burn sensitive skin in most cases. It is better to be lying on your back when doing this rather than sitting on the toilet. Getting the garlic into the small intestine is helpful in getting complete relief. One way is to again crush the garlic, wait 15 minutes and then take it with a spoonful of olive oil. Another way is to fill the hollowed out center of a grape with crushed raw garlic and swallow it whole. Flushing these down with a glass of water containing a crushed clove will help get more allicin into the stomach and in addition the water will help to reduce any burning sensation from the allicin or the stomach acid.
I have never experienced toothaches that were excruciating but I am told that tooth aches can be very painful. Seeing a dentist should always be your first option but if conditions are such that you are unable to visit the dentist then consider using garlic. Applying crushed raw garlic to the infected area actually knocks out the infection and relieves the pain. The burning sensation from the garlic may be quite hot, but eventually the pain from both the garlic and the infection will dissipate. One way of doing this is to simply slice a piece of garlic from the side of the clove and hold the cut side to the gum where the pain is, moving it around the area slowly on both sides of the gum of the affected tooth. A milder way is to take a small inner clove and cut some vertical slits in its side so a lesser amount of allicin is released but over a longer time. It will still be effective but takes a little longer to work. If you want the full effect of the allicin, crush the clove and pack it around and into the tooth if there is a cavity. I believe this will be painful but it should stop the tooth ache, at least for awhile.
Garlic Fumes
Having a stuffy nose with a sore throat is no fun. These symptoms are often signs of an infection that has gone into the lungs. Crushing a small end of a clove and using it like a Vick’s inhaler so you breathe the fumes through your nostrils can produce relieving and remarkable results. This will help clear the respiratory passages as well as fight the germs. Eating garlic is often not enough. Getting the fumes to the site of the infection as directly as possible will result in quicker and more effective healing.
It is reported that some types of Tuberculosis have developed immunity to standard antibiotics. This is a serious concern since about 1.6 million people die each year from T B. Some research suggests that vapors from crushed raw garlic kills bacteria four to eight inches away. One suggestion then is to use crushed raw garlic vapor breathed into the lungs through a gauze mask to kill the germ.
These are just some of the ways in which garlic can help us if we find ourselves in situations where we are unable to get immediate medical attention. There are many other reported uses and benefits of this plant that I have not mentioned including the prevention of strokes, heart disease, colds, some cancers, lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure and even slowing down the ageing process.
I believe it is in our best health interest to seriously consider daily ingesting a few cloves of this healing herb that God has provided for us. Of course, Informing your doctor is always recommended if you plan to begin supplementing your diet with a lot of garlic. If you are taking medication for high blood pressure or are scheduled for surgery, garlic intake can affect the intended outcome due to its blood thinning and anticoagulative properties.
Whether raw or cooked, garlic is beneficial. If you are adding fresh garlic to your food, start with a little at a time as too much garlic can upset your stomach if you are not used to it.
Starting with a little should bring you health benefits. Not only will you enjoy the zing added to your food but you can be happy knowing you are doing something good for yourself.
We live in a world plagued with disease and sickness but the good news is that we don’t have to succumb to these maladies. It is no coincidence that these plants are here on earth. I truly believe that God has provided them for our health and well being. God knows everything, from the beginning to the end. He knew that man would sin resulting in sick and degenerate bodies, therefore He provided natural remedies that if studied and applied properly will definitely benefit us greatly. Without a doubt, garlic, the guru of garden herbs is qualified to be one of these.
Tennessee Campmeeting Notice
In September of this year, the Berean Ministries located in Roan Mountain, Tennessee will host a campmeeting. This campmeeting will be held at the Roan Mountain State Park from Tuesday, September 29, through October 3, 2009.
All the speakers for this campmeeting are not yet finalized but these will be announced later on as these are confirmed.
This promises to be a good campmeeting located in an area that is, at this time of the year, one of the most scenic parts of the USA. Brother Malcolm McCrillis who is the host of this campmeeting has asked that we book our cabins as early as possible since there is often fairly heavy occupancy of the cabins at this time, as people come from all over to see the colours as the leaves take on their Fall costume.
Most of the cabins can be shared (two couples) and it would be good, to make arrangements with friends so that you can book together. This way you will have the option of choosing who you will be sharing with.
Cabin reservations should be made by calling (1800) 250-8620 or, (423) 772-3030.
For more information you may email Pastor Malcolm McCrillis at, or call him at (423) 772-3161.
Recent DVDs and CDs
The following is a list of the most recent messages which have been prepared by Restoration Ministries. These messages are available on either audio CD or DVD, and some are available in both formats. We consider these messages to be vitally important and beneficial in contributing to the preparation of God’s people for the coming of Jesus.
These messages, mostly deal with the issue of Christ and His Righteousness. They are available to those who request them. Donations are at your discretion and if you are unable to contribute to the cost of any of these CDs or DVDs, yet would like to receive any of them, please do not hesitate to make your request.
David Clayton
The Three Gospels
What must I do
The dominion of the law
God’s last name
The foolish virgins
The Broken Curse (Penn)
The Knowledge of good & evil
A Better Covenant
Forgiveness and Justice
My kind of love
A more excellent ministry
Galatians 3
Galatians 4
Heaven came down
Howard Williams
Christianity’s Deadly Wound
Light and Dark
Weapons of War
Health or Salvation
From Condemnation to Commendation
A New Dimension
David Clayton
God’s Last Name
The Broken Curse
The knowledge of Good and Evil
A Better Covenant
Forgiveness and Justice
My kind of love
A more excellent ministry
Galatians 3
Galatians 4
Heaven Came Down
What Would it Take?
Some time ago a friend of mine requested that I explain the difference with what I now believe (concerning salvation) and what I formerly believed (four years ago). He also asked me to state what it would take for me give up my present beliefs. Below is the gist of my reply to him. I am publishing it in the hope that it will help others who have the same questions to better understand our present understanding of truth.
As you requested I have tried to present a synopsis of what evidence it would take for me to change my position. In setting out to write this down, I found out that the task is a little more complex than it appeared to be at first.
I thought it best to begin with a simple outline of the basic areas in which my thinking changed over the past few years.
1. Originally I believed that the biblical concept of sin was exclusively an act of disobedience.
Now I believe that the Bible teaches, and presents ideas which are based on a broader concept of sin, which includes the self-life, or the carnal nature.
1. Originally, I believed that my major problem was my wrong actions.
Now I believe that my true problem is my carnal mind.
2. Originally I believed that we are born capable of doing good.
Now I believe that we can do good, only after we are born again.
3. Originally, I believed that I must exert much effort in becoming a better person.
Now I believe that all my effort must be exercised in abiding in Christ.
4. Before I focused on obeying the law as the condition of salvation.
Now I focus on genuine faith as the condition of salvation.
5. Originally I believed that God’s blessings were for those who obey the commandments.
Now I believe those blessings are for those who believe in Jesus.
None of this means that I have stopped believing in keeping the commandments. However, I believe that commandment keeping is the fruit of faith and is not something which we need to focus on. What we need to focus on is Christ. This focus will produce and maintain faith.
Most if not all of these beliefs stem from the definition I have of sin and of course, there are many other corollary ideas which spring from these foundational concepts, but I will not mention them since they all spring from these basic ideas. If I should be persuaded that these fundamental ideas are wrong, then of course the other corollary ideas would automatically go.
Now your question is, what would it take for me to change my position?
I cannot think of anything other than the answer which I am sure you expect: If I am shown that my understanding of the Bible is not correct then I will readily change my mind. What will it take to persuade me that I am wrong? Well, I suppose that is the real question, but I think that if we carefully examine the critical passages, verse by verse, word by word, looking at different translations if necessary, we should be able to come to a fairly accurate understanding of what is being said.
There are many important passages which need to be considered, but the ones which stand out most prominently in my mind are mainly from Paul. Passages such as Romans chapters 5-8, Galatians chapters 3-4, the books of Ephesians, Colossians and of course, Hebrews.
I hope that my thoughts have been clear enough for you to understand what I have tried to say. God bless you.
Monkey Business
a parable:
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers’ efforts dwindled.
Then the announcement came that he would buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms.
The gentleman increased his offer to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
Then, the most exciting offer of all!
He would now be buying monkeys at $50!
However, he had to go to the city on some business, so his assistant would now buy on his behalf. In the absence of the businessman, the assistant said to the villagers:
“Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 apiece. When the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each!”
The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought every last monkey.
They never saw the man or his assistant again, and they were stuck with monkeys everywhere!
And now …. you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.
Open Face is published bi-monthly and is sent free to all who desire to receive it.
David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
P. O. Box 23 Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (876) 904-7392