Open Face No. 90 – May 2013

In this issue:

The Beast from the bottomless pit

The Mark of Sodom

The Killer within

The Beast From the Bottomless Pit

David Clayton

In Revelation chapters 13 and 17 two similar beasts are described. Each of them has 7 heads and 10 horns. Mainstream Adventism has always believed that these beasts represent the Papacy (the Roman Catholic church-state organization).

The beast in Revelation 17, is being ridden by a woman, a great prostitute whose name is “Babylon.” In this case it is said that the woman represents the Roman Catholic Church, while the beast represents the political power which carries this church, so the combined symbol of woman and beast represents the Papacy, while in chapter 13, the Papacy is represented by the beast alone.

I believe we have misunderstood some important aspects of this beast. We need to correct this misunderstanding if we are to properly understand the Mark of the Beast issue.


First, let us notice that the beast of Revelation 13 is a European, or an Old-World power. The beast is said to have the feet of a bear, the mouth of a lion and the body of a leopard. This points us back to the four beasts which Daniel saw in his vision in Daniel 7. He saw a lion, a bear, a leopard and a great and terrible beast. These four beasts represented the empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Here we see the same powers represented in this beast, but instead of representing only these four empires, this beast has 7 heads. He represents 7 great empires, not just four.

These 7 heads represent the seven great powers which Satan has used in his campaign against God and His people through the ages. This conflict against God and His people was concentrated in Europe and the Middle East for close to four thousand years, from the time that God called Israel to be His people until Europeans discovered the New World and Christianity spread to the rest of the world. This beast represents Satan’s kingdom in the world in seven great stages, or through seven great empires.

This is why when we see Satan represented as the Dragon in Revelation 12, he also has seven heads and ten horns. These heads and horns represent the totality of his work against God throughout the ages, but since his agent is the beast, the beast also is represented as having seven heads and ten horns.

In Revelation 17:10 we are told that the heads represent 7 kings (kingdoms/empires). But five have fallen, while one is, and the other has not yet come. So it is evident that the beast is a composite entity which spans different ages of time. At any given time, the beast had only one head. It has never had more than one head, but because God is representing it to us from beginning to end, he shows us all seven heads, even though at this point, five of them no longer exist and one has not yet arrived.


From the time that God first called a people, Satan has tried to destroy them. The first great power which he used to try to destroy them was Egypt. Egypt enslaved God’s people for hundreds of years and in fact, eventually made a death-decree that all male children should be destroyed. Egypt was the first great enemy. The next great power used by Satan was Assyria. This kingdom destroyed Israel and took the ten tribes of the Northern kingdom, captive. Those tribes never returned to Israel and gradually became absorbed into the Gentile nations. What we call the Jews or physical Israel, today, is actually made up of the three tribes which remained, Judah, Benjamin and Levi. The next powers which dominated, persecuted and subjugated God’s people were, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Rome persecuted both physical Israel, the Jews, as well as spiritual Israel, the Christian Church and in fact, this persecution continued with even greater fury when political Rome was replaced by religious Rome, otherwise kn own as the Papacy.

So the first six heads of the beast would represent, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The five fallen would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The one which is, of course, would be Rome. According to the prophecy there is to come another head, another empire which will last for a short space. One suggestion is that this seventh head represents the Papacy, as a separate and distinct power from political Rome, but this does not seem feasible. The Bible says that this head is to remain for a “short space.” The papacy continued to dominate Europe for longer than all the other empires did, so it could not be said that it continued for a “short space.”

This suggests that another dominant power is to arise in Europe which will persecute God’s people for a brief moment of time, before the beast itself emerges as the 8th king, to take control of Europe through the ten horns. It is yet to be seen who this seventh head is.

Some also suggest that this 7th head applies to the USA, but this is not possible because the USA is not an old world, or European power. In addition, the USA is represented as the two-horned beast or the false prophet and this power is seen at the end, fighting alongside the beast against Christ. Therefore, it is evident that the beast and the false prophet (the USA) are entirely different entities and the USA cannot be represented by any of the heads of the beast.


The Bible says that the Mark of the Beast crisis will result in the persecution of those who will not receive the mark. They will be unable to work, to buy or sell and eventually they will be sentenced to death. This seems very unlikely when we look at the world today, particularly in the developed countries, where freedom and democracy seem to be such highly cherished ideals. Hundreds of years ago in the days when kings and rulers had absolute power and could easily execute any of their subjects who dared oppose them, such a situation as the Mark of the Beast crisis was easy to imagine, but not today. Today, even the death sentence is abolished in most first world countries and democracy seems to be so well established that it does not seem possible for people to be killed over a religious belief. But the Bible says it will happen.

There is only one kind of system which can implement the Mark of the Beast crisis as described in Revelation 13. It has to be a totalitarian system of government which completely dominates the lives of the citizens to the extent where it is able to make even a death decree and get away with it. We see examples of this kind of system in two kinds of societies in the world today. One is extreme Islamic societies where religious laws are strictly enforced. People are sometimes executed just for breaking the simplest of these rules. The other example is societies where there is extreme, Marxist communism. There again the state completely dominates and controls the lives of the people so that all dissidence is punished severely, sometimes by death.

These are not the kinds of systems which exist in the democratic societies of Europe and the West today. But if the Bible is to be fulfilled, this is what MUST develop in every country in the world. The only question is, will it be on the basis of religion, as in Islamic countries, or will it be on the basis of atheism, as in communist countries? We have always believed that it will be a global religious dictatorship, but does the prophecy really support this idea?


The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition ….. (Rev 17:8)

We are told that the beast disappears for a while. When it reappears it is said to “ascend from the bottomless pit.” What does this mean?

The phrase, “The bottomless pit,” appears in Revelation in four places. It is actually translated from a word which might be literally translated as “the abyss.” The use of the phrase in all these situations leads to the conclusion that this “bottomless pit,” is not a literal place, but rather, refers to a spiritual state. It implies a state where there is no hope, a state of utter godlessness and spiritual darkness. These are the conditions from which the beast will arise for the final conflict. It is when world conditions become utterly godless, when the knowledge of God has been all but eradicated from human society, when the spirit of God is almost completely grieved away from the human race that this utterly godless beast system will reappear in his true form. Thus he is said to arise from the “bottomless pit,” a spiritually hopeless state.

This suggests of course that when the beast arises for the final time, it will be divorced from all religion. A power which is purely atheistic.

It is interesting that the early Adventists, including Ellen White also believed the bottomless pit to indicate a godless, atheistic condition. Here is what Ellen White had to say about the beast from the bottomless pit:

“…. But here is brought to view a new manifestation of Satanic power. This prophecy [prophecy of Rev 11 and the beast from the bottomless pit] has received a most exact and striking fulfillment in the history of France.” –GC 268 269

“The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.” The atheistical power that ruled France during the Revolution and Reign of Terror, did wage war against God and His holy word as the world has never witnessed.” –GC 274

Notice that she refers to this beast as “ a new manifestation of Satanic power.” Satan had always used religious, or religio-political powers to persecute God’s people, but here was a “new manifestation” of Satan’s work – something not seen before. Pure atheism, without any religious component. She refers to it as an “atheistical power.” This is what the Beast from the bottomless pit is, a godless, purely atheistic power. Ellen White herself believed that the same conditions which existed during the French Revolution would prevail on earth at the end of time.

the world-wide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolution–all are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France”. {Ed 228.}

Destroyed by the Beast

Is there any other support for this idea that the beast from the pit is an atheistical power?

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (17) For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. (Rev 17:16-17)

Through these 10 horns, the beast destroys the woman, Babylon, which represents the great system of false religion which presently dominates the world. They “eat her flesh, make her naked and burn her with fire.” Since this beast (through the horns) destroys false religion (Babylon) and then fights against Christ and His people, it cannot itself be a religious power because obviously, it hates both false and true religion. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that this last enemy of God’s people will be an atheistic, godless entity.

So the indications are very strong that the final enemy of God’s people left standing at the end, will not be a religious power, but rather, a totally godless entity. False religion (Babylon) will work with the beast until close to the end, but during the last moments of time, the beast will destroy her.

Fulfilled by COMMUNISM

During the last 100 years atheistic communism has emerged as a system of government which has demonstrated the willingness and the capability of killing millions of its subjects, for no reason other than that those citizens disagreed with its philosophies. Many of those who were thus killed simply wanted to practice their religious beliefs without hindrance. In the communist regimes of China, Russia, Korea and Cambodia, tens of millions have been killed simply because they disagreed with the policies of the government. If such a system should become universally established, then it is not difficult to see that terrible persecutions could be directed at people simply because of their religious beliefs. The prophecies suggest that this will be the nature of the final great enemy of God’s people. It will be “the beast from the bottomless pit,” a power which is wholly Satanic, atheistic, humanistic and determined to wipe out the knowledge of God from this planet.


As we look at what is developing in the world today, we see indications of a rapidly growing totalitarian, atheistic, socialistic one-world system of government. Not so much a religious entity, but a secular one. Interestingly, today Europe is the most atheistic continent in the world. According to Nigel Barber, Writing in the May, 2010 edition of Psychology Today,

“belief in God declines in more developed countries and is concentrated in Europe in countries such as Sweden (64% nonbelievers), Denmark (48%), France (44%) and Germany (42%).”

Europe is also the most socialistic continent and is the place where totalitarian communism had its first and most firmly established footing. Many observers today see a clear trend where Europe is returning to the totalitarian system of communism, but under a different name and taking a different route than that of force and compulsion.

Even more frightening is the fact that the same kind of system of government is rapidly developing in the United States of America. America is creating an “image of the beast,” which according to the prophecy will exercise all the power of the first beast (Europe. We see this being rapidly fulfilled before our eyes.


One of the striking evidences which points to Europe as being a major participant in this approaching crisis, is the amazing symbols which the European Union has adopted to represent its effort to unify Europe.

Here for example is a drawing, representing the EU, which has the slogan, “Europe: Many tongues, one voice.” What is startling is the drawing which accompanies this slogan. It very clearly depicts the biblical tower of Babel, the place where God scattered the human race and confounded the languages of humanity. God scattered the Babel-builders because He saw that in their centralization there was the potential for unlimited power and that it would contribute to their defiance of God and the perverting of His purposes for humanity. The European Union, in choosing the tower of Babel to go along with their logo, is saying in the plainest possible way, “we defy God, we reverse what you established.” It is one thing to seek to unify Europe, it is another thing altogether to choose as the symbol of that unity something which deliberately contradicts God. Only a bare-faced, godless, blasphemous power would defy God in this blatant way.

The European Parliament building has been also designed along the same lines as the tower of Babel. Here is a photograph of the building. It is easy to see the intention behind the design. This is another uncanny example of the link between Europe and the Beast power of Revelation.

The next picture shows yet another symbol which has been chosen by the European Union to illustrate its attempt to become one united entity. It is a picture of a woman riding a bull.

One has to ask, is it by design or is it by accident that there is so much in this picture which mirrors the symbolisms in Revelation? The woman seems to have an uncanny resemblance to the woman, Babylon, seen in Revelation 17, riding the scarlet-coloured beast. If this resemblance is by accident, then there is surely a supernatural hand behind the scene manipulating and directing Europe in its choice of symbols. But if it is by design, then surely the EU has to be the most blatantly blasphemous system of human government on the planet, because this would mean that it has deliberately chosen (again) to represent itself by a symbol which identifies it as a great enemy of God.


For a more complete study on this subject, write for our free booklet and DVD. Ask for the “Sodom” package.

Restoration Ministries

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Jamaica W.I.


The Mark of Sodom

David Clayton

In the previous article we suggested that the final great enemy of God’s people on this planet will be a godless, atheistic power which will destroy false religion and make war against Christ and His people. It is clear that the Papacy plays a major role in the persecution of God’s people and the development of the apostasy which matures in the last moments of time. However, it is also clear that the Papacy is itself destroyed by this final enemy before Christ returns.

All who read the book of Revelation are aware that the last great crisis on this earth will revolve around something called, “The Mark of the Beast.” Everybody will be commanded to receive a certain mark or else lose the privilege of being able to buy or sell and eventually face the threat of death. (Rev. 13:17)

Recently I was startled by the realization that there is an issue presently facing the world which is growing with lightning speed and which already displays most of the characteristics which we associate with the Mark of the Beast. This particular issue has not aroused a lot of alarm in religious circles, however, it already has many of the characteristics which we associate with the crisis of the mark. Here are 13 of those characteristics:

1. It is brazen defiance of man against God.

2. It is an attack upon God’s authority as Creator.

3. It attempts to compel all humanity to defy God.

4. It is being imposed on all nations by economic pressure.

5. People are losing their jobs if they refuse to support it.

6. People are being refused the right to trade if they reject it.

7. It is a universal issue – affecting more than just 16 million Adventists.

8. It is pushed on all ages and classes (including children).

9. It is gradually being accepted by Christian churches and groups.

10. It is dividing the world into two camps

11. It is primarily established by the “beast” kingdom. (Europe)

12. It is promoted and demanded by the second beast (the USA)

13. It is a mark of godlessness (atheism)

Just look at this list for a moment and ask yourself, what current issue is there which fulfills all the specifications of this list? It should not be too hard to identify because there is only one thing in the world which fulfills these points.

The mark of Godlessness.

I am referring to the “Gay” or the homosexual movement. Every one of the 13 points mentioned above is presently being fulfilled by this movement.

This is very interesting when we realize that the Bible specifically identifies homosexuality as the sin which takes over a society when people reject God.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, …. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (Romans 1:21-28)

Here God tells us that when a society rejects Him, He leaves them to themselves. The consequence is that people begin to turn to all kinds of perversions. The main corruption which takes place is that homosexuality becomes prominent in the society. Without God, the society becomes morally diseased. and men and women begin to burn with lust for members of their own sex. So the increase of homosexuality in a society is directly related to the rejection of God by that society.

This is exactly what we see happening today in the developed countries of the world. These nations which have been blessed by God with prosperity and stability have turned to the philosophies of evolution and humanism. God has been driven out of these societies for the most part and atheism is running rampant in these countries. Not surprisingly homosexuality has also become well established and widely accepted as a normal activity.

In the streets of Sodom

In Revelation 11:8 we see that the beast from the bottomless pit arises and kills God’s two witnesses. God tells us that these witnesses are killed in the streets of a great city.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. (Revelation 11:7-8)

Notice how God identifies the city. It is called, spiritually, “Sodom,” and “Egypt.” It also represents the place where Christ was crucified. What is implied by the name, “Egypt?” Egypt stands out as the place where there was the most open defiance of God ever manifested. When Moses delivered God’s message to Pharaoh instructing him to let the children of Israel go, Pharaoh responded,

“…. Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.” (Exodus 5:2).

Egypt thus becomes symbolic of a condition where God is denied and rejected in the most defiant way. This is a striking reference to modern atheism.

The place where the witnesses are killed is also referred to as “Sodom.” There is hardly any need to question what is being referred to here. Sodom has been synonymous with the sin of homosexuality from the days of Lot until today. Therefore the Bible is telling us that a kingdom which is purely atheistic will attack God’s witnesses at a time when the condition of the world is predominantly atheistic and riddled with homosexuality.

This condition is further identified as the place where Christ was crucified. Jerusalem, at the time of Christ’s crucifixion was a city which had rejected God and was about to suffer divine wrath. Again, this identifies the condition of the world at the time when the beast arises from the bottomless pit. The world has so rejected God that the spiritual condition of humanity in general is similar to that of Jerusalem at the time when the nation crucified Christ. So this last enemy of God’s people is an atheistic, godless, totalitarian Sodomite!

In Ezekiel 16:49,50, God identifies the reasons which led to Sodom’s destruction:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good. (Ezekiel 16:49-50)

Sodom was a wealthy society which became proud and idle. In spite of her riches, she did not help the poor and needy. What was the result of this kind of lifestyle? God says, “they committed abomination before me.” This is why God destroyed Sodom. Her affluent, idle and selfish lifestyle resulted ultimately in the adoption of abominable practices, the chief of which was homosexuality. The same situation prevails today in those countries which are foremost in accepting homosexuality and promoting “gay” marriage. They are the wealthiest countries which are full of sports and games and parties, basking in their prosperity while they ignore the hunger and need which exist in other parts of the world where hundreds of millions perish for want of the basic necessities of life. Look at this list of countries where homosexual marriage is legal and we will see that these are primarily the wealthier countries of the world.

As of April 2013, eleven countries (Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden), and several sub-national jurisdictions (parts of Brazil, Mexico, and the United States), allow same-sex couples to marry. Uruguay and New Zealand have both enacted laws to legalize same-sex marriage which will come into force in August 2013. French legislation to establish same-sex marriage has passed both houses of Parliament, but still faces procedural hurdles. Bills allowing legal recognition of same-sex marriage have been proposed, are pending, or have passed at least one legislative house in Andorra, Colombia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Nepal, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom, as well as in the legislatures of several sub-national jurisdictions (in Scotland as well as parts of Australia, Mexico, and the United States). (Source: Wikipedia)

The same exact conditions of Sodom are replicated in these developed countries, pride, fullness of bread and an abundance of idleness. God says that these were the conditions which led to Sodom turning to “abominations.” As we look at what is happening in the world today we see a striking parallel. Today’s world is following the course of Sodom in a way which can only be described as “uncanny.” Clearly, the judgments of God cannot be far away.

Symbols of end time conditions.

When He spoke of the end of the world and His second coming, Jesus said it would be as “the days of Noah,” and as “the days of Lot.” (Luke 17:26-28). These civilizations are the only ones represented in the Bible as having been destroyed by God’s own personal intervention. In both cases, the Bible declares that the wickedness of these societies had reached a place where God could no longer allow them to continue.

In the case of Sodom, the Bible tells us plainly that they “committed abominations” (Ezek. 16:50). Jude tells us that they went after “strange flesh” and consequently suffered the vengeance of eternal fire. There can be no question as to the reason why God destroyed that society. The record in Genesis tells us that all the men of the city came to the house of Lot and demanded that he send out two men who had come to visit with him, in order that they might have sex with them. Not knowing that these men were angels, these evil men of Sodom spent an entire night trying to get hold of them in order that they might sodomize them. It was the last night of Sodom’s existence. The following morning God destroyed the city with fire and brimstone.

But God also said that the days of Noah were an example of how it would be at the end of the world. In Genesis chapter 6, the Bible tells us that in the days of Noah, the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually.

I was startled recently when I learned that according to the Talmud (the writings used by the Jewish Rabbis to interpret the Scriptures 1000 years before Christ was born), the only time in human history when men were writing marriage contracts, getting married to other men, was in the days of Noah, just before the flood! This is very interesting when we realize that the only two civilizations directly destroyed by God were Sodom and the antediluvian world. The outstanding practice of both these cultures at the time when they were destroyed by God was the practice of homosexuality!

As we see the rapid increase of homosexuality in the world today and the widespread acceptance of homosexual marriage, can we doubt that we have come finally, at last to the very end of time?

Truth turned upside-down

Perhaps the question might be asked, “why is this sin in particular regarded as being so abhorrent? Are not all sins the same in God’s sight? What would make God less tolerant of this particular sin above others? Are not murder, rape, adultery, fornication etc. equally rampant in society today? Why pick out homosexuality as being so significant?

Well first of all, it is God who identifies this sin as being an abomination and who demonstrated His acute displeasure at its practice in the destruction of Sodom and the antediluvian world. It is He also who shows us in Romans chapter 1, that homosexual practice is the prominent sin which arises in a society when it rejects the knowledge of God.

Besides, all these sins are easily explainable as natural expressions of normal human nature. They are not acceptable, but they are normal to human nature and it is only by resisting our natures that we avoid practicing them. Homosexuality on the other hand, is an unnatural practice. It perverts the design of the human body and misuses the functions for which that body has been clearly designed. Satan has succeeded in mocking and defacing the image of God in a most brazen way in getting the world to embrace this unnatural sin. It is an amazing reality that there is no practice which is so blatantly wrong, yet so wholeheartedly accepted by the world. Homosexual practice is contrary to nature, it is contrary to God’s word, it is contrary to reason, it is contrary to the testimony of history, yet it is being forcefully pushed on the entire planet! It is clear that this is Satan’s masterpiece in his plan to get the whole world to defy and mock God.

Let us not be mistaken; God loves homosexuals and wants to save each one of them as much as He wants to save any sinner. But before the sinner can receive God’s grace he must first acknowledge his need of it. He must recognize that he is a sinner with a problem which needs God’s grace to fix it. God’s grace is sufficient to heal all who are infected with this disease of homosexuality, but such a person must accept that he has a problem! He must accept that his homosexual practice is abhorrent to God and that he has to cease this practice, then God will provide the strength to escape from this sin.

But the problem is, the homosexual movement today, has all but convinced the entire planet that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Those who think it is a sin are regarded as backward, bigoted and narrow-minded. God declares very strongly that homosexuality is a sin – an abominable sin. Today’s society rejects the counsel of God and declares that there is nothing wrong with it. Scientists go out of the way in a desperate effort to persuade us that homosexuality is a natural thing and that people are born homosexual, so of course, a homosexual is just another kind of human being. God says homosexual is a category of sin, but the world today says it is a category of human being.

In many countries it is illegal to speak negatively of homosexuality. Those who are critical of the practice are charged with “hate speech” or “ethnic discrimination.” In countries such as Canada and Sweden people have been fined thousands of dollars for simply stating publicly that homosexuality is a sin. In places such as England, the USA and Australia people have lost their jobs and in some cases been arrested simply for stating that homosexuality is wrong.

In other words, homosexuality has become accepted as being just another variation of human being such as a different race, or a different skin colour or a different sex might be. The deception of false science has overturned the word of God so that now, homosexuality must be approached from a twisted, false scientific point of view rather than from the point of view of God, the one who created us all. More frightening is the fact that Christians are being persecuted for daring to state their religious convictions that homosexual practice is a sin.

Perverting the rainbow sign

Another indicator of the blasphemous nature of the homosexual movement is the hijacking of the symbol of the rainbow. The homosexual movement by some strange perversity has adopted the rainbow as its symbol. There could be nothing so totally inappropriate as this – to use the symbol of God’s covenant with the human race as a symbol of a movement which is deliberately defiant of His plainest proclamations. The rainbow first appeared in the sky after the flood of Noah. God set it in the sky and told Noah that it was a sign that He would never destroy the earth again with a flood. Every time the rainbow appeared, men would remember God’s promise, but they would also remember the evil conditions which caused the destruction of that world and hopefully, they would avoid repeating it.

It was not to be. Shortly after the flood, the Bible says that Noah got drunk and lay naked in his tent. His youngest son, Ham, saw his father naked and did something unnatural to him. The Bible does not tell us clearly what Ham did to his father, but it says that when Noah awoke he knew what his son had done to him and consequently he cursed Ham’s descendants. The Jewish Talmud suggests that Ham’s crime was that he sodomized his father. This seems quite feasible because it had to be something of that nature so that when Noah awoke he would know what had happened.

God had destroyed the evil world which existed, but in Ham, the third son of Noah, the evil practices of that antediluvian world survived. Ham became the father of a race of people who carried on the practices and attitudes of the antediluvians and it was not long before the evils of the pre-flood world had returned.

The tower of Babel was the first great apostasy after the flood. There, men set out to defy God. They founded a city and congregated together with the aim of reestablishing another great civilization similar to that which existed before the flood. God destroyed their city and their tower and confused their languages. But the seeds of that great false religious system established at Babel have survived right down to this day and the religion and philosophies of Babel are still to be found in the governments and religious systems of today. This is the legacy of Ham, the first person who reintroduced homosexuality after God destroyed an entire civilization where it was predominant.

Declaring their sin like Sodom

In Isaiah 3:9, God referred to the apostasy of Israel and said that “ they declare their sin as Sodom .” Here God expresses the reality that the Sodomites were not only great sinners, but that they were brazen and barefaced in flaunting their sin in the face of God. They not only did what was wrong, but they gloated in doing it and pushed it in the face of others. This is exactly the spirit we see in the homosexual movement today. The adoption of the rainbow symbol is just one example of this brazen defiance of God. The fact is, God says that the practice of same sex relations is an abomination. The world today, as it were, is demanding that God apologize for His attitude. They are saying, “God, we will not change, it is you who need to repent of your attitude.”

Implicit in the rainbow symbol is the reality that while God will never destroy the world by a flood of waters again, the next time He will destroy it be fire. Every time the rainbow symbol is used in association with the homosexual movement, this is the striking message which is actually being presented.

An example

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 1:7)

Jude says that Sodom is set forth as an example. An example of what? He says that because they went after “strange flesh,” they suffered the vengeance of eternal fire. This is the example we are given. It is a statement of what will happen when a society goes after “strange flesh.” Jesus says it is an illustration of the last days, the implications are clear. In the last days, men will go after strange flesh (homosexual practice) Just like in the days of Sodom. The consequence will be the same. The society which practices it will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.

The 3rd Angel and Sodom

In Revelation 14:9-11, we see an angel flying through heaven with a special message from God.

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Revelation 14:9-11)

This message of course, relates to the “Mark of the beast,” crisis. As we examine this message we see something startling. It appears that this message is pointing us directly to what happened when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! This is pretty amazing and makes us wonder why nobody ever pointed this out before.

Look at these striking similarities between the destruction of Sodom and the final punishment of those who receive the mark of the beast. Firstly, here is what the Bible says about those who receive the Mark of the Beast:

• They will be tormented with fire and brimstone.

• In the presence of the angels.

• The smoke of their torment goes up.

• Their punishment will be forever.

When studying the book of Revelation, it is necessary to go back to the Old Testament to discover the meaning of the symbols used, for Revelation is written in the language of the Old Testament, using the places and events from that time in presenting its message. So we ask, which city in ancient times did God destroy with fire and brimstone in the presence of the angels? There is only one such place in the history of the world. It was Sodom and Gomorrah

Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; (Gen 19:24)

The city was destroyed in the presence of two angels who were specifically sent to destroy the city. Just as with those who receive the mark of the beast, they were tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the angels.

And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. (Gen 19:28)

Abraham saw the smoke of the country arising like the smoke of a furnace. Notice again that this is exactly what is promised for those who worship the beast and receive his mark. The smoke of their torment will rise up. This is another clear reference to Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident that God wants us to look at what happened to Sodom as we try to understand this issue of the Mark of the Beast.

We also see that the smoke of their torment arises for ever and ever . Jude explains what this means when he tells us that Sodom suffered the vengeance of eternal fire (Jude 1:7). It does not indicate that Sodom is still burning today, but rather, that the destruction was total and irrevocable, something eternal. In the same way, those who receive the mark of the beast will suffer the fate of Sodom, final and irrevocable punishment, “for ever and ever”

So what we can see clearly is that the message of the third angel is pointing us to Sodom and Gomorrah. Can we miss the parallel? It is amazing that we have not seen it before, but there it is. The Mark of the Beast crisis is presented to us in the context of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The world today has become another Sodom and Gomorrah. The acceptance of homosexuality is being pushed aggressively upon the entire planet. Can this be related to the long-awaited and dreaded mark of the beast? It certainly is an issue which demands faithfulness from those who believe the Bible. The acceptance of homosexuality as a normal practice is being forced upon all who live on earth, small and great, rich and poor, free or bond. It is an issue which will clearly and decisively bring a clear line of separation between those who believe the word of God and those who do not. It is an issue which is already causing persecution and even the arrest of those who disagree with homosexuality and who dare to speak against it. It is not an issue which can be avoided because, not only are people being persecuted for speaking against it, but the acceptance of it is becoming a basis for acceptance, even when people apply for jobs.

Let us not be naive about what is happening. Many Christians ask, “what does it have to do with me really? As long as I am not required to practice it, why should I be concerned if laws are made to legalize it? But let us not be deceived, it will not stop there.

Rising Intolerance

Children in schools are already being compelled to read literature teaching that homosexuality is normal.

Churches are already being compelled to perform homosexual marriages without the option to decline. This is already law in Denmark.

Christians are already being compelled to provide services such as photography and decorative services at gay weddings, against their consciences, under threat of prosecution if they refuse.

Ministers have already been arrested for preaching that homosexuality is a sin, and Christians have been fined thousands of dollars for distributing tracts stating that homosexuality is wrong.

People are already being required to state their position with regards to homosexuality as a condition for being given jobs.

The poorer countries of the world are already being threatened with the withdrawal of economic aid unless they change their anti-homosexual laws.

And there is much more. For a more comprehensive look at what is really happening with the homosexual movement, write to us and ask for the “Sodom” package. This includes a booklet and DVDs with much more information as to what is really happening with the Gay movement and what it really implies.

Notice what has happened: Satan has raised up an issue where a moral question comes to each person as a human-rights issue. This is the guise under which the gay movement is being promoted – human rights. A Christian cannot agree with homosexual practice because for him, it is a moral issue, something condemned by God. But the state says it must be accepted, so it is the authority of the state, versus the conscience of the Christian. It is ultimately, God versus man. These are the critical ingredients of the final crisis.

Time will tell if this has something to do with the Mark of the Beast, but already the issues related to this homosexual agenda are strikingly similar to what we expect when the mark of the beast comes. It seems evident that every single person on the earth will soon have to take a stand as to what his position is on this issue. We are living in serious times. May God keep us faithful to Him alone.

The Killer From Within

Lenworth Frankson

Imagine if you will, a fire roaring inside of you but you are not aware that it is there. It is silently but effectively destroying you internally and you haven’t a clue. What’s worse; this out-of-control inflammation could lead to heart disease, cancer,   diabetes , arthritis   and many other diseases but to the best of your knowledge, you are in “good health”. Sadly, for millions of people, this is their condition. Low-level, chronic inflammation lies so far below the skin’s surface that you can’t see it or feel it. It’s the result of an immune system in overdrive, damaging healthy tissue and leading to chronic illnesses.

In a general sense, inflammation is one of the responses of the body’s tissues to harmful germs. The infectious agent could be a virus, bacterium or fungus that causes disease damaged cells, or irritants. The classical signs of acute ( severe or intense ) inflammation are pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. Inflammation is a protective attempt by the body to remove the injurious agent and to start the healing process. Inflammation should not be confused with infection although in some cases inflammation is caused by infection.

What Causes Inflammation?

Inflammation does not mean infection, even when an infection causes inflammation. Infection is caused by a bacterium, virus or fungus, while inflammation is the body’s response to it.

The symptoms of acute inflammation are unpleasant but they are necessary for the healing processes of the body. Pain, redness, heat, swelling, and loss of mobility are the usual characteristic symptoms. Any sickness that ends with the suffix “ itis” is usually a form of inflammation. One example of this would be arthritis , which comes from “ arthro ”, meaning joint, and “itis” meaning inflammation. The word arthritis therefore means inflammation of the joints.

Inflammation Causes Pain

When people have inflammation it often hurts, they feel pain, stiffness, discomfort, distress and perhaps agony, depending on the severity of it. Pain can be constant and steady, in which case it is often referred to as an ache. Pain can be of a throbbing type, a pulsating pain, or it can be a stabbing or pinching pain. Inflammation primarily causes pain because the swelling pushes against the sensitive nerve endings, which send pain signals to the brain.

Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Acute inflammation is a short-term process which usually last about 1 to 2 days. It is characterized by the increased activity of a certain white blood cell. The basic idea behind inflammation is that our body increases blood flow to the injured area which causes the increased redness and heat in that area. Our bodies also increase our blood vessels’ ability to allow more substances to pass through them, allowing our immune system to enter the damaged tissue which also allows blood plasma in, causing swelling. Our immune system then goes to work, destroying any invading germ and removing debris.

When inflammation doesn’t go away, it is known as  chronic or systemic inflammation , and it is no longer considered as a response of the body before the healing takes place, but rather a sign that something has gone wrong. It can be hard to diagnose chronic inflammation because it doesn’t usually affect parts of our body we can see or feel. Chronic inflammation is persistent inflammation that has gone out of control. This ongoing inflammatory response causes progressive damage to the body that leads to a variety of diseases. These diseases may include hay fever, periodontitis, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancer. Chronic inflammation plays a role in conditions such as heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and even Type 2 Diabetes. It is for this reason that inflammation is normally closely regulated by the body. Chronic inflammation is prolonged and has certain types of white blood cells present at the site. Simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue is also another characteristic of chronic inflammation.

Our Body’s pH

Acidity and alkalinity are measured by what is called the pH scale. PH stands for “ potential of hydrogen ”. Water is neutral with a pH of 7.0. Anything below 7.0 is acidic, and anything above 7.0 is alkaline. The typical pH range for the human body is between 6.0 and 6.8. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A neutral pH is 7. The lower the pH, the more acidic a substance is. Your body thrives when its pH is only slightly alkaline, in a range of about 7.35 to 7.45. The body generally works to maintain a neutral pH that is neither very acidic nor alkaline; one that allows each tissue to function optimally.

An unhealthy diet rich in processed carbohydrates can lead to excessive acidity that may cause adverse effects and disease. By adding naturally alkaline foods to your diet, you can balance your intake of acidic and alkaline food, and help restore and maintain the natural pH balance of your body.

Some parts of the body however, are naturally more acidic, such as the stomach, which has a pH between 1 and 2.

A Low Acid Diet

Minimizing the intake of acid forming foods is helpful in lowering inflammation in the body. To be more specific, one has to stay away from high acidic foods and focuses more on eating alkaline foods in the attempt to reduce inflammation. Milk products like yogurt and buttermilk are unfortunately highly acidic. Processed foods like ketchup, chocolate and beverages like tea, coffee and soft drinks are all acid forming and therefore excluded from a low acidic diet. Spices and condiments raise the pH value of food. Spicy foods should not be a part of this diet. Most protein rich foods are also highly acidic and so taking them in moderate amounts is crucial in a low acid diet. Other foods in this category include dairy products, such as milk and cheese, eggs, fish, mutton, beef, chicken, some grains and legumes, soft drinks, alcohol and refined sugars, such as aspartame.

Fruits: The fruits that are categorized as low acidic foods include: Strawberries, Apples, Raisins, Cantaloupe, Pear, Mango, Peach, Bananas, Raspberries, Watermelon, Figs and Black Cherries. Lemons, grapefruit and oranges are acidic by nature but become alkaline after they are ingested. Some fruits are considered acidic but this does not mean you have to avoid them, but you should eat these with moderation. Among these are blueberries, plums, prunes, currants, rhubarb, cranberries and blackberries. In addition, canned or glazed fruits have a higher acidity than fresh fruits. Fruits that are highly alkaline include lemons and watermelon, limes, mango, kiwi, figs, melons, papayas, cantaloupe, passion fruits, pineapples, raisins, pears and grapes. Moderately alkaline fruit include apples, avocados, nectarines, peaches, grapefruits, guava, and berries such as strawberries and raspberries. Slightly less alkaline fruits include coconut and cherries.

Vegetables: There are quite a few vegetables that have low acid levels. These vegetables are an integral part in helping to alleviate digestive issues. As a general rule of thumb, green leafy vegetables come under the list of alkalizing vegetables. This is because these vegetables are rich in potassium, which is strongly alkaline. The following are the vegetables that have high pH values: Spinach, Potatoes, Oriental greens, Broccoli, Dandelion, Greens, Cucumber, Cauliflower Asparagus, Celery, Kale, Sprouts, Radishes and Carrots. Legumes, grains, fish, meats and poultry products are highly acidic; hence their consumption should be limited or avoided. Vegetables that have the highest amount of alkaline-forming minerals include asparagus; celery; alfalfa sprouts; leafy, green lettuce; spinach; broccoli; carrots; bell peppers; cabbage; squash; and potatoes. Slightly alkaline to neutral vegetables include onions, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, mushrooms, okra, sweet tomatoes, ripe olives and artichoke.

Beverages: Beverages that help to keep the blood alkaline, like herbal teas are a very good option. It appears that most herbs are alkaline and therefore their addition into our diet can work wonders to maintain proper alkalinity of our body. There are a variety of commonly consumed beverages, which are acidic in nature. These include beer, wine, spirits and hard liquor. Coffee, tea and soft drinks are acidifying as well. These beverages also contain caffeine and tend to provide you with excess calories and have no nutritional value. Taking chamomile tea provides the same benefits that are often referred to as anti-acidity tea. Having fresh vegetable juices is also highly recommended because they can play a crucial role in keeping the blood pH in the proper range. Alkaline beverages include vegetable juices, fresh fruit juices, mineral water, herbal tea, ginseng tea and apple cider vinegar. Alkaline spices include cinnamon, ginger, chili pepper, curry, mustard, sea salt and again all herbs.

An alkaline diet consists of at least 75 percent alkalizing foods and no more than 25 percent acidifying foods. An acidic pH can be caused by things other than diet, however. Stress and allergic reactions can lead to more acid being produced in the body

Fats and Oils

Fats and oils that are high in acid include butter, sesame oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, lard, flax oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil and safflower oil. When these oils are cooked, they become acidifying. If using them on a salad as a dressing or as a dip for bread, they are less acidic. Using healthy cooking oil is a plus when balancing your body’s pH. You should refrain from using hydrogenated oils like corn oil, margarine and sunflower oil. Cooking in extra virgin olive oil is regarded as healthy but more importantly helps to maintain alkaline pH of blood.

Low Acid Diet for Bone Health

This diet can play a very important role in improving bone health. Bone problems such as osteoporosis are often the result of following a highly acidic diet. It is observed that a diet high in acidic foods is responsible for causing calcium loss. As we all know, the body has a predetermined acid – alkaline balance but with too much intake of acidic foods, the normal pH of our body can alter. In order to avoid this unwanted change, the body uses calcium for processing the food. It is a known fact that calcium is mostly found in the bones and teeth. As a result, the person may develop bone health issues in the long run. So to be on the safer side, a low acid diet is a better option. Keep in mind that nuts (almonds, cashew nuts) are high in alkali producing minerals and therefore their inclusion in this diet is not an issue.


A variety of grains and grain products are considered acidic. Grains such as quinoa, wheat and wheat flour, barley, rye, buckwheat and oats are moderately acidic, but provide you with nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, selenium and fiber. Processed grains and baked goods are high in acid and low in fiber and other nutrients. These products include white bread, pasta, white rice, cornmeal, crackers, pastries, doughnuts, bagels and cereal grains.

Animal Products

High protein animal products, such as beef, mutton, pork, seafood, fish, lamb, organ meat, turkey, veal and venison, are all highly acidic. Bacon, sausage, corned beef and other processed meat products have the highest acidity. Milk, ice cream, butter, eggs, processed cheese and dairy products are also high in acid. Although these foods provide you with protein and calcium, there are healthier alternatives. Some proteins such as poached eggs, whey protein powder, cottage cheese, and fermented tofu are alkaline forming foods. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds, nuts, almonds and flaxseed are also alkaline forming.

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David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
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