Category - Righteousness by Faith

The Two covenants

by David Clayton One of the important questions which faces us today is the question of what focus our work should take. As we seek to share truth...

The Four Deaths

Some time ago I wrote an article which caused some controversy. It was entitled, “Did Jesus Die the Second Death?” I still stand by the conclusion...

Why Jesus had to Die

I once heard the host of a popular talk-show in Jamaica describe God as a “blood-thirsty” being. His reason for coming to this conclusion was that he...

The Law of Heredity

by A.T. Jones “The Word was made flesh.” “When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman.” Gal. 4:4. “And the...

Questions ???

Recently I received a letter from a reader who agrees with our perspective on Righteousness by faith but feels that it is incompatible with several...

Born of the Spirit

by David Clayton The Spirit of Man In trying to safeguard against the concept of the immortal soul, Adventism has gone too far in the other...

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