Daniel’s description of earth’s final moments is a striking one. The standing up of Michael in heaven results in a terrible outbreak of...
Category - Bible Study Guides
Our lesson Study Guides are intended to help home churches establish a Sabbath School format of study. We hope you’ll find these lessons spiritually uplifting, scriptural and informative. We hope they will also be a valuable asset in establishing solid Bible truths!
The final prophetic portion of the book of Daniel focuses a great deal on two powers which dominate the stage of world history right down to the time...
Generally speaking, a seal is something which certifies the authenticity of a document. In Daniel chapter 9 this striking phrase appears, “to...
Of all the information given to him during the various visions which he received, nothing seems to have concerned Daniel as much as the information...
In this lesson we focus attention on Christ’s ministry as our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, as a basis for understanding its...
Christ qualified to be our righteous Judge by being “made like unto His brethren” “in all things,” and by being “in all...
In this lesson we are concerned exclusively with the great future crisis that was to come to God’s people prior to the establishment of His...
According to the Scripture record, Nimrod was the first human being who attempted to bring people together under his control and in subservience to...
In approaching the study of the Bible our method of interpretation is extremely important. This is especially true in the area of prophetic...
One outstanding difference between the Bible and other religious books is the element of prophecy. While the Bible contains many hundreds of...