The term, “Historic Seventh-day Adventist” became popular a few years ago with the sudden explosion of home churches and independent...
Category - Literature
By Donald Clayton Upon reading this claim of Satan in Isaiah 14:14, one may well ask the question, “How could Satan ever think that he could...
by Colin A. Gyles The Trinity is held by popular professed Christianity to be the central doctrine of the Christian faith. This doctrine, though...
The letter which appears in the next column was published in the “Observer”, and is worthy of comment on account of the fact that it...
by David Clayton The agitation continues concerning the Trinity doctrine. Almost every publication which is sent out these days, whether from the...
by David Clayton As a Christian you may think that the title of this article asks a foolish question, or at any rate, one which is easy to answer...
by David Clayton When most of us think of a name, we usually think of the sound which is made when referring to, or addressing a person. Usually...
(Heb 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is based on fact. Nobody can have true faith in...
by David Clayton One of the most terrible consequences of sin is that it has distorted our concept of God. This is the tragedy of the ages. and the...
Jesus Christ the Son of God came to this earth and became a man. He was one hundred percent human, but at the same time He was fully divine. This is...