LESSON 11 – Sealing The Vision

Generally speaking, a seal is something which certifies the authenticity of a document. In Daniel chapter 9 this striking phrase appears, “to...

LESSON 10 – The Sanctuary Cleansed

Of all the information given to him during the various visions which he received, nothing seems to have concerned Daniel as much as the information...

LESSON 9 – Our High Priest

In this lesson we focus attention on Christ’s ministry as our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, as a basis for understanding its...

LESSON 7 – The Antichrist

In this lesson we are concerned exclusively with the great future crisis that was to come to God’s people prior to the establishment of His...

LESSON 3 – The Lord of kings

The first four chapters of the book narrate the steps by which God eventually won Nebuchadnezzar’s wholehearted allegiance. Daniel, God’s...

LESSON 2 – The Courage to Stand

God’s people are often placed in difficult and even life-threatening circumstances. This has been the lot of God’s faithful people in all...

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