Many people may be unhappy about the conclusions of this tract. However, the evidences presented are undeniable and clear, leaving little room for...
Category - Tracts
Welcome to the tract section of the Restoration Ministries web site. Jesus commands the believer to, “search the Scriptures.” Paul says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We pray that the following truth-filled tracts will help you in your study of God’s holy word. Each study-tract is listed below with a brief explanation of its contents.
The salvation of planet earth depends upon the identity of the One who was crucified on Calvary. Who was this person who claimed that He was the Son...
“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” What is this truth which sets men free? Can it be found within the walls of a...
Is God a trinity? In spite of the fact that most of the Christian world believes that He is, this tract presents Scriptural evidence in defense of...
A closer look at the gospel with an emphasis on how the love of God was displayed in the gift of His Son. The single Bible verse which, perhaps, more...
This is a reprint of the tract, “Why Not Talk To God About The Sabbath.” It is basically a Bible study containing questions on the...
What lie of Satan strikes at the very heart of the Christian faith? What is this deadly lie which completely destroys the most vital elements of...
The greatest danger is that of religious deception. In this matter, everyone must be certain that he is taking the right path, for eternal life is...
Most Christians would answer yes to this question, but do they really mean what they say? This tract reveals that the majority of the Christian world...
A brief outline of three basic and simple steps which a person needs to take in giving his life to Christ. To become a Christian means to become a...