There is a supernatural force at work in many Christian Churches today. Christians have every right to expect God to work mightily among them...
Category - Tracts
Welcome to the tract section of the Restoration Ministries web site. Jesus commands the believer to, “search the Scriptures.” Paul says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We pray that the following truth-filled tracts will help you in your study of God’s holy word. Each study-tract is listed below with a brief explanation of its contents.
There is no doubt that several teachings of the Adventist church have been adjusted or changed since the beginning of the movement in 1844. Have...
The year 1888 is a year of significance for Seventh-day Adventists. In that year two young ministers brought a special message which contained the...