By Brendan KnudsonFor many years, there has been a teaching which has taken a hold of Adventism which is called by moderate proponents the “Character of God” message, by extreme proponents the “non-violent God” teaching and by many the “God does not kill/destroy” doctrine. There is very...
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1. What are the issues involved in the debate? a. Firstly there is the question of what the character of God is really like. (COL 69) b. Secondly there is the question of what is love really like? How does true love behave? 2. What does The doctrine really teach? a. The Doctrine that God...
Among the many strange, and in some cases, new doctrines which have appeared on the horizon of Seventh-day Adventism during its short history, is a doctrine which has been referred to as “the character of God” message by those who embrace it. Most others know it better as the...
By David Clayton In studying the word of God we sometimes encounter passages which seem to contradict each other, or to be in conflict. One example of this is the two statements by the apostles Paul and James concerning justification. Paul says: “… A man is justified...
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its...