by David Clayton The more we study the subject of righteousness in Christ, the more we realize how important it is that we correctly understand the purpose of God in giving the law, and the place which it has in the experience of the Christian. Misunderstanding of this has certainly led...
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For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: (2 Cor 5:14) Christ died for all men (Rom. 5:8). What did His death for all accomplish? It put all to death, because, we judge thus that if one died for all, all died. The...
by David Clayton One of the important questions which faces us today is the question of what focus our work should take. As we seek to share truth, to minister to others, what aspect of God’s truth should we regard as most critical? What particular element of the truth should we...
Some time ago I wrote an article which caused some controversy. It was entitled, “Did Jesus Die the Second Death?” I still stand by the conclusion reached then, that He did not die the second death. But now that I understand the matter better, in the light of Righteousness by Faith, I can...
I once heard the host of a popular talk-show in Jamaica describe God as a “blood-thirsty” being. His reason for coming to this conclusion was that he could not understand why God should demand death for the smallest act of transgression, and why He should be so inflexible in His demand...