In this issue:
The Books Were Opened
David Clayton
In the previous edition of Open Face we established the fact that the book of Revelation, in chapters 4 and 5 describes the setting of a judgment which takes place before Jesus actually returns to earth. This judgment or examination is first described in Daniel chapter 7, but is revealed in greater detail in Revelation. This event is of such importance that all of heaven is assembled to take part in this examination which is represented by the opening of the book sealed with seven seals.
As we continue to read through chapters 6 and 7, we see that these seals are opened one after the other and that the opening of each seal is followed by events which are graphically described by John. In this article we will look at the events which transpire with the opening of these seals.
Two Rival Kingdoms
As we pointed out in a previous article, this judgment is really an examination of two rival philosophies, two opposing governments, two kingdoms. One is the kingdom of Satan, established on the basis of his philosophy and system of government, the other the kingdom of Christ, established on His principles and system of government. Christ’s kingdom was established two thousand years ago, just around the time that Satan’s most dominant kingdom was being established as the most powerful force on earth. Christ’s kingdom was the Christian Church, Satan’s kingdom was Rome.
For two thousand years these two kingdoms have existed side by side, with each operating on very different principles. Rome is the pinnacle of all that Satan represents and has been working towards over the ages, the Christian Church represents the ultimate manifestation of what God is able to do through Christ. It is these two kingdoms which are examined in this judgment and therefore, the opening of the books represents the examination of these two systems of government.
The seven seals focus on the kingdom of Christ. The heavenly beings are assembled to examine the fruit of Christ’s system of government. What has He been able to achieve, what kinds of people have been produced by His method? This principle upon which the kingdom of Christ has been built is, simply put, “Christ in you?”
The Church Examined
The first five seals examine the past history of the Church. As each seal is opened, the assembled heavenly host sees the history of a different era of the church. Each stage is represented in John’s vision by a different symbol, but these 7 seals cover the entire history of the Christian Church from the time of the apostles right down to the very end and the close of probation.
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. (Revelation 6:1,2)
At the opening of the first seal, John sees a white horse with a rider who goes forth conquering all before him. The assembled hosts in heaven are instructed to, “come and see.” This white horse represents the first stage of the Christian Church, which is often referred to as the apostolic age. This was a church which went forth with zeal and commitment, conquering all for the cross of Christ. This stage of the church roughly covers the time period from AD 31 – AD 100.
This was followed by a red horse with a rider who carried a great sword and who was given power to take peace from the earth. This represents the next stage of the history of the Church which roughly covered the period from AD 100-300. First of all, the change of color from white to red suggests that a change has taken place in the character of the church. White represents purity, while red often represents sin. The age which followed the time of the apostles was marked by a decline in the purity of the church. Not only did the standard of purity go down, but the purity of truth also began to be obscured by the introduction of false theories. Both Paul and John had warned of this impending danger with Paul saying that after he departed, “grievous wolves” would come in. John spoke of the “spirit of antichrist” which was already beginning to encroach on the truth even while he was still alive.
The color red may also be applied to the great persecutions which the Christian church endured during this time period. For the next two hundred years the Roman emperors made all-out war against Christianity and many thousands lost their lives, slaughtered by the sword, or by being thrown to wild beasts.
This red horse was followed by a black horse. This represents the period from AD 300 to about AD 538. The date AD 538 is especially significant because this was the year when the Papacy was established in the Christian Church.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. (Rev 6:6)
The color black represents a further deterioration of the character and the purity of the Church. This was the age when the church began to be accepted and to gain worldly popularity. The dangers and persecutions which the Church had endured under the Roman emperors were terrible, but this was a greater danger. The attitude which prevailed during this period is represented by the statement that a measure of wheat was sold for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny.
Wheat and barley are the basic elements from which bread is made and bread, represents the word of God. This was an age when the Church was willing to sell the truth in order to gain influence and popularity with the world. However, the statement, “see thou hurt not the oil and the wine,” shows that in spite of the prevailing decline, the work of the holy spirit continued among true believers and it was during this time that there began to be a separation between the main organized body of the church and faithful Christians who realized that they could no longer maintain a connection with the organized body because of its compromises and apostasy.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. (Rev 6:8)
This symbol is a fitting representation of the next stage of the history of the Christian Church. As terrible as the facts are, this is the truth of what happened. The Papacy was established in AD 538 and this initiated the period of the greatest apostasy in the Christian Church. For the next one thousand years the recognized Christian Church went into greater and greater apostasy. All kinds of false doctrines were embedded into her teachings and practices, teachings such as the Trinity, purgatory, the invocation of dead saints, bowing to images, infant baptism, Sunday observance etc. But more than this, this was the age when the organized Christian Church with its headquarters in Rome became the agent of the greatest persecution of true Christians. Many millions were slaughtered by the agents of the church or burned alive at the stake simply because they refused to accept the doctrines of the Roman Church or to submit to the authority of the Pope. This persecution continued unrestrained up until about the year 1517 when Martin Luther initiated the great revival which is referred to as the Protestant Reformation. Though the persecution of Christians continued beyond that time, this date may be regarded as the point where the power and influence of the Roman Church began to be broken.
The next seal is an interesting one.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. (Rev 6:9-11)
This fifth seal represents the beginning of the pre-advent judgment. The history of the church has been examined up to this point and now, the focus moves from what has happened to the church on earth to what is happening to the church in heaven. In heaven, the record of the church is examined under this seal. Of course, dead people cannot cry for vengeance, there is no consciousness or awareness when one is dead, but here, God symbolizes the fact that the life’s records of these dead Christians demand justice. They were treated as criminals and murdered for their faith and the judgment demonstrates that they were God’s true people, the best of the best. They are given white robes.
White robes signify the righteousness of Christ. No one may become righteous when he is dead, so it is clear that this represents the fact that in the judgment, they are DECLARED righteous, they are SEEN as righteous, they are publicly vindicated in heaven, but the actual experience will have to wait a while, because at this point there are still other Christians who will also be put to death. God will avenge the murders of His people, but He will wait until all the issues are finally settled before He acts.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (Rev 6:12-14)
When the sixth seal is opened there is a flurry of cosmic events which happen in rapid succession. There is a great earthquake, the sun becomes black, the moon turns to blood and the stars fall from heaven. These are events which have been mentioned several times before in other prophecies in the Bible. Isaiah wrote about them (Isa. 13:10), so did Joel (Joel 2:31) and Jesus Himself spoke of these things happening (Matt. 24:29) during the last moments of time before His return.
Adventists generally believe that these events have already occurred. They identify the great earthquake as the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood as being fulfilled by the mysterious dark day which covered much of North America in 1780, and the falling of the stars as being fulfilled by the remarkable meteorite shower which took place in the year 1833. These were striking events, yes, but the last of them occurred nearly two hundred years ago! We have not yet seen the heavens departing as a scroll and every mountain and island being moved out of its place. The next verse tells us what happens when these events occur:
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev 6:15-17)
In other words, these events are an indication that “the great day of God’s wrath” has arrived. Revelation 15:1 tells us that God’s wrath is filled up in the seven last plagues, so when we see these events take place, then we know that the seven last plagues are about to be poured out. This is why it is clear that these events have not yet been fulfilled in the primary sense. The historical fulfillment was something which seemed to be a very good interpretation a hundred and fifty years ago and no doubt, God used it to strengthen the faith of those earlier believers and to give them courage and hope, but today, nearly two hundred years later, those distant events have very little ability to move people with a sense of urgency. No, these events are to be fulfilled very soon in rapid sequence and when we see them taking place we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have come to the very end of time.
The sealing of 144,000
As we come to the end of the sixth seal, those who flee to the rocks and mountains recognize that it is the day of God’s wrath and they ask a striking question: “Who shall be able to stand?” This question is asked because God wants us to think about it. The day of God’s wrath will be the most terrible period in the history of this planet. It is the time when God will withdraw His spirit from the earth and abandon mankind to the control of Satan, the master whom they have chosen. Yet, this will be before the return of Christ, so God’s people will still remain on the planet during this dreadful time. It is against this background that the question is asked, “who shall be able to stand.”
And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. (Rev 7:1-3)
Now we are introduced to a subject which has caused a great deal of controversy, it is the subject of the 144,000. The first thing which we need to consider is the context in which the 144,000 are first mentioned. It is evident that the 144,000 represents God’s church during a certain time period, because the seals represent periods of time and they are shown here in connection with the opening of the seals. Some have suggested that they represent individuals from all ages, but when we understand the time-sequence of the seven seals it is clear that this cannot be. They all live and are all sealed during one particular period at the end of time.
The final sentence in chapter 6 gives us the timing of the sealing. Here we are presented with the striking question: “the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Chapter 7 shows us the sealing of the 144,000 as an answer to the question. God asks the question to get our interest and to focus our attention, then He gives us the answer in chapter 7. The 144,000 are the ones who will be able to stand during the great day of God’s wrath. So it is clear that they are sealed just before that day, in order to be able to stand at that time.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. (Revelation 7:4)
Who are these people?
There are many different answers to this question and of course, a lot of debate. What we will do is examine a few critical facts about these people which should help us to come to a reasonable conclusion about who they are. Let us take careful note of what follows in this chapter:
First of all, John sees four angels standing on the four corners of the earth. An angel comes flying from the east having the seal of God and he instructs the four angels to hold back the winds, to not allow the great trouble to break out on the earth until God’s servants are sealed. So notice, the great time of trouble cannot come upon the earth until the 144,000 are sealed.
John HEARS the number of those who are sealed but he does not SEE them at this point. This is important to note. All the information which he receives about the 144,000 is what he hears; he hears the number of those who are sealed, he hears that they are from the 12 tribes of Israel, but all he has seen so far are four angels holding the winds and another angel coming from the east.
Immediately after hearing the 144,000 described, John sees a group of people standing before the throne of God.
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; (Revelation 7:9)
Is this a second group of people being presented to John? No, it is the same group seen from another perspective. Remember, John did not see the 144,000, what he got was a verbal description of the group. He heard a voice giving him a description. Having heard about these people, the most logical thing is that John is wondering, “who are these people? Who are we talking about here?” God has aroused his curiosity and then immediately afterwards God shows him the actual people. It is not two different groups, but the same group.
What John hears, is not a literal description but a symbolic representation. They are not from literal Israel, but spiritual Israel. This is a coded description and it needs to be interpreted accordingly. So now, immediately after hearing this symbolic description of the people, John is given a literal view of the same people. Both descriptions are very different and superficially, it seems that it cannot be speaking of the same set of people, but when we look more closely it is evident that both groups are the same. One description is figurative and the other is literal.
The same method is used in Revelation 5:5,6 where a voice tells John to behold the “Lion of the tribe of Judah,” but when John looks he does not see a lion, instead he sees a slain Lamb. What he hears is completely different from what he sees, it seems to be the exact opposite and yet it is the same person. The audible description depicts Jesus from one perspective while the visible description shows Him from another perspective.
It is the same with the group described in Revelation 7. Spiritually, these people are from the tribes of Israel, but literally they are from all nations, kindreds tribes and tongues. How does John know where they are from? He knows because he sees them, he sees people from all races, of all colors with different features so he knows they are from all nations. But the voice tells him that they are from the tribes of Israel, meaning that spiritually, they are Israelites.
Similarly, they are said to be 144,000 in number, yet when John looks at them, he is unable to count them. The number, 144,000 is again, a divine description. It is a figurative number which describes certain spiritual characteristics of these people. It is not giving a numerical value to the people in terms of how many there are, but it is focusing on the spiritual value of the people and this value is expressed as a number. Numbers often are used to indicate character values in the Bible and especially in the book of Revelation. Two examples are the numbers 7 and 12. 7 as we know, represents perfection or completeness, while 12 is associated with the kingdom of God.
The Kingdom Perfected
The number, 144,000 is the product of 12,000 multiplied by 12. 12 is the number of the tribes of Israel, it is the number of the apostles of Christ, it is the number of gates and foundations on the New Jerusalem. It is clearly associated with the kingdom of Christ.
The significance of 144,000 then, is that they are the perfect expression of the kingdom of Christ. This kingdom has been in existence for the past two thousand years and has had its ups and downs. The church/kingdom has never been what God wants it to be, it has never represented Him in the way it should have. But now, at the very end, just before the great tribulation, God’s kingdom finally has a perfect representation. The 144,000 is the perfection of what that kingdom stands for and this is why the number, 144,000 is used to represent them. It is not a statement of how many people there are in the group, but it is telling us that they are the perfect manifestation of the kingdom of Christ.
So how many people are there really? This question is more or less irrelevant. What does it matter if there are 144,000, or 144,000,000? How can this information be of any value to any of us? God is not interested in giving us data just for the sake of curiosity.
John looks at the group and he describes the number in a human way. He says that no man can number them, but this is not to say that they really cannot be counted. Given enough time, any number can be counted. But the description of an innumerable group is simply the expression a person would use when he sees a very large number of people all standing in one place. It is a physical description given by John, using a human term, “innumerable.” So the audible, or divine, symbolic description says, 144,000. The visible, human, literal description says, “a great multitude which no man could number.”
One further indicator that they are the same group is the fact that this passage is answering the question, “who shall be able to stand in the great day of God’s wrath?” There will not be two groups standing in that time. The only people who will be able to stand are those who have the seal of the living God and it is ONLY the 144,000 who are sealed. There is no indication that anyone else is sealed. There are not two different groups being focused on in this passage because everything we see in this chapter is aimed at answering the question, “who shall be able to stand.” The redeemed of all ages do not belong in this chapter because they have nothing to do with the end-time crisis. So again, what we are seeing is one group of people from two different perspectives.
And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Revelation 7:13-14)
One of the elders focuses John’s attention on the multitude standing before the throne. They are the only ones who are seen wearing white robes. The question is, who are these and where did they come from? The answer is, they are the ones who have come out of THE great tribulation. The word, “the,” is missing in the King James version, but it is present in the original Greek manuscripts. These people are not just Christians from all ages who have suffered for the faith, no, these are Christians who have specifically lived during the time of the last great tribulation, THE great tribulation. They have not only come out of this crisis, but during that terrible ordeal, they have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Their characters have been purified and perfected by this trial and now they are a fit representation of Christ’s kingdom.
This group, in fact, is the ultimate evidence for Christ’s government, in the judgment. This group is the evidence that will vindicate Christ and His government and it is because of the testimony given by their lives that Christ will be given an everlasting kingdom. They are the ultimate proof that His system works. “Christ in you,” produces the best, the happiest people, those fit to live eternally. This is why they are described as “the firstfruits unto God.” They are the first part of the crop which is truly ready for the harvest and they are the evidence which guarantees that the rest of the harvest will be accepted.
One other point which should be noted is that the 144,000 are marked with the seal of God, they have the name of God in their foreheads (Rev. 14:1) and they have the number of God (144,000). They are the exact opposite of the rest of the world which at that time receive the Mark of the Beast, the name of the Beast and the number of the beast.
Born By The Spirit
Contributed by David Oliver
The greatest prophet, John the Baptist, said, ”
I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance, but He that cometh after me shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8 ; Luke 3:16 ;John 1:26.
After His resurrection, our Lord Jesus referred to this promise when He commanded His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise from the Father, “for John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.”
The word “baptize” is an untranslated Greek word meaning to immerse.
Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:13 refers to this baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let us examine these scriptures and bring to light just what this word, “baptize” means. When John said, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit”, he was referring to the Eternal Life which Christ made it possible for man to receive. John is comparing his ministry to that of Christ’s. The baptism that he himself brings is physical, it does not touch the spirit, the real source of the problem of man. John essentially is saying, “I baptize the physical body with water, but He shall immerse the spirit with the Holy Spirit and out of that immersion shall come the new birth, man shall begin a new life.”
It was for this new birth that Christ was to bring, that the disciples were told to tarry in Jerusalem (Acts 1:5). The Holy Spirit could not come to impart the life of God to man’s spirit until Christ had been glorified, or until the redemption had been made complete (Col. 3:10). In His glorification Christ was made a “quickening spirit,” or a life-giving spirit and so was able to pass on His life to others. It is hard for many in the church to understand, that It was not until the Day of Pentecost that the disciples were born again and because of this, many cannot grasp the full treasures of His riches. While many of the disciples had enough God given faith to believe ON Christ, it was not until Christ finished His work of perfecting faith, that there was a faith that would put man IN Christ.
Let us now examine 1 Corinthians 12:13 to see if this refers to man’s being born again?
“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” (1Cor 12:13)
When does a man become a member of the body of Christ? It is when he is born again. The baptism into the body of Christ is the birth into that body.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. (Gal 3:27)
This refers unmistakably to the new birth for we are told in Rom 8:9, “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”
How do I receive the Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is received by faith. This is taught very emphatically by the scriptures.
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? (Gal 3:2)
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. (Gal 3:14)
What is Faith? Faith is nothing more nor nothing less than acting upon the word of God. Acting upon the word of God is taking the word of God as sufficient evidence above all other evidence. The word of God declares that the Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to His children who ask Him. If we ask in faith, that is acting upon His Word, and we shall receive the Holy Spirit. We ask Christ to come into our lives and fill us, then we act upon that word which says that we will receive Him when we ask, thanking Him for coming into our lives; and God must make that WORD good. (Luke 11:13)
Nowhere in the word of God is it taught that we should look upon speaking in tongues as evidence that the Holy Spirit has filled us. The book of Acts is a historical account. It tells of people who spoke in tongues when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:46 Acts 19:6). The only evidence for the new creation is the word of God. Speaking in tongues is a physical manifestation, but we do not live after the flesh but by the Spirit of God working through His word.
A man is born again when he says, “I have eternal life because I have met the conditions of the Word and the Word declares it.” A man is healed when he says, “I am healed because the Word declares, “by His stripes I am healed.” Prayer is answered when we thank Him for the answer because the word declares that what we ask, we shall receive! So also, the Holy Spirit comes into our lives when we say, “I have the Holy Spirit because the Father has promised to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask.”
When we walk in our new confession we will fulfill the command, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” (Mathew 10:8).
Another Mystery
Here is a mystery as great as the Trinity and built on the same foundation:
How can one believe that Christ truly lives in him and yet believe that he needs the written law and its ceremonies in order to live a righteous life? How can one profess to possess the living reality of the law and yet cling to the written form? Is this not a virtual denial of Christ? To cling to the shadow when the reality has arrived, is this not to reject God’s great gift?
Many speak of the godhead, rejoice in the literal Sonship of Christ, claim that Christ is the holy spirit, but reject the very essence of what that means to us in a practical way! When will we start BELIEVING what we PROFESS to believe?
May our Father have mercy on us.
What Is The Truth?
This is a fascinating question and it is one which is sure to produce many different answers. It is an age-old question, perhaps made most famous by Pilate, the Roman governor who asked Jesus the question and then turned away before he got an answer.
For most people truth is a statement which expresses things which are not false. It represents an accurate statement of the facts concerning any particular subject. This definition of truth is useful and has its place, but there are several biblical references which clearly carry a different definition when they speak of what is true, or what is truth. These statements give a deeper understanding of truth which is extremely relevant and necessary for us to understand in light of the many confusing doctrines which are floating around in these last days.
Let us look at Hebrews 8:2 for example. The verse says:
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. (Hebrews 8:1-2)
Notice here that it says that Jesus is a minister of the TRUE tabernacle. Usually, we think of the opposite of “true,” as being, “false.” With this understanding we would have to conclude that the tabernacle pitched by Moses and the temple built by Solomon were false temples. But is this what Paul is suggesting when he refers to the heavenly temple as being the “true” tabernacle? The obvious answer is no, God did not instruct Moses to build something which was false. The comparison which Paul is making is between the reality versus the representation. The real thing versus the model, the antitype versus the type. He refers to the reality as “the true” tabernacle. The one built by Moses was not false, but it was not the true one, it was not actual reality, it was only a model. Clearly, this is what Paul is saying and he makes it even more clear in Hebrews 9:24.
For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: (Hebrews 9:24)
There are several other statements in the New Testament, concerning the truth, which carry the same meaning. We have often misunderstood these passages and missed the tremendous message in them because we have not understood what was meant by the “truth,” as referred to in those passages. Let us look at some of these passages substituting the word “real,” for the word “true,” and the word, “reality,” for the word, “truth.”
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)
Grace and reality came by Jesus Christ. The full impact of this statement can be grasped when we look at what this reality is contrasted with. The law was given by Moses (or through Moses), but was it the reality? Did the law deal with real things? This is the point of the passage and the answer is a resounding “no.” The law had “only a shadow of good things to come (Heb. 10:1).” The law was made up of shadows and representations, things which were not the realities themselves. It was intended to point to greater realities. These realities (truth) came by Jesus Christ. So the law was not the truth (the reality), this reality only came when Jesus arrived as the fulfillment of the entire system of the law. With this understanding in mind we are better able to appreciate what Jesus meant when He said:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
The Jews identified themselves by the law. It would not be too much of an exaggeration to suggest that they almost worshiped the law. Their entire relationship with God was defined by the law. This was the main reason why they scorned and despised the Gentiles and refused to believe that they could be saved. As Paul said of them,
Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God, (Romans 2:17)
This was the picture into which Jesus stepped and declared, “I am the way, the REALITY and the life.” He was declaring Himself to be the true avenue to God, the reality of the reconciliation with God which they had never possessed in the law! All they had ever possessed before He came was illustration, form, representation. He Himself was the reality, the truth to which all those illustrations had pointed.
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. (John 6:32)
This is why it is so disheartening to find professing Christians today, focused on the law and determined to bring Christianity back under the yoke of the law, seeking God by means of the illustration and type which was long, long ago replaced by the reality! This is amazing and heaven must be astonished to see it. Man’s condemnation is that light is come into the world, reality is come, but men love darkness and illustration more than they love the light and the reality.
God is not pleased when we approach Him by means of the worship system of the former age. This was Jesus’ message to the Samaritan woman who had a difficulty in discerning the great difference between form and reality.
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. (John 4:23)
Notice His emphasis on worshiping in truth (in reality). God the Father is actually looking for people who worship in keeping with what is real. God is not a God of form and illustration although He used those things in a temporary system for a while. But it was never His ideal and when Jesus arrived, the hour had come when the TRUE worshipers, the genuine ones, would worship Him in spirit and in truth. They would worship in accordance with the reality of the omnipresent God they were worshiping, they would worship in truth. They would approach God by things which are real, not shadows and illustrations and types. These are the people God is seeking to worship Him, this is the kind of worship which pleases God.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
It is the truth, or the REALITY which sets us free – free from sin, free from condemnation. The information which we often define as truth, does not really set people free. There are millions who have the theory of truth, the information contained in correct doctrine, but who are still enslaved by sin’s power. It seems as if Jesus’ statement is not true, but this is because we have misunderstood His statement. It is not doctrines which set us free from sin, it is the reality of those doctrines, it is “the truth,” which sets us free, and the reality of those doctrines, the reality of the truth is Christ Himself. It is only when we know Him and possess Him, that the truth makes us free from sin, because it is only through He Himself dwelling in us that we can ever overcome the power of sin.
This is why we MUST understand that the holy spirit is the very life of Christ Himself. It is not simply the teachings concerning Christ, it is not just the information which Christ Has given us. If we do not receive the REALITY of new life itself by receiving the resurrected, redeemed life of Christ, then we can never be free from sin’s power and condemnation.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:4)
For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. (2 John 1:2)
When a man does not walk in the commandments of Christ, what is His problem? Is it that he does not know the words of Christ? Is it that he does not know the doctrines of Christ? Not at all, he must know the commandments of Christ or else he cannot be blamed for not keeping them. But what is the problem of such a person? The problem is, “the TRUTH is not in him!” He does not possess the reality of what he professes to believe, he does not possess the reality of the commandments. The TRUTH (Christ) is not in Him! This is the bottom line.
Today, we are hearing that it is not Christ Himself who lives in His people. Some are insisting that it is pantheistic to suggest that Christ Himself lives in His people! This is amazing to the point of being frightening. What are we left with if Christ does not dwell in His people? We are left with doctrines and teachings, nothing more. We are left with the illustration, the form, the husk, but we are without the REALITY! This is a guaranteed formula for spiritual death, a guarantee that we will have nothing but dry legalism. The experience of the Jews will be our only legacy, that of a people who had all the information that heaven could give, but who neither knew, nor recognized, nor received their God, but instead, crucified Him in the person of His Son, and rejected Him in favor of a criminal.
There is much confusion in the Christian world today and unhappily, it thrives among those who claim to be “reformers.” But now, as always, the fact remains unchangeable: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” May Christ be all, and in all.
Baptism at Alligator Pond
2016 started out in the best possible way for us here at Restoration Ministries. Two young ladies whom we have watched grow up from babies to young ladies decided to commit their lives to Christ. Alanda Gayle and Abbian Teape were baptized on the third day of January, 2016.
It was a beautiful calm morning at Alligator Pond. The fearsome name of the place did nothing to dampen our spirits as a few of us gathered together to witness the watery death and resurrection of our two young sisters. The joy which they felt was evident and was a reflection of the satisfaction we all felt at seeing the commitment made by these young sisters.
Abiann is still in high school and Alanda started university last September. They will meet with snares on every side, but thank God for the victory which is in Christ. Let us lift up these young sisters continually. Your prayers will be much appreciated.
The Covenants Confusion
There is something very wrong with the way many Seventh-day Adventists understand the two covenants. There is one basic misconception which lies at the root of all the errors and it is this:
Most are locked into the idea that the law is at the heart of the covenants and that it is the focus of the covenants. This is very far from the truth as revealed in the word of God. The truth is that JESUS is at the heart of the covenants and in fact, He Himself is the focus and meaning of the covenants.
The false concept goes something like this: God wanted man to keep His laws, therefore He commanded man to keep them with the promise that if they kept them, He would bless them and give them eternal life. However, man did not keep his part of the bargain, so God promised that He would give them a new covenant which is really not a new covenant, but actually, the same covenant. The only difference is that now God has showed His love clearly by giving His Son to die, so out of gratitude, those who respond to that love will now keep the laws and will thus, be partakers of the covenant.
You see, it is all focused on the law, the law is the goal, the law is the purpose of the covenants. The law is the thing which is of supreme importance. This is false in many ways. Can any honest and unbiased person read the New Testament and really come to such a conclusion?
Notice also that in this teaching, the only difference with the coming of Jesus is what He taught and what He demonstrated by His death. Jesus did not bring more power, Jesus did not bring new life, Jesus did not bring the new birth, Jesus did not bring the kingdom of God, Jesus did not bring a new covenant, because (according to this teaching), all these things were ALREADY AVAILABLE during the time of the Old Testament before Jesus came! This is very far from the truth.
But this is the Bible truth: The covenant is God’s condition under which He establishes a relationship with His people. This was always the issue between God and man – the broken relationship. Under the Old Covenant, God did present the law as a way by which man could relate to Him. This was a temporary means by which man could approach God and seek His blessings. There was no salvation offered by this relationship, it was not a family relationship of Father and children, rather it was the relationship of servants and slaves dealing with a master.
Reconciliation with God could never be accomplished by that system, but God entered into this relationship with men, as a stop-gap, as a means of having a partial relationship with His people. It was not the best, but it was the best thing that could be done until the real thing arrived.
There is only ONE way to be reconciled to God and it is through the gift, through the way which God provides. The law, or the Old Covenant was given so that men could know their own helplessness and their need of God’s own life. It was intended to point men to Christ.
The Old Covenant was not reality, it was not the truth. It was an illustration of the true covenant which was to be established with the coming of Christ. It was a teaching tool to point to a much greater reality. That reality was not the law! That reality was JESUS CHRIST! It was never about the law, the law was only the tool used to make the point, it was always about Christ! This is what Isaiah expressed very clearly:
“I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;” (Isa 42:6)
Jesus is God’s covenant. Jesus is the way of restoring the broken relationship between God and His people. When we have received Christ, the relationship is repaired, it does not depend on keeping the law, it depends on our receiving Christ. It is not about legalism, it is about Christ our Righteousness. The aim is not that the law should be kept, the aim is that the relationship with God should be restored. This is what it is all about.
When we are in Christ we do walk in harmony with the law, but this is not the focus of the covenant. We walk in harmony with the law because the law is good and God is good and the life of Christ in us is good. Keeping the law is only a by-product of the life which we possess, it is not the goal of that life. Now that we have Christ we have found the goal, we have found the purpose, we have found the meaning. It is Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life, not the law.
“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)
I hope those who read will see that I am not saying the law is not good, I am not saying the law is abolished. But I am saying emphatically that the law is not the issue. The issue is man’s relationship with God, and Jesus is the way by which that relationship is established, not the law. This is my point. The law does not belong where we have put it, only Christ belongs there.
Hemp: The Goodly Herb
Lenworth Frankson
Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man and every bit of this ancient plant is useful and valuable. It is not only used for rope, but for textiles, auto parts, cosmetics, dynamite, supplements, food, and medicine. The plant’s botanical name is Cannabis sativabutthere are countless varieties that fall into further classifications within the species Cannabis Sativa. Hemp is not to be confused with the close relative of the herb Cannabis that is widely used as a drug, commonly known as marijuana.
Three main types
• Cannabis Sativa – This herb in the Cannabaceae family has been cultivated for centuries for use as an industrial fiber, seed oil, food, drug, medicine, and spiritual tool. Mostly used for its long fibers, each part of the plant is harvested differently, depending on the purpose of its use.
• Cannabis Indica – This plant specie is of the genus Cannabis, but separate from Cannabis sativa, and originating in the Hindu Kush Mountains. It is used to induce sleep. The plant is described as relatively short and conical with dense branches and short, broad leaves, while Cannabis sativa is tall with fewer branches and long, narrow leaves.
• Cannabis Ruderalis– This plant is thought to be a cannabis species originating in central Asia, it flowers earlier, is much smaller, and can withstand much harsher climates than either Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa. This species is used primarily for food production, such as hemp seeds and hemp seed oil.
As mentioned earlier hemp is sometimes called “marijuana” but although hemp and marijuana come from the same plant species, Cannabis sativa, they are noted differences between the two plants. The marijuana plant is bred for its potent, resinous glands (known as trichomes). These trichomes contain high levels of a substance called tetrahydrocannabinol or(THC). THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes you feel “stoned” or “high” This is the plant that is most known for its psychoactive properties.
In addition, both plants contain another compound called cannabidiol (CBD), which has medicinal properties but the amount of CBD differs greatly between the two. While CBD has certain psychoactive properties it does not produce a “high”.
Health Benefits of Hemp
One of the under-appreciated benefits of hemp is as a food source. Hemp seeds are also known, as “hemp hearts,” and are rich in healthy fats, protein, and minerals. Hemp seeds are usually consumed after the hard outer shell is removed, leaving just the soft, creamy “heart” behind. The seeds have a slight nutty flavor, making them incredibly versatile for use in cooking, baking, or for adding to smoothies and salads. Hemp seeds are composed of more than 30 percent healthy fats, including the essential plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. According to research published in Nutrition & Metabolism,dietary hemp seed is:
“…Particularly rich in the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid (LA) and also contains elevated concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid (ALA).”
These fatty acids are ideal for a healthy diet. The linolenic acid found in hemp seeds is anti-inflammatory. Hemp seeds also contain another linolenic acid, which supports the normal function and growth of cells, nerves, muscles, and organs throughout our bodies.
Plant-Based Protein
With all of the essential amino acids and an amount of protein similar to beef (by weight), hemp seeds are an excellent form of plant-based protein. Two to three tablespoons of hemp seeds provides about 11 grams of protein, complete with the amino acids lysine, methionine, and cysteine. Two main proteins found in hemp seeds are albumin and edestin. These proteins are rich in essential amino acids, comparable to soy and egg white. These two primary proteins found in hemp seeds can assist the body in repairing damaged DNA that it is otherwise incapable of fixing on its own. Edestin protein, which is only found in hemp seeds, has a makeup similar to blood plasma and has been shown to promote a healthy immune system as well as eliminate stress. Its counterpart, Albumin protein, assists in maintaining the strength of tissues that hold the body together.
Approximately 65% of the protein in hemp seed is made up of the protein Edestin. Hemp’s edestin content is among the highest of all plants. Hemp protein is also a complete source of all 20 known amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs), which our bodies cannot produce. Edestin aids digestion, is relatively phosphorus-free and considered the backbone of the cell’s DNA.
Hemp protein is also very easy to digest compared to other types of proteins. Hemps seeds are about 25 percent protein and also provide nutrients including vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc. In its raw form, hemp has the second highest amount of protein of any food (soy being the highest). However, because the hemp seed’s protein resembles more closely the protein found in human blood, it is much easier to digest than soy protein.
Studies have shown that the consumption of raw hemp seeds can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, accelerate weight loss, improve one’s immune system, control blood sugar levels, and even reduce inflammation. This makes hemp seeds extremely nutritious. The hemp for food industry is growing rapidly and has increased over 300 percent, to an estimated 25,000 products, in the past few years. Hemp seeds can be eaten whole, pressed into oil, or ground into flour for baking.
Heart Health
Hemp seeds contain many heart-healthy compounds, including the amino acid “arginine”. Arginine has been shown to enhance blood flow and help in the maintaining of optimal blood pressure. In the body, the arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation. Nitric oxide signals the smooth muscle cells in your blood vessels to relax so that the vessels dilate and the blood flows more freely. Insufficient nitric oxide in the body can increase the risk for coronary artery disease. Research has also shown that hemp seeds may help reduce blood pressure, decrease the risk of blood clots as well as boost recovery after a heart attack.
Skin Health
Fatty-acid deficiency can manifest in a variety of ways and commonskin problems such as eczema, thick patches of skin, and cracked heels are among them. Hemp seeds are a rich source of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Research now suggests that hempseed oil may improve and aid in the healing of many skin symptoms of dermatitis and the relief from eczema.
Whole hemp seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which may support digestive health and more. Soluble fiber dissolves into a gel-like texture, helping to slow down the digestion. This helps us to feel full longer and is one reason why fiber may help with weight control. Insoluble fiber on the other hand, does not dissolve at all and helps add bulk to our stool. Fiber is essential because it helps our food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Fiber plays an essential role in your digestive, heart, and skin health, and may improve blood sugar control, weight management, and more. One other important thing to remember is that only wholehemp seeds contain high amounts of fiber; the de-shelled hemp seeds or “hearts” contain very little fiber.
Hemp is definitely a plant that is so versatile and packed with health benefits, we ought to be using it much more. Around the globe, hemp has been used for centuries to make rope, wax, paper, cloth, and fuel. It has also been proven to be a healthy food source. Nutritionally, the seeds of the plant are one of the most complete sources of vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. The seeds do offer a high quality protein source with an amino acid profile that exceeds many meat and dairy-based protein sources. The results of a recent Chinese study on hemp seeds showed that the protein content was higher than most grains and nuts and the concentrations of unsaturated fats was in excess of 90%, much more than most vegetable oils. The results of this study really sets the bar for hemp seed and indicates that hemp seeds definitely one of the most nutritious foods available. Let’s start eating more of it!
Campmeeting Notice
By the time you receive this newsletter it will be almost time for our campmeeting here in Jamaica. It promises to be not only a very spiritually uplifting time, but also an exciting time filled with good fellowship.
Speakers from overseas will include Ken Corklin (accompanied by his wife Denise) and Lenworth Frankson. In addition, however, this year we have the blessing of brethren coming from Europe. Brothers Oliver Meyer from Germany and Vlad Ardeias from Romania will be here and possibly Brother Janos Santa from Hungary.
As usual the campmeeting will be held on the Easter week-end. We begin on the evening of Thursday, March 24 and will continue until mid-day, Monday, March 28. This will be the second year at our own campsite, but this year it will be much better than last year. We will have a very nice meeting room and the bathrooms will be more comfortable than they were last year.
Like last year, the meeting room will be re-arranged at night to make room for sleeping bags and foam mattresses. Married couples who wish to sleep together are encouraged to bring your own tents or to make other arrangements.
Please bring your own sleeping gear, including foam mattresses where possible. We do not have these available.
We encourage all who are able to come to make every effort to attend. All can see that we are living in momentous times and we should neglect no opportunity of preparing ourselves for what is coming.
For more information and for directions to the campsite contact us:
Phone: (876) 603-0821
(876) 361-8555
Overseas: 1 (304) 932-4543
Open Face
January 2016
Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to the restoration of those truths which have been cast down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the papacy, and adopted by her daughters.
Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit themselves wholly to the task of personal preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the taking of the final warning message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.
Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free of cost to all who desire to receive it.
Editor: David Clayton
Publishing committee: Howard Williams
Karleen Williams
Jennifer Clayton
David Clayton
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (304) 932-4543
Jamaica: (876) 603-0821