In this issue:
The Battle Begins
David Clayton
Salvation history began with the incarnation of Christ. This is one of the foundation truths of Christianity. For four thousand years the planet languished under the reign of Satan, those who served God lived in hope of the salvation which was to come, but effectively, Satan ruled the planet and all died as sinners, bound under his dominion.
The Old Testament is filled with promises of a deliverer who was to come. This deliverer was represented by symbols, types and shadowy illustrations which were given to the Israelites as a part of their system of worship. In addition there were many direct prophecies, beginning with God’s statement in the Garden of Eden that day when man first sinned:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Gen 3:15)
Here God introduced the major players in the great controversy; the serpent and the Seed of the woman. The conflict also, obviously, involves the seed of the serpent and the woman herself. Of course the serpent represents Satan and the woman’s Seed is Christ, the woman is the church and the seed of the serpent represents those who do the works of Satan. These are the major players in the great conflict which has been, and is taking place on this earth.
The Plan Implemented
In the book of Revelation, God once again focuses on these major participants in the controversy. In chapter 12, He gives us a bird’s eye view of the conflict, beginning with the birth of Jesus Christ. Why does God begin with the birth of Jesus? Why not begin with creation and the start of the conflict on planet earth? He begins with Jesus’ birth because that was the time when the history of salvation really began! Before Christ came to earth, no part of the plan of salvation had yet been implemented. God had given mankind many prophecies, promises, counsel, rules, and had interacted with them through angels and prophets, but for four thousand years, Satan had ruled as the legitimate prince of this world and nothing had been done to put an end to his reign. Humanity were the legitimate property of Satan and all who died, perished as his subjects, doomed to eternal death. God had promised to do something about it, but until the incarnation, nothing had yet been done.
This is why the first coming of Jesus was of such tremendous significance. Christians often downplay this wonderful event and focus almost exclusively on the second coming of Christ, but this is because they do not really understand what Jesus did when He came the first time. The system of the law which God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai, is an illustration of the plan of salvation. Every year the Israelites were to observe and to practice ceremonies over and over which taught them of the events of salvation which were still future. All of these ceremonies and rituals pointed to the work of Jesus IN THE FUTURE, every single one of them. This is clearly demonstrated when we look at the seven feasts of Israel.
The seven feasts were, in order: The Passover, Unleavened bread, Wavesheaf, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles. We will not examine these feasts in detail now, but it is evident that these feasts represent Christ’s work for the saving of mankind along a timeline. By this I mean that each feast represents something which Christ would do in the work of saving humanity, and these events follow sequentially in the order that they were observed in the law.
So the very first thing which Christ did to save humanity was to die on the cross. This was represented by the Passover. The next thing He did was to put away sin by His death and this was represented by the feast of unleavened bread. The next thing was to rise from the dead as the firstborn from the dead, making it possible for His people to return from the grave. This was represented by the offering of the wavesheaf and of course this was followed fifty days later on the day of Pentecost, by the outpouring of the holy spirit, which is when His life and power were poured out into His people.
Between chapters 4-11 of the book of Revelation, we see an examination of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. We see an investigation of His government and what it has produced. As we have seen, those chapters deal with the history of the Christian Church from the perspective of a judgment which engaged the attention of all the heavenly beings. This judgment demonstrates the fitness of Christ to rule forever and ever, because it proves that Jesus’ method of government does produce the best people who have ever lived on planet earth.
Satan’s Warfare
Beginning in Revelation 12 and continuing to chapter 19, the heavenly universe now takes another look at the same period of history which has already been examined, but this time the focus is on Satan’s kingdom and his system of government, therefore, it is the same period of history, covering the period from the first coming of Christ to his second coming, but from a different perspective. Now it is mainly the kingdom of Satan and its fruits which are being examined.
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (Rev 12:1-5)
The pregnant woman here represents the church of God in the point of transition between the Old and the New Testaments. She is standing on the moon (the old covenant) but clothed with the sun (the new testament). Her foundation is a reflected light but now she is entering into the true light and no more the reflection. The child to whom she (the church) is about to give birth is of course, Christ, the Seed of the woman promised four thousand years before in the Garden of Eden.
Satan attempted to destroy Christ at His birth, all during His life and he eventually killed Him. He imagined that in killing Christ he had gained the victory over Him, but in reality he had only guaranteed the end of his own kingdom. Jesus was resurrected and taken up to heaven as the firstborn of a new race of men who had been saved by His very death and resurrection.
Christ’s Kingdom Established
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. (Rev 12:7-12)
After Jesus was resurrected and returned to heaven, the first thing that happened was that Satan was immediately cast out of heaven. By His death and resurrection Jesus had accomplished salvation for the human race. Satan was no longer to be the legitimate ruler of this planet, the representative of earth in the councils of heaven. Jesus, the second Adam, had taken back the dominion which Satan had wrested from the first Adam. But this was not all; When Satan killed Jesus, his motives were fully revealed to the watching universe. Now, not only God, but all the inhabitants of heaven knew fully well what was the nature of the kingdom which he had promoted and heaven was unanimous in the decision to expel him. He was permanently cast out of heaven, never again to have the opportunity of casting his evil doubts, insinuations and accusations in the way of other heavenly beings.
This was the event which Jesus had anticipated when, just before His crucifixion, He had stated:
Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:31-32)
So there was the crucifixion of Jesus, then His resurrection, then the inauguration of Jesus as the legitimate ruler of planet earth and the subsequent casting out of Satan. This series of events marked the greatest moment in the history of the world. A loud voice in heaven declared that at that moment four tremendous things had happened. According to the voice, at that moment (now) the following things had come,
1. Salvation
2, Strength
3. The kingdom of God
4. The power of Christ.
This clearly reveals the fact that before that time salvation had not yet come to humanity and the kingdom of God had not yet been established. John the Baptist, Jesus, and all His disciples had preached that the kingdom was “at hand,” now at the glorification of Jesus this prophecy became a reality. Christ poured out His spirit upon His people, they were filled with the resurrected life and power of Christ, the King came to live in His people and thus, the kingdom of God came “with power.” Since the days of the apostolic church Christians have little understood the full significance of what happened at Pentecost, but here, in this passage God makes it very clear to us.
When the holy spirit came at Pentecost, was it simply the power of God coming upon people as it had done in Old Testament times in the experience of prophets and holy men? No, this was something completely different. When Jesus spoke of this spirit, He referred to it as “another Comforter,” something which had never before come to the human race. This spirit which came upon humanity at Pentecost was the life of the resurrected Son of man. It was the life of the second Adam, a human life victorious over sin, united with the power of God and exalted to the pinnacle of power and authority in the universe. This is what was given to humanity at Pentecost! It was in this gift of life that mankind received, “salvation, and strength, the kingdom of God and the power of His Christ.”
This is the great central reality of the Christian faith. Christ in us, the life, power, authority, the kingdom of God dwelling in us. Satan has achieved his greatest victory in obscuring this truth and deceiving Christians into thinking that nothing special happened with the coming of Jesus. Many believe that the people of God who lived in Old Testament times had the same privileges as those who live on this side of Pentecost, so effectively, the coming of Jesus made no real difference to the experience of God’s people at all. This is Satan’s greatest deception. Christians live in apathy, impotence, struggling with sin and failure just as if Christ had never come, because they have no true understanding of what God did for us in Christ.
Persecution Intensifies
However, the establishing of this kingdom did not mean that Satan’s persecution would cease. Although, Jesus cast out Satan whenever He met a demon possessed person, Satan used evil men to persecute Jesus and eventually accomplished His death. There is no promise that it will be any different for the children of the kingdom. Now the devil has “great wrath,” and goes out to persecute and destroy God’s people. They overcome him, but there is a price to pay, they love not their lives unto the death and many of them do pay with their lives. They conquer Satan in the spiritual realm, but physically, he uses the humans under his control to persecute and kill the people of God.
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. (Rev 12:14,15)
The persecution of the Christian church began during the time of the apostles and has continued ever since. However, God here highlights a period referred to as “a time, and times, and half a time.” In Revelation 12:6 the same time period is referred to as “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” This refers to the time of the “dark ages,” which stretched from about 538 AD to about 1798. During this time multiple millions of Christians were killed in the most brutal ways for the simple crime of being true to their consciences in the way that they served God. Most of this persecution took place in that part of the world known as the Old World, which included the middle east, North Africa, and particularly Europe. Christians were able to survive at that time by finding refuge in solitary places, by living in little isolated groups away from the cities and beaten paths.
When God brought Israel out of Egypt, He declared,
Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. (Exod 19:4)
He uses the same language here in speaking of how He protected the Christian Church during that time of persecution. He says He gave the woman two wings of a great eagle and brought her into the wilderness where she was protected from the serpent.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (Rev 12:15-16)
In the prophecy of Revelation, water is used as a symbol to represent multitudes of people (see Rev. 17:15). The flood of water from the serpent’s mouth represents the multitudes of people whom Satan used in his efforts to destroy the Christian Church. But the “earth” swallowed up the flood of waters from the mouth of the dragon. Notice that we have two symbols which are opposite in meaning. There is “water” and there is “earth.” In this case, they are working contrary to each other, the water seeks to destroy God’s people, the earth works to save them.
During the 16th century, at a time when the Roman Catholic Church was having people tortured and burned alive for their loyalty to the Bible, God opened up the way for His people to escape this persecution. At this time the new world was being opened up and many who were persecuted in Europe were able to find refuge in the Americas. The United States in particular received hundreds of thousands of immigrants who fled from persecution in Europe, looking for a place where they could worship in freedom. This part of the world, sparsely populated was represented by “the earth,” which opened her mouth to help the woman, or the church.
So in this chapter, God briefly describes the enmity of Satan against Christ and the Church, and takes us quickly through a history of the assaults of Satan over the past two thousand years. This brings us to the final moments of time and to the final work of Satan against God’s people.
(Rev 12:17) And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Let us note few important things about this verse:
In this final conflict, the dragon makes war against the woman’s Seed, not the woman. There are several important points to notice here with regards to this group of people.
1. They are referred to as the remnant of the woman’s seed.
2. A remnant is the last remaining portion of something.
3. This remnant keep God’s commandments.
4. This remnant have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Remnant of The Seed
This phrase, “the remnant,” has generated a lot of speculation and misconceptions. Some have interpreted the phrase to mean, “remnant Church,” but this is something read into the passage, it does not mention “church.” Notice that the remnant are said to be the remnant of “the woman’s Seed.” They are not the remnant of the woman, but they are specifically identified with the Seed of the woman and in this chapter, there is no mistaking the Seed of the woman, the woman has had only ONE child and that Child is Christ. Right through the chapter, the Church of God has been identified as a woman, but now, at the very end of time, the symbol changes. It is no longer the woman who is identified with God’s people, it is no longer the woman who is the subject of Satan’s enmity, now there is something called, “the remnant of her Seed,” and this is what Satan hates and attacks.
Who are these people and why are they identified in this way? These people are the last remaining group of Christians who are faithful to Christ at the end of time. In an age when there is wholesale apostasy in the “Christian Church,” when the institutionalized churches have married themselves to the political systems of the world and are best described as “Babylon,” a group of Christians arise on the earth who reflect the image of Jesus in the midst of the prevailing apostasy. These people are filled with the life and the power of Christ and this is why they are labeled as “the remnant of the Seed.” In other words they are the last remaining portion of Jesus Christ on the earth. A part of Jesus still remains on earth and that part is this group of Christians, the true body of Christ.
Keep God’s Commandments
These people “keep the commandments of God.” Again, we should not misapply this and think it is referring to groups or institutions which hold to the belief that the ten commandments are still binding. What people profess is not the same as what people are and do. The Jews were the greatest professing-commandment-keepers in the world at the time when they were killing the Son of God and the same thing is happening with other groups today. Let us not be deceived by labels. What this verse is focusing on is the character of this remnant, they are people who are outstanding by their lifestyles which clearly demonstrate that they are people who are totally submissive to God. They keep His commandments, all His commandments, not just simply the ten statements written in the law. In other words, this is not pointing to the beliefs of an organized Church as some of us have been led to believe, it is pointing to the holy and pure lifestyle of committed individuals.
The Testimony of Jesus
This remnant also have the “testimony of Jesus Christ.” The Seventh-day Adventist denomination teaches that this phrase refers to the writings of Ellen G. White. In Revelation 19:10, we read an account where John fell down to worship the angel who was revealing these prophecies to him:
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:10)
Here we are told what “the testimony of Jesus Christ,” is; it is “the spirit of prophecy.” The Seventh day Adventist Church claims that Ellen White’s ministry is the fulfillment of this prophecy. Because Ellen White was a prophet and she is identified with the SDA Church, the claim is made that this fulfills the prophecy. The SDA Church has the “spirit of prophecy,” since it has the writings of Ellen White. In other words, anyone who has the books of Ellen White on his bookshelf or on his computer as the case may be, possesses “the spirit of prophecy.” Sadly, this is another misinterpretation of the prophecy.
Let us look at another verse in Revelation which clarifies what it means to have the spirit of prophecy:
And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. (Rev 22:8-9)
Once again John is overwhelmed by what he is seeing and he falls at the feet of the angel to worship him. The angel corrects him again and repeats what he said before, but this time, he rephrases it. Look at the two statements below:
1. I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus.
2. I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets.
Both statements are almost identical, but the last part is different. When we compare them we see clearly that those who have the testimony of Jesus, are those who are prophets. This is not referring to a denomination which has the writings of a certain person, not at all. It is referring to people who all possess the gift of prophecy. The spirit of God is in them and is producing the gifts of the spirit, but the gift in particular which is manifested is the gift of prophecy
Therefore, Revelation 12:17 says that this remnant have “the testimony of Jesus Christ,” which Revelation 19:10 explains is “the spirit of prophecy,” and Revelation 22:8,9 explains that to have the spirit of prophecy means that one is a prophet. They are prophets. This is the final fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel chapter 2:28 where God promised,
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: (Joel 2:28)
These are the people of God at the end and it is these people who arouse the wrath of Satan and against whom he goes to make war in the final moments of time.
Who Was Melchizedek?
David Clayton
Often the question is asked, who was Melchizedek? This man has aroused a lot of interest because the apostle Paul speaks of Christ’s priesthood as being “after the order of Melchizedek.”
Melchizedek was a normal human being who lived at the same time as Abraham. He was king of the area called “Salem.” This man was a worshipper of the true God just as Balaam, Job and others were, who were not of the same family line as Abraham.
The Scripture tells us of this man, but it does not tell us who his parents were, nor did it record anything concerning his death. Since he was a normal human being, of course he must have had parents and of course he died.
But when we approach this man from the perspective of Scriptural revelation, the picture changes. In terms of what God has revealed in the Scriptures, there is no genealogy and no record of his death. Therefore, from a scriptural perspective, Melchizedek lives forever. God has given us no knowledge of this aspect of Melchizedek because it was God’s plan to use him as a type of Christ and therefore, God ordained that these details of his life should not have been revealed.
Paul uses Melchizedek as a representative of Christ, but he only argues on the basis of what is revealed in the Scriptures. It is the person, and the information concerning him which becomes the basis of Paul’s comparison. He cannot speak of any genealogy, because there is none in the record. He cannot speak of Melchizedek’s death because there is none in the record. God ordained that these were not recorded.
When the Bible says that Jesus’ ministry was “after the order of Melchizedek,” it does not mean that it was a ministry on the same level and effectiveness as Melchizedek’s. It means that the pattern was similar. Melchizedek has no (recorded) genealogy. This patterns Christ who really did not originate in a human father or mother. Melchizedek’s name means “king of righteousness,” Christ is the true king of Righteousness. Melchizedek was the king of a place named “Salem,” (which means, “peace”), Christ is the true king of peace, the one whose ministry and reign bring peace.
So in these ways, Melchizedek is an example of Christ. He represents a priesthood which is different from the Levitical priesthood and established on different principles. His ministry is a more fitting representation of Christ’s work for the reasons which Paul mentions.
The main point is this: God is not saying that Jesus’ ministry was an extension or an aspect of Melchizedek’s ministry. Christ’s ministry was far superior to both the work of Levi and Melchizedek. The Jews found it difficult to understand the ministry of Christ as a priest in light of the fact that all their priests had come from the tribe of Levi. Paul showed them that there were other priests who were not of the tribe of Levi (Melchizedek was one) and whose history and work represented Christ far better than did the history and work of Levi.
God had already made this clear in the Psalms when He said that the ministry of His Son would be patterned after Melchizedek’s work, rather than Levi’s. (Ps. 110:4)
Is Jesus Omnipresent?
Emmanuel O’neale
This article and the one which follows are compiled from the responses of Brother Emmanel O’neale to another brother who made the claim on a Facebook forum that it is “pantheism” to believe that Christ Himself lives in us. This other brother quoted a statement from Ellen White which says that “Christ could not be in every place personally,” and used this statement to support his assertion that Christ Himself does not actually live in us as a Person.
His belief is that Christ’s power is equally present in all things and also in the Christian, but not Christ Himself.
“Christ could not be in every place personally; therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His father, and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as the Omnipresent.” (Ellen White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 14, pages 23, 24; written February 18 and 19, 1895)
Physically vs Spiritually
When EGW says, “Christ could not be in every place personally,” she is referring to the time when He dwelt among men, as a man. At that time He was just like us; obviously we cannot be in every place personally, that is with our physical, tangible bodies. But this does not apply to the time when Christ returned to the kingdom and received again the glorious abilities of divinity. He then was able again to be omnipresent spiritually (without visible and physical representation).
Ephesians 4:10 explains this clearly:
He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.(Eph. 4:10)
The NLT translation renders the same passage in this way:
And the same one who descended is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that he might fill the entire universe with himself. (NLT)
When EGW says He could not be in every place personally she is not referring to after His anointing (Pentecost) she is speaking about before His ascension.
It seems quite clear that when Christ walked as a Man He was without the abilities of divinity in order that He might walk in our shoes completely. Obviously He would also have to lay down His ability to be everywhere present. It was only after He was glorified that He would gain access to those abilities because part of the plan of salvation was that He would pass through all our weaknesses with no advantage save His immovable connection with God and the mind that was not blighted by sin.
The problem I see is that you are making no distinction between the abilities of Christ during those two different phases of His existence.
1. EGW says: “Christ could not be in every place personally”
2. You interpret this to mean: “The spirit is in all places, but not personally.”
Sister White in the same quote later says:
“The Holy Spirit is Himself (Jesus) divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He (Jesus) would represent Himself (Jesus) as present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as the Omnipresent.”
And again she says:
The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high. {DA 669.2}
So her meaning is very clear; while Jesus was in the flesh, He could not be in every place personally, but now that He is glorified He is able to come to us in a form that is not limited by flesh, that is, through His spirit. In this form, He is now able to be in every place personally, because in this form He is omnipresent.
Here are Jesus’ own words:
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. (John 14:17-20)
It is as if the incarnation is to take place again in the person of every born again believer. The seed of God is to be planted in us. His Life, the Life of Christ is to be placed in the Soul.
An Omnipresent Comforter
It is not essential for you to know and be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. Christ tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and the Comforter is the Holy Ghost, “the Spirit of truth, which the Father shall send in My name.” “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you” [John 14:16, 17]. This refers to the omnipresence of the Spirit of Christ, called the Comforter. {14MR 179.2}
The Spirit of Christ is now omnipresent (unlike ours) and is called the Comforter, It is the very way in which we can have the actual presence of Christ without us having to see, handle, nor have Him physically here with us. We are His body this is why when He was anointed at Pentecost “the oil” ran down His forehead and face, and fell upon His disciples (Ps. 133:2). We who are born again are in Him and He is in us.
Away with the idea that to believe this is pantheism! Rather we would say that those who will deny this seem to be dabbling in the doctrine of antichrist!
Let us make it clear, I don’t know of any of us who teach or believe that God is in everything and in everyone. that is rubbish and absurdity if I ever heard it. God and Christ are in the believer and this is not something someone can explain any more than we can explain the incarnation or the birth of Christ. But we do not believe that Christ is in us in His bodily form, we believe that Christ can manifest Himself to us, in us, and through us spiritually by the person / agency / personality / avenue / power / presence/method of the Holy Spirit.
I’ve never heard anyone even hint or suggest that Christ and God’s physical bodily presence is within us. David, Howard, Imad and Nader are clearly speaking of the divine unseen presence, the invisible manifestation.
This is why we are counseled: “It is not essential for you to know and be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. It is useless to try to define what the Spirit of God is.
We cannot limit the spirit as some seem to be doing. It is not simply a force, a power, a movement, creative words, the might of God, the character of God, divine nature, the mind of Christ etc. Please, please let us not forget it is the presence of God and Christ, and it will be as hard to define its make up as to define the makeup of God Himself. We in the Godhead movement have come to understand who the Spirit of God is but what it is, is not given to mortal finite minds to even begin to grasp.
The issue seems to boil down to, what does “omnipresent” mean? Is God present everywhere, or is He limited to the confines of His physical person.
God and Christ are in heaven in bodily, physical, tangible, visible form. There is a work taking place on our behalf there, but that work has an immediate impact on our lives here on earth. It is through the unseen presence of God and Christ in us that we partake of the phases of His ministration in the heavenly courts.
We are to believe the mystery of Godliness that Christ has come in the flesh, but how that happens is not for us to know! As Christ said to Nicodemus in John 3:
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (John 3:6-8)
There is a huge difference between God upholding all life including the seed, the tree, the fruit, and God dwelling in the believer. The seed is not born again. Let us not mix apples and oranges and base our theology on something that is not valid.
If one concludes that the life of God in seeds and trees and animals is the same as the life of God in Christian believers, the end result will surely be pantheism of the Kellogg variety.
Seeds and trees were growing even when Jesus walked the earth, but the Comforter was not yet given at that time. Clearly the spirit of God in the believer is not the same as the spirit of God in trees, in fruit and in seeds.
Christianity is my religion,
but within it I find denominations.
Anglican, Pentecostal, Catholic, Apostolic,
Methodist, Moravian, Mormon, Adventist
and this is just a fraction … I call myself,
Anti-trinitarian …
Which one leads in truth’s direction?
Everyone stands before me. Evangelizing
preaching, teaching, reaching;
Speaking in tongues, confessing to a priest,
day of worship, do not wear pants, make-up
or jewelry. Do not eat pork, drink coffee or Pepsi.
Doctrinal instruction,
Is this the meaning of conversion?
I may come on strong, but I do not think it’s wrong
to have doctrines and corrections;
I just think the way we go about it is still
under construction.
But I’m still left with the question
Which one leads in truth’s direction?
Correction, confusion, conclusion …
Which is the path to true salvation?
One Bible, one God, one religion,
but different denominations.What a separation!
Yet we are one creation?!
Oh the confusion! Is this God’s intention?
So still, I listen to the voice of caution, because
I know in my heart there is only one solution.
A lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path,
In the Bible we find truth’s revelation.
In searching through the word with prayer,
I find the truth, Jesus Christ my Savior!
Christianity my religion,
Jesus Christ – the One Solution!
Joan Sappleton
A Divine-Human Spirit
Emmanuel O’neale
There has been much criticism of the teaching that Jesus possessed a divine-human spirit, but much of the criticism has been based on a failure to rightly divide the Scriptures. Let us consider a few questions relating to this matter.
1. Is Christ a human being?
2. Is Christ a divine being?
3. Is Christ one person or two persons?
4. Does Christ possess His own individual spirit like all other intelligent beings?
5. Does Christ have two different spirits since He is both divine and human?
If we can answer these questions intelligently and correctly then the truth about the issue will become very clear. Obviously Jesus was not two people, He was a single individual who was both human and divine at the same time. Not two persons, but ONE. Therefore He did not possess two spirits, but one. If the spirit is the true identity of a person and Jesus was both a divine and a human person, then clearly, He possessed a spirit which was both divine and human! If His spirit was not human, then clearly He was not truly a human being and if His spirit was not divine, then clearly, He was not a divine being. It is ridiculous to limit His humanity or His divinity to His body only.
Jesus has divinity and Humanity but He has only one spirit. We understand that the spirit doesn’t have a body separate from Jesus, but that spirit is Jesus! This is the spirit which we receive when we are born again. It is Him, and by that spirit He comes to us in His identity as both a divine and a human person. So in that spirit we are given the victorious human/divine life of our Lord. This surely is the down-payment of eternal life. In that life our redemption is complete and made sure.
Christ’s Spirit Changed
So what does this tell us about the holy spirit as given, after Christ’s acceptance and anointing? Let me try to explain:
The Holy Spirit as we are told, is Himself (Jesus) divested of humanity’s limitations and bodily form but the Spirit does not lose the human victories, it does not lose the experience of Christ which He gained as a man, walking and conquering temptation, sin and death! If Jesus’ spirit was not affected by this experience, then it would mean that it was only the body of Jesus which gained the victory over sin, not His spirit. Such a conclusion is ridiculous! As a matter of fact this spiritual victory is exactly what we need to be new creatures.
The plan of salvation is not just about the divinity of Jesus, it is far more about the marriage of Divinity with Humanity! The humanity of Christ is pivotal it is extremely important to the redemption of man; without it there is no salvation period! But because of shortsightedness, some downplay the importance of Christ taking humanity upon Himself and make the claim that the holy spirit that was given before Pentecost possesses the same exact qualities manifested in the spirit after Pentecost. The fact is, I would have concluded the very same thing if I had ignored the truth that Christ took humanity upon Himself and in that humanity, gained something that He never had before.
Do we believe that all He gained was a human body and flesh and blood? This is a distortion of the truth! The most important thing He gained was the experience of walking and gaining victory in the human flesh that was degraded by 2000 years of sin.
The Bible says that is was through suffering that Jesus became the author of our salvation.
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; (Heb 5:8-9)
Something happened to Him during that process of suffering. Jesus walked like you and me and by His death and resurrection He became a new creation, a new being a Divine/Human entity which has tasted of our human trials and sufferings. Jesus Himself is the first of this new creation and He is also the Father of it. This is why He is the second Adam!
The spirit of Christ which is given to us now, possesses different qualities than that which came to God’s people before Pentecost. When He spoke of this coming experience Jesus said, “because I live ye shall live also (John 14:19).” All were dead until Pentecost, but after Pentecost God’s people on earth were able to experience a quality of life, a quality of spirit that had not been available before that time.
Old Testament Believers
Yes all the prophets had spoken of Christ and what He would accomplish, and yes, it is true that in a certain sense these prophets had walked with God. But let us not miss the point: Prior to AD 31 Christ himself did not posses that human experience of victory over sin, which means He did not have it to give! After Pentecost we are now members of a New Creation all together.
Oftentimes we hear the question asked, “what about Enoch, Moses and Elijah?” Didn’t those men have just as great an experience as we have today? Didn’t they have the same victorious life of Christ as we have today? Let us remember that without Calvary Enoch is a dead sinner along with Moses and Elijah. They would have all been removed from heaven and at the final day cast into the lake of fire! Their righteousness was imputed to them, based on the promise of a Savior still to come in the future, something which was not yet a reality. Our righteousness is based on the very substance of righteousness, Christ Himself.
And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1Cor 15:17-22)
There is no need to comment on these verses, the meaning is quite plain.
One favorite verse which is used by those who deny that Christ’s incarnation made a new experience possible, is Revelation 13:8:
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev 13:8)
“See,” they say, “Jesus was already slain from the foundation of the world.” It is as if they are suggesting that the garden of Gethsemane and the agony of the cross was some Broadway play or musical, something that was only for an outward show.
But Jesus did not die from the foundation of the world. He was promised from the foundation of the world. But that promise was not realized until two thousand years ago and until it was fulfilled, what Jesus came to do was not yet a reality. The true meaning of Revelation 13:8 is expressed in other versions of the Bible which make the meaning of the verse very plain:
And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name hath not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain. (Rev 13:8 ASV)
Those who will not use any version of the Bible other than the King James can look at Revelation 17:8, which explains what the verse is saying very clearly.
Imputed vs Imparted
It is one thing to have righteousness imputed to me, with my sins forgiven, but it is another thing altogether to actually possess the victorious, resurrected life of Jesus Christ, with my sin actually taken away! The Old Testament heroes were forgiven through faith in the promised fulfillment of God’s plan. But as the sanctuary service teaches, the cleansing from all unrighteousness begins at Calvary, at the cross (the brazen altar). The sanctuary service does not represent Christ as doing any work to save mankind before Calvary.
Thus after the courtyard (the cross), the system of rituals and ceremonies given to those who lived before Christ was done away, because animals’ blood could never cleanse and neither can rites, rules, ceremonies and penalties. We are cleansed by receiving the new Spirit the other Comforter, the born again experience. The victorious human experience.
This cleansing is real, we are cleansed from ourselves, not cleansed simply as a legal definition, but rather we are made new literally – changed, given victory over fallen humanity through the gift of the Comforter which is Jesus in an unseen-non-bodily form. With that agency comes victory over every human weakness. This is the benefit which was earned and purchased by Jesus through suffering and through human experience, a quality that Jesus never had prior to His incarnation, suffering, death and resurrection.
This is the spirit that we need!!! This is the spirit that, when received, inspires us to cry out, “Abba, Father.” Surely we can proclaim that we have victory in Christ through that very Spirit that has gained the victory over the weaknesses of fallen humanity! In other words, by receiving that Spirit we can also proclaim “it is finished,” that everything is done and complete in that one Sacrifice.
This is why John can say so boldly,
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9)
A Necessary Ministry
From what I have heard some say, it seems that Jesus did not really have to die. The suggestion is made that when God speaks of giving us a new heart, He is only referring to giving the same power by which He works in all creation. If it is simply the same power at work in all creation that we receive as the new heart and new birth then we must ask, did Christ really need to live and to suffer as a human being? What was the point of Him becoming a human being? Was it only so that He could die to satisfy a penalty, required by a legal system?
This suggests that all God had to do was speak a new heart into Abel, then get rid of Adam and Eve and everything would have been fine without Christ’s victorious divine/human sacrifice, or that God simply could have given Adam a new heart without Christ’s actual sacrifice and resurrection!
This theology undermines, weakens, and degrades the plan of salvation nearly if not completely. It makes Jesus into a Being who is only going through dry forms which accomplish no real change in us. It means that His ministry is not really necessary in order for God to accomplish our salvation. It suggests that the plan was completely fulfilled in eternity and Jesus just came to go through the motions.
Let us not deny the testimony of the Scriptures. We cannot afford to be wrong on this issue.
Eat More Nuts
Lenworth Frankson
The largest study of its kind, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people who eat a handful of nuts every day live longer than those who do not eat them at all. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing data on nearly 120,000 people collected over 30 years. The analysis also showed that regular nut eaters tended to be slimmer than those who ate no nuts. This research clearly negates the notion that eating nuts leads to weight gain. In fact a study published in the journal Obesity shows that the idea of gaining weight due to the consumption of nuts are groundless. People who eat nuts at least twice a week are much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat nuts.
It is unfortunate however that so many people today are allergic to nuts. Raw organic nuts are a great source of healthy fat, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy fat will actually help us lose weight. For those who are struggling with excess weight, it very well could be that they are eating too much sugar and non-vegetable fiber carbs.
A high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb diet is one of the most effective way to lose weight, as it helps shift your body from burning sugar to burning fat as its primary fuel.
When compared to people who avoided nuts, those who eat nuts on a regular basis had lower blood pressure, lower risk for diabetes, a better cardiovascular health, reduced mortality risk and greater longevity.
Charles S. Fuchs who is the director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Treatment Center at Dana-Farber and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and colleagues examined how eating nuts or not related to causes of death. This is what he said:
“The most obvious benefit was a reduction of 29 percent in deaths from heart disease – the major killer of people in America. But we also saw a significant reduction – 11% – in the risk of dying from cancer.”
Other studies have linked nut consumption to life extension. These are the findings:
• People who ate a small handful of nuts (about 1 ounce) seven times per week or more were 20 percent less likely to die for any reason, compared to those who avoided nuts.
• Eating nuts at least five times per week was associated with a 29 percent drop in mortality risk from heart disease, and an 11 percent drop in mortality risk from cancer.
• Even those who ate nuts only occasionally – less than once a week – had a 7 percent reduction in mortality.
• People who ate just 10 grams of nuts each day had a 23 percent lower risk of death from any cause
There any many goods reasons why you might want to consider including almonds in your diet. Almonds contain healthy fats your body needs for optimal function, plus moderate amounts of protein and other valuable vitamins and minerals. Eating a handful of almonds each day is a simple way to improve your diet and cut down on junk food. Adding almonds to your diet can improve weight loss and blood sugar stabilization. They are relatively high in omega-6 fats and protein content. Four almonds can add up to 1 gram of protein to your diet. One reason why almonds, as well as walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts are so beneficial is that they contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease. Even if you are not sick eating almonds can help improve your heart’s health.
My favorite sandwich, even to this day, is made with peanut butter and jelly. A quarter cup of peanuts has almost 10 grams of protein, which is almost 20% of the daily-recommended value. Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is heart-healthy. Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume (not really a nut) is a big friend and supporter of a healthy heart. In one study involving 22 subjects, a diet that emphasized peanuts and peanut butter decreased cardiovascular disease risk by an estimated 21%.
Other nutrients found in peanuts, in numerous studies, have been shown to also promote heart health. Peanuts are good sources of vitamin E, niacin, Folate, protein and manganese. In addition, peanuts provide resveratrol, the antioxidant also found in red grapes and red wine. Roasted peanuts rival the antioxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and are far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets.
Another research indicated that regular consumption of niacin-rich foods like peanuts provides protection against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. The researchers found that those who were getting the most niacin from foods (22 mg per day) were 70% less likely to have developed Alzheimer’s disease than those consuming the least (about 13 mg daily), and their rate of age-related cognitive decline was significantly less.
Walnuts and Pecans
Walnuts are known to have many health-boosting properties, including anti-cancer activity and improved reproductive health in men. A quarter cup of walnuts provides more than 100 percent of the daily-recommended value of plant-based omega-3 fats, along with high amounts of copper, manganese and biotin (a water soluble B-vitamin). They also contain antioxidants with powerful free-radical scavenging abilities. As with almonds, up to 90 percent of the antioxidants in walnuts are found in the skin. Some of the components present in walnuts have the capability of controlling the growth of cancer cells in the body. The phenolic compounds and antioxidants found in walnuts appears to have some control on human cancer cells, according to the research conducted by Carvalho et al (2010) from the University of Portugal.
The amount of fat, calories, and carbohydrate content found in walnuts is about 18 grams, 190 calories, and 4 grams, respectively per 1 ounce. It is believed that walnut consumption may result in weight gain. However, research conducted at the Loma Linda University, California, USA have shown that walnut consumption of about 35 grams per day did not result in any significant weight gain among tested individuals over a period of one year.
Pecans like walnuts have many of the same vitamins. Studies suggest that these can help you lower LDL cholesterol and promote healthy arteries. Pecans have almost no omega-6 or omega-3 fatty acids. They are in the top 15 foods known for their antioxidant activity. One of those antioxidants is vitamin E, which scientists say supports nerve and cell protection. The vitamin E in pecans may also play a role in coronary heart disease prevention because it keeps blood lipids from oxidizing in your body.
Antioxidant’s activity in pecans helps keep several cancer forming properties from increasing. Beta-carotenes, lutein, and Zeaxanthin in pecans also help rid your body of harmful free radicals, protecting it from cancer, infection and other disease. Pecans are also full of minerals. Manganese found in them offers a whopping 245% of the daily value per serving. This is very good for your heart. Pecans contain 65% of the daily value for copper, critical for energy production in our cells, and 33% in magnesium (helps to maintain a healthy immune system, nerve function, heart rhythm, and muscle and bone strength) and zinc (for immune function, protein and DNA synthesis, cell division, and wound healing). There are also other minerals like phosphorus, iron, calcium, and selenium.
Although cashews are one of the lowest-fiber nuts, they are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These include vitamins E, K, and B6, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium, all of which are important for maintaining good body function.
The copper and iron in cashews work together to help the body form and utilize red blood cells. This in turn keeps blood vessels, nerves, the immune system, and bones healthy and functioning properly. Calcium is necessary for strong bones, but magnesium is also vital for bone health. About two-thirds of the magnesium in the human body is found in our bones. Cashews lower your blood pressure with the help of the magnesium present in them.
Also by balancing calcium, magnesium helps regulate nerve and muscle tone. Too little magnesium, can allow calcium to gain free entry, and the nerve cell can become over activated, sending too many messages and causing excessive contraction. Insufficient magnesium can contribute to high blood pressure, muscle spasms (including spasms of the heart muscle or the spasms of the airways), and migraine headaches, as well as muscle cramps, tension, soreness and fatigue. We’ve all heard that carrots are good for your eyes, but it might come as a surprise that cashews are good too! They contain high levels of lutein and Zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidants when consumed regularly. These compounds protect the eyes from light damage (which can turn into blindness in the elderly), and can even help decrease the formation of cataracts. Cashews contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, but they also contain a lot of fat. The good news is that these fats are mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.
Macadamia nuts provide one of the highest amounts of healthy fat but also low in carbs and protein. Raw macadamia nuts contain high amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium, and manganese. Just one serving of macadamia nuts has about 58 percent manganese and 23 percent thiamin of the recommended daily value. In addition, about 60 percent of the fatty acid in macadamia is the monounsaturated fat oleic acid. This is one of the ingredients found in Olive oil, and olives are well known for their health benefits.
These are only a few of the many nuts that are great for consumption. Nuts are underrated as nutritious snacks or a part of a healthy meal. Raw tree nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, and others have been linked to lower cholesterol, better heart health, weight control, and even a lower cancer risk. It is unfortunate that so many eat so little of these delicious dainties. It is said that nuts account for less than eight percent of the American daily antioxidant intake. The reason could be because people are afraid of the fat and calories in nuts, or they find plain nuts unsatisfying. Adding a little salt might improve the taste for some folks but be careful of the excess salt intake.
It is unfortunate that so many people are allergic or know so little about the health benefits of nuts because a small handful can pack your diet with filling protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, and important vitamins and minerals. Let’s remember that people who eat nuts, in moderation, have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases, including respiratory, neurodegenerative – (the most notable being Parkinson’s disease, Huntington disease and Alzheimer’s disease)- diabetes, cancer, heart disease and mortality. If you have not been using, or perhaps eating only very small amounts of nuts, then its time to eat more of them!
Time To Get It Right
Ronny Anderson
Time is running out. We have been distracted as a people. The enemy is on the move, spreading the seeds of confusion among the little flock. We ought to obey God rather than men. This is even more important when we realize that it is men who cause people to be confused. We must take great care that we do not perpetuate and spread their false teachings. Present Truth is what we need, let everything else fall, which is not important for this time: What is the Present Truth? It is the third angel’s message: Justification by faith in our surety, Jesus Christ.
We cannot make it rain no matter how much we dance, wave our hands, meditate in the early mornings, have devotions or believe really, really hard. The Scripture is clear, we are Saved by the faith of Jesus. It is not our own Faith. We have been given a measure of faith, but even if we have all faith, we will not make it to heaven if we lack the most important factor: Jesus the hope of glory.
we are accepted in the Beloved, we are not called to perform works of salvation. We need a faith that works by love. The focus on what we do is completely wrong, we must learn to trust Jesus that He will complete the work that He has begun. He is the Author and the Finisher of the faith, If we have begun in the spirit then why are we so foolish as to think that we must finish in the flesh?
If we camp on the issue of the Trinity we miss the point. The truth concerning the identity of God and His son, is the beginning of the Christian experience, a life of power and victory. If we surrender our lives 100% to Jesus and live in Him by faith, then we will enter into another experience which will enable us to receive the latter rain when it falls with power from on high.
Jesus must be lifted up, any work of the flesh brings him down. It is with great sadness that I see that many of my friends have fallen for strange winds of doctrine, and have been manifesting a strange spirit, different than what they had before. We are running out of time: let us rather press together in proclaiming the key point of the 1888 message: The matchless charms and love of Jesus. He is all that I need! Will you join me? Only in Christ can we be made perfect and in Christ we are standing before the throne of God the Father as though we had never sinned! Praise God and praise his Son!
Open Face
May 2016
Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to the restoration of those truths which have been cast down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the papacy, and adopted by her daughters.
Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit themselves wholly to the task of personal preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the taking of the final warning message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.
Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free of cost to all who desire to receive it.
Editor: ………. David Clayton
Publishing committee: Howard Williams
………………… Karleen Williams
………………… Jennifer Clayton
………………… David Clayton
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (304) 932-4543
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