Open Face No. 108 – July 2016

In this issue:

The Beast From The Sea

The False Prophet

The Image of The Beast

Has The Law Been Abolished?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Lifestyle Center Needs Help

The Beast From The Sea

David Clayton

We now come to the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation. This chapter gives us a detailed description of the two main agencies that Satan will use in his final attempt to destroy true Christianity on earth. It begins with a description of a beast which arises from the sea.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  (Revelation 13:1)

This verse reads a little differently in the American Standard Version:

And he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.  (Rev 13:1 ASV)

Notice the difference: The KJV says, “I stood upon the sand of the sea,” suggesting that it is John who is standing on the sea shore. The ASV and most other versions read, “he stood upon the sand of the sea,” indicating that it is the Dragon who stands on the sea shore. This makes a difference in how we understand what we are about to see. In the last verse of the previous chapter we were told that Satan goes to make war against the remnant of the woman’s Seed. When Satan (the Dragon) stands upon the sea-shore, a beast emerges from the sea having seven heads and ten horns. The suggestion is that Satan calls this beast up from the sea to be his agent in his warfare against the remnant. In chapter 13 we see a description of this war against the remnant of the woman’s seed.

Political Kingdoms

Before we try to identify this beast, we need to remind ourselves of what a beast represents in the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. In Daniel 7, in verses 17 and 23 God explains it very clearly.

These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.  (Dan 7:17)

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.  (Dan 7:23)

In verse 17 it says that a beast represents a “king,” but verse 23 explains that it does not mean an individual king, but rather, a “kingdom,” and it is clear that it is referring to a political kingdom. We should keep this definition in mind. 

There are many different ideas and interpretations concerning these prophecies and some of them are not consistent with what God has revealed. If we are to avoid being badly confused then we must be consistent in how we interpret the symbols. If God tells us what a certain symbol represents then that is what it represents all the time.

So a beast is a symbol of a political kingdom. This does not apply to the great red dragon of chapter 12. This dragon is not referred to as a “beast,” it is a special kind of creature and is clearly identified as Satan, not as a political kingdom. Note also that a beast does not represent a church. A church is represented by a woman, God’s church as a pure and beautiful woman in Revelation 12, and the great apostate church as a prostitute, in Revelation 17.

Clearly, the beast and the woman represent two different things entirely. This beast has been widely identified as the Roman Catholic Church system, but that institution is first and foremost a church, not a political kingdom. Furthermore, in Revelation chapter 17 we see that the beast is ridden by a great prostitute. It is far more consistent to identify this prostitute as the Roman Catholic Church than to identify the beast as such. If the Church is riding the beast, then obviously the Church cannot be the beast at the same time!

A European composite

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.  (Rev 13:2)

The next important thing we need to notice is that the beast is a European, or an Old-World power. For the entire history of the Bible and for the first four thousand years of earth’s history, Satan’s conflict against God and His people was concentrated in Europe and that part of the world which we refer to as, “the Old World.” It was only when Europeans discovered the New World that Christianity spread to the rest of the world.

So in his warfare against the remnant of the Seed, Satan calls Europe as one of his chief agents. We see that Europe arose from “the sea.” Waters in the book of Revelation represents multitudes of people (Revelation 17:15). So Europe originated in a part of the world which was heavily populated.

The beast is said to have the feet of a bear, the mouth of a lion and the body of a leopard. This points us back to the four beasts which Daniel saw in vision in Daniel 7. He saw a lion, a bear, a leopard and a great and terrible beast. These four beasts represented the empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome which were all kingdoms which existed in the Old World. We see the same powers represented in this beast, so it is clear that this beast in Revelation represents Satan’s work in the Old World. But instead of representing only these four empires, this beast has seven heads, he represents seven great empires, not just four. The fact is, Satan’s work against God’s people in the Old World has been carried out through seven kingdoms, not just four.

This is why when we see Satan represented as the Dragon in Revelation 12, he also has seven heads and ten horns. These heads and horns represent the totality of his work against God throughout the ages, but since his agent is the beast, the beast also is represented as having seven heads and ten horns. Each kingdom/head represents one division of Satan’s kingdom.

In Revelation 17:10 we are told that the heads represent seven kings (kingdoms/empires). But five have fallen, while one is, and the other has not yet come. These seven heads do not all exist at the same time. At any given time, the beast had only one head. It has never had more than one head, but because God is representing it to us from beginning to end, he shows us all seven heads, even though at this point, five of them no longer exist and one has not yet arrived. So we can’t mistake the fact that the beast is a composite entity which spans different ages of time.

Five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (Rev. 17:10).

Which Kingdoms?

From the time that God first called a people, Satan has tried to destroy them. The first great power which he used to try to destroy them was Egypt. Egypt enslaved God’s people for hundreds of years and in fact, eventually made a death-decree that all male children should be destroyed. Egypt was the first great enemy of God’s people and for this reason, we believe that the first head of the beast represents Egypt.

The next great power used by Satan was Assyria. This kingdom destroyed Israel and took the ten tribes of the Northern kingdom, captive. Those tribes never returned to Israel and gradually became absorbed into the Gentile nations. What we call Israel, today, is actually made up of the three tribes which remained, Judah, Benjamin and Levi.

Egypt and Assyria are not mentioned in the prophecies of Daniel because Daniel’s prophecies began with the kingdom which was existing at the time of Daniel’s vision, which was Babylon. However, here in Revelation God is looking back at the entire history of the beast and Satan’s work through him across the ages. Egypt and Assyria are included because they are the first kingdoms which Satan used, even before Daniel’s time.

The next powers which dominated, persecuted and subjugated God’s people were, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Rome persecuted both physical Israel, the Jews, as well as spiritual Israel, the Christian Church.

So the first six heads of the beast would represent, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The five fallen would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. The one which is, would be Rome, the kingdom which reigned during the time of John’s vision. According to the prophecy there was to come another head, another empire which would last for a short space.

The Seventh Head

Of course, we know that there will never again be another universal empire after the iron kingdom of Rome (Dan. 2:43). However, what we are looking at is another power arising for a brief moment to dominate and control Europe, not the world. A European power can never again be said to be a universal power, because since the last five hundred years, the world has grown to be much bigger than Europe. So what we expect is that a seventh head will arise in Europe, to dominate it for a very short period of time.

Who then is the seventh head? This is a difficult question. According to the prophecy this head is to remain for a “short space.” From this we conclude that this power is to arise in Europe and will dominate for a very short period of time before being removed. This is being fulfilled today. Europe is seeking to come together again as one unified body under the umbrella of something called, “the European Union.” If this is the seventh head, then we can expect that this union will be short-lived.

Some have suggested  that this seventh head is the USA, but this is not possible because the USA is not an old world, or European power. In addition, the USA is represented as the two-horned beast or the false prophet and this power is seen at the end, fighting alongside the beast, against Christ. The beast and the false prophet exist as two completely different entities, therefore the USA cannot be any of the heads of the beast.

The beast is not the papacy

One suggestion is that this seventh head represents the Papacy, as a separate power distinct from political Rome, but this does not seem feasible. The Bible says that this head is to remain for a “short space.” The papacy continued to dominate Europe for longer than all the other empires combined, so it could not be said that it continued for a “short space.”

Why do many conclude that the beast is the Roman Catholic church system? It is because they connect Revelation chapter 13 to Daniel 7. In Daniel 7 Rome is represented as having ten horns or ten divisions. Among these horns there arises another horn which is different from the others and which persecutes the people of God and does great harm to God’s cause. It seems clear that this horn represents the Roman Catholic system which dominated Europe for hundreds of years.

Now when we look at the beast of Revelation 13, we see the beast doing the same things which this horn in Daniel 7 was doing. They both persecute the saints of God, they both speak blasphemous things, they both exercise power for a similar length of time (three and a half years). This is the reason why many conclude that the beast and the horn are the same entity. But let us look more carefully.

The Last Enemy

In Daniel chapter 7, the very last enemy of God’s people is declared to be Rome (the fourth beast), not the Papacy (the horn). Rome is eventually judged and given to the burning flame. It is not the Papacy which is given to the burning flame at the end, it is the beast. So while the horn spoke on behalf of the beast, it is the beast that is the final enemy, rather than the horn. This beast (Rome), still exists today in a divided form, as modern Europe.

So how can we explain the similarity between the work of the horn in Daniel 7 and the work of the beast in Revelation 13 if they are not the same power?

The Roman Catholic Church has used its influence to dominate Europe and to direct it in how it has operated both in the past and in the present. In Daniel 7 when the horn was represented as persecuting the saints, was it the Roman Catholic Church itself which actually killed Christians? In most cases, the answer is no. It was the various governments who carried out the will of the Roman Catholic Church in persecuting those who had different beliefs. It was really political Rome which did the persecution, but it was the Roman Church which instigated it. It is similar to how the Jews influenced the Romans to kill Jesus, but didn’t actually, physically take part in the murder themselves. So, because the Roman Church instigated the persecution, she is represented in Daniel 7 as actually carrying it out herself.

Distinct and Separate

In Revelation, the beast and the Roman Church are identified as two completely different entities. Revelation 17 shows the Roman church as a woman who is riding the beast, but definitely not a part of the beast. So when we see the beast in Revelation 13, we are to understand that this is not the Roman Catholic Church, rather, it represents political Europe. If God were representing the Roman Church He would have used the symbolism of a prostitute woman because God is consistent. So as we look at the persecutions and atrocities carried out by this beast, we are to understand that we are looking at the deeds done by political Europe. Of course these deeds were influenced by the Roman Church, but the emphasis is on political Europe, it is Europe that is the center of the prophecy, not the Roman Church! This is important to understand because later, when we come to the issue of the Mark of the Beast, we will come to wrong conclusions if we do not accurately identify the beast.

Name of Blasphemy

This European Beast is said to have the name of blasphemy written on his heads. This “name” describes the sacrilegious nature of the Empires which have ruled Europe. Even today, and perhaps even more so than before, one of the outstanding marks of Europe is the irreverent and ungodly nature of the continent. Interestingly, today Europe is the most atheistic continent in the world. According to Nigel Barber, Writing in the May, 2010 edition of Psychology Today,

“belief in God declines in more developed countries and is concentrated in Europe in countries such as Sweden (64% nonbelievers), Denmark (48%), France (44%) and Germany (42%).”

Europe is also the most socialistic continent and is the place where totalitarian communism had its first and most firmly established footing. Many observers today see a clear trend where Europe is returning to the totalitarian system of communism, but under a different name and taking a different route than that of open force and compulsion.

Blasphemous symbols

One of the striking evidences which points to Europe as being a major participant in this approaching crisis, is the amazing symbols which the European Union has adopted to represent its effort to unify Europe.

Here for example is a drawing, representing the EU, which has the slogan, “Europe: Many tongues, one voice.” What is startling is the drawing which accompanies this slogan. It very clearly depicts the biblical tower of Babel, the place where God scattered the human race and confounded the languages of humanity. God scattered the Babel-builders because He saw that in their centralization there was the potential for unlimited power and that it would contribute to their defiance of God and the perverting of His purposes for humanity. The European Union, in choosing the tower of Babel to go along with their logo, is saying in the plainest possible way, “we defy God, we reverse what you established.” It is one thing to seek to unify Europe; it is another thing altogether to choose as the symbol of that unity something which deliberately challenges God. Only a bare-faced, godless, blasphemous power would defy God in this blatant way.

The European Parliament building has been also designed along the same lines as the tower of Babel. Here is a photograph of the building. It is easy to see the intention behind the design. This is another uncanny example of the link between Europe and the Beast power of Revelation.

If this resemblance is by accident, then there is surely a supernatural hand behind the scene manipulating and directing Europe in its choice of symbols. But if it is by design, then surely the EU has to be the most blatantly blasphemous system of human government on the planet, because this would mean that it has deliberately chosen (again) to represent itself by a symbol which identifies it as being in direct rebellion against God.

Healing of the Wound

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.  (Rev 13:3)

The last great Empire to control the (Old) world was Rome. Rome lost its power over fifteen hundred years ago and to all intents and purposes, Rome is dead, it has gone forever. In fact, the Bible itself prophecies that the Roman empire would be divided and it would never again be united as one single kingdom (see Daniel 2:43).

Yet, over the past century there has been a gradual coming together of the countries in Europe which has amazed the world. The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 countries. It was established under its current name in 1993. Each of the countries within the Union is independent but they agree to trade under the agreements made between the nations. There are now 28 countries within the European Union (although this number will drop to 27 with the exit of Britain later this year).

What we see here is a healing of the wound of the beast. Rome is finally, once again, becoming an empire which has great power and influence in the world. It does not return as the Roman empire, but as the European Union, but essentially, it is simply a revival of the beast. The Bible says, this union will not last, but for a brief moment of time  the deadly wound of the beast is healed.

Forty-two Months

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.  (Rev 13:5)

This time period appears in the books of Daniel and Revelation in different forms. In Daniel 7, it is expressed as “a time, times and the dividing of time (Dan. 7:25),” In Revelation 11:3, it is expressed as “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” All of these time periods add up to three and a half years (the Jewish year consisted of 360 days).

Many have concluded that this time period is to be interpreted in a symbolic way and that it applies to the reign of the Papacy which dominated Europe for 1260 years. In this interpretation, a day is to be used to represent a year. The principle that a day is used to represent a year has good evidence to support it. The prophecy of the Messiah in Daniel 7, for example, does not make much sense unless the principle of a day for a year is applied.

However, there is also strong evidence which suggests that in some passages, this time period has a literal application. In other words, there is to be a literal time at the very end where God’s people will undergo great persecution for three and a half years. We cannot go into a discussion of this in this article, but sometime in the near future we will take a closer look at this particular issue.


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The False Prophet

David Clayton

Europe is not the only power which Satan uses in the end-time. God shows us another dominating power which arises from the earth and which cooperates with the European power in persecuting His people.

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.  (Rev 13:11)

This second beast is also referred to as, “The False Prophet,” in Revelation 16:13; 19:20 and 20:10. Here we see a political power, being given a religious label by God and in fact, this false prophet is never referred to as “the beast.” That title is used exclusively to refer to the European beast. However, here God describes this false prophet as a beast because He wants to make it clear that we are dealing with a POLITICAL entity, even though it is labeled as “the false prophet.”

It seems very clear that this false prophet represents the United States of America. Let us look at the facts which lead us to that conclusion.

From the Earth

First of all, this false prophet comes up out of the earth. This is very different from the place where the first beast arose, which was out of the sea. The symbolism of the first beast arising from the sea indicates that Europe originated in the midst of multitudes of people. This false prophet originates from the earth. It seems reasonable that we interpret this to mean that this power arose in a different place from where Europe arose and in a place which was relatively sparsely populated. In the prophecy, the first beast embraces the entire Old World, so it is clear that this false prophet arises in the New World, not in the Old World. In the New World he has great power and influence insomuch that he is able to dictate to the earth, for he causes all that dwell on the earth to receive a mark called, “the mark of the beast.”

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  (Rev 13:16-17)

This makes it clear that we are dealing with the United States of America. There is one political power above all others which has the influence and power to bend the entire earth to its will and this is the USA. We have seen this happen over and over during the past 50 years. Whatever America wants she will get, whatever agenda she wants to impose on the world she is able to rally the other major world powers to go along with her. So while the European power will set out to destroy the cause of God in the Old World, the United States will be the chief agent in the New World to accomplish the same work.

A Prophet?

The United States is referred to as “the false prophet,” why is this so? It is because it acts as the mouthpiece, the advocate of the beast which came up from the sea. It does not promote its own ideals and principles, instead, it presents the ideals and principles of another. This is how a prophet operates. In the Bible prophets such as John the Baptist, Elijah, Moses etc. were all mouthpieces of God. They did not speak of themselves or for themselves but for another Person. This is the main idea of being a prophet. This is why the USA is represented as a prophet. It speaks and promotes principles which come from the beast power, Europe. It is the prophet or the mouthpiece of Europe.

How Many Beasts?

The beast appears in four passages in the book of Revelation. He is seen in chapters 11, 13, 17 and  19. In chapter 11 he makes war against God’s two witnesses and kills them, in chapter 13 he persecutes the saints for 42 months and his mark is imposed on the whole world. In chapter 17 he is ridden by the woman, Babylon, and in chapter 19 he stands with the kings of the earth to make war against Christ.

Some have viewed these four references to the beast, as pointing to several different political, and even religious powers. However, in all four passages this beast is identified as “THE BEAST.” Not, “a beast.” In other words, the Bible is speaking of one particular entity in four different settings. It is true that in chapter 11 he is described as, “the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit,” and because of this, some suggest that he is different from the beast in chapter 13 which is said to arise from the sea. However, this is harmonized in chapter 17 where we are told that the beast “was, and is not, and shall ascend from the bottomless pit and go into perdition (Revelation 17:8).” The beast first arose from the sea. He arose in the midst of multitudes of people. However, at some point he disappears and seems to have gone out of existence. Chapter 13 refers to the same time period and describes it as the beast receiving a deadly wound. But the beast re-emerges and when he does, he is said to emerge out of the bottomless pit.

This phrase, “the bottomless pit,” refers to the spiritual, moral and political conditions existing on the earth at the time when the beast is once again restored to power. So he first arises from the sea, but after receiving his deadly wound he disappears for a time and when he returns, he comes from the bottomless pit.      

Revelation 19 – the Key

The information given about the beast in Revelation chapter 19 makes it clear that the beast in chapter 13 is the same as the beast in chapter 17. The one beast that we see in chapter 19 is identified with the beast of chapter 13 and also the beast of chapter 17. In chapter 19 we read:

And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.  (Rev 19:19-20)

Here we are clearly told that the beast who makes war against Christ at His second coming is the same beast who we saw in chapter 13, who arose from the sea. He is the same beast who was promoted by the false prophet who had deceived the world into receiving his mark. But it is clear that this is also the same beast of chapter 17, being ridden by the woman Babylon. This beast has the same 7 heads and ten horns and it says of the horns,

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.  (Rev 17:13-14)

This is a direct reference to what happens in chapter 19 when we see Jesus returning to earth.

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.  …. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.  (Rev 19:16,19)

So the point is, there is only one power referred to as “The Beast,” in the book of Revelation. This power is a political power which wages war against Christ and His people in the last days. The other enemy is referred to as, “The False Prophet.” These are the two agents that Satan will use in the last days in his final efforts to destroy true Christianity from the planet.

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The Image of The Beast

David Clayton

The fundamental nature of America is expressed in the phrase “he spake as a dragon (Rev. 13:11).” America is actually a tool of Satan in disguise. He has two horns like a Lamb, but actually has the heart of a dragon. Jesus said that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks, so by using this symbol, God shows us that the USA has a dragon’s heart, and we should remember that the dragon is Satan.

Cloning the European Beast

Notice that the main characteristic of both the European beast and the American false prophet is that they both stand in opposition against God and persecute His people terribly. Today in the USA we see troubling developments: For example there is the increasing dominance of secularism and atheistic principles in how the society and the government operates. America’s original principles are expressed in the slogan printed on the US currency, “In God We Trust.” Not any more. Today religious symbols, and especially Christian ones, are being removed from public places, prayer has been banned in schools and during public ceremonies. The teaching of evolution dominates the educational system so that effectively, the USA has become a godless nation, though it still uses the slogan, “one nation under God.” The interesting thing is that this secular, godless social system existed in Europe first, before it invaded the USA. In adopting this social structure America is simply mirroring something which first existed in Europe. It is creating an “image of the beast.” We also see the unbelievable moral decay of Europe being adopted by the USA with homosexual practices and now, gay marriage being celebrated and institutionalized as normal aspects of social life.

So although America has been hailed as the bastion of civil and religious liberty in the world, it is really only a disguise to conceal Satan’s purpose for the United States. In reality, America will work and has been working to establish a system of absolute control over its citizens, as absolute and controlling as that which existed in Europe during the dark ages and which still exists to a large extent in much of the Old World. There is no question that the government of the USA has become more and more controlling in recent times and has been systematically removing the rights and privileges which its citizens once enjoyed. Every day there are reports of some new measure by the government which encroaches more and more on the rights of the people.

For example, there is at present a determined effort by the government to remove the rights of the citizens to bear arms which is something which was firmly embedded in the constitution of the United States. In addition, bank accounts are now being monitored, phones are being tapped, every conversation on social media is being recorded, private emails are not safe from government intrusion, travel is being restricted, people are being locked up indefinitely without charge, private meetings are being monitored etc. etc. In other words, a system of government is being set up in America where the government has absolute control over the lives of its citizens. What is even more alarming is the fact that America is pushing the same kind of system upon all the other nations in the world.


How has the government of the United States been able to make such great changes without a great uprising from the people? How has this country been able to “deceive” the people in the western part of the world to the point where she is able to establish an oppressive political system similar to the European beast, without protest? The Bible says it is by means of “miracles.” The people are deceived by miracles. Miracles are extraordinary events which catch the attention of the public. In this case, these “miracles” are the events which give power to the arguments of the false prophet and convince the people of the earth to cooperate with him in building an image of the beast. 

Because the Bible says he will do miracles, some have concluded that this false prophet is a religious power rather than a secular power, because miracles belong to the realm of religion, not politics. So they conclude that this prophecy is referring to religious organizations within the United States, rather than the USA as a political power. However, in Revelation we are dealing with symbolism. Everything is viewed from the standpoint of religion. In actual fact, everything is really about religion because in all the affairs of this world, it is Satan seeking to be worshiped in place of God. In this prophecy there are really no secular powers, everything is involved either on Satan’s side or God’s side, so this is how God presents those powers which are involved. He tells us that the beast blasphemes the name of God, He tells us that the people worship the beast and they worship the dragon. This does not mean that they actually bow down and pray to the beast and Satan, it simply means that in how they behave they are actually giving supreme loyalty to Satan and the beast. So are we speaking about actual miracles done by a religious power, or is this symbolic language being used to represent something being done by a secular power? Since a beast clearly represents a political kingdom, we believe that this represents the work of a secular power, the United States and that therefore, the miracles must be interpreted in a symbolic way, not as literal miracles.

What we should look for are extraordinary events which grab the attention of the world and cause people to submit to the demands of the false prophet – particularly the demand to set up a system similar to what exists in Europe.

In promoting these principles of Europe, the USA uses unusual means to persuade the people to cooperate and to accept these principles. What means does it use? The Bible describes them as “great miracles,” but remember, we need to translate the symbolism. In order to understand what these miracles are, we simply need to ask the question, “what are the events which have given the government such power to make these great changes in taking away the rights of the people?

Electrifying Events

 First of all there was the 911 destruction of the twin towers in the city of New York. This was one of the most visible events in the history of the world. I sat in my living room in Jamaica and watched it live on Television in utter shock and disbelief, wondering if I was dreaming. That was a huge event which changed the way of life in the USA and the world forever. Since then, in the name of “national security,” life has changed dramatically. Now people are so scared of terrorism that they gladly accept the removal of their fundamental rights as citizens, in the name of greater security. The present intrusive system is tolerated and even embraced by the average citizen because they have come to accept the idea that it is the only way to be safe. The government has to be allowed to have absolute control if it is to protect the people.

The 911 attack, the Boston bombing, the Sandy Hook massacre, the mass killings at the Gay Florida nightclub and similar events have all served to terrify the people of the USA and to make them willing to comply with whatever measures the government puts in place, no matter how much it takes away their own personal freedoms. Some have suggested that many of these so-called terrorist attacks were really carefully orchestrated events, actually carried out by forces within the United States (some say the government itself!).

Whether or not those conspiracy theories are true, the fact is that these events have given the government the excuse to take away the fundamental freedoms of the people in the name of security. Many of the intrusions that Americans would never have tolerated 30  years ago are now gladly accepted. Can it be that these highly visible and spectacular “terrorist attacks” are some of the “great wonders which America uses to persuade the “earth” and those who dwell therein” to carry out its demands to build an image of the beast and worship it?

In fact, there are those who suggest that the USA even has the power to manipulate the weather and to cause storms, or intense rainfall or drought. What we do know for a fact is that the USA is one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet and it uses this knowledge to its advantage in subduing all who stand in opposition to what it wants in the world. Countries such as Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Panama, Afghanistan and even tiny states such as Grenada  have felt the consequence of displeasing America in recent times.

IThe USA is the only country in the history of the planet which has ever used atomic bombs, dropping two on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the second world war. Since this second world war most countries have decided that it is better to be friendly with America and to cooperate with her than to oppose her. Can it be that the use of these technological weapons is one of the “miracles” which the Bible is speaking about?

The end may be much closer than we think. Time will tell.    


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Has The Law Been Abolished?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to first of all clarify what we mean when we say, “the law.”

1.  The most general view of the law is that it consists of all the instructions that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.

2.  Some go further and include the first five books of the Bible, written by Moses (referred to as “the Torah).

3.  Bible writers often referred to the entire writings of the Old Testament as “the law,” or as “the law and the prophets.”

In this case, when we ask, “has the law been abolished?” we are referring to all the instructions given by God on Mount Sinai because the question does not make much sense when applied to the first five books of the Bible (the Torah) or to the entire Old Testament.

But even then, When we refer to the instructions given by Moses on Mount Sinai, there are different views of the law, as given in those instructions.

1.  Some view all those instructions as one single law with all the commands being of equal force.

2.  Others divide those laws into two divisions called the “ceremonial laws,” and the “moral laws.”

3.  Others go into still greater detail and divide the law into moral laws, ceremonial laws, civil laws and health laws.

Those who say that all the law is one law and all of it of equal importance believe that all of it is still in force and no part of it has been abolished. The main group which holds to that point of view is the Jews, but there are also professing Christians who believe almost the same thing with the exception that they say animal sacrifices have been abolished, and some will concede that circumcision is also abolished. But they will insist that all the rest of the law still is in force and still to be observed.

Most Adventists hold to the second and the third views where they divide the law into sections. They say that the ceremonial part of the law is abolished, but the moral part continues forever. Many pick and choose among the other laws, jumping back and forth without any consistent pattern, abolishing some and keeping some. For example they say that the laws concerning health are still in force, but they do not apply them exactly as required by the law. They also say that tithing is still in force, but many of the other similar laws they see as abolished such as the offering of firstfruits etc.

The problem with these two views is that none of them is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. There is no verse in the Bible which says that the entire law has been abolished, but there are verses which show that something relating to the law has been abolished and done away, and that God’s people are no longer under the law. Likewise there are no verses which speak of “ceremonial laws,” versus “moral laws.” These are phrases which have been coined to meet a particular view but unfortunately they are not found in the Bible.

Another Perspective

There is another perspective which is completely biblical and uses biblical terminology. Accepting it will clear up all the confusion about what has been and has not been abolished. This other view has to do with the “LETTER versus the SPIRIT.” The Bible speaks of these two aspects of the law very clearly and declares that one has been abolished while the other remains. This is the Biblical view, it is not a matter of ceremonial vs moral, it is a matter of the letter vs the spirit.

There are two passages which use the terms:

“But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”  (Rom 7:6)

“Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?”  (2Cor 3:6-8)

We should read those passages carefully and in context. Paul is telling us that there is an aspect of the law from which we have been delivered and that we do not serve God in that way. We who are ministers of Christ do not serve in that way, that is, the way of the letter. In other words, the letter of the law has been ABOLISHED as far as God’s people are concerned.

In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul says that Moses face shone with glory when the written law (the letter) was given, but that there is a greater glory associated with the spirit which is the way in which we serve God in the New Testament. He says very clearly that the letter is “DONE AWAY.”

“For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.”  (2Cor 3:11)

Notice carefully, he does not say that the LAW is done away, he says that the LETTER has been done away with. This is the critical difference that many people seem to have difficulty in understanding. Some people who are either ignorant or dishonest have accused us at Restoration Ministries of teachng that the “law is done away.” That is definitely not what we teach. The law of God is the very nature and character of God, how can it be done away? What we do teach is what the Bible teaches: The LETTER OF THE LAW, the written rules which were given on Mount Sinai have been done away as a system of government for God’s people. That is what we teach, according to the Scriptures.

The letter of the law was NEVER a transcript of God’s character, it was only a limited EXPRESSION of that character, designed for a carnal, rebellious, immature, carnal group of people. All it gave them was a very basic concept of morality and it also helped them to realize that they were full of sin and in need of divine help. The letter of the law was given through Moses and it never made anyone perfect, it never produced the holy people God wanted, it never made people see the true character of God as He is.

Therefore God sent the law to man in living color when He sent His own Son to reveal the truth about His character. Jesus MAGNIFIED the law and made it honorable. He showed that it was far more than the limited ten statements or even the limited Torah which so many are worshiping today! But God did more than simply SHOW what the true law was like; here is the wonder and beauty of what God did in Jesus: God not only sent the law to earth, God sent the living law INTO THE HEARTS OF HIS PEOPLE!!! Wonder of wonders!! This is the truth about the law. This is the New Covenant. The old, dead letter no longer governs God’s people, that system of government was abolished when the reality came. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Paul says of him,

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:”  (Col 2:9-10)

How wonderful! We now possess in Christ the FULLNESS of the godhead, the LIVING LAW!! What a tragedy that so many are still obsessed with the letter when the living reality has come. This is why it becomes very clear that those who are focused on the letter do not possess the spirit in reality. No way! We no longer deal with the letter unless we are still carnal, unconverted people who have not been born of the spirit.

Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;  (1Tim 1:9-10)

This is not speaking of the spirit, the true law of God. Of course not, absolutely not. It is speaking of the LETTER OF THE LAW, the thing which was designed for the carnal people who do not know God. So this is the truth about whether or not the law has been abolished. In every single aspect of the law, whether moral or ceremonial, whether civil, or health, we serve in newness of spirit, we deal with the spiritual reality, not the legal letter. The government of the letter has been abolished for God’s people.

So it is not moral rules which we observe, it is the morality which arises from Christ’s spirit dwelling within and directing us in the behavior of love, it is this which rules in our lives. It is not about rigid rules of what to eat and what not to eat, it is the principle that my body is the temple of God and I must keep it holy and healthy for His glory. I am bound by the principle, directed by the Lord dwelling in my spirit, not the rule.

It is not about observing feast days – God forbid, it is participating in the spiritual realities which the feast days illustrated, not the forms but the real things. The true Passover, escape from sin, the true Pentecost, baptized by the holy spirit, the true day of Atonement, Christ cleansing the soul temple of sin. Not trivial, earthly ritualistic ceremonials and observance of times every year. It is the spirit, the meaning, the principle, not the letter, the form or the shadow.

May God help all of us to be honest and to accept what the Bible says.


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Apple Cider Vinegar

Lenworth Frankson

Apple Cider Vinegar dates back to ancient times. It is said that Hippocrates used it as a health tonic. Soldiers, years ago, used it to combat indigestion, pneumonia and scurvy. Medical practitioners in the 1700s used it to treat everything from poison ivy and croup to stomach aches. Vinegar was even used to treat diabetes at one point. Vinegar, which means “sour wine” in French, can be made from virtually any carbohydrate that can be fermented, including grapes, dates, coconut, potatoes, beets, and, of course, apples.

Traditionally, vinegar is made through a long, slow fermentation process, leaving it rich in bioactive components like acetic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, and more, giving it powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, and many other beneficial properties. Vinegar is not only useful for cooking purposes but is also useful for health purposes, cleaning, garden care, hygiene, and much more.

The “Mother” of vinegar is the organic strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that form a cobweb-like amino acid-based substance found in unprocessed, unfiltered vinegar, like Bragg’s, which give the product a murky, cobweb-like appearance. This shows that your vinegar is of the best quality. The “mother” is often regarded as the most nutritious part by many health food advocates and can form in any unpasteurized vinegar, but it’s commonly associated with apple cider vinegar.

 Most manufacturers pasteurize and filter their vinegar to prevent the mother from forming, but the “murky” kind is best, especially if you are planning to consume it. A bottle of vinegar is probably one of the most economical and versatile remedies that everyone should have at home. Here are a few health benefits of organic, unprocessed, unfiltered, raw Apple Cider Vinegar.


Apple Cider Vinegar has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in the vinegar may lower blood sugar by preventing the complete digestion of complex carbohydrates. This is accomplished either by speeding up gastric emptying or increasing the uptake of glucose by bodily tissues.

One explanation is that vinegar might inactivate some of the digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugar, thus slowing the conversion of complex carbohydrate into sugar from a meal into your bloodstream.

This gives your body more time to pull sugar out of your blood, preventing your sugar levels from spiking. One study found that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed lowered blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes by up to 6 percent by the morning.

Lowers Cholesterol

Low density level (LDL) cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol builds up in your arteries and puts you at risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, and other serious conditions. In a 2006 study, researchers concluded that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar lowers bad cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels in rats. In Japan a Japanese condiment manufacturer, conducted it’s own tests and found that 15 milliliters (about 0.5 fluid ounces) of apple cider vinegar daily reduces blood cholesterol levels in humans.

Heart Health

Chlorogenic acid, which is present in high levels in apple cider vinegar, could impede the oxidation of LDLs (bad cholesterol) and also improve health by preventing cardiovascular diseases. It is suggested that a spoonful or two of vinegar a day may boost your levels of good cholesterol. Researchers believe that people who ¬consume apple cider vinegar for about eight weeks will have improved levels of good or HDL cholesterol compared with those who don’t.

Weight Loss

Vinegar may help you lose weight, as it appears to have an anti-obesity effect by increasing satiety and reducing the total amount of food consumed.

 Research found that taking vinegar along with bread not only lowered glucose and insulin responses, but also increased levels of satiety. The rating of satiety was directly related to the acetic acid level in the vinegar. Lets keep in mind that there is no miracle cure for weight loss. The key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Choose a variety of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes while counting the calories is a great way to stay healthy and maintain ideal weight.  Always include physical activity in your daily routine and stay away from snacking.

Sinus Congestion

Sinuses are small cavities in the skull that produces mucus to keep the nasal passage free from allergies and pollutants. Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the tissues that line the cavities commonly caused by bacterial infections. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to treat sinusitis. Here is one way:

•   Mix ½ cup each of ACV and water.

•   Heat the mixture on the stove for 5 – 7 minutes, or when it starts to steam.

•   Turn off the heat and inhale the steam for 3 – 5 minutes with your mouth and eyes closed, being careful not to burn your skin.

•   Repeat regularly for best results.

 Sore Throat

A sore throat is irritation and inflammation that is the result of an assortment of different conditions. Viral infections are the most common cause; however, sore throats can also result from bacterial infections, allergic reactions, environmental irritants, and even digestive issues. ACV is one of the single most effective treatments for sore throats. This remedy not only relieves a sore throat but also restores the immune system and supports overall health. To use apple cider vinegar, mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV into a small glass of warm water and then slowly drink the mixture. Drink the tonic at least once a day until the sore throat subsides. You may also want to add some honey to the mixture for added benefit. A sore throat can be an annoying and even frustrating condition; however, this remedy will help you get relief in no time.

 Skin Irritations

Apple cider vinegar works for a variety of skin ailments, from bug bites to poison ivy to sunburn. You can either apply it directly to the irritated area or try soaking in a bath with about one cup of vinegar added.


Topical application of apple cider vinegar may help remove warts, likely because of the high levels of acetic acid it contains. You can try soaking a cotton ball in vinegar and applying it to the wart, covered, overnight.

Energy Boost

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes to help banish fatigue. Exercise and extreme stress could cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. Interestingly, the amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar act as an antidote. Next time you are beat just add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled vegetable drink or to a glass of water to boost your energy.

Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can often be a sign that you’re low in potassium. Since apple cider vinegar is high in it, one home remedy suggests mixing 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one-teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water and drink to relieve nighttime leg cramps. 

Whitens Teeth

Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning to help with whitening your teeth. The vinegar helps remove stains and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. Rinse with water after you gargle. You can also brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to help remove stains and whiten your teeth; use it just as you would toothpaste. Salt also can be used as an alternative toothpaste. If your gums start to feel raw, switch to brushing with salt every other day. Be gentle!


Apple Cider Vinegar in its raw form is an excellent digestive tonic. It is rich in living enzymes that help to break food down to its bare components, making it far easier to assimilate. ACV is an important source of acid, which enables the first step of digestion to work effectively, stirring up the digestive juices helps immensely with the rest of the digestive processes. The acetic acid present in ACV has also been shown to help with mineral absorption, enabling us to get the most out of the foods we eat.

Prevents Bladder stones and UTI

If you’ve ever had kidney stones, or known someone who has, they are extremely painful, and totally preventable. Stones typically form when a person’s urine is very acidic and concentrated. The crystals form out of uric acid, calcium oxalate and have to be passed through the urinary tract.

ACV works by alkalizing the urine, decreasing the likelihood that this ailment would ever occur, and it’s been said that it can even break down the kidney stones. This is another way that shows how powerful ACV is when it comes to helping the body absorb minerals.

Balanced pH

Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book “Alkalize or Die,” claims ACV has an alkalizing effect on the blood and urine. Even though ACV is an acidic food, its structure changes to alkaline through the digestive processes. The idea of eating a diet high in alkaline foods is that disease thrives in an acidic environment. Foods like refined sugar, carbohydrates and meat create an acidic environment in our bodies. It is interesting and important to note that the pH of a food in its pre-digested state is very different from the chemical processes it will undergo in our bodies. Thus foods like ACV and lemon water are surprisingly alkaline forming.

Home Uses

Distilled white vinegar can be used for household uses but if you prefer you can use apple cider vinegar instead. The following are some of its home uses:

•   Use as a natural cleaner for pots and pans, dishes, counter tops, bins etc.

•   Weed killer – mix with orange oil and liquid soap; don’t add water

•   Neutralize house odors – put in a bowl to neutralize odors

•   Fruit and Veggie Wash – removes certain pesticides and bacteria from fresh produce. Solution of 10% vinegar to 90% water.

•   Hair Rinse – helps remove product build-up and balance your scalp’s pH level.

•   Facial Toner – dilute on a cotton ball to make a simple facial toner and cleanser to help prevent breakouts. It might even help bruises to fade faster.

•   Deodorant – helps kill odor-causing bacteria; dab a bit under your arms for a natural deodorant.

•   Oral Health – gargle with diluted apple cider vinegar to help eliminate bad breath and whiten teeth. Vinegar is highly acidic so always dilute it with water before gargling or swallowing.

•   Foot Odor – Wiping your feet down with apple cider vinegar can help to eliminate odor-causing bacteria and smells from your feet.

Distilled white vinegar is excellent for cleaning and laundry, but for health purposes it is best to avoid the perfectly clear, varieties you commonly see at supermarkets. Organic, unfiltered, unprocessed raw vinegar, which is murky, is definitely the best choice. I have tried different vinegar brands but Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar is the choice for me because it’s organic, unfiltered, unpasteurized and I like its flavor over other brands. If you are under the care of a physician talk to your physician first to make sure it won’t interfere with any of the medications you are currently taking. There is an old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I believe that the same can be said for a bit of raw organic unfiltered and unprocessed apple cider vinegar. There’s no reason not to incorporate this healing food into your daily diet. Let’s remember that prevention is the best treatment for any disease. We can see that apple cider vinegar holds great potential in treating may ailments. On a holistic level this amazing whole food is great for helping to keep the entire body healthy.

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Lifestyle Center Needs Help

Ronny Anderson

A few weeks ago we received a call from a brother who made an appeal for help for the health work in Nebraska. We are not personally acquainted with the situation, but this brother, Vic Parrott explained it.

He stated that for several years Jim and Cindy Hornung have run a lifestyle center in Nebraska, but have now come to the place where they are getting on in age and are finding it very challenging to keep the work going. Vic explained to me that what they desired was that someone, or some persons who are younger and interested in the work would undertake to carry it on.

I was curious as to what I could do from all the way in Jamaica, but Vic suggested that I could put a notice in the newsletter in case there is anyone who reads, and is interested in such a work. So, if any person reads this, and is interested in being involved in the health work, please contact Jim and Cindy by calling the number below.

Jim and Cindy Hornung

Lifestyle Center



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Open Face

July 2016

Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to the restoration of those truths which have been cast down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the  papacy, and adopted by her daughters.

Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit themselves wholly to the task of personal preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the taking of the final warning message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.

Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free of cost to all who desire to receive it.

Editor:                          David Clayton

Publishing committee:   Howard Williams

                                    Karleen Williams

                                    Jennifer Clayton

                                    David Clayton

P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick

Manchester, Jamaica W.I.

Phone: (304) 932-4543

Jamaica: (876) 603-0821



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