Open Face No. 109 – September 2016

In this issue:

What Is The Mark?

Seminar Notice

The Opening of My Mind

Roan Mountain Report

Plants For Protein

Campmeeting Notice

What Is The Mark?

David Clayton

In our continuing series on the book of Revelation we now come to the Mark of the Beast crisis as described in Revelation 13 and 14. We are reprinting this article from three years ago with some slight modifications, because it covers what we want to say about this issue.


The last great crisis on this earth will revolve around something which the Bible refers to as, “The Mark of the Beast.” Every person on earth will be commanded to receive a certain mark or else lose the privilege of being able to buy or sell and eventually face the death penalty. (Rev. 13:17)

Right from the beginning we should understand that the Bible is not speaking of a literal mark such as something which we can see inscribed on a person’s skin. Revelation is a symbolic book and it is not to be interpreted literally, for the most part. This “mark” is most likely to be some kind of behavior which is offensive to God. By practicing this behavior (receiving the mark in the hand), or believing in it and supporting it (receiving the mark in the forehead), people will demonstrate that they honor the beast above God and so will separate themselves from God and salvation.

Most who read this newsletter, probably hold to the belief that the Mark of the Beast crisis will revolve around the issue of which day one worships. The governments of the world, pushed by apostate Christendom, will make a law that everyone must observe Sunday as a sacred day of rest and the end result will be that those who worship on the Seventh day Sabbath will be persecuted by the rest of the world.

This is the teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and it what I was taught from my earliest moments. There is hardly any biblical interpretation which is more firmly held by Adventists than this teaching of a last day Sunday-law crisis. This interpretation has been solidified and embedded in stone by the strong support which Ellen White gave to it.

I have spent much of my adult life studying about this coming Sunday-law crisis and have written several tracts and even a little booklet about it. In these publications I forcefully taught that the Sunday-Sabbath issue will cause the final crisis on earth and that God’s people will be finally tested regarding their loyalty to the Sabbath. However, I recently realized that I had to revise at least some of my conclusions when careful study convinced me that the beast of Revelation 13 is not the Papacy as I was always taught, but that it represented a political empire and not a church. In the previous edition of Open Face I explained the reasons for this new perspective. It stands to reason that if we don’t get the identity of the beast right, then we will be looking in the wrong place when seeking to identify the Mark of the Beast.

I have come to realize that there is an issue presently facing the world which is growing with lightning speed and which more perfectly displays many of the characteristics which we associate with the Mark of the Beast. Strangely, this particular issue has not aroused a lot of alarm in religious circles. Here are 13 characteristics of this issue:

1.   It is brazen defiance of man against God.

2.   It is an attack upon God’s authority as Creator.

3.   It attempts to compel all humanity to defy God.

4.   It is being imposed on all nations by economic pressure.

5.   People are losing their jobs if they refuse to support it.

6.   People are being refused the right to trade if they reject it.

7.   It is a universal issue – not just affecting one group of people, but all who live on the earth.

8.   It is pushed on all ages and classes (including children).

9.   It is gradually being accepted by Christian churches and groups.

10. It is dividing the world into two camps.

11. It is primarily established by the “beast” kingdom. (Europe)

12. It is promoted by the second beast (the USA)

13. It is a mark of godlessness (atheism)

It should not be too hard to identify this issue, because there is only one thing in the world which presently fulfills these points. I am referring to the “Gay” or the homosexual movement. This movement already is, the most brazen attack upon God’s principles and therefore upon God Himself that the world has ever witnessed. This is the first case in history where the major governments of the world have undertaken to deliberately and by law, overturn the government, values and laws of God. This is an attack upon one of the institutions established in Eden, the other being the Sabbath. An attack upon these two things is an assault upon God’s credentials as Creator.

There is no better way to obliterate the image of God in man and to debase humanity than to propagate this unnatural practice and to ensure that it is pushed on the entire human race. Satan has had great success in doing this. The Gay movement is the fastest growing movement on the planet and there is no other issue which is so aggressively imposed on the nations.

The 3rd Angel and Sodom

In Revelation 14:9-11, we see an angel flying in the midst of heaven. This angel has a special warning message from God which is to be proclaimed to the whole world. Many sermons have been preached about this message and a great deal of effort has gone into trying to understand what it is saying. However, most, if not all commentators have missed the most important aspects of this message. Let us remember that the book of Revelation is written, using symbols from the Old Testament Scriptures. If we are to understand the messages of this book, we need to look for the symbols in the Old Testament and study what happened back there in history. This will help us to understand what God is trying to say by using the same language and symbols. When we take a close look at what the angel says, and apply this rule, we see something very, very interesting. 

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Revelation 14:9-11)

This message of course, relates to the “Mark of the beast,” crisis. As we go to the Scriptures to see what this message is pointing us to, something startling jumps out at us. It appears that this message is pointing us directly to what happened when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah!

Look at these striking similarities between the destruction of Sodom and the final punishment of those who receive the mark of the beast. Firstly, here is what the Bible says about those who receive the Mark of the Beast:

•     They will be tormented with fire and brimstone.

•     In the presence of the angels.

•     The smoke of their torment goes up.

•     Their punishment will be forever.

So we ask, which city in ancient times did God destroy with fire and brimstone in the presence of angels? There is only one such place in the history of the world. It was Sodom and Gomorrah

Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; (Gen 19:24)

The city was destroyed in the presence of two angels who were specifically sent to destroy the city. Just as with those who receive the mark of the beast, they were tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the angels.

And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.   (Gen 19:28)

Abraham saw the smoke of the country arising like the smoke of a furnace. Notice again that this is exactly what is promised for those who worship the beast and receive his mark. The smoke of their torment will rise up. This is another clear reference to Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident that God wants us to look at what happened to Sodom as we try to understand this issue of the Mark of the Beast.

We also see that the smoke of their torment arises for ever and ever. Jude explains what this means when he tells us that Sodom suffered the vengeance of eternal fire (Jude 1:7). It does not indicate that Sodom is still burning today, but rather, that the destruction was total and irrevocable, something eternal. In the same way, those who receive the mark of the beast will suffer the fate of Sodom, final and irrevocable punishment, “for ever and ever”

So what we can see clearly is that the message of the third angel is pointing us to Sodom and Gomorrah. Can we miss the parallel? It is amazing that we have not seen it before, but there it is. The Mark of the Beast crisis is presented to us in the context of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Is God trying to tell us something about the final crisis that we have missed? I encourage us all to look carefully and honestly at the evidence. God has put this here for a reason, this is not simply coincidence. We have to ask ourselves, “why did God put this here? Why is he pointing us to Sodom and Gomorrah? There is a reason and it has to do with the mark of the beast! May we be honest enough and open-minded enough to put away pre-conceived ideas and simply, accept the word of God.

The world today has become another Sodom and Gomorrah. The acceptance of homosexuality is being pushed aggressively upon the entire planet. Can this be related to the long-awaited and dreaded mark of the beast? It certainly is an issue which demands faithfulness from those who believe the Bible. The acceptance of homosexuality as a normal practice is being forced upon all who live on earth, small and great, rich and poor, free or bond. It is an issue which will clearly and decisively bring a clear line of separation between those who respect God and His word, and those who do not. It is an issue which is already causing persecution and even the arrest of those who disagree with homosexual practice, and who dare to speak against it. It is not an issue which can be avoided because, not only are people being persecuted for speaking against it, but agreement with it is becoming a basis for acceptance when people apply for jobs.

Of course there are many who are standing against this perverted movement who are not even Christians and this will continue to happen. But if the situation escalates to the point where people’s security and their very lives are threatened, then it is only those who have a true relationship with God who will ultimately continue to stand for His truth. This is the way it has always been, God’s true people stand more firmly as the fire grows hotter, while those who are only acting from impulse are soon made to change their minds.

Let us not be naive about what is happening. Many Christians ask, “What does it have to do with me really? As long as I am not required to practice it, why should I be concerned if laws are made to legalize it? But it will not stop there. Already Christians are suffering persecution for taking a conscientious position with regards to this abomination. 

The mark of godlessness.

The Bible specifically identifies homosexuality as the mark of godlessness. It is the sin which takes over a society when people reject God and it is the sin which is most closely linked with godlessness. In Romans 1:21-28 the apostle Paul tells us:

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him. Instead, their thoughts turned to worthless things, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Though claiming to be wise, they became fools … For this reason, God delivered them to sexual impurity as they followed the lusts of their hearts and dishonored their bodies with one another. They exchanged God’s truth for a lie and worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason, God delivered them to degrading passions as their females exchanged their natural sexual function for one that is unnatural. In the same way, their males also abandoned their natural sexual function toward females and burned with lust toward one another. Males committed indecent acts with males, and received within themselves the appropriate penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, because they did not think it worthwhile to keep knowing God fully, God delivered them to degraded minds to perform acts that should not be done. (Romans 1:21-28, ISV)

Here God tells us that when a society rejects Him, He leaves them to themselves. The consequence is that people begin to turn to all kinds of perverted practices. Without God, the society becomes morally diseased and men and women begin to burn with lust for members of their own sex. So the increase of homosexuality in a society is directly related to the rejection of God by that society. 

This is exactly what we see happening today in the developed countries of the world. These nations which have been blessed by God with prosperity and stability have turned to the philosophies of evolution and humanism. God has been driven out of these societies for the most part and atheism is running rampant. Not surprisingly homosexual behavior has also become well established and widely accepted. 

In Ezekiel 16:49, 50, God identifies the reasons which led to Sodom’s destruction:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.  (Ezekiel 16:49-50)

Sodom was a wealthy society which became proud and idle. In spite of her riches, she did not help the poor and needy. What was the result of this kind of lifestyle? God says, “They committed abomination before me.” This is why God destroyed Sodom. Her wealthy, idle and selfish lifestyle resulted in the adoption of abominable practices, the chief of which was Sodomy.

The same situation prevails today in those countries which are foremost in accepting homosexuality as normal, and promoting “gay” marriage. They are the wealthiest countries which are full of sports, games and parties, basking in their prosperity while they ignore the hunger and need which exist in other parts of the world where hundreds of millions perish for want of the basic necessities of life. Look at this list of twenty-one countries where homosexual marriage is legal and we will see that these are primarily the wealthier countries of the world. In addition there are many others which allow civil partnerships between homosexuals which carry the same rights and privileges as marriage.

Gay marriage

Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England and Wales, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, United States, Uruguay.

Gay civil partnerships

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Gibraltar,

The conditions of Sodom are replicated in these developed countries; pride, fullness of bread and an abundance of idleness. God says that these were the conditions which led to Sodom turning to “abominations.”  

In the streets of Sodom

There is still more evidence which suggests that this final conflict will revolve around the homosexual movement. In Revelation 11:8 we see that the beast from the bottomless pit arises and kills God’s two witnesses. God tells us that these witnesses are killed in the streets of a great city.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.  (Revelation 11:7-8)

Notice how God identifies the city. It is called, spiritually, “Sodom,” and “Egypt.” It also represents the place where Christ was crucified. What is implied by the name, “Egypt?” Egypt stands out as the place where there was the most open defiance of God. When Moses delivered God’s message to Pharaoh instructing him to let the children of Israel go, Pharaoh responded,

“…. Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.”  (Exodus 5:2).

Egypt thus becomes symbolic of a condition where God is denied and rejected in the most defiant way. This is a striking reference to the modern atheistic secularism which directs the governance of societies such as Europe and the United States.

The place where the witnesses are killed is also referred to as “Sodom.” There is hardly any need to question what is being referred to here. Sodom has been synonymous with the sin of homosexual behavior from the days of Lot until today. Therefore the Bible is telling us that a kingdom which is utterly godless will attack God’s witnesses at a time when the condition of the world is predominantly atheistic and riddled with homosexuality.

This condition is further identified as the place where Christ was crucified. Jerusalem, at the time of Christ’s crucifixion was a city which had rejected God and was about to suffer divine wrath. Again, this identifies the condition of the world at the time when the beast arises from the bottomless pit. The world has so rejected God that the spiritual condition of humanity in general is similar to that of Jerusalem at the time when the nation crucified Christ.

Symbols of end-time conditions.

When He spoke of the end of the world and His second coming, Jesus said it would be as “the days of Noah,” and as “the days of Lot.” (Luke 17:26-28). These civilizations are the only ones represented in the Bible as having been destroyed by God’s own personal intervention. In both cases, the Bible declares that the wickedness of these societies had reached a place where God could no longer allow them to continue.

In the case of Sodom, the Bible tells us plainly that they “committed abominations” (Ezek. 16:50). Jude tells us that they went after “strange flesh” and consequently suffered the vengeance of eternal fire. There can be no question as to the reason why God destroyed that society.

And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.  (Gen 18:20-21) 

God sent two angels with the express purpose of assessing Sodom and Gomorrah in order to demonstrate whether or not they were really as wicked as was reported. The angels were given lodging in the home of Lot and what happened that night showed that the Sodomites really had reached the point of no return.

The record in Genesis tells us that all the men of the city came to the house of Lot and demanded that he send out the men who had come to visit with him, in order that they might have sex with them. Not knowing that these visitors were angels, the evil men of Sodom spent an entire night trying to get hold of them in order that they might sodomize them. The following morning God destroyed the city with fire and brimstone.

The behavior which showed that Sodom was fit for destruction was the universal perversion which filled the entire culture. Homosexual behavior had become the natural thing for all the men of Sodom. They “went after strange flesh.” When we see the same conditions today, we should be aware that there can only be one consequence. The end of this world is at hand.

But God also said that the days of Noah were an example of how it would be at the end of the world. In Genesis chapter 6, the Bible tells us that in the days of Noah, the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually.

According to the Jewish Talmud, the only time in human history when men were writing marriage contracts, getting married to other men, was in the days of Noah, just before the flood! This is very interesting when we realize that the only two civilizations directly destroyed by God were Sodom and the antediluvian world. The outstanding practice of both these cultures at the time when they were destroyed by God was the practice of homosexual behavior!

Truth turned upside-down

Perhaps the question might be asked, “are not all sins the same in God’s sight? What would make God less tolerant of this particular sin above others? Are not murder, rape, adultery, fornication etc. equally rampant in society today? Why pick out homosexuality as being so significant?”

Well first of all, it is God who identifies same sex relations as being an abomination and who demonstrated His displeasure at its practice in the destruction of Sodom and the antediluvian world. It is He also who shows us in Romans chapter 1, that homosexual practice is the prominent sin which arises in a society when it rejects the knowledge of God.  

Most sins are expressions of normal human nature. They are not acceptable, but they are normal to human nature and it is only by resisting our natures that we avoid practicing them. Homosexuality on the other hand, is an unnatural practice. It perverts the design of the human body and misuses the functions for which that body has been clearly designed. Sodomy is contrary to nature, it is contrary to God’s word, it is contrary to reason, and yet, strangely, it is being forcefully pushed on the entire planet! The combination of these factors is what makes it clear that this is Satan’s masterpiece in his plan to get the whole world to defy and mock God.

God loves homosexuals and wants to save each one of them as much as He wants to save any sinner. But before the sinner can receive God’s grace he must first acknowledge his need of it. He must recognize that he is a sinner with a problem which needs God’s grace to fix it. The problem is, the homosexual movement today, has all but convinced the entire planet that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Those who think it is a sin are regarded as backward, bigoted and narrow-minded. God declares very strongly that homosexuality is a sin – an abominable sin. Today’s society rejects the counsel of God and declares that there is nothing wrong with it. Scientists go out of the way in an effort to persuade us that homosexuality is a natural thing and that people are born homosexual. God says homosexual is a category  of sin, but the world today says it is a category of human being.

In other words, homosexuality has become accepted as being just another variation of human being such as a different race, or a different skin color might be. The deception of false science has overturned the word of God so that now, homosexuality must be approached from a twisted, false scientific point of view rather than from the point of view of God, the one who created us all.

Declaring their sin like Sodom

In Isaiah 3:9, God referred to the apostasy of Israel and said that “they declare their sin as Sodom.” Here God expresses the reality that the Sodomites were not only great sinners, but that they were  brazen and barefaced in flaunting their sin in the face of God. They not only did what was wrong, but they gloated in doing it and pushed it in the face of others. This is exactly the spirit we see in the homosexual movement today. The adoption of the rainbow symbol is just one example of this brazen defiance of God. The fact is, God says that the practice of same sex relations is an abomination. The world today, as it were, is demanding that God apologize for His attitude. They are saying, “God, we will not change, it is you who need to repent for your rejection of homosexuality.”

Implicit in the rainbow symbol is the truth that while God will never destroy the world by a flood of waters again, the next time He will destroy it by fire. Every time the rainbow symbol is used in association with the homosexual movement, this is the striking message which is actually being presented.

An example

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.  (Jude 1:7)

Jude says that Sodom is set forth as an example. An example of what? He says that because they went after “strange flesh,” they suffered the vengeance of eternal fire. This is the example we are given. It is a statement of what will happen when a society goes after “strange flesh.” Jesus says it is an illustration of the last days, the implications are clear. In the last days, men will go after strange flesh (homosexual practice) Just like in the days of Sodom. The consequence will be the same. The society which practices it will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.

Is homosexuality the Mark?

Is homosexuality the Mark of the Beast? When it comes to unfulfilled prophecy, it is unwise to be dogmatic. However, we can say confidently that the homosexual movement as it is progressing today, fulfills many of the specifications of the Mark of the Beast crisis. At the very least it seems to be powerfully connected with it. From the point of view of Scripture alone, there is nothing else which so completely matches up with the specifications of the prophecy.

Satan has raised up an issue where a moral question comes to each person as a human-rights issue. This is the guise under which the gay movement is being promoted – human rights. A Christian cannot agree with homosexual practice because for him, it is a moral issue, something condemned by God. But the state says it must be accepted, so it is the authority of the state, versus the conscience of the Christian. It is ultimately, God versus man. These are the critical ingredients of the final crisis.

The homosexual issue is perfectly suited to the crisis. It separates those who take a stand because of the word of God and loyalty to Him, from those who worship man and his wisdom. In what seems a minor matter of sexual preference, but which is rapidly dividing the world into two camps.

One of the most striking things is the fact that the third angel’s message, has a clear reference to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Is this pure coincidence? Did this reference just happen to get in there by accident, or was this deliberately designed by God? If God deliberately designed it this way, then we can be sure that He is telling us, “When you study the Mark of the Beast, look at what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Possible issues 

Of course there are many different ideas as to what the Mark of the Beast really is. Some believe it will be the microchip, some like the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe it has something to do with loyalty to the state and the saluting of the flag. Seventh-day Adventists generally believe it has to do with the observance of Sunday and that laws will be passed making Sunday observance compulsory for the entire world.

Time will tell if the present homosexual agenda has something to do with the Mark of the Beast, but already the issues related to it are strikingly similar to what we expect when the mark of the beast comes. It seems evident that every single person on the earth will soon have to take a stand as to what his position is on this issue. The real question is, where do you stand today, and where will you stand as this crisis intensifies?

The Bible speaks of this time as being “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” Nothing human can keep us in this time, not our money, not our discipline, not our friends, not our will power and definitely, not our church! All who live on the earth will worship the beast and receive his mark. The only thing which can keep us is a living relationship with Jesus Christ where He lives in us, and lives His life through us. All others will bow to the beast and worship him. All others will break, when it comes to the crunch.

We are living in serious times. May God keep us faithful.


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Seminar Notice

In November this year, Restoration Ministries will be hosting a two week teaching seminar which will run from the 13th to the 27th of the month. The primary purpose of this seminar is to help to prepare some of our young people for active involvement in the work of the gospel by giving them a good understanding of the present truths which we hold to be most important. However, all ages and sizes are welcome to attend.

Our focus will be on the following topics:

Bible Basics

The Godhead

Understanding the Law

The Plan of Salvation

The Realm of the Spirit

Christ Our Righteousness

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Baptism of the holy spirit

We do not expect many participants because it will be held in the middle of the school term. The original intent was to have it during the Summer, but there were some challenges which made this difficult. Rather than put it off till next year we decided to have the first one this year, even if there are only a few people.

This seminar will be conducted by David Clayton and Howard Williams and will be held at our campground at Spice Grove in Manchester, Jamaica. There is no charge for attending the seminar, but accommodations will be basic, camping style. If you are interested you may obtain more information by emailing David Clayton at,

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The Opening of My Mind

David Clayton

When I was converted nearly 41 years ago, I was under the illusion that I belonged to a church which had all the truth. I grew up in a Seventh-day Adventist home and I inherited the sense of doctrinal superiority which pervades Adventism. I believed that all I needed to do was to study all the Adventist materials which I could get my hand on and this would be my way of ensuring that I became perfect and would guarantee my place in heaven. I considered all non-Adventist Christians to be in great darkness and hardly fit to be saved.

I fed on the books of Ellen White, particularly “The Great Controversy” (which I read 4 times, “The Desire of Ages” (which I read 3 times), “Early Writings,” “Patriarchs and Prophets,” “The Ministry of Healing” as well as many others. I also read through Uriah Smith’s “Daniel and the Revelation” a few times and counted it one of my most treasured possessions. Of course the Bible was at the center of my studies. I started on the Bible year program the first year of my conversion, reading three chapters every day and five on Sabbath so that I finished the entire Bible in one year. I repeated this program several times until I had completed the reading of the Bible more than a dozen times.

At some point during those early days I went to some evangelistic meetings which were being held by two young ministers who were doing some post-graduate work at the nearby SDA College which was at that time called “West Indies College,” (now named “Northern Caribbean University”). Their names were pastors Blakeney, and Maynard-Reid. I appreciated the zeal and clarity with which these men presented the word of God and I attended every night. Some nights after the presentation I would have questions and they gladly answered my queries.

One night these ministers presented some ideas concerning the trumpets in the book of Revelation which were contrary to what I had read in my book by Uriah Smith, “Daniel and The Revelation.” Concerned, I went to them afterwards and pointed out their error. I expected them to apologize and acknowledge their mistake, but instead, they asked, “do you believe that everything in that book is correct?” I was horrified at the suggestion and I asked them indignantly, “are you suggesting that our Church is selling literature with false information in it?” They hesitated before answering but finally they said, “the book has a lot of truth in it, it is to be valued, but it was written by a man, and no man has all the truth.” I was stunned. I had paid $40.00 for the book and at that time, in my situation in life, that represented a huge investment. I was deeply troubled at the suggestion that I could not depend wholeheartedly on what was written in the book. Finally, they said to me, “when you go home, compare the seven trumpets with the seven plagues.”

When I got home I immediately sat down to compare both things and the similarity was unmistakable. I was persuaded that they were right and Uriah Smith was wrong. That was the beginning of the liberating of my mind. From that day I lived with the idea that it was possible for me to study the Bible for myself and to accept what I found, regardless of the conclusions which were reached by others, even if they were very highly respected Bible teachers.

I began to expand my horizon and to read more widely. First of all I started to explore the literature on the fringes of Adventism. Someone had added my father’s name to the mailing list of the Brinsmead movement and there were many booklets and newsletters on the bookshelf at home. I started reading these, and here, I was first introduced to some of the controversies which concerned the dissidents in Adventism. I learned about the Barnhouse-Martin meetings in the 1950s between the evangelicals and church leaders and I began to understand the arguments behind issues such as “The Nature of Christ,” “The Final Atonement,” “The Perfecting of the Saints,” etc.

Later on I was introduced to an independent publication named “The Layworker,” which was published by a doctor named George Harvey Rue. The Layworker contained all kinds of articles from all kinds of people. The publisher believed in being open-minded and sometimes even published material with which he did not agree. There was some nonsense in it, but also a lot of good material. Most importantly of all, reading the Layworker made me realize that examining other ideas was good and that there were many persons in Adventism who were sincerely interested in seeking for truth.

I became still more bold and ventured to read books and articles by people who were not Adventists. I had at first been afraid to do this, but I discovered that if I stood faithfully by what the Bible said, I did not need to be afraid to read another person’s opinion. I found much good in many of these writings – yes, I found error too, but I began to discover that there are very sincere Christians who are not Adventists and who have very deep insight into the teachings of the Bible.

During this time, I changed my mind about some things and then later on I found that with better understanding, I had to change it again. For example, when I read the controversy over the nature of Christ, I took the side of the independents and concluded that Jesus had come to earth and taken a sinful, fallen nature just like all sinners and that there was absolutely no difference between Him and any other man. I accepted the reasoning that if there was any difference, then He would have had an advantage over us and could not be our example. My father who had been an SDA minister, told me I was wrong and that Jesus came with an unfallen nature. We had many tussles and hard arguments over that subject.

But later on when I began to get a better understanding of what sin really is, I had to change my mind again. I then came to realize that Jesus did indeed come with our fallen bodies, our physical fallen nature, but not our carnal, sinful spiritual nature. His spirit was of a different nature than that of any other man because He was by nature, pure, holy and intrinsically good. The fact that man possesses something called a spirit is something which is not emphasized in Adventism and as a result, this aspect was never discussed in all the arguments.

The most important factor in the opening of my mind, was when I finally decided that I would hold to the Bible and the Bible ONLY as my authority, that I would accept and teach what I saw in it and that I would not teach anything which I cannot find being taught there. From that time I began to read the Bible as a new book. I discovered that I had been reading with Adventist colored glasses on for most of my life. This is something which many cannot recognize, they think that they are reading with an open mind, but in actual fact, when they read the Scriptures, they see what they have been taught and cannot really learn from the word of God. As an example of this, the Bible says that we are not “under the law.” Most Adventists interpret this phrase to say, we are not under the “condemnation of the law.” They add the word, “condemnation,” because their theology will not allow them to accept the implications of what it means that we are not under the law! If we feel the need to adjust what the Bible says in order to make it fit with our theology, how can we learn what the word of God is really saying?

In my early years as a Christian I would be grieved to see how groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and others would twist the Bible to support their teachings, but I never believed that the Church to which I belonged was guilty of the same kind of manipulation. 

I learned that if I wanted to hear what God is saying, I have to be prepared to accept what I read. In seeking to listen to the Bible alone I have ended up in conflict with many in my religious circles. People have been outraged that I dared to contradict long-cherished beliefs. They have been furious to see that some of the ancient pillars on which they have built have been proven to be founded on nothing but sand. But rather than adjust their beliefs, they have chosen rather, to label me an apostate and to warn people about my teachings. But I have been happy to see that those who oppose have not been able to do so from the Bible.

When I was put out of the SDA church it wasn’t so much because I stood for the Bible only, much of it was based on trying to be faithful to Ellen White’s teachings, but after I became associated with the independent movement, I began to have conflicts with others who were not willing to take the Bible as the ultimate authority. Quite a few people have stood in opposition to our teachings over the years, but I daresay, most of the opposition has been on the basis of something outside of the Bible – perhaps Ellen White, perhaps E.J. Waggoner or some such person, but most of the time, the opposition has not been based on the Bible.

One thing I have discovered about Ellen White’s writings is that I can find statements to support all that I teach and believe there, but for the past few years I have deliberately refused to support what I believe in this way. first of all I think it is setting a bad example, if I hold to the Bible as my ultimate authority I should not be acting contrary to my convictions. Secondly, I know that for every statement I find to support what I believe, somebody will find another one to contradict it. I am sorry, but that is the way it is and anyone who is not aware of this is simply very unfamiliar with Ellen White’s writings. I first began to see this very clearly in the godhead controversy and now I see it in many other areas, so I don’t want to be hypocritical and quote to support my point of view when I know that there are statements which equally contradict my point of view.

So, the bottom line is, I have become a Bible-based Christian and it is the best thing that ever happened to me. Jesus said.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.  (John 7:17)

The principle which he expressed here is true for every aspect of truth. The great obstacle to knowing the truth is that people cannot afford to know the truth, they are locked into the framework of the ideas which they have embraced and they cannot afford to be wrong, so they choose to come to the word of God with a closed mind. They are not willing to do his will, therefore they cannot know the doctrine.

I praise God for the way he has led me these 41 years. It has been a long journey and I have been a slow-learner, but thank God, I got it at last. Now, I am willing and ready to accept whatever the word of God says, without bias or preference, without consulting any earthly authority or group. The Bible and the Bible only is my guiding light and I have proven that the spirit of Christ is ever present to give clear, harmonious understanding when I read with an honest and open mind.

The journey is not over, but the path is growing brighter and brighter as it leads towards the perfect day.    

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Roan Mountain Report

Over the past seven years, the Roan Mountain Campmeeting in Tennessee has grown to become one of the biggest events on the calendar of those who believe in the truth of the one God and His Son, Jesus Christ. This meeting is held in the Roan Mountain State Park and is organized and hosted by Brother Malcolm McCrillis and His wife Sandy. This year the meetings ran from Monday, September 12 to Saturday, September 17.

On the first day the meetings started with about fifty people in attendance and on the final day, there were 130 present. There were people present from Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, Indiana, Georgia, Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, North Carolina and of course, Tennesse and neighboring states. There were representatives from many small ministries and home-church groups many of which I had never heard of before. One thing which was very evident was the fact that there are people everywhere who are coming to an understanding of the truth. It was also evident that many of these people need some way of having regular fellowship and of being fed and strengthened in a consistent way.

The speakers were Lynnford Beachy, Nader Mansour, Howard Williams, Imad Awde, Jim Raymond, Ken Corklin, David Clayton, Gary Hullquist and Eric Wilson. With some of the speakers coming from as far away as Australia and Jamaica, there was an international flavor which contributed to the great atmosphere at the meetings.

There has always been a strong emphasis on Righteousness by Faith in connection with the truth about the godhead at this particular campmeeting and this year it was no different. The theme of the campmeeting was, “In Spirit and In Truth.” and most of the messages focused on what God has done for us in giving us His Son, not just two thousand years ago, but today, to be a present, living reality in our lives. There was an emphasis on the truth that the holy spirit is indeed the very life, the literal presence of God and His Son in us.

As always, music was a prominent feature of the campmeeting. Not only were voices raised to the glory of God, but instruments were called into play and we were blessed by the harp, keyboard and guitar, among other instruments. Sister Amy Shafer undertook to prepare the children’s items and did a remarkable job in getting them ready. On Sabbath evening they gave a lovely presentation in which there were choir items as well as solos and duets. Of special interest was the fact that the children performed barefooted. They didn’t have uniforms, but wanted to identify themselves in some way, so they chose to be the “barefoot choir.”

On Sabbath afternoon there was a beautiful baptismal service. At the beginning of the campmeeting, there was one person who requested baptism, but soon the number grew to three, until by the day of the baptism there were eight. However, the spirit was moving and at the baptismal service itself, three other persons stepped forward, one of them, her face bathed in tears, to commit their lives also to the Father and his Son.

It was a wonderful campmeeting which ended all too soon. We look forward to next year if the Lord should tarry. We expect an even better experience.


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Plants For Protein

Lenworth Frankson

Protein is one of the basic building blocks of living things, but how much protein does the average person need? Many people think about protein as mostly meat, cheese, eggs and dairy products but they are not aware of the protein found in whole foods. Foods like bananas and spinach do have protein that is easy for our bodies to use. Plant-based foods are practically free from cholesterol, higher in fiber, and are often alkalizing to the body. Animal products, however, are lacking fiber, and are acidifying to the body, which can causes bones to lose calcium and other minerals as well as decrease oxygen levels in the blood.

Protein can be divided into two categories, “complete” and “incomplete” protein. The term “complete protein” refers to foods that have all nine essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) present in the correct proportion for our bodies to use them to build protein. The term “incomplete protein” refers to foods, which have all the essential amino acids, but are simply low in one or more of them. It is true that most whole plant foods have one or more limiting amino acids and are therefore regarded as “incomplete”.

Vegetarianism and Nutrition

Vegetarians, especially vegans, need to make sure they are getting enough vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and zinc. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics warns of the risk of vitamin B12 deficiencies in vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin B12 is found naturally only in animal products. When one is deficient in this vitamin symptoms include loss of energy, tingling, numbness, reduced sensitivity to pain or pressure, blurred vision, abnormal gait, sore tongue, poor memory, confusion, hallucinations and even personality changes. These symptoms can develop gradually over several months to a year before being recognized as being due to B12 deficiency but they are usually reversible with adequate daily dosage of B12. To prevent the risk of B12 deficiency, vegans should include B12 supplements, or fortified cereals and veggie burgers (usually made with soy). Brewer’s and nutritional yeasts do not contain B12 unless they are fortified with it.

During the digestion process, amino acid chains from all sources are broken down and made ready for our bodies to use. If we are eating the right amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and legumes our body simply collects what it needs from these foods that the digestion system has absorbed. Since every whole food has protein in it, there are many great options to choose from when it comes to creating a balanced diet with the right percentage of protein. Also, let’s keep in mind that more is not necessarily better when it comes to protein. The Institute of Medicine recommends men consume at least 56 grams, women eat 46 grams and pregnant and nursing women consume at least 71 grams of protein each day. According to the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, optimal protein intake for active individuals is 1.4 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram, or about 0.64 to 0.91 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. Each person’s protein needs are different, but all can be met with proper and careful planning of a plant-based diet.

Here are a few plant based foods, often overlooked, but excellent for both their protein content and other health benefits.

Pumpkin Seeds: One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 9.35 grams of protein! That is over two grams more than the same quantity of ground beef. Their high protein content and level of nutrients makes them a wonderful addition to any salad or snack. Pumpkin seeds contain Tryptophan which helps fight depression, Glutamate an anti-stress nerve chemical that helps relieve anxiety and other related conditions, Zinc that can help boosts the immune function and fights osteoporosis and Phytosterols to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) while increasing HDL (the good kind). Pumpkin seeds are also full of manganese, phosphorous, copper, vitamin K, vitamin E, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 and folates. Also found in this seed is potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

Cauliflower: One cup cooked = 2.28 grams of protein and a truckload of nutrients to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. When consumed at least once per week, cauliflower has been associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer and has been shown to be associated with a greater decrease of risk than broccoli. Cauliflower has omega-3 fatty acids, which has several positive effects on the heart, including a lowered risk of heart attacks, vascular resistance and cardiac death, in addition to avoiding abnormalities of heart rhythm. There is also Sulforaphane a strong cancer-fighting agent. It is also recommended for healthy brain function, reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, vitamins B1, B2 , B3, B5, B6 and B9, phosphorus and potassium, indole-3-carbinol (a strong cancer fighting indications) and more.

Peanuts: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have been my favorite for ages. Some folks are not aware of how healthy this sandwich is. One ounce (approximately 28 peanuts dry roasted without salt) = 6.71 grams of protein.Research has shown that people who ate a lot of nuts, including peanuts have a lower risk of mortality and developing chronic diseases. Peanuts have been thought to reduce the risk of stomach cancer by limiting the formation of carcinogenic substances in the stomach. Vitamin E found in peanuts is a powerful antioxidant, which helps maintain mucus membranes and skin by protecting them from harmful oxygen free radicals. Peanuts are packed with B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates. 100 g of peanuts provide about 85% of RDI of niacin, which contribute to brain health and blood flow to the brain. Niacin assists in the recovery of cell damage, protects against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive problems. The mono-unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts help lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increase the HDL or “good cholesterol” level in the blood. Peanuts are also a rich source of minerals like copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

Oatmeal: Oats is truly, food fit for a king! What is amazing about this grain is that one cooked cup of oatmeal has an astonishing 6.08 grams of protein along with being a great source of fiber and also being helpful in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Oatmeal has selenium, which boosts immunity and mood, as well as being a cancer-fighting agent. Eating oatmeal can help with weight loss by keeping blood sugar levels even. The high level of fiber in this food keeps you full longer. It has Magnesium that helps with energy production, maintaining strong bones and possible relief of PMS in women. Phosphorus assists with bone health, boosts energy and is also important for healthy digestion. Oatmeal is also a good source of iron, calcium, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin; vitamin E, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and more. There is plenty of evidence, which suggest that eating oatmeal lowers cholesterol levels.

Almonds: Although almonds are high in calories and considered “energy-dense” they provide a whole range of critical nutrients and chemical compounds that are often lacking in our diet. Almonds are the wonder nuts because they include monosaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, antioxidants and vitamins like vitamin E, riboflavin, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. They also contain minerals like calcium and iron. Eating 10 almonds provides you with about 2.5 grams of protein. One portion of almonds is usually 1 ounce, which is equivalent to about 23 whole almonds so a full 1-ounce portion of almonds can provide you with about 6 grams of protein.

Spinach: When it comes to dark green leafy vegetables rich in minerals, spinach is high or on top of the list. One cup of cooked spinach has approximately 5.35 grams of protein. It is also filled with flavonoids (a phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties). Spinach is good for our skin, eyes, brain and bones. Spinach has chemicals that are anti-inflammatory. It has Lutein and Zeaxanthin that protect the eyes against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Its Vitamin K ensures a healthy nervous system, good brain function and healthy bones. One cup of spinach has more than 100% of our daily vitamin K.  Its vitamin A strengthens our immunity and promotes healthy skin. Spinach is also a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium and more.

Quinoa and Hemp Seeds: Quinoa is a grain crop and is grown for its edible seeds. It is gluten free and contains iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, and fiber. It is one of only a few plant foods that are considered a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. Quinoa also has a high protein to carbohydrate ratio when compared to other grain products. A quarter cup of dry quinoa contains 160 calories, 2.5 grams of healthy fat  (no saturated and trans fat), 0 grams of cholesterol and sodium, 27 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of fiber. One cooked cup of quinoa has 8 grams of protein.

Many health enthusiasts have called hemp seeds “the perfect protein”. It not only containing all 20 amino acids, but also has each of the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. Hemp seeds also have a rich supply of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. It also has vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D and E.

For optimal health, our bodies need all the essential amino acids in the right ratios. Animal protein sources are similar to the protein found in your body and are considered complete sources of protein. Plant protein sources, such as beans, lentils and nuts are considered  incomplete, as they lack one or more of the essential amino acids that your body needs. Soy protein is considered by some folks to be complete but the problem is that there are two essential amino acids that are found only in small amounts in soy. However, the more important and pertinent question is this: Which protein or diet is healthier for us?

According to the National Library of Medicine, if you follow a vegetarian diet you should be able to get all the nutrients you need if you are careful to eat a wide variety of plant foods.

In Genesis chapter one we find the Creator’s instructions regarding our diet. It says: “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meatand God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good…Genesis 1:29,31. What God says and does is always the best. Your choice should be easy!

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Campmeeting Notice

It is still 2016, but time seems to be going so rapidly that before we know it, it will be 2017 and time for our next campmeeting. This early notice will give us time to plan and to make arrangements if we need to apply for leave from our jobs.

As usual the campmeeting will be held on the Easter week-end. We begin on the evening of Thursday, April 13 and will continue until mid-day, Monday, April 17.

Campmeeting in Jamaica is not always as comfortable as in other places. In fact, when we just started, it was very primitive with baths having to be taken at a spring and toilet facilities consisting of outhouse latrines. We have come a far way and now have our own campsite with good bathroom facilities (but no hot water). Despite our challenges, there are a few things which can be guaranteed at our campmeetings: Good spiritual food, lusty singing, good fellowship,  and a friendly, family atmosphere. It is always a blessed experience.

The themes of our campmeetings over the past 14 years reveal where our emphasis has been:

2002 – Maintaining the vision

2003 – The truth shall set you free

2004 – Contending for the faith

2005 – Time to awake

2006 – Complete in Christ

2007 – Lift Him up

2008 – The power of His resurrection

2009 – Families united in Christ

2010 – Baptize us anew

2011 – Foundations of Righteousness

2012 – The harmony of the gospel

2013 – Time to choose

2014 – Freedom

2015 – Grace and Faith in the end times

2016 – In Spirit and Truth

We encourage all who are able to come to make every effort to attend. All can see that we are living in momentous times and we should neglect no opportunity of preparing ourselves for what is coming.

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Open Face

September 2016

Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to the restoration of those truths which have been cast down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the  papacy, and adopted by her daughters.

Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit themselves wholly to the task of personal preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the taking of the final warning message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.

Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free of cost to all who desire to receive it.

Editor: ………..                    David Clayton

Publishing committee:         Howard Williams

………………….                    Karleen Williams

………………….                    Jennifer Clayton

………………….                    David Clayton

P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick

Manchester, Jamaica W.I.

Phone: (304) 932-4543

Jamaica: (876) 603-0821



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