In this issue:
An Observer Assesses the Issues
Genuine Freedom
David Clayton
In Adam
In the beginning, God created one man. We have no record that God ever again created anyone from that time until today. God created all things in six days and all living things which have come into existence since then have come from that original creation. The living things which God created back there at the beginning have passed on their lives from one generation to the next and so, it is true that in a secondary sense God created all things which now exist on the earth. But God did not directly create the people who live on earth today, as He created Adam. We were created when the life of that first man was passed on to us. We got our lives second hand from Adam, Adam got his directly from God.
When we understand this, we can see that when God created Adam, He created all mankind in him. The life of every human being on the earth is simply an extension of the life of that original man, Adam. This is why some children are born deformed, mentally as well as physically. If God creates each person individually, then we would have to blame God for creating deformed people. But this is not so. God created us all, when He created Adam. That one life of Adam is now extended into six billion people on the earth today. Adam’s life became deformed when he sinned and it is this damaged life which he passes on to the rest of us. This explains why some people are born physically deformed, and why we are all born deformed, spiritually.
This is a very important truth and we need to understand it thoroughly, for this knowledge helps us to know ourselves as we really are. Romans 5:12 tells us:
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (Rom 5:12)
In verse 19 it says,
. . . . by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners . . . .. (Rom 5:19)
Do these verses tell the truth? How could we all become sinners because of one man’s disobedience. He sinned, we didn’t sin. How could his action make us sinners?
If we are speaking of the guilt of sin, then no man’s sin can make another man guilty. In order to become guilty a person needs to make a conscious and individual choice to commit an act of disobedience. However, when the Bible says that Adam’s sin made us sinners, it is not speaking of guilt, it is speaking of nature. All Adam’s descendants became sinners by nature, they became a kind of being called “sinners,” and whether or not we are guilty, the fact is that all sinners are unfit to live. No sinner can inherit eternal life.
When Adam sinned, he polluted the stream of human life at its very source, he corrupted humanity and brought a sickness upon his descendants which is far more difficult to cure than AIDS. The life we possess today is that same life of Adam, passed on through different human beings over the ages, but it is the same life and all of us today are partakers of that same damaged life! We are each individuals with a mind of our own, but the stream of life which was passed on to us from parent to child for six thousand years was a polluted life and all of us have inherited that pollution.
Let us note carefully that what we got from Adam was the consequences of his sin. We did not obtain Adam’s inheritance by our own choice to copy Adam and to live like him. It is strictly by inheritance that we have become like Adam. All we had to do in order to behave like him was that we had to be born as a human being. Though his sin was committed six thousand years ago, yet the full effect of that sin controls the behavior of billions of people on earth today.
When we are born, we inherit the life of our parents. Whatever we inherit is ours for the rest of our lives. This is true of our inheritance from Adam and because of this, it seems impossible for us to ever be free from the tendencies of sin which were in our bodies and in our minds from the moment of birth.
Thank God, He provided a solution through the gospel of Jesus Christ His Son.
The New Creation
What God did was that He sent a second Adam, one in whom was the perfect life of a new human race (1 Cor. 15:45). This second Adam of course, is Jesus Christ, and just as the entire human race was created in that one man, the first Adam, so a new human existence was in that second Adam, Jesus Christ. This is a marvelous truth and it is the key to understanding how to escape from sin and to live the life which pleases God.
Let us think about the life which has been given to those who receive Christ: In this life of Jesus there is absolutely no sin. This life is a life which is perfect in every way. It is a life of spotless righteousness, one which is full of the good works of God, and wholly acceptable to God.
These two lives are the very opposite of each other. In one there is only corruption – there is nothing good and this cannot be changed, no matter how hard we may try, because it is impossible for man to change his own nature. We may hide the pollution for a while, but we can do nothing to remove it.
But in the life of the other Adam, the last one, there is only righteousness – there is pure goodness and this cannot be diluted or spoiled. When we understand this properly we will see very clearly that what we need most of all is not education, not greater will power, not help, not reformation – none of these things can make the life of the first Adam into a good life. These things in themselves only hide the inward pollution and deceive us! The only hope is that somehow the life of the first Adam can be destroyed and the life of the second Adam can become ours. That is absolutely the only hope. Outside of this we are all dead creatures, doomed for eternity.
This is exactly what God has done for us in the glorious gospel of His Son Jesus Christ.
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (19) For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. (Rom 5:18-19)
The New Birth
Jesus has told us plainly that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3:3). The new birth is a transfer from the dead, depraved life of Adam into the living, pure, mighty existence, the very life of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a real experience, not just something figurative. When we are born again into Christ, God looks at us and He sees us as righteous, but what He sees is not a lie. We truly are righteous because we have indeed been given the very life of Jesus Christ and Christ’s life is holy and righteous! If I have this life, how is it possible for me to be not righteous? It is Christ’s own life, His very existence which becomes mine in the new birth!!
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (new creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Cor 5:17)
You can see that this is the same principle as with the life which we received from the first Adam. We did not try to receive that life, neither did we try to copy the life of Adam. It was ours strictly by inheritance. In the same way, the life which we receive in Christ is not ours by trying to copy Him. There is only one way in which we can receive it and that is by inheritance. It must be passed on to us by the new birth. We are born into this new existence. When this happens. then we receive the qualities of this new Adam, just as we received the qualities of the old Adam when we were born the first time.
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (1 Cor 12:13)
So now we recognize that our only need is to understand and to find out how we can move from the life and existence of the first Adam to the life and existence of the last Adam. We recognize that all our struggles and efforts are in vain and will produce nothing but frustration. We can see that all sinners share the same depraved life of Adam and that therefore no sinner is better than the other.
The thief, the child-molester, the rapist, the serial killer, the pornography addict, the con-artist, the homosexual etc. are condemned by society in general and religious people in particular. But if those who condemn these sinners, harbor malice and practice evil-speaking and have fits of rage and lustful thoughts and are covetous, what is the difference between both classes of people?
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. (James 2:10)
There is no sin in the life of Jesus Christ and whenever we find ourselves living in sin, this is simply telling us that we do not possess the life of Christ and that we are still living in the depraved, helpless, lost life of Adam. Because of our education and the circumstances of our birth some of us are able to resist the more open sins, but it does not change the fact that we all share the same polluted life which cannot be repaired and has been sentenced to death!
So in His Son, God gave us the new creation. In this life of the second Adam there is everything which we could ever possibly need. There is wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30), in fact, in Him is all the fullness of the godhead (the divine nature) and the word of God tells us that we are complete in Him. (Col. 2:9,10). What is the meaning of this word, “complete?” It means that in Jesus, we have absolutely everything that we have ever needed, or will ever need. In Ephesians 1:3 it tells us that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.
What a great privilege that we should receive the very life of the Son of God! Do we realize what this means? Do we understand that God has accepted us in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6)? Can we grasp the reality that Christ is indeed our very life (Col. 3:4)? How wonderful is the love of our Father towards the sons of men! What a wonderful gift He has given us in His Son Jesus Christ! Now in Christ, we are the sons and daughters of God Himself! We may come to God knowing that in Jesus, our lives of sin and frustration and guilt, are dead, crucified with Christ. Now we may approach the Father of glory in full confidence and freedom knowing that whatsoever we ask, it is in His Son’s name – with the full recognition that in Him we are the beloved children of God, having been given every privilege which belongs to Jesus Christ!! We have become a part of the body of Christ, partakers of the very life of Jesus, an existence in which sin has been conquered and crucified, a life of pure righteousness which is lived wholly for God. (Rom. 6:22)
One man
Let us make this a little clearer. There is only one person who is righteous and therefore there is only one who is fit to be saved. This is what God knew from the very beginning, and it was His plan, His hidden purpose that all salvation would be in that one Man (Eph. 1:10). That man is Jesus Christ and all who are saved will be saved only if they become a part of Jesus, only if His very life and existence become their life and existence because He is the only one who is savable. There is no other way,
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
The problem has been that many of us have tried to make the old adamic life better. We have been baptized, we have decided to make a new beginning, we have even prayed earnestly and asked the Lord for help and for the power of the holy spirit. We have even acknowledged that we can do nothing and have tried to depend on the Lord to do it for us. But in all this, what we were trying to do was to reform the adamic life. We hoped that by the grace of God and our own diligent efforts we would be able to overcome our inborn sin and someday become perfect, but in Adam, it was an impossibility. The only way is that we must die spiritually, and be resurrected or born again spiritually, into the life of Christ. This is the only way to escape from our adamic life.
First, we need to surrender to Jesus Christ in true repentance so that in Him we may die to the old life. Only then can we experience the power of His resurrection and enter His own life in which sin and death have been abolished. If we are not convinced that our life is no good and that we are unable to live a life which pleases God, then why would we need Jesus? But as we recognize the truth that there is no hope for us in the first Adam’s life (our life) we will gladly give ourselves to Jesus. We will turn from ourselves and give Him full control of our lives. This is the experience which is referred to as repentance and surrender and in some places the Bible even refers to it as “death.”
Not Physical, Spiritual
Of course, it is not the physical body which dies. The physical, sinful body will be with us until Jesus comes again to change it. However, this physical body is not the real root of our sin problem and it is not what Jesus will put to death. The real problem is what is called “the carnal mind.” This is the self-centered life, the self-seeking, self-preserving attitude. This is something which resides in the mind of man, but is a very real part of our existence. It is this which Jesus put to death when He died to His own will and made the sacrifice of His own life, in choosing the Father’s will. Now, through the mighty power of the holy spirit, Jesus enters our mind in the new birth and crucifies the self-centered life so that from then on, we no longer live for self, but only for God.
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (7) For he that is dead is freed from sin. (Rom 6:6-7)
For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. (11) Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom 6:10-11)
The Scriptures are clear on this matter. The Bible knows nothing of a mongrel Christianity, we are either spiritually dead or alive, we are either in the flesh or in the spirit, in Adam or in Christ, sinners or saints. To be one, is to be a slave of sin and to be free from righteousness, to be the other is to be the slave of righteousness and free from sin (Romans 6:20,22).
The Christian world today has come to accept sin as the natural way of life even for Christians. They have comforted themselves with the thought that “if any man sin we have an advocate with the father (1 John 2:1).” So in the majority of cases the only difference between professing Christians and open unbelievers, is the kinds of sin and the degrees of sin which they commit. They have convinced themselves that God can give immediate victory to the drunkard, the Sabbath-breaker and the adulterer, but that He must move more slowly in the case of the “respectable” sins such as covetousness, anger, wrath, malice, evil-speaking, criticism, lack of love, etc.
However, when people seem to overcome one sin, or some sins, but not all sins, it simply tells us that they have not truly overcome and that the power by which they have “overcome” is not God’s power, but rather, will-power. They are able by diligent effort to gain the mastery of themselves in controlling some actions, but the heart remains under the control of self and in rebellion against God. Such a person is still a slave and only deceives himself that he is overcoming sin.
How to Obtain This Life
The great question is, how can we obtain this life which is in Jesus only? How can we escape from the existence of the first Adam? How can we die to the carnal, fleshly mind, and be resurrected to a life of righteousness? If the life of righteousness is found only in Jesus and is fully available in Jesus, then surely the greatest question of all for the sinner must be, “how may I obtain that life? How can I enter into the existence of Jesus?”
Men have tried earnestly and diligently to attain to such a life. Years of hard work, self-denial, self-affliction have been invested in the search for righteousness and many schemes have been invented to deliver men from sin. Only one plan has ever worked or can ever work and it is the plan devised by God and His Son. This plan is so beautiful and so simple that vast numbers of religious people have refused to accept it. Here is how the apostle Paul explained the process.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Eph 2:8-10)
Paul says it is by faith (only). Works are not involved. It is the gift of God, and here is how it happens:
We are His workmanship. What does that mean? It means that He made us, we were crafted by His hands, but does this refer to when we were born or conceived in our mother’s womb? Absolutely not. He is referring to our lives as Christians, the lives of those who are saved by grace through faith. We are God’s workmanship and we were created in Christ Jesus. Think about this. Where does this life of the new creation originate? Why do we live the victorious lives which we now live? It is because we were created in Christ Jesus. The life which we now live originated in Him. All we do is receive it, by grace through faith. It is the gift of God. The life of righteousness, the life of victory over sin is not something which we produce or work to achieve, it is an inheritance! It is something which we receive as a gift when we receive the life of Christ! Oh praise His name!!
Even many sincere Christians feel that we must actually develop righteousness by works!! They believe in justification by faith only, but sanctification by faith and works. Yet the apostle Paul says that it is not just at the beginning of the Christian journey that we depend on faith only, but at every step of the way. We are to continue to walk in the same way as we received the Lord (Col. 2:6). The battle which we must fight is called the “good fight of faith” ( 1 Tim. 6:12).
We cannot kill ourselves so that we can be born again. Both this process of crucifixion and the new birth are entirely the work of Christ, the Son who makes us “free indeed.” Our work is to believe the truth, to believe what the word of God says. This work of God in Christ, produces a “new creation” (2 Cor. 5:17), a new man created in the image of Christ, filled with the life of Christ, a part of Christ’s own existence, whose great desire is to do the righteous will of God. More than that, just as a person’s Adamic nature made him a slave of sin with a constant inclination to evil, so now his new nature (the nature of Christ) makes him a slave of righteousness with a constant inclination to do what is good. This is the work of God and it is entirely the work of God. In this character, this garment of righteousness there is not one thread which is produced by human work.
All that man can do is to receive the gift so freely given by God in Christ. There is absolutely nothing more that he can do. The apostle Paul is so emphatic on this point that he says,
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Rom 4:5)
Abandon Self
When we recognize the depravity of our adamic nature, when we see our utter helplessness and worthlessness, then we will turn away from all self-effort, all self-dependence. Then we will truly repent, not just of our sins, but of the root of our sin problem – the self-life. We will see that turning from sinful actions is not good enough, we will see that we must turn away from Adam’s life, the self-life which is the source of all sin. We will then understand and believe that our only hope of ever living right lies in God’s gift alone. All self-effort will be abandoned and we will cast ourselves upon Christ. It is then, and only then that true righteousness will appear in our lives as we allow Him full control, as we, by faith, accept and live by the reality that His life has become our life and that we are a part of His own righteous existence, thus we will live His perfect life. This is the truth, the simple truth of the word of God.
The question is, shall we embrace this truth with all our hearts? Will we accept in full faith, the wonderful reality that God has given us, in Jesus, the complete answer to the problem of sin? Will we acknowledge and live by the reality that it is His work and involves nothing of man’s work and that our only need is to believe and to keep on believing? Let us conclude with some pertinent words from the apostle Paul.
What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; (Rom 9:30-32)
Understanding Righteousness
Righteousness is a gift which is given to us when we receive Christ. This righteousness consists of:
1. A perfect record – all sins forgiven, all obstacles to fellowship with God removed.
2. A new nature, one which hates sin and loves what is good.
3. The power of the holy spirit imparted to us to enable us to fulfill all the will of God.
All this is given to us when Christ comes to live in us as the Comforter. He is our righteousness, our wisdom, our sanctification, our redemption. (1 Cor 1:30; 2 Cor 5:21). Obtaining this righteousness and living this righteous life has NOTHING to do with keeping the law, it is a gift freely given to us by God, a gift of grace. When we possess this gift of righteousness, it is Christ living in us and so, Christ will live his own life in us, not by us keeping our eyes on the law, but by our keeping our eyes on Christ
“But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:” (Rom 3:21-22)
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Gal 2:20)
Now that it is Christ who lives, what then, does it mean that the law has been abolished? Not at all, but what it means is that we no longer try to please and obey God in a legal way. We do not perform the will of God by focusing on keeping the law, it is no longer our governor, we are not under its dominion! Our governor now, is Christ living inside of us, not the law written on stones outside. It is not the letter, it is the spirit. We produce works of righteousness because, “not I, but Christ liveth in me.” We live in harmony with the law and in fact, we live on a level much higher than what the law required. We do not do this by seeking to obey the law, we do this by abiding in Christ and he then works in us to will and to do of his good pleasure.
So to summarize, we do not abolish or reject the law, but we have moved on to something better, while leaving the government of the law, to those who are still on that immature level.
Undermining Ellen White
A few years ago I adopted the principle of using the Bible as my only authority in religious matters. Before that time, I was dependent to a great extent, on the writings of Ellen White to define, and to prove the things which I believe. I determined to change this approach, firstly, because this is what Ellen White herself recommended, and secondly because I discovered that using Ellen White as an authority, was often a reason for people to ignore, to overlook and even to contradict what the Bible was clearly teaching.
When I began to operate on this principle the accusations began to come in that I had rejected Ellen White. I freely admit that there are some things in which I have openly contradicted statements by Ellen White, but as far as I’m concerned this does not mean that I have rejected Ellen White, what it means is that I have rejected the idea that Ellen White is infallible. I still hold to the understanding that God raised up Ellen White to accomplish a certain purpose, that of helping to establish the advent movement, and that she fulfilled this purpose. I totally reject the idea that she is an authority equal to the Bible, or that everything which she wrote was infallible. If this means that I have rejected Ellen White, then so be it.
The more I have become involved in discussions and disagreements, the more I have come to recognize that many of us have an attitude to Ellen White which can only be described as idolatry. In fact I don’t think it would be far-fetched to suggest that some of us come close to worshiping Ellen White. I am reminded of the attitude of the Jews in the time of Jesus who glorified Moses while they killed the son of God. In all ages it seems like those whose relationship with God is only superficial, elevate the prophets and the truth of the past, while they kill the present prophets, and reject the present truth.
What I have found remarkable is that people utterly reject and contradict the clearest teachings of the Bible by using statements from Ellen White to counter them. I have found this to be an amazing fact. So the thought occurs to me, who is really undermining Ellen White? Is it I, who claim that not everything which he says is inspired, or is it the persons who deliberately set Ellen White against the Bible? What these people are asking us to do is to elevate Ellen White to a place above the Scriptures! They are asking us to judge the Scriptures by Ellen White, to determine whether the Scriptures are correct or incorrect on the basis of what Ellen White says! They have gotten things twisted and upside down. It is Ellen White who must be assessed, and analyzed by what the Bible says, not the other way around!
In actual fact when a person uses Ellen White to counter what the Bible clearly teaches, this person is asking me to either reject the Bible or to reject Ellen White. For those of us who are reasonable people there is no contest, if it comes to a choice between the Bible and Ellen White then we must choose the Bible. It is only in the mind of blind idolaters that Ellen White can carry the same authority as people like the apostle Paul, for example. Unfortunately there are some who are so idolatrous in their attitude to Ellen White, so closed minded in their approach to truth that they will utterly reject what the Bible says and cling to the teachings of Ellen White! It is depressing to see that the answer to a biblical statement is often a dozen lengthy statements drawn from the writings of Ellen White! Is it true that we really belong to some kind of cult?
Of course the claim is made that there is no contradiction between the Bible and Ellen White, but if this is so why is there the need to be constantly using Ellen White as a counter when the Bible is presented? Why is it that the Bible is not used to settle doctrinal arguments? It is because most of those who depend so heavily on Ellen White really are not careful Bible students! They have obtained their theology by studying denominational doctrine bolstered by statements from Ellen White and they do not really have biblical backing for what they believe. Their theology is limited to seventh day Adventism and cannot have any impact on anyone outside of this closed circle.
Let me suggest that the real enemies of Ellen White are not people like myself who have a reasonable approach to the work of Ellen White. It is those who idolize Ellen White and who have elevated her above the Scriptures, or who even place her on an equality with the Bible, who are really undermining Ellen White. Such people really present us with only one choice: reject the Bible, or reject Ellen White! What kind of choice is that?
An Observer Assesses The Issues
The following thoughts were sent to me by a brother who is a silent observer of the controversy concerning sin and the law, taking place in the One True God community. He wishes to remain anonymous so I will not mention his name. I have done some slight editing on his document, with his permission.
a. The current prevailing disagreement about the Law among Non-Trinitarians, is DIFFERENTcompared to the disagreement about the Law between Historic (Conservative) Adventists versus the Liberal Adventists and Protestant Evangelicals.
b. The Protestant Evangelicals generally teach that the Law has been abolished at the Cross and that Christians may violate the Commandments as much as they please and still be granted an entrance into Heaven, and that Christians will be sinning till Christ returns, while the Historic Adventists teach that No Sinner who is still sinning may enter God’s kingdom.
c. The Liberal Adventists follow the Protestant Evangelicals and teach that the Law has been abolished at the Cross, and that Christians may violate the Commandments as much as they please and still be granted an entrance into Heaven, and that Christians will be sinning till Christ returns, while the Historic Adventists teach that No Sinner who is still sinning may enter God’s kingdom.
d. In both cases of the Protestant Evangelicals and the Liberal Adventists, the teaching is that transgression and violation of God’s Law is permissible, and sinners are saved while yet in their sin. Salvation in sin is the prevalent doctrine in both cases. Conversely, Historic (Conservative) Adventists teach salvation from sin where the power of Christ separates the sinner from sin. Thus the difference and thus the disagreement.
e. However, the dispute among Non-Trinitarians, is DIFFERENT compared to the disagreement about the Law between Historic (Conservative) Adventists versus the Liberal Adventists andProtestant Evangelicals in that the main issue is different.
f. The opposing sides in the Non-Trinitarian dispute about the Law, BOTH do NOT preach that it is acceptable to transgress/ violate the principles/ commandments of God.
However, one side believes that we are no longer under the government of the law. While the law is not abolished, the administration of the law has been abolished. We no longer refer to the law in our quest to live a righteous life, we have obtained this as a gift, independent of the law and this gift is not maintained by reference to the law, but by abiding in Christ. Our behavior arises from an internal change, not by a response to a set of rules.
g. Both opposing sides in the Non-Trinitarian dispute about the Law uphold the doctrine that victory over sin and character perfection can and should be attained by every true Christian.
h. Both opposing sides in the Non-Trinitarian dispute about the Law support the doctrine of faith in Christ’s power to overcome Sin.
i. Both opposing sides in the Non-Trinitarian dispute believe and acknowledge that every sinner needs to be Born Again in order to become a Christian. However, the understanding of what being “born again” means, seems to be different in both cases. For many on one side, the new birth is an awakening of knowledge, rather than the infusion of life. The holy spirit is more an adopting of the principles of Christ, rather than the indwelling presence of the person, Christ.
j. Most of the Non-Trinitarian leaders/ preachers/ teachers engaging in this dispute can be said to be in the same category as the Historic Adventists (on the issue of sin), as these believe and teach that No Sinner who is still deliberately violating and transgressing God’s Law may enter God’s kingdom.
k. The real issue among Non-Trinitarians is the METHOD through which victory over sin and character perfection should be obtained, and NOT whether or not this should be obtained as both parties agree that it should indeed be obtained. However, the definition and understanding of sin is different. One side views it as being exclusively limited to behavior relating to the ten commandments, and that they are able to contribute to overcoming sin by choosing to do the right actions in obedience to the rules. The other side sees sin as being more than actions, they understand it to be an internal principle which cannot be overcome by attentiveness to behavior, but which can only be changed by the indwelling of the spirit of Christ.
l. Amongst Non-Trinitarians, and amongst Historic Conservative Adventists, there are two types of Christians who are BOTH reaching for the goal of victory over sin and character perfection.
m. The difference between the two is this: One type strives to attain the mark by exerting deliberate efforts to keep God’s Law, drawing on Christ’s power as a source of energy to help them do it. Conversely, the other type knows that they cannot attain the mark no matter what they do, so they give up trying but ask Christ to do it for them through possessing them by His Spirit so that they naturally do those things they would not naturally do by themselves.
n. The difference between the two is this: One type trust Christ’s power to HELP them attain victory over sin, but think they themselves should exert effort to obtain it. They think efforts and faith go hand-in-hand, and that the path of sanctification is a lifetime of effortful struggle in battling against Self. Conversely, the other type surrenders the battle to Christ to fight on their behalf, and surrenders themselves to be miraculously changed so that Self will be as dead, and they won’t have to battle a dead person.
o. Both parties preach faith, both have some faith in Christ, and both preach righteousness by faith. Both uphold the Law. Furthermore, neither party preaches salvation by works. Yet one party mixes faith with works while the other party uses faith alone as they know their willpower is too weak to attain any works of any value.
p. Therefore, the entire issue of dispute among Non-Trinitarians is: Which of the above two types of Christian experiences, actually successfully works to provide and secure victory over sin and character perfection.
q. In other words, the actual question is: Whether the miracle of the New Birth is sufficient to change a person’s character such that they would become a completely new creature, or whether that person would need to supplement the New Birth with their own efforts to change themselves.
r. Furthermore, the question is: Whether the New Birth is an actual MIRACLE after all, and whether it is God Alone who performs this miracle, or whether the human being assists God in working this miracle.
s. I suppose the dispute comes about due to different ideas about what God’s part is, and what the human being’s part is, in the miracle of the New Birth. Furthermore, there is lack of clarity about what it means to abide in Christ – by faith or by works or by both faith plus works.
t. Furthermore there is the paradigm of the horse and the cart, where people sometimes swap the cart to pull the horse. In the interplay of faith, love towards God, and obedience, people are often unclear regarding which comes before which, and which produces which. The order is often swapped around. The fruit and the source of the fruit, are confused.
u. Another reason why there is so much dispute among Non-Trinitarians, is widespread misunderstanding of each other. People jump into defending the importance of the Law when they hear the message of salvation by faith alone, thinking that the preachers of this message are preaching the doctrines of the Liberal Adventists and Protestant Evangelicals, when in actual fact they are not. Conversely, when people misguidedly defend the importance of the Law, sometimes they too can be misunderstood as preaching salvation by works, when in actual fact they are not, as all they did was misunderstand their opponents’ viewpoints and jump into defense mode shooting against a straw man.
v. In other words, in some cases, when two Non-Trinitarians disagree about this matter, at times it is possible that both parties are right, just focusing on and defending different aspects, and being wrongly understood by the other, talking at parallel with each other, thus perpetuating the dispute.
w. However, in the case where the Liberal preaches salvation in lawlessness, and the Legalist preaches righteousness by works, when these two parties disagree, in this case both parties are wrong.
x. The Truth and the true Gospel is actually a supernatural miracle, which produces godliness and righteousness and victory over sin, but which liberates from Legalism. The Born Again experience fulfills the requirements of the Law as it produces true godliness, yet paradoxically grants liberty from the yoke of bondage to Legalism, while producing pure and righteous motives, thoughts, words, and actions, instead of mere conformity to a set of rules. When people fail to experience the New Birth, they either try to attain righteousness through human effort (Legalism) or try to exempt themselves from the requirement to be righteous (Liberalism).
y. At the end of the day, Legalism and Liberalism are two different dimensions altogether, instead of being two opposing ends of the same stick. Both Legalism and Liberalism are wrong, and both do not lead to true salvation. The Truth and the true Gospel is NOT actually the middle converging point between the two, but rather, something entirely different from the two altogether. The Truth is not a paradigm of finding the perfect balance between Legalism and Liberalism, but disposing with both of these entirely.
z. The Truth of the True Gospel converts the character of the person, and makes him a completely different person altogether, and yet this is not at all his own doing. In other words, the New Birth is a gift, given to us by God’s grace, and one can only receive it by faith, by believing that the New Birth is indeed going to transform them like the Gospel says it would. By believing this, the New Birth will make the ex-Sinner become a godly person without their efforts to keep the Law. But paradoxically, the ex-Sinner will now become a person who enjoys right-doing such that they no longer want to violate or transgress the Law, thus they will think, speak, and behave in harmony with the Law, and yet it will not be a burden to them. Even when external scrutiny or surveillance is removed, they will still choose to obey the voice of conscience which will be in harmony with God’s Law. Even at the penalty of earthly loss or even physical death, they will obey the voice of conscience which will be in harmony with God’s Law. And yet this experience will be liberating and will not feel like a burden. This is the miracle of the New Birth, the mystery of godliness, and Eternal Life.
The Law And The Gospel
The Letter versus the Spirit
Most of us are familiar with the legal jargon, “Letter of the Law” and “Spirit of the Law”. When a judge finds the “Letter of the Law” inadequate he will use the “Spirit of the Law” in his judgment. Paul used these two elements of the legal system to explain God’s Law. Before we continue let me first establish the fact that sister White affirmed that the Law in Galatians refers to the whole Jewish system of law, meaning the moral law (Ten Commandments) and the statues (mosaic law). I will refer to this Law of the Old Covenant as the “Written Law”.
Old Covenant versus New
Most people do not fully understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. It is only partially right to say that there was a change in the location of the law (that is from stone tablets to the heart) but many miss the fact that there is also a change in the contents of the law.
For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. (Heb 7:12)
God intended that the Written Law (Letter of the Law) should serve as a School Master till Christ (the Spirit of the Law) comes. Christ is the Living Law from heaven, but while he was on earth he respected the letter of the law, and expounded on it to show us its inadequacy. Paul referred to Christ as the “Spirit of the Law of Life” because the Spirit gives life whereas the Letter brings death because it has no saving power.
Due to this change in the Law (both in location and contents) there was a need for God to replace the Old Covenant with a New Covenant in Christ’s blood. Now there was also something NEW added which was not found in the Old Covenant. It was the saving power of “Christ in you, the hope of Glory”. God’s faithful who died under the Old Covenant before the cross did not receive this promise. They will only be perfected when the sons of God (perfected through Christ in them) under the New Covenant are manifested.
From the above we can see how the Law and the Gospel (Christ in you the hope of glory) go hand in hand in the New Covenant.
Contents of The Law
Now let’s do a more careful examination of how the contents of the Law are different in both Covenants. We can all agree God’s Law is holy, just and good. However, God did have different objectives to achieve with his Law under the two different dispensations, that is to say during the time of Written Law (Old Covenant), and Living Law (New Covenant).
The Written Law served as a mirror to reflect men’s condition and acted as a School Master till Christ came. Indeed Paul further elaborated on this fact saying
“Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, (1Tim 1:9).
From this we can clearly see the objectives which God
had in mind in giving this Written Law.
Christ said in Matt 5:17-18
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt 5:17-18)
It was true Jesus did not come to destroy the law or the prophets BUT to FULFILL all of them. Once Christ fulfilled them, they had to cease in type. Most can accept that prophecies about the coming Messiah have been accomplished, thus fulfilling the PROPHETS but they have issues with Christ fulfilling the LAW (Written Law) which Paul said was nailed to the cross in Colossians.
The word “commandment” comes from the word “command” which is an order given by someone in a commanding position. When on earth, Christ obeyed every word that proceeded out of the mouth of his Father, which he called “commandments”.
“No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father”. (John 10:18)
Therefore when Jesus said “If you love me keep my commandments, he was not referring to the Ten Commandments written on stones. Christ’s commandments means every word that proceeds from his mouth, even his will for your life. Christ demonstrated this in the parable of the rich young ruler.
“The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” (Matt 19:20-21)
Jesus did not say “Well done” when the rich young ruler said he kept all the Ten Commandments throughout his youth. Instead Christ gave his command regarding his will for this rich young ruler’s life which he unfortunately rejected. The rich young ruler failed to realize he had just broken the Commandment of Christ (God). If we do not understand this difference in the Law in the two dispensations we will make the same mistake as he did.
In summary the Living Law is different in that it is more comprehensive than the Written Law since it is not confined to actions only, but to the mind and heart (Matt 5:28, 5:22). And yet it is also specific enough for each individual’s life journey. No amount of writing on stone and books can achieve this purpose of God. Only Christ can FULFILL the objective of this NEW LAW requirement of God. Now we can understand what Christ meant when he said he fulfilled the LAW! Therefore the entire system of Written Law is a type of Christ and all of it should rightly be nailed to the cross when fulfilled – not just the ceremonial laws.
With this new understanding, can we now lay aside all Written Law (moral and ceremonial law and statues – detailed instruction on how to live) and embrace the more superior, more comprehensive and more perfect Living Law (Christ)?
The Law is now no longer on stone or paper. The Law is Christ himself, and when we understand this, it makes perfect sense when King David under inspiration said that he loved the Law, and that the Law was within his heart.
Ellen White
All Sister White’s quotes about the importance of the Law are in harmony, in fact even more elevated with Christ being the Living Law. What about those where she mentions the word “Mt Sinai”? We will let Paul answer that question.
But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. (2Cor 3:7-9)
We have to apply Paul’s counsel to those quotes, so when we read them, do not stop at the small glory emitted on the surface but look higher to behold the more glorious ONE (Christ) behind it all.
Law and the Gospel
Now how do we correctly understand the relationship between The Law and the Gospel? Both are equally important in men’s salvation. God has to demonstrate that his government is righteous where justice (law) and mercy (gospel) kiss each other. We are the chosen ones in this LAST generation to take a stand for God, therefore let us not waste time kicking up issues when there is none but be reconciled to each other. Both sides of the Great Controversy are gathering their soldiers so don’t let infighting cause you to miss your roll call.
Additional thoughts
On the other side of heaven there is NO LAW needed, for Love fulfills the Law.
“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” (1Tim 1:5)
By the time we are ready to leave this earth with Christ, we will be so used to being governed by Christ from inside, out of love that we hardly notice the Law. We will then be rightly fitted for heaven because God’s government in heaven operates by the principles of Love.
Benefits of Vegetable Juice
Lenworth Frankson
If eating lots of vegetables doesn’t appeal to you then juicing might be the next best option. It seems simple but juicing requires some effort. First the vegetables have to be properly cleaned, washed and cut. Next they are fed into the juicer, one piece at a time, to extract the juice from the pulp. When all this is completed you are now faced with the dreaded task of cleaning the utensils, bowls, cups, glasses, sinks, counter-tops and most notably the many different parts of the juicer. It’s time consuming, but the beneficial rewards are worth the effort. There is a saying that sums it up; “the juice is worth the squeeze”.
Fresh fruit and vegetable juice supplies an easily digestible, highly bioavailable source of nutrients. Organic and all natural, (not from concentrate or, without added sugar) juices provide a means of getting the necessary daily requirements of vegetables. Fruits as well as vegetables contain a healthy diverse spectrum of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Juicing is a fantastic and smart way for getting many of the nutrients that our bodies need. If you are aware that you are not eating enough vegetables, then juicing is the way to go.
Some folks will say that they don’t have the time to juice but interestingly they will spend hours watching TV or conversing on social media, every day. The important question that we ought to ask our selves is this. Am I making it a priority to get the best nutrients available for my body? I believe we ought to be prioritizing our health over wealth, popularity, prestige and even intellectual religion. How could I as a believing born again Christian serve my Creator completely when I am consciously or even unconsciously neglecting nutritional care of this body, given to me by the Creator? God’s words affirms:
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2)
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
It seems reasonable to conclude that the “prospering” in good health is equally important as the prospering in “all things.”
I am in no way suggesting that if someone is not juicing then they are being negligent of the nutritional care of their body. What I am saying is that juicing some of those fresh colorful vegetables (preferably organic) at least three times a week will start supplying the body with a regular dose of essential healthy nutrients that are vital to good health and vitality. Fresh juice not only contains greater nutritional value, it contains life. Fresh pressed juice is like drinking a natural vitamin filled with living enzymes, essential minerals, antioxidants, and natural antibiotics, which our bodies do need. Bottled juices that we buy at stores are usually pasteurized which means that they are heated and processed, which destroys most of the vitamins and minerals. The manufactures often add chemicals for preservation as well. Fresh non-GMO organic vegetables when and where available, are the best and should be your first choice. Organic farming uses methods that minimize the use of toxins while building soil quality and protecting water quality. Additionally, buying organic supports chemical and pesticide-free practices that are healthier for our farmers and for our planet. My belief and experience is that organic foods have more intense and delicious flavors. However an important point to note is that vegetable juice has very little protein and virtually no fat, so by itself, it is not really a complete food. It really should be used in addition to your regular meals not in place of it. My recommendation is to drink it about an hour before breakfast but not necessarily and exclusively at this time. So unless you are undergoing some special fasting or detoxification program, it is probably unwise to use juicing as a meal replacement for lengthy periods.
Benefits of vegetable juice:
Juicing helps you absorb most of the nutrients from the vegetables. This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. The extracted juice is more easily and readily absorbed in the digestive system than if the vegetable were eaten.
Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. Some dietary guidelines recommend between 1-1/2 to 2 cups of fruit, and between 2 to 2-1/2 cups of vegetables a day, depending on age and gender. Some people may find eating that many vegetables difficult, but it can be easily accomplished with a quick glass of organic vegetable juice.
Juicing allows a wider variety of vegetables in your diet. Many people eat the same vegetable salads every day. This violates the principle of regular food rotation and increases your chance of developing an allergy to a certain food not to mention insufficient nutritional balance. But with juicing, you can partake of a wide variety of vegetables that you may not normally enjoy eating whole.
Whole fruit or juice.
The majority of the vitamins and enzymes our bodies need are found in the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. We would need to eat 2 lbs. of carrots, 10-12 apples, or 8 lbs. of spinach to get the same amount of nutrients you receive in one 16 oz. juice. When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest.
Best time to juice and drink.
It is best to drink your juices on the same day they are pressed. As soon as any juice meets the air it begins to oxidize, compromising its nutritional value. Try to avoid plastic containers when storing fresh veggie juice. Storing juices in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed glass jar slows this process. The best time to drink juice is on an empty stomach or at least an hour before eating a meal. This maximizes the amount of nutrients absorbed into the body.
Juicing relating to Illnesses.
There are many credible researches that show the healing properties of juicing. Not only will juicing facilitate weight loss, increased energy levels, strengthened immunity, strong bones and a glowing complexion, it may also reduce chances of heart disease, cancer and strokes, three of the leading causes of death. A growing body of research suggests that most vitamin supplements don’t help prevent chronic disease. A synthetic vitamin or mineral is a laboratory simulation of the real thing. Our bodies more easily and completely absorb natural, plant-based vitamins and minerals.
Better Nutrient Absorption:
Drinking vegetable juice enables the body to absorb all the nutrients that it needs. When we eat (chew) vegetables, the body takes time to separate the nutrients from the fiber and then absorb those nutrients to utilize it for various functions. Chewing our food thoroughly is a time taking procedure and in many cases we are not chewing our food properly or we might have a weak digestive system. For those who have dentures this could be very uncomfortable and frustrating. It should be easy to see that this process presents some obstacles. On the other hand, drinking fresh vegetable juice will ensure that your body gets easy access to all those nutrients without the ordeal of chewing.
Promotes Hair Growth:
Spinach, beetroots, carrots and onions are good choices for promoting growth of hair. Juice and drink these to aid in the growth of beautiful and strong hair. Dark leafy green veggies, cruciferous vegetables as well as peppers are known to prevent hair loss. Consuming the juice of these vegetables will help in the combating of hair loss but unfortunately in some cases like mine it is too late.
For Clean Glowing Skin:
Vegetable juice for skin adds glow and makes skin healthy. Drink the juice of tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots and radishes to get glowing skin. Pumpkins, broccoli, sweet potatoes and carrots are good for the skin. Drinking the juice of orange-pigmented vegetables, containing anti-oxidants and Vitamin C will help to keep pimples and acne at bay.
Combats Wrinkles:
Drinking the juice of vegetables rich in Vitamin C like broccoli, peppers, cauliflower and tomatoes as well as Vitamin E rich vegetables like collard greens, turnip greens and selenium vegetables can be effective for keeping wrinkles away.
I am convinced that juicing does play a key role in promoting good health, beauty and vitality. The vitamins and antioxidants found in vegetable juices work together to improve your overall health. Not only do the antioxidants and vitamins detox your skin, they aid in removing toxins from your entire body. This makes the process much easier for your liver, in particular, but the effects can be felt from head to toe. Let’s try to maximize fresh vegetable juice benefits by consuming it on a daily basis when possible. Remember that it’s important to consume a variety of green vegetables because each has its own unique nutrient profile. Why not start by juicing your favorite vegetables today to taste and experience the healthy and beautiful life awaiting you?
Open Face
August 2018
Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to the restoration of those truths which have been cast down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the papacy, and adopted by her daughters.
Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit themselves wholly to the task of personal preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the taking of the final warning message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people.
Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free of cost to all who desire to receive it.
Editor: David Clayton
Publishing committee: Howard Williams
Karleen Williams
Jennifer Clayton
David Clayton
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (304) 932-4543
Jamaica: (876) 603-0821