In this issue:
Judgment Without a Trial?
David Clayton
The most misunderstood teaching of the Advent faith is
the doctrine of the investigative Judgement. This misunderstanding is
present not only among non-Adventists, but is also evident among
hundreds of thousands within Adventist circles including many of those
who are teachers and pastors. This fact was forcibly impressed on my
mind recently as I examined the arguments of several persons who have
concluded that the Investigative Judgement is a false, unscriptural and
anti-gospel teaching.
All Christians believe basically in two aspects of final judgement. They believe in:
(a) A Sentencing or a Verdict: That God will one day pass sentence upon every human who has ever lived.
(b) An execution: That the sentence will be carried out with the wicked
being destroyed and the righteous inheriting eternal life.
The Investigative Judgement, however, seeks to introduce a third element into the concept of this final judgement. It is
(c) An Investigation: Before sentence is either passed or executed, God
will first of all examine the life of each person in order to determine
whether such a person should be sentenced to death or to life.
To simplify the issue: Most Christians will agree that God will sentence
all men to either life or death. They will also agree that God will
destroy the wicked and reward the righteous with eternal life. They
object, however, to the idea that God will conduct a public
investigation before passing His sentences.
The early advent believers insisted that the concept of the
investigative judgement is clearly taught by the Bible in spite of the
numerous objections to it. Were they right? Let us concede from the
beginning that they chose a term to describe this doctrine which is not
found in the Bible. The Bible nowhere uses the term “Investigative
Judgement” and it is usually best if we describe our beliefs using the
terminology of the Bible. The real question is, however, is the concept
taught in the Bible? Let us be quite sure what we are talking about by
first of all carefully defining our terms.
What is the investigative judgement?
(a) The word “Judgement” can refer to any one of three phases of judgement,
(1) examination or investigation of evidence.
(2) Sentencing or the passing of a verdict.
(3) The execution of the sentence.
In the case of the term “Investigative Judgement” the word judgement
refers to the first aspect of judgement, which is the investigation of
evidence. Let us note in passing that there has never in the history of
mankind been a fair judgement which did not involve, first of all an
examination of all the known facts which were relevant to the case in
(b) The word “investigation” means an examination. In the context of the
term “Investigative Judgement” it means a review of every single factor
in the life of an individual which may have some value in revealing
whether or not a person is a genuine Christian.
(c) The doctrine of the Investigative Judgement also teaches that this
investigation will take place for all who profess, or have ever
professed to be followers of Christ, before Jesus comes again to reward
the faithful and that it will involve the cases of the dead as well as
the living.
Generally speaking, many of those who are critical of the Investigative
Judgement have failed to examine the subject carefully from all angles.
The result has been a distorted picture which has appeared to be
unscriptural and even ridiculous. However, if we are going to criticize
something, then it is only fair that we understand it properly first so
that we know what we are talking about.
The basic misconception concerning the Investigative Judgement goes something like this:
a) The life records of all Christians (beginning with the dead) are presently being examined in heaven.
(b) Soon this examination will pass to the living, and any individual’s name could be called at any moment, we know not when.
(c) A person’s eternal destiny will be decided by his condition at the
moment when his name is called. If he has unconfessed sin, he is lost,
if he has confessed and forsaken all his sins, he will be saved.
(d) Not until this judgement has taken place can we be certain of our salvation.
This judgement, in other words, is the decisive factor which will result in our being either saved or lost.
Some years ago I became very troubled about the concept of the
Investigative Judgement as I understood it then. The possibility of my
name being called at any moment, unknown to me, and my eternal destiny
being determined by whatever my status chanced to be at that moment
seemed unfair and unreasonable, and not a concept which was in keeping
with the character of a just and loving God.
At that time I was still in my twenties and had been a Christian for
only about six years. My problem was this: “Suppose my name should be
called today and I find that I am not ready—I have unconfessed sins—then
I shall be lost. However, if I had been given another day of life,
before my name was called, then, being a conscientious Christian, it is
probable that I would have confessed that sin and thus, would have been
saved. Therefore, my salvation would not depend upon whether or not I
really am a child of God, but upon the question of what moment my name
should chance to be called!” This did not make sense to me and it did
not appear to be fair either. Furthermore, I could see that a person who
had been a Christian for say fifty years, before his name came up, had
an advantage over the one whose name was examined after he had been a
Christian for only ten or twenty years, since the older Christian would
have had more time to repent of all his sins. All in all I was not
satisfied with my understanding of the doctrine.
When I shared these concerns with others they consoled me with the
words, “well, God knows already who deserves to be saved and He will
certainly not call your name at a moment when you are not prepared.”
This however, only created more problems in my mind because it seemed
that this presented the idea of a public trial which was “rigged”. A
trial which was intended to establish guilt or innocence, to prove
something in a public way, but which was so set up that there was the
possibility of only one outcome. This again, did not seem to me to exalt
God’s qualities of fairness, openness and justice. I therefore decided
to do a more careful study of the concept of the Investigative Judgement
from the Bible, the writings of Ellen White, and from the standpoint of
reason and my knowledge of God’s character.
It was easy to see how a dead person’s status could be determined by an
examination of his life’s record which included every minute detail.
However, with a living person it was different. If we are given an
entirely clean sheet by God when we confess and forsake our sins, then
it is possible for a person to have a clean record today and a soiled
one tomorrow, or vice-versa. If God is ever to give a person a clean
sheet once and for all and forever, and permanently seal that person,
then it is clear that such a person must be brought to the place where
he will never sin again.
The long and short of it is that I found one passage in Ellen White’s
writings which basically cleared up the questions in my mind and enabled
me to see perfect sense and fairness in the concept of an Investigative
Judgement. The statement says:
“The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be
formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the
people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided. . . .
[Rev. 13:11-17 quoted.]
This is the test that the people of God must have before they are
sealed. All who proved their loyalty to God by observing His law, and
refusing to accept a spurious sabbath, will rank under the banner of the
Lord God Jehovah, and will receive the seal of the living God. Those
who yield the truth of heavenly origin and accept the Sunday sabbath,
will receive the mark of the beast (Letter 11, 1890). {7BC 976.}”
Let us think of what this statement implies. The eternal destiny
(salvation or damnation) of God’s living people is to be determined by a
certain test. Not by records in a book. Clearly this must apply only to
the living, since the dead will not be around to experience this final
crisis. But doesn’t’ Ellen White teach elsewhere that the Investigative
Judgement is what will determine our eternal destiny? Yes, she does. But
here she explains that this Investigative Judgement (here called a
“test”) for the last generation of Christians will be based upon how we
respond to the trial brought on by the Mark of the Beast crisis, rather
than upon the basis of records in a book. This is perfectly reasonable
and entirely in harmony with the Scriptures.
An examination of a living person’s history, recorded in a book will
never fairly reveal a person’s state, as long as there is the
possibility that the person may still change. An examination of books
will not accomplish much as long as you and I are still alive and
possess the ability to change for good or bad. The Judgement of the
living, therefore, will not be based on books, but upon an examination
of the response of each Christian as we are all thrown into the furnace
of affliction known as “The great Tribulation.” This fiery trial will
force every person to clearly take his stand either for, or against God
and His truth. It will bring us to the place where all will clearly
demonstrate in an unmistakable way whether or not we have a genuine
relationship with Christ, or are mere professors. This trial will be of
such an intensity that none will be able to remain in disguise. Every
person’s true loyalty and character will be clearly displayed for all
the universe to see.
This crisis, however, is not only a test. It is also a graduation
exercise. As trials and hardships crush and defeat those who are not
genuine fighters, so this crisis will push the hypocrites far away from
the way of truth. On the other hand, as resistance only strengthens the
will and the muscles of those who have the will to fight, so the trials
brought on by the Mark of the Beast crisis will strengthen, purify and
perfect those who truly have the spirit of God living in them. Every
difficulty will only drive them closer to Christ until the test is over
and they have clearly demonstrated that their relationship with Christ
is real. They receive the seal of the living God, and their sins are
blotted out.
This is the experience of the day of atonement. The day when God’s
people will be totally cleansed of all sin by a trial which will cause
them to “afflict” their souls. References to this experience are to be
found all over the Bible. (see Isa. 4: 3,4; Malachi 3:1-4.
Ellen White once said, “Soon, none know how soon, the judgement will
pass to the names of the living.” Because this has not been looked at in
the light of other things which she also said concerning the judgement,
this statement has been often misunderstood. In actual fact, this is
simply stating a very simple truth. Nobody knows when God will permit
the great tribulation to begin. Nobody knows when the final crisis will
come upon the living saints, therefore none know how soon the judgement
will pass to the names of the living.
Like I said, hundreds of thousands, probably millions of Seventh-day
Adventists hold to the concept of an Investigative Judgement which leads
to fear and uncertainty, a warped view of the gospel as well as an
unbalanced understanding of the plan of salvation. The true concept of
the Investigative Judgement, however is not only reasonable and logical,
but is also solidly founded on an abundance of scriptural evidence.
The question is often asked, “why does God need a judgement? Doesn’t He
know all things? Why would He need to closely examine the record of
every individual to determine what He already knows? There are several
answers to this question. First, it is evident that the controversy
between God and Satan is a public affair, not a private matter. It
involves billions of other beings who also have a stake in the outcome
of the controversy. Why did God allow Satan to virtually destroy Job
when He knew that Satan’s accusations were false? To prove something to
whom? To God? To Satan? God already knew the truth and Satan’s personal
opinion was irrelevant. He was already lost without hope of redemption.
The whole drama of Job’s affliction was partially for Job’s benefit,
yes, but more for the purpose of proving a point to the watching
universe. Satan accused God and Job publicly. Challenged God if you
prefer. The consequences was not a private, secret duel, but a public
conflict in which the character of Job was God’s main weapon, with the
universe carefully observing and taking note of the results.
God is fair in all His dealings. All His ways are justice and truth.
There was a time when heaven was thrown into confusion by the work of a
clever liar, and fully a third of the angels became convinced that God
was an unfair deceiver. The remaining two thirds, while maintaining
their faith in God were undoubtedly shaken and left with many gray areas
which needed clarification. Over the centuries God has answered the
questions one by one, and gave His supreme argument when He gave His
only-begotten Son to die for the redemption of unworthy mankind. There
can be no doubt that the deceptions of Satan have been fully unmasked by
Calvary. The love, the justice, the wisdom of God blazed forth at
Calvary with a brilliance never seen before in the history of the
universe. The arguments of Satan against the government of God have come
to an end.
But let us think carefully, is there nothing left to settle in the
controversy? Are there no more lessons to be learned? Is there nothing
more for God to demonstrate? Why are we then, not yet in heaven? Why
does the suffering and death continue? What is the purpose of future
judgment since God Himself already knows all things? Why the seven last
plagues? What is the point of a thousand year delay before sin is
finally eradicated? The fact is, justice must not only be done but since
transparency is a marked characteristic of every honest, just
government, justice must be clearly seen to have been done. Therefore,
it is reasonable that there should be an investigation of the lives of
even those who have already been saved, not in order to save them, but
in order to demonstrate that they truly have been saved, and are fit
candidates for God’s eternal kingdom.
Finally, let us consider that if there is need for God to publicly judge
one single person in spite of His foreknowledge, then the same reason
is the rationale for His judging every single person. The point again
is, God knows everything, and always has known all things. The rebellion
of Satan, the fall of Adam, the name and the destiny of every
descendant of Adam were all open to the Almighty from the days of
eternity. Yet every phase of the controversy has been allowed to take
its course in spite of the horrors of suffering which have been the
consequence. Why? In all of this, there were vital lessons to be
learned, but not by God. The controversy is the school of the universe.
Don’t tell me that some little corners of it will be private between God
and Satan alone. No. God, in His wisdom opens every area of His work
before the universe. Not a single area is left where there may be the
possibility for doubt and question. Is this foolish? Is this
unnecessary? When Christ has finally “put all enemies under His feet,”
then it is over. The questions will then all have been forever settled.
“Affliction shall not arise the second time”, not because God has made
it impossible for disobedience to take place, but because all His ways
will have been so clearly demonstrated to be just, fair, good, perfect,
that none will ever again question the ways of God as Lucifer once did.
I have often noticed that people seem to link the validity of the
doctrine of the Investigative Judgement to the validity of the Adventist
interpretation of Daniel 8:14. In reality, Daniel 8: 14 only gives us a
time for the beginning of this event. The doctrine itself is to be
found all over the Bible. It is a teaching which receives a great deal
of emphasis. If the Adventist interpretation of Daniel 8: 14 were proven
to be false, (I don’t believe it can be) then all it would mean is that
we do not know the date of the beginning of the judgement. It would not
affect the many other passages in the Scriptures which clearly teach an
examination of all Christians of all ages in the time of the end, and a
separation of these Christians into two groups, the true and the false.
The doctrine of an Investigative Judgement is clearly taught and
receives great emphasis in the scriptures. The term “Investigative
Judgement” is not used of course, but the concept is clearly taught.
Jesus, Himself taught the concept of an Investigative Judgement very
clearly in several of His parables.
(a) In Matthew Chapter 22:1-14, Jesus told the parable of a king who
made a marriage for his son and invited certain guests (the Jews). The
guests were unworthy and murdered his servants and generally despised
the king’s invitation. Finally the king sent his armies, and destroyed
them and their city (the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70). The king
then invited all to the wedding (the gospel invitation to the whole
world) and many came in, both good and bad. Finally, the wedding was
furnished with guests, all sitting down and waiting for the bridegroom’s
arrival. However, at this point, something surprising happens:
And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which
had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest
thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then
said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him
away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen. (Mat
Please notice carefully that in this parable, all the guests, including
those who responded to the invitation at the beginning, are represented
as waiting for the bridegroom. Where are those who came in at the
beginning, today? They are all asleep in their graves, awaiting the
resurrection. At this point, the king comes in to “SEE” the guests. What
does this represent? What event is described here? At what point, prior
to the return of Christ does God “SEE” or examine Christians? Please
note that all are examined. Notice also that this examination takes
place at a certain specific time “when the king comes in.” Not as each
guest enters the hall. Some get in without the proper equipment, but it
is not until the king examines all that these unfit ones are finally
manifested and removed. The question is, how does this process take
place in the case of those who are already dead at the time when this
examination takes place? Since none were examined when they entered the
hall, but only when the king came in, how does this examination take
place in the case of those who died before the king came in? This has to
be on the basis of an investigation of the records of these dead
Only in the time of the judgement will it be known who are qualified to be guests at the wedding.
(b) In the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matt.13:24-30) we see
again the concept of the Investigative Judgement clearly taught. Christ
plants a good field. All who are planted by Christ are good material,
finally to be harvested. However, the devil puts tares among the wheat.
The counterfeit is so convincing that even the angel reapers are not
certain of the difference between both. God does not allow them to pull
up the tares, because there is danger that they may also pull up the
wheat as well! However, at a certain appointed time, “the time of the
harvest,” the tares are first gathered into bundles for the burning
BEFORE the harvest takes place. What does this event represent and does
it only include one generation of Christians, or does it include all
Christians who have ever lived? If this process took place for each
generation as soon as that generation died, then it is clear that the
separation of the wheat and tares did not begin in the time of the
harvest, but was a continuous process taking place from the beginning.
However, the king’s specific command to the angels was that they should
wait until the time of the harvest.
Several times Jesus used the phrase, “many are called, but few are
chosen.” (Matt 22:14). His meaning was that, subsequent to the calling
of Christians, there was to be another process—a choosing process. The
call alone was not enough to guarantee salvation. The only ones chosen
would be the ones who possessed the wedding garment. A qualification
which would be clearly manifested in some recognizable way, insomuch
that it would be recognized by the angel reapers who separate the wheat
from the tares.
(c) Revelation 5 and 6 are a part of the “Revelation of Jesus Christ.”
Here we are clearly dealing with many things which are symbolic.
However, no one will deny that God intends that these symbols should be
understood and interpreted in some reasonable and rational way, and that
our interpretations must be derived from an examination of the symbols.
Here again I believe we see very clearly and unquestionably an
investigative judgement taking place.
(1) There is a great convocation in heaven at which ten thousand times
ten thousand and thousands of thousands are assembled (Rev 5: 11). This
convocation takes place “hereafter” (Rev 4:1) or some time after AD 95
when John received this vision.
(2) A book containing classified information is opened by the only Being in the universe qualified to do so. (Rev 5: 4-7)
(3) As the book is opened, all are invited to “Come and see (investigate – examine)” its contents. (Rev.6:1)
(4) Long dead people cry for vengeance as they are examined. How is this
possible since dead people cannot talk? What does this represent? (Rev
6: 9,10) The records of the injustice which they suffered demand
(5) These long dead people are at this point given white robes. What
does this mean? How do you give a white robe to a dead person on the
basis of an examination from a previously sealed book? This can only
mean that at this point, while dead, they are declared to be righteous.
(6) This examination takes place while there is still a “little season”
left (Rev.6:10) in which future saints are also to be killed as the
living ones pass through the “great tribulation” and wash their robes
white in the blood of the lamb. (Rev.7:14)
(7) While the dead Christians are “given” white robes, the living
Christians who are sealed receive their white robes by another process.
They “wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
They are involved in the process of obtaining those white robes. This
“washing” process also takes place during the period when the book is
I will be the first to concede that there are some elements in
Revelation 4-7 for which we do not have a perfect explanation. However,
the facts which are clear and undeniable which we have referred to
above, fit perfectly into the Adventist concept of the Investigative
Judgement. In fact, there is no other interpretation of this passage
which makes sense of all the elements and events described if we reject
the Investigative Judgement.
Within Adventist circles a great deal of emphasis has often been placed
on the fact that the judgement of the dead is now taking place. To a
large extent, this is an irrelevant piece of information. Since I am
alive, how does the judgement of the dead affect me?
Undoubtedly the issues in the judgement far exceed our limited concepts.
While we have labeled the phases of the judgement as “Investigation”,
“verdict” and “execution” there is evidently far more involved than
these terms imply. Daniel 7:11 shows us that one of the issues in the
Investigative Judgement will be the beast and his works. During the
judgement a decision is taken “because of the great words which the
beast spake”, to give him to the “burning flame”. Here we see that the
beast, as a system, is condemned during the investigative judgement and
is destroyed and thrown into the “lake of fire” at the return of Christ.
The people who make up the system however, do not receive their
punishment until after the thousand years.
We are aware of some of the issues and some of the activities in the
judgement. However, something happens in Revelation chapter 5 which
suggests that far more is involved that we fully realize. When the Lamb
takes the sealed book from the hand of the One seated on the throne,
there is an outburst of praise, glory and honor given to God and to
Christ such as is described nowhere else in the entire Bible or in any
inspired writing:
“And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I
saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.” (Rev
What is the reason for this universal explosion of adoration to God and
Christ? It is the occasion of the opening of the book. The opening of
this book is evidently an event which is charged with eternal
consequences. The things to be revealed, the issues to be settled with
the opening of this book fill the entire universe with a sense of the
greatness and goodness of God and His Son, insomuch that every single
living thing bursts out in involuntary praise and thanksgiving. It is
clear that these beings are seeing something in the opening of the book,
in this “Investigative Judgement” that we human beings have not fully
understood. Nevertheless, as we continue to study, let it be with the
intention of building on the foundation already laid. Let it be with the
desire to obtain a clearer understanding without destroying what is
already established. We may justifiably claim that we have only a
limited understanding of the Investigative Judgement. We may claim that
the issues are far more important and far reaching than we realize. We
may conclude that we often place the emphasis on the wrong aspect of the
judgement. We may determine that the focus of many Adventists has
turned the doctrine into an irrelevant, legalistic appendage. However,
when the biblical evidence is carefully considered, we must conclude
that those who deny the reality of an end-time, pre-advent judgement of
Christians are guilty of denying the plain teachings of Scripture.
The Investigative Judgement separates the wheat from the tares, the good
fish from the bad, the wolves from the sheep, the naked from the
clothed. This is a Scriptural emphasis. Here, the focus is on a purging
of Israel, the removal of what is impure and corrupt. The reality of
this process is that some will have to go. Undoubtedly it will be a
terrible experience for the living who pass through it. To see loved
ones swept away from the truth, to see them choose a course which we
know means they are forever lost will be more dreadful than we can
imagine. However, the Bible gives us another perspective of this
judgement which is worth considering.
In Daniel 7:22, when speaking of this judgement, the Bible says that
judgement was “given to” the saints of the Most High. The margin
suggests that this means that judgement was made in favor of God’s
people. This is a comforting perspective. A number of persons have
confessed that the concept of the investigative judgement has filled
them with fear and uncertainty. They seem to have viewed the whole
process as though God were looking for an excuse to exclude them from
heaven. Here we see another angle. Judgement is made “in favor of” the
saints. Here we see the judgement as a process in which God’s people
(His true people) are vindicated. Therefore, while the hypocrites need
to be afraid of the Investigative Judgement, what about those who truly
belong to Christ, who are truly born again? Why should we be afraid of
being examined if we know that we are truly Christ’s? Isn’t it His duty
to perfect us? Isn’t it His job to prepare us for His judgement? It is
comforting to see that His aim is not to see how many He can push out,
but that the main purpose of the judgement is to pass sentence “in favor
of” the saints. This same truth is brought out in the examination of
the souls under the altar in Rev 6: 9, 10 where, white robes are given
unto these dead people. Here again we see a judgement being made in
their favor.
As we stated before, the judgement of the dead is somewhat irrelevant to
those who are alive. Somewhat, but not entirely. The knowledge of such
an event is one way in which God alerts us to the time in which we live.
It is a forerunner of the judgement of the living, an event which is of
critical importance to every person living upon the earth. Over and
over in the Bible God warns us of the need of special preparation for
this event. The judgement is one event. It all takes place during the
same period of time, but in different phases. God in His infinite mercy
always warns us of coming distress and appeals to us to make the
necessary preparations to survive it. Therefore God warns of this event
and urges His people to prepare for it. (Rev 14: 6-12; Joel 2:1; Lev 16:
Does the concept of an Investigative Judgement deny justification by
faith? Does it remove a Christian’s confidence in his salvation? Is it
contrary to the gospel? In essence, the Investigative Judgement is
simply a process by which the genuine children of God are separated from
the pretenders. This separation takes place among the dead as well as
the living. Can any person who has the slightest knowledge of the
Scriptures deny these facts?
The main problem, I believe, is opposition to the idea that this
judgement is based on examination of a person’s works. Let us examine
the plain, incontrovertible teachings of God’s word and see whether
there is any difficulty.
(a) Salvation is entirely the gift of God, freely bestowed upon us by
grace through faith alone. Not of works, but rather “without the deeds
of the law”(Rom.3:28).
(b) Faith saves us. But how is genuine faith discerned by those who do not possess the omniscience of God?
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:4)
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Mat 7:20)
Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith
without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. (James
Faith, according to the plain, unmistakable word of God, is discerned,
or known by the things we do, (our fruits) by our works, and even by the
words which we speak. In the parable of the wheat and tares Jesus shows
us that even angels cannot tell the difference between some of the good
and some of the bad until the fruit, or the works are revealed in the
“time of the harvest.”
(c) Any judgement cannot be for God’s benefit, since He already knows
all things. Nevertheless, the Bible clearly, beyond controversy speaks
of judgement over and over. For whose benefit, For God’s? No, it is
evident that some beings apart from God need to see the results of a
judgement, therefore we all agree that there is reason for some kind of
judgement, and that this judgement is for the benefit of somebody other
than God.
(d) Since the judgement (in any form) is for the benefit of limited
beings, then it goes without saying that the judgement cannot be on the
basis of God’s knowledge or foreknowledge. God cannot say in the
judgement, “this man is saved because I know it to be so” or “this man
is lost because I know it to be so.” No. God’s foreknowledge is not in
question. If limited beings need to see a judgement, then it is obvious
that this judgement needs to be on the basis of evidence which they can
see, assess and measure. It must be on the basis of hard facts which
leave no room for question. The works or deeds of man are the only
standard by which finite beings may assess the reality of a person’s
Christian experience.
Millions who profess to be Christians are not. Many more millions died
in that state with the only person knowing their true condition being
God. These people made a profession of faith. They claimed to be
Christians. They accepted (or claimed to accept) justification by faith.
They professed to have been saved by faith in Christ and faith alone.
The words of Jesus make it clear that “many” persons will be lost who
make these claims (Matt.7:21-23). Did these people truly trust in
Christ? Evidently not. Did they profess to trust in Christ? Clearly they
did. What is it then, that makes the difference between those who
profess faith and are saved, and those who profess faith and are lost?
The answer, according to Jesus, is the works or the deeds which they
did; the fruits which they bore.
The question is, does God Himself make the distinction between those
whose faith is genuine and those who are only professors based on His
own personal knowledge of all things, or does He permit His family in
heaven to participate in the process of determining who are the true
candidates for heaven and who are the imposters? Does God alone make the
decisions based on His own absolute knowledge of all things, or is the
universe organized in such a way that His rational creatures participate
in the administration of things? In answering this question please
consider this: At some point books are opened which unveil the life
records of men, or some classes of men if you prefer. The point is not
when. The point is, why is it necessary at ANY point, since God knows
all things? Why not just punish the wicked on the basis of God’s own
personal omniscience? Why open books? For whose benefit? God’s? No. The
evident answer is that there is somebody other than God for whose
benefit there is a record of the lives of men contained in books. It is
for the benefit of these beings that the books are opened, whether in
Daniel 7:9,10, Revelation 5 or Revelation 20. The point is, if somebody
needs to see the evidence in books at some point (regardless of the fact
that God already knows all things), why is it considered ridiculous
that all the records should be examined, rather than just some of them?
There is no question that many Christians are scared to death of the
idea of a judgement based on works. Why is this so? Can it be that they
are fearful of what a close examination of their life’s record might
reveal? Can it be because they know deep inside that they have not truly
repented of their sins? Can it be that they are more willing to cling
to their sins than to believe that Jesus is able to remove sin from our
lives entirely? If genuine faith brings the genuine presence and power
of Christ into my life, why should I be afraid of an examination to
determine whether or not Christ is really at work in my life? Does a man
need to be afraid of judgement if he already has salvation? The fact is
that no genuine Christian will ever be lost. Jesus said that such
persons have already passed from death to life (John 5:24). While it is
true that such a person may willfully choose to go back to the life of
sin and death, yet as long as he maintains his hold on Christ, he will
never come into condemnation. (Isa. 54:17; Ps. 7:8; Ps. 26:1). Christ is
able to “save to the uttermost them that come unto God through Him”
(Heb. 7:25). Christ is “able to keep you from falling and to present you
faultless before the presence of his glory…” (Jude 24). Every Christian
who has truly been born again will be declared righteous in the
judgement. Their righteousness is of Christ and their works prove it.
Let us just consider an imaginary scenario. A wife wants to know whether
or not her husband has cheated on her and hears of a remarkable new lie
detector which is guaranteed to give a truthful result. She tries to
persuade her husband to take the test. Now a husband may justifiably
object to being required to prove his faithfulness, but does he need to
be afraid to take the test if it is guaranteed to be accurate? Think
about it. Which husband would be afraid to take the test? Only the
guilty one. He would be afraid of what the test would reveal. The one
who had not cheated might be unhappy at his wife’s paranoia but he would
have no fear of the test itself.
The point is, why should a person who has truly accepted Christ and who
knows that his relationship with Christ is real, be afraid of an
examination to determine whether or not his faith in Christ is genuine?
The only person who needs to be afraid is the hypocrite. (Isa. 33:14)
The person who knows deep inside that he does not know Christ. “They
profess that they know God; but in works they deny him.” (Titus 1:16)
The plain, simple truth is that if there is no investigative judgement
then God must either save ALL who profess to have faith, saint and
hypocrite alike, or must Himself, decide without offering one bit of
evidence, those Christians who will be lost and those who will be saved.
One of the chief objections to this doctrine is that it teaches that man
is saved by a righteousness within him (even if imparted by Christ)
rather than by a righteousness within Christ which is imputed to the
believer. In other words, I am saved by faith in what Christ did and
what He is. My salvation is in Him, and God saves me for His sake, not
because of what I am, or what I have become, but because of who Christ
is and what He has done. All that is necessary on my part is faith. All
that is needful is that I believe what God has done for me in Christ.
This is my passport to eternal life.
There can be no denying the truth that this is the clear Biblical means
by which salvation comes to us. The critical issue however, is not the
question of how men are saved. That is beyond controversy. The issue is
really this: How can it be demonstrated that a person has truly received
salvation? That a person truly believes in Christ? That a person has
truly been born again and has Christ living within? This is the critical
question which God must answer for the universe and He has only two
possible ways of doing it.
(a) Either He himself must make the decisions without offering any proof
except that, “this person claimed to have faith.” (what about those who
made the same claim and yet are lost?)
(b) Or He must open up their lives before the universe in an
investigation which will demonstrate on the basis of their works that
their faith was real.
At this point the question may be asked, “what about those followers of
Christ who are already in heaven? what about Enoch, Moses, Elijah and
even those who were taken to heaven after the resurrection of Christ? If
the Investigative Judgement did not begin until the time of the end
(1844) and is necessary before a person’s destiny is decided, how then
could God have taken these people to heaven thousands of years ago? We
might well ask, “how is it that Moses was raised from the dead and taken
to heaven before the appointed time of the resurrection? How come some
people received the Holy Spirit before Pentecost? The point is that
there are specific appointed times, ordained by God for the major events
in the plan of salvation. The death of Christ, the return of Christ,
the resurrection of the righteous dead as well as the unrighteous dead,
the judgement in its various phases etc. All these are ordained by God
to occur at particular times and occur, at the exact time appointed of
God. Does this mean that there cannot be individual exceptions to the
rule? Does this mean that there are not times when heaven makes an
exception and acts outside of its timetable? This point hardly needs to
be proved.
Enoch was taken to heaven thousands of years before the general
appointed time for the children of earth to be delivered. Moses was
resurrected and taken to heaven long before the general resurrection of
the just. In the same way, why is it difficult to accept that the lives
of these men were examined before the general time of the investigative
My dear brothers and sisters I urge you to carefully examine the
biblical evidence again. This truth is too plainly taught to be missed.
How can we reject something which is so evidently taught in the word of
God, and why should we? What good reason is there for the enmity which
is often manifested towards this doctrine? God desires us to be united.
This is also the aching desire of my heart. But it cannot be on the
basis of anything other that God’s truth. Let us re-examine our
positions carefully in the light of the Scriptures and see if we cannot
conclude that unity can be achieved upon the basis of a united
acceptance of this, and all other biblical truths.
Truly, when the day of judgement comes, we shall not be examined as to
what we have read, but what we have done (Matt. 25); not how well we
have spoken, but how we have lived. (Thomas A’Kempis)
God’s Anointed in Exile
David Clayton
One of the most
vexing questions and perhaps the one which causes the greatest degree of
polarity and separation among the Independent Ministries is the
question of what our relationship should be to the organized SDA church.
Most of us are already familiar with the various arguments presented by
both sides and it may not be necessary for me to here go back over most
of the points. Let it suffice to say that while one group is convinced
that on the basis of the writings of Sister White they ought to maintain
membership in, and a working relationship with the organization, as
well as continue to support it with their tithes and offerings, the
other group is equally convinced that neither the Bible not the writings
of Sister White encourage us to remain joined to a system which is in
open apostasy, on all fronts. In fact, they would see strong reasons,
and even direct instructions to separate completely from such a system,
and to stop supporting it in any way whatsoever.
If there were an easy way to resolve both points of
view, then no doubt the issue would have been settled long ago. To each
person, his own perspective seems absolutely plain, and he is amazed
that those on the other side could be so blind and hard-hearted that
they should fail to see what seems so plain to him. Well, what is the
truth? “They that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth,”
and the attitude of the true learner in the school of Christ is that
having found the truth he is ever seeking for a higher understanding of
truth; a more perfect revelation of the way of God so that He may
represent Him more perfectly.
In praying over this question recently, I was moved
to look at the story of David and Saul and to compare the attitude of
David with the attitude of the reformers in the SDA church today.
First of all, let us notice that Saul had been
chosen of God. He had been anointed by the prophet of God, Samuel. One
in whom was the Spirit of Prophecy. When Saul came to the throne it was
with the solemn declaration proclaimed in the presence of the people,
“See ye him whom the Lord hath chosen!” (1 Sam.10:24) However, in spite
of the fact that God had chosen Saul and had anointed him through a
prophet, the day came when God had to reject Saul as king, and the same
spirit of prophecy which had announced his choice as king, decreed of
Saul, “The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day…”
(1 Sam.15:28)
Now notice something: God had rejected Saul that
very day. From that moment He no longer had God’s blessing, but even so
God did not immediately remove him from the seat of power. For 23 more
years Saul continued to lead Israel, becoming more and more diseased in
mind and spirit as the devil gained complete control of his being. Yet,
though Saul sat on the throne of Israel, it was not the duty of those
who were loyal to Jehovah to either support him, or follow him. “Turn
again with me,” said Saul to Samuel, “that I may worship the Lord.” But
Samuel’s reply was, “I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected
the word of the Lord…” “And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the
day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul.” (1 Sam.
There were those then, who continued to follow Saul,
no matter what. Was he not the Lord’s anointed? In their narrow minds
they could not see that “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the
word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king .” (1 Sam.
15:23) What was the consequence of this blind loyalty to Saul? The
consequence of this failure to discern the mind of God? Well, simply
that Israel followed after Saul in cruelly and unreasoningly persecuting
the true anointed of the Lord. People who had never known David, who
had no reason for hating him, knew only that Saul was hunting him and
that was reason enough for them to betray him to Saul at every
opportunity (1 Sam.23:19). Some, like Jonathan, who knew that God had
chosen David to be king, yet stayed with Saul from filial loyalty. Love
for Saul made him stay, even when he had become convinced that Saul was
mad; even when he knew without a doubt that God no longer was with Saul.
Jonathan was a good man, but blindly loyal, and he perished with Saul
and a great multitude of Israelite men on Mount Gilboa, defeated by the
enemies of Jehovah, the Philistines, because they followed a leader from
whom the Spirit of God had departed.
There is a time when failure to support a cause, or a
man, or a system constitutes rebellion against God. There is another
time when supporting that same cause, or man or system means disloyalty
to God. The child of God will know what God requires of him, moment by
moment, as people, systems, organizations and times change, but God
remains the same forever.
And what may we say of David’s attitude? Outlawed,
disgraced, robbed of wife and home, hounded from place to place by a
powerful lunatic who was obviously possessed of an evil spirit, what was
his philosophy concerning Saul?
“The Lord forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the
LORD’s anointed .” (1 Sam.26:11) There was nothing which Saul could do
which could make him seek to harm, or to destroy Saul. His feeling was
that God Himself would deal with Saul in His own appointed time (verse
10). This did not mean that David was willing to support Saul in any
way. It did not mean that Saul did not deserve to be destroyed, but
David’s reverence for God was so great that he would not lay his hand
upon what had been once touched by the hand of God.
David’s attitude should be ours today, as sincere believers in the third
angel’s message who have been persecuted, disfellowshipped and
disgraced by the “Saul” of today. Distressed by the rebellion of Saul,
we “mourn” for Saul as did Samuel. Hounded and persecuted, short of
supplies, dwelling even in the “wilderness”, yet we refrain from seeking
to destroy Saul, even when he is in our power, “lest the daughters of
the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised
triumph.” Our duty, as David’s was, is to fight the battles of the Lord.
Though David was short of supplies, though his army was made up of
discontented rabble, yet David never lost a battle while he was in
exile. His rag-tag band of men defeated the enemy in every battle, and
all Israel knew even if they did not admit it openly, that the one
chosen of God was David.
We ask ourselves the question: For what purpose was the SDA movement
raised up by God? Was it not to preach the three angels’ messages to all
the world? Yes, and the need of the world, for the message is very
great. There is need for urgency in the presentation of the message.
Yet, it is the feeling of those who see the apostasy of the church, that
these messages are no longer being preached by the organized body.
Therefore they see it as their duty to spend their energies and
resources in seeking to persuade the church to turn around. Yet, I feel
that this is to miss the mark. Let me illustrate how this kind of
reasoning really appears to me.
Suppose that a great epidemic breaks out in a certain area: Two men are
sent with a box of medicine which is the only hope of survival for the
people in that area. Without this medicine, it is certain that all will
perish. As they are driving along at breakneck speed in an effort to get
help to that area before it is too late, one of the men suddenly
decides to stop to watch a football match. All the efforts of the other
man to persuade him to return to his mission are in vain. He becomes
engrossed in the game and refuses to move until it is over.
Meanwhile, back in the village, people are dying like flies. What is the
other man to do? It seems to me that his duty is clear. He must leave
the other man to his game. He must grab the box of medicine and run with
it. The apostasy of his friend has not lessened the urgency of his
mission one iota. I will go even further: Should the man who stops to
watch the football match be supported with any of the resources
entrusted to these men? For example, should he be left with the car
while the other man runs on on foot? The point I am making should be
very clear. While the illustration may fall short in some areas, yet in
the main, it serves to show the situation as it really is today.
In 1844 God raised up a people to give a message to the world which was
of vital importance. A message which was His last merciful appeal to
mankind. Is there still an urgent need for it today? Does God love the
perishing ones as much today as He did in 1844? Is there as much need
for urgency now, as there was back then? Surely you see what I mean! We
are a hundred and fifty years down the stream of time, and the work is
nowhere nearer being finished now than it was a hundred years ago. In
fact, it is probably further behind than then, inasmuch as the movement
has lost its momentum, while the population of the world has multiplied
several times over since then.
“This is no time for the messengers of God to stop to prop up those who
know the truth, and who have every advantage. Let them go on to lift the
standard and give the warning, ‘Behold the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out
to meet Him..'” (Testimonies to Ministers – p.233)
A Sampling of our mail
I was given a
tract, and a fine study of “Who is the Antichrist?” in the tract you
said that I should write for the tract entitled “The Mark of The Beast”
could you please send that tract to me? … Here is a $10.00 donation
for now. Please send an index of materials and tracts that you have
Ohio, USA
Thank you for the tape on the Certainty of Adventism. We enjoyed it on Sabbath.
Illinois, USA
Just a few lines to let you know that we received
your cassette and enjoyed listening to it. We two are staying at home
Sabbath after Sabbath praising the blessed Lord in Spirit and in truth.
Sometimes we are like the Ethiopian eunuch in need of a Philip, but
Jesus knows best, and He is our comforter and our guide … enclosed you
will find $500.00 (US $12.50) which is not even a drop in the bucket,
but little is much when the dear Lord is in it.
St. James, Jamaica
I always deeply appreciate the fervor of your
dynamic presentations, but I must confess that I miss a great deal
because you speak at times with machine-gun-like rapidity and I find I
cannot perceive what you are saying… do all Jamaicans speak so
…Anyway I appreciate what I do hear and
Alabama USA
Editors note: We will try by God’s grace to work harder on this aspect of our presentations. DC
Just a short note to tell you how much I enjoy your
sermons on tape. You touch on subjects which we do not hear from the SDA
pulpit…you are constantly in our prayers
Montana USA
What do you do with John 1:1; 8:58; Phil. 2:6 and
many more verses saying the Holy Spirit spoke, wept, grieved, loved,
restrained, constrained Acts 16:6,7 and many more verses re the Holy
spirit showing He is a person and not merely an “influence” or “force”? I
grieve for you brother David. You are deceived and influenced by a
person who hates the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, Christ, the work of the
Holy Spirit & etc. Please remove my name from your mailing list.
Alabama, USA
Thank you for the tapes. We really appreciate your
messages. I have made about five or more sets of tapes, (The Omega, What
God has Revealed, The Love of God and Who is this God). I give them out
like that in that grouping. I have three new families who are
listening. I am always surprised at the strong resistance to believing
the truth about God. They always quote texts that really prove nothing
and disregard the plainest texts it seems.
California, USA
It is disappointing that some after they have been
enlightened no longer believe this. We are not a large movement but I
really believe since this is the real truth that this is the real
remnant of God. I also believe that the time is really soon when we will
all be tested and will be gold tried in the fire.
May God bless you all. I’m sending a money order. Keep on trusting.
Illinois, USA
First I must say congratulations to you for the good
works your people are doing. I have received three powerful tracts
which you have published, namely The Mark of The Beast, Religious
Deception, and Why Not Talk To God About The Sabbath. I am asking you
very kindly if you could send me 200 each of these tracts. Let us know
what the cost is. Keep up the good work.
St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
I really profited much spiritually from the tape I
listened to on the subject of the trinity entitled, “Omega Series no.3”
Can you possibly send me nos. 1&2 and any other additional
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Thank you for sending the Sanctuary video…I would
be willing to receive some of your back issues of With Open Face and
also to be put on your mailing list …Do you also have a web site that
you publish your information from? Please tell me if you have, or are
setting up one. Also tell me if you keep yourself & your small group
at Restoration Ministries independent or if you are attached to the SDA
TAGNET services. Good courage in all your efforts; this subject is the
very one to be engaged in with the whole heart.
Quebec, Canada
I received your letter and the tapes, also the
booklet. It was a pleasure hearing from you. Your message has been a
I haven’t turned over to the Sabbath as yet but I
have learned a lot of things from you and I have shared them with my
co-workers. I lent them the tapes. I am sure your message will spread
even more. May God bless you my brother as you continue to do your good
Clarendon, Jamaica
My husband and I are non-trinitarian, do not believe
in the “God Does not kill” theory, that the feast days, sacred name and
head covering is not for us today and that proper Christian music is
not heard too often. We are learning more about Bible prophecies and the
sanctuary message. We get your tapes from Arizona. Very interesting
and most helpful to improve our understanding. We just listened to, “The
Meat That Endureth.” Could you please send me the list of references
which you handed out when giving that sermon?
Finished reading your paper on “Roots of The Trinity” – very well done.
Your paper and tapes are very much appreciated. May
God bless you with health and courage to continue in His service.
Colorado, USA
I want to thank you for the newsletter that you have
been sending me. The February 2000 issue was especially interesting and
helpful. It will go a long way to discredit the theory that brother X
is spreading around!
I listened to a tape he gave me, and I must admit
that the thought that the two compartment sanctuary with the torn
curtain is in the mind was very appealing at first. I can understand how
our people were, and still are being enticed by Desmond Ford.
Florida, USA
We have noticed that some of the brethren might be
giving up the message on the sanctuary, but we assure you that the
Philadelphia Shabbat Advent Church will never depart from the true
foundational principles of the church of Christ. These truths have been
clearly declared from 1844 through 1914, by the pioneers of the Seventh
Day Adventist church. So we hold that there is a Most Holy Place in the
Heavenly Sanctuary, where Christ is now accomplishing the Day of
Our studies for Sabbath School is the book of
Hebrews which clearly shows the shadow being the earthly, and the real
sanctuary, as being the heavenly.
We have received a copy of the Roots of the Trinity,
and thank God for this material. We are making copies, and sharing it
up with brethren. We hope that you might be able to come for a weekend
or even a week to hold a series in Miami. I will be calling you
personally to talk of these things.
May God the Father and His Son, bless you and your church continually.
Florida, USA
I must address my tardiness in acknowledging the
article you sent me on “What is the Church”, responding to Ty Gibson’s
study. Thank you so much. Having said that I must now thank you too for
your excellent Newsletter which I received today. I received a blessing
from reading all articles and I was particularly interested in the
comments of O.R.L. Crosier on the subject of the Day of Atonement.
Julia Joy Russell has just sent me another 6 tapes
(my “fix”!). Praise God that He is blessing so many through your
I have received your tape and also the booklet.
Thanks very much for all these. It is a blessing to my family and
others. I do know that the Lord will continue to bless your ministries.
St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
I must just write to you and tell you that a sister
in the USA sent me a copy of your tape ‘The Presence of God’, and I want
to tell you what a blessing it was to me. It is a very POWERFUL message
and I want to copy lots of them to share with people.
So I praise God that He has given you that
particular angle, and gave you His Spirit to present it in such a
powerful way.
Victoria, Australia
New Developments
New Meeting House
For the past fifteen years the brethren in the
Mandeville area have resisted the suggestion that there was the need to
build a meeting house. Somehow the warmth and fellowship of meeting in a
home church seemed to have an appeal that we were loath to relinquish.
Sometimes, however, circumstances have the last word and this proved to
be the case. A few weeks ago we found it necessary to begin building a
meeting house capable of accomodating the growing numbers who sometimes
congregate in and around Brother Bill’s home for Sabbath worship. The
new meeting house, still in the process of being built should be able to
hold close to a hundred people.
On Sabbath, February 19, 2000 we had our first meeting
in the unfinished building with Pastor Allen Stump of West Virginia
being our guest speaker for the day. This first meeting gave us an
intimation that perhaps we may soon have to think of doing something
else, for the chapel was unable to house all those who came that day and
a number of persons had to find seats on the outside!
We wish to use this means of expressing publicly our
appreciation to our Father for His guidance and provision. Our sincere
thanks also to all those who have contributed in one way or another to
this project, even if it was only by means of your prayers and well
New Couple
Sunday February 27 was a high day for Debbie Finley
and Gideon Clayton (Jnr.). Debbie and Marlon (Gideon) were married in a
simple ceremony at New Hall in the presence of friends and relatives.
We wish them a life of happiness in which committment to God and His truth may be the governing principle.
New Web Site
By the grace of God through outstanding assistance
from Pastor Allen Stump and the brethren at Smyrna Gospel ministries, we
are pleased to announce that Restoration Ministries now has a witness
on the world-wide web. This website may be found at
All the back issues of our newsletters are available
for reading or downloading from the site as well as the tracts and
booklets which we have available. In addition we have a listing of our
audio and video tapes. All three tapes of the godhead series may be
listened to simply by clicking on the appropriate button.
Frankly, we had no idea that so much was involved in
setting up this website. However, when we mentioned our desire to do so,
the brethren at Smyrna responded immediately by sending Allen here with
all the necessary software and know how. At the end of ten hectic days
we were up and running though there were a couple of glitches, Which
Allen was able to iron out upon his return to the USA.
We are truly thrilled at this new avenue for witness.
We praise our Father for the open door and wish to say an especial word
of heartfelt thanks to Allen Stump and the brethren of Smyrna who made
it possible.
New Witnessing Tool
On Wednesday March 1, 2000, a small audience gathered
at the PCJ Auditorium in Kingston to witness the launching of Brother
Colin Gyles’ latest book, “Upon This Rock.” This book is the result of a
sincere, earnest, and candid effort to explore the Biblical concept of
the church. The back of the book reads:
“But what is this mysterious entity-The Church, over which individuals
hold such diverse, yet unyielding passion? From the divine perspective,
is it a national establishment, the great cathedral or the various
denominations? What does the Bible say on this matter?”
While the findings in this book may not be agreeable to the popular
institutional church groups, its message is of vital importance! Brother
Colin has, as usual, been meticulous in backing up his propositions
with solid evidence from the Bible, history, and contemporary events.
This book is a valuable witnessing tool and a welcome new weapon in the
fight for the restoration of truth. Copies of this book may be obtained
by writing to:
Colin Gyles, C/O God’s Love, P.O. Box 542, Kingston 10, Jamaica W.I.
The Time has Come
The time has come to tell the masses
That Jesus Christ our Saviour lives;
Of how He loves us like a Father
and of the spirit that He gives
The time has come to take the message
To those who’ll never be the same;
To many bound by false religion,
To those who’ve never heard His name
From Macedonia the call is sounding
In Istanbul the people wait;
The countless children of Peking, China,
The thirsting souls of Uruguay.
The time has come to go to Boston,
Salt Lake, Nashville, to Abilene;
Yes, from LA to New York City
And every county inbetween.
The time has come to tell the nations,
the time has come to spread the word;
In every town we must confess it;
We must reveal our precious Lord..
The time has come, we must not waste it;
The time has come to sound the news.
It is for every single nation,
We cannot wait, the time has come.
Live today as you will wish you had lived when you stand before God.
The Lord has given to every man his
work. It is his business to do it, and the Devil’s business to hinder
him if he can. So sure as God has given you a work to do, Satan will try
to hinder you. He may throw you from it; he may allure you by worldly
prospects, he may assault you with slander, torment you by false
accusations, set you at work defending your character, employ pious
persons to lie about you , and excellent men to slander you. You may
have Pilate and Herod, Annas and Caiaphas, all combined against you, and
Judas standing by to sell you for thirty pieces of silver; and you may
wonder why all these things come upon you. Can you not see that the
whole thing is brought about through the craft of the devil to draw you
off from your work and hinder your obedience to God?
Keep at your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars; do not stop to
stone the devil’s rabbits. Do your work. Let liars lie, let sectarians
quarrel, let corporations resolve, let editors publish, let the devil do
his worst; but see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling the
work God has given you. He has not sent you to make money. He has not
commanded you to get rich. He has never bidden you to defend your
character. He has not set you at work to contradict falsehood which
Satan and his angels may start to peddle. If you do these things, you
will do nothing else. You will be at work for yourself and not for the
Keep at your work. Let your aim be as steady as a star. Let the world
brawl and bubble. You may be assaulted, wronged, insulted, slandered,
wounded and neglected. You may be abused by foes, forsaken by friends,
and despised and rejected of men. But see to it with steadfast
determination, with unfaltering zeal, that you pursue the great purpose
of your life and object of your being, until at last you can say, “I
have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.” (H.M.S. Richards)
Did I firmly believe, as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another, religion would mean to me everything. I would cast away earthly enjoyments as dross, earthly cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion would be my first waking thought, and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness. I should labour in its cause alone. I would take thought for the morrow of Eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained for heaven worth a life of suffering. Earthly consequences should never stay my hand, nor seal my lips. Earth, its joys and its griefs, would occupy no moment of my thoughts. I would strive to look upon Eternity alone, and on the Immortal Souls around me, soon to be everlastingly happy or everlastingly miserable. I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out of season, and my text would be, WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL.
Open Face is published bi-monthly and is sent free to all who desire to receive it.
David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
P. O. Box 23 Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (876) 904-7392