In this issue:
Trinity Doctrine Undermines the Gospel
by Colin A. Gyles
The Trinity is held by popular professed Christianity to be the central doctrine of the Christian faith. This doctrine, though nominally embraced by most professed Christians, is widely considered to be a mystery. So mysterious is this doctrine that many of its adherents do not even venture to seek an understandable definition of the doctrine, much more to investigate or analyze its coherency or any implications that it might create for the overall perspective that is developed.
Webster’s Dictionary defines the Trinity as follows: “(a) A threefold consubstantial personality existing in one divine being or substance. (b) The union of one God; of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three infinite persons.” A similar definition of the Trinity is given in the Practical Catholic Dictionary by Jessie Corrigan Pegis as follows: “One and the same God in three divine persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. There are three distinct persons who are one God.
“In accordance with the historical development of the Trinity doctrine and as indicated in the above definitions, the Trinity declares that there are three distinct persons who are of the same substance and constitute one being. This composite being is considered to be the God of the Christian faith. Pictorially, the Trinity has been represented as a composite head with three (3) faces or as three different heads that are joined in a single body. Another popular representation is an equilateral triangle wherein each of the three (3) equal sides represents a member of the Trinity.
The various representations attempt to depict an underlying concept of unity of substance, thus making the three personalities a single being rather than separate beings. This concept of unity of substance constitutes the primary basis on which the doctrine was formulated. The formulation of the Trinity doctrine arose out of a controversy early in the fourth (4″) century AD between one Arius, a Presbyter in charge of the church at Baucalis in Alexandria, Egypt, and Alexander, the Bishop of Alexandria.
Arius proposed that Jesus Christ, the Son, was of like substance (Greek-Homoiousion) as the Father while Alexander contended that the Son was of the same substance (Greek Homoousion) as the Father. The resolution of the dispute was done by a council of 3 18 bishops called at Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 AD, which resolution saw the condemnation and banishment of Arius and the acceptance of the idea that the Son is of the same substance as the Father.
The concept of identity of substance was later applied also to the Holy Spirit by Athanasius and a subsequent council held at Constantinople in 381 AD enjoined equal worship of the Holy Ghost with the Father and Son. It was also declared that the Son was begotten of the Father by an Eternal Generation, a continuous process that has neither beginning nor end, hence the Son is not separate from the Father, but together they constitute one being. The Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus declare: “The Christian belief is that the Christ of History is the Son of God, eternally begotten by one ceaseless action from the Father………” (Tell Us About God…. Who Is He? p. 30, The Knights of Columbus).
An examination of the issues which gave rise to the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity indicate clearly that the doctrine was formulated based on intellectual speculation and not on divine revelation. Indeed the Bible is entirely silent on such questions as the substance of the Father and the pre-incarnate Son. Further, none of the apostles or prophets have even as much as alluded to any such thing as worship of the Holy Spirit or made any suggestion as to the nature of any process by which the Son was begotten. The Trinity is indeed a mystery, but far from being a divine mystery, it is a man-made mystery, and a mystery in the sense of being obscure and confusing.
Roman Catholic officials are at least honest in admitting that the Trinity doctrine was not founded on the Scriptures, as declared: “Our opponents (Protestants) sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in Scripture……. But the Protestant churches have themselves accepted such dogmas as the Trinity for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels….” – Life Magazine, October 30, 1950.
It is rather significant that the various pictorial representations of the so-called Christian Trinity bear marked resemblance to depictions of pagan deities that have existed centuries before the founding of the Christian church and which had no counterpart in the Jewish religious experience. The reason for this is that popular professed Christianity has been built on the foundation of imperial Christianity of the Roman empire which was developed based on a mingling of Christianity with the former pagan experience of Gentile converts. This is evident in the Trinity concept, wherein essentially correct Biblical terminology such as “One God” and “Only Begotten Son” are used to provide a veneer for false, unscriptural, pagan ideas.
That Christianity which was of the apostolic flavour, did not feature in the prominent and populous cities of the Roman Empire or in any of the famous councils of the imperial church. The reason for this is to be found in a dire hatred that Roman authorities had developed for the Jews. One may recall that all the apostles were Jewish and the founding members of the Christian Church were Jewish. The Christian Jews constituted a sect called “Nazarenes” (The apostle Paul was referred to as a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes – Acts 24:5 on account of the fact that Jesus was a Nazarene, having been brought up in Nazareth – Matt. 2:23).
On account of the non-Christian Jews seeking to assert independence from the Roman authorities, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70. The Christian Jews escaped the scourge by fleeing to a city in Syria called Pella (one of the ten cities of what is called Decapolis, in the Bible).
Pella and Antioch (the place where the disciples were first called Christians – Acts 11:26), both in Syria, became the main headquarters of apostolic Christianity after the destruction of Jerusalem. This remained so until as late as AD 370. Of these Christian Jews (Nazarenes) the Encyclopedia Britannica states: “Nazarenes, an obscure Jewish-Christian sect, existing at the time of Epiphaneus (fl. A.D. 370) in Coele – Syria, Decapolis (Pella) and Basanitis (Cocabe). According to that authority, they dated their settlement in Pella from the time of the flight of the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem, immediately before the siege in A.D. 70; he characterizes them as neither more nor less than Jews pure and simple, but adds that they recognized the new covenant as well as the old, and believed in the resurrection, and in the one God and His Son Jesus Christ….Jerome (Ep. 79 to Augustine) says that they believed in Christ the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, who suffered under Pontius Pilate, and rose again, but adds that, ‘desiring to be both Jews and Christians, they are neither the one nor the other.’ They used the Aramaic recension of the Gospel according to Matthew, which they called the Gospel to the Hebrews, but, while adhering as far as possible to the Mosaic economy as regarded….sabbaths, foods and the like, they did not refuse to recognize the apostolicity of Paul or the rights of (Gentile) Christians (Jer., Comn, in Isa. 9:1)”. – The Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, Vol. 19
For those who have read the Bible book of Acts, there should be very little difficulty in identifying the characteristics of the Nazarenes as described above with the apostolic church. It is noteworthy however, that Jerome’s description reflected an attitude which had, by then, developed among Gentile professed Christians which sought to dissociate Christianity from any connection with the Jews.
Meanwhile, widespread rebellion of non-Christian Jews against the Romans in AD 135 once again occasioned the Romans under emperor Hadrian to plow Jerusalem under, change its name to Aelia and forbade the Gentile Christians to have a leader of Jewish descent ~(Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, b.3, Ch. 5 p. 138, found in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers). Thus, by the time the Council of Nicaea was called, the Gentile Christians had largely distanced themselves from their Jewish brethren, allied themselves to the Roman Imperial authorities and capitulated to pagan customs, with which they were well familiar, in order to avoid being classified with the Jews. Thus, Christianity of the apostolic brand continued to exist in obscurity, being kept aloof from such philosophical bungling as the Trinity.
The fundamental problem with the Trinity Doctrine in all its variations is that it denies or confuses the reality of Jesus Christ being the Son of God. This reality is the central truth that Christ commanded that His church should be built on (Matt. 16: 16-18). To remove or distort this truth and replace it with the pagan concept of a Trinity, as the central doctrine of Christianity can only undermine the true gospel of salvation and establish a false faith that does not commend itself to reason.
The gospel is a story which demonstrates the price of genuine and lasting peace. The honourable Chief Justice has reminded us that there can be no peace without justice. God could have destroyed the Devil before his rebellion and malicious lies against the Government of God are proven to be baseless, but the entire universe would cry: Foul! The seeds of distrust that were insinuated by the Devil (then called Lucifer), first in heaven among the angels and then in the hearts of our first parents (Adam and Eve) and their posterity may be rooted out only by due process of justice which must not only be done, but be manifestly and undoubtedly seen to be done.
The cost to God of allowing due process has been immeasurable, involving even the ignominious death of His only begotten Son. Jesus Christ, as a willing and obedient Son, being the express image of His Father’s person (character) demonstrated on earth the Father’s virtuous character and allowed the entire universe to see the Devil’s malice toward God by enduring the Devil’s venom even to the point of death. God himself being the ultimate source and sustainer of all things could not have condescended in such a manner and die, otherwise the universe would collapse and cease to exist. Of the Father, the Scriptures declare: “who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords; who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see”. 1 Tim. 6:15, 16. “But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things……” 1 Cor. 8:6
Though the Father Himself could not die, nevertheless, through His divine power, His only begotten, beloved Son could be manifested in a form whereby He could die and did die. One cannot begin to imagine what must have occurred in the heart of God, the loving Father, who loves far greater than any other being, when he saw the agony of His Son – His only begotten Son, as Jesus, in the frailty of human flesh, cried “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matt. 27. 46. Such has been the cost of securing lasting peace for the entire universe. The argument of Calvary is profound. It shows:
1. The enormity of sin – that sin ultimately engenders the destruction of all that is good.
2. The matchless love of a Holy God, even for a race of rebels; notwithstanding the fact that the rejectors of His grace will be called to account for the death of His Son.
In explaining his mission, Jesus declared “I proceeded forth and came from the Father; neither came I of myself, but He sent me.” John 8: 42. Having fulfilled the will of His Father, Jesus Christ has been even more endeared to His Father. Jesus said: “Therefore doth my Father love me, because 1 lay down my life, that I might take it again.” John 10:17. Accordingly, God has not only raised him from the dead (Acts 5:30, 31) and has “highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name” (Phil. 2: 9), but has “committed all judgement unto the Son: That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father.” John 5:22, 23
The gospel is intended to open to the world the irrefutable evidence of divine love, patience, selflessness and justice. However, through such distortions as the Trinity doctrine the Devil seeks to obscure the truth. Nevertheless, we are assured that “this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matt. 24: 14. But first, the gospel will be cleared of all distortions so that it will shine with unshadowed brilliance and clarity, showing that sin is without excuse, thus preventing any recurrence of evil, once an end has been put to it.
“I Will Be Like The Most High”
By Donald Clayton
Upon reading this claim of Satan in Isaiah 14:14, one may well ask the question, “How could Satan ever think that he could become like God? after all he is only an angel and everybody knows that. What plan then could he come up with to make people worship him as God?”
Now if there is one thing that people like to do, it is to worship. Men worship cows, trees, celestial bodies, their loved ones, their dead, they worship education and the educated, the brave, the wealthy, the artistic, they even worship their cars, houses, money and so on. With this in mind Satan knew that all he had to do was to present himself in the right way and he could get the worship of all those who were not fully committed to God. (By far the large majority of people in Christendom.) He did not have to tell them not to worship God. As long as they worshiped him as well, they would be dishonouring God.
Christians believe in the Bible and so what the devil would have to do is to use the Bible to convince them that he was also to be worshiped. He didn’t mind too much whether or not they called him by name as long as he managed to take away some of their worship from God and directed it towards himself. But how could he do this?
A study of the scriptures reveals that the “one God and Father of all” (Eph. 4:6), has a son who can also be truly called God, in that He is the son of God who has inherited all the attributes of His Father. In fact, God the father refers to Him as God and commanded that He is to be worshiped, not only by mankind but also by the angels in Heaven (Read Hebrews, 1 esp. vs. 1,4,6,8).
The scriptures also teach that God has a spirit and that this spirit plays a very active role in the communication between God and man. While however, the Spirit is referred to in ways which make it seem like a person, there is nothing in the Bible which tells us to worship him/it. But how many people know this? How many people even care? Most Christians don’t read their Bibles so they would never know the difference anyway.
So here comes Satan’s plan. Using his faithful servant, the one who “sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”, the “man of sin”, the “Antichrist” , The Devil first persuades men that Jesus is not really the Son of god, but is in fact God the Son, another being of equal status and authority as God, who is merely acting the role of son. The Bible clearly shows that the highest authority in the universe is God the Father. Next in line is His son, followed by the angels and thence to man. (See I Cor. 11:3). But the ‘new’ teaching of the Devil stated that the Father and Son are equal in every respect including authority. Neither one has more authority, and none was before the other.
With this lie accepted, it was just one small step to persuading Christians that the Spirit of God was not really the Spirit of God, but in fact God the Spirit. “God the Spirit”, he claimed, is a third being of equal status and authority as God the Father. This third ‘God’ condescends to act as a mere agent for God. Nevertheless, men are to worship him as much as they worship the other two, since he is also God.
This is the way in which Satan has always worked to twist or make slight changes to what God says in order to accomplish his insidious purposes. God said “Thou shalt surely die.” Satan said “Thou shalt not surely die.”; God said “The Son of God” Satan says “God the Son”. God’s word says “The Spirit of God” and Satan says “God the Spirit”
By these cunning deceptions men are taught to pray to the Holy Spirit, and to entreat him to fall on them and to fill them. But since God commanded worship only of Himself and His Son, once you worship or pray to anyone or anything else, it amounts to idolatry. Once you pray to the holy spirit, you have turned your worship into idolatry and satan then sneaks himself in and may actually answer your prayer. This is why in many churches today where people are praying for the holy spirit to fill them, satan takes over and actually takes control of them, causing them to speak gibberish, to roll and contort in all sorts of grotesque ways and to even do themselves bodily harm without being aware of it. During the days when Jesus was on earth, this sort of behaviour was considered ‘demon possession‘ (see Mark 9:20), but today it is considered being ‘filled’ with God’s Spirit. What blasphemy!
Jesus said (in Matthew 12:31, 32,), “all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.” When Christians see the work of Satan and credit it to the Holy Spirit of God, is that not blaspheming against the Spirit, and shall that be forgiven?
When God refused to promote Lucifer to an equal status with His Son, the devil pledged “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation…I will be like the most high God.” (Isa. 14:13,14). Today many innocent and sincere Christians have been taught ‘in the churches’ to dishonour God and turn their worship to other gods. Those who refuse to worship the heathen gods are cut off (disfellowshiped) from among the people, as Jezebel did with the prophets of God in Elijah’s time.
It is certainly time now that God’s children turn their hearts to Him once more and turn away from following other gods. No wonder God needs Elijah today, for Ahab (leaders of Israel) and Jezebel (The false churches) have long ago joined themselves in an adulterous union and they have erected altars to Baal in Israel.
Where are the Elijahs today who are willing to say to their leaders, “You have made Israel to sin.”? This is not the time to be an under-cover prophet like Obadiah or hiding in caves like the other prophets. God says “There will be no rain” (latter rain) until we have got rid of the prophets of Baal and once more turned the hearts of the people to the worship of the ONE TRUE God.
Remember the worship of the TRINITY IS IDOLATRY.
“All things Christ received from God, but He took to give. So in the heavenly courts, in His ministry for all created beings; through the beloved Son, the Father’s life flows out to all; through the Son it returns, in praise and joyous service, a tide of love, to the great Source of all. And thus through Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, representing the character of the great Giver, the law of life.” — DA-21 |
An Explanation of the New S.D.A. Logo
(As found in CENTRAL FOCUS 3rd Quarter 1997 pg. 4)”The new Logo depicts our mission statement of a global mission. The cross of Christ centers an open Bible that encompasses the globe in its glowing flames. We recommend that our institutions and church publications should prominently display this Logo.The lines at the top of the design suggest a continued upward momentum symbolising the resurrection and ascension to heaven at Christ’s second coming, the ultimate focus of our faith.
The Open Bible – The Bible forms the base of the design and represents the Biblical foundation of our beliefs. It is portrayed in a fully opened position suggesting a full acceptance of God’s word.The Cross – The symbol of the cross representing the gospel of salvation, is positioned in the center of the design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, which is the central theme of our faith.The Flame – This shape is formed by three lines encircling an implied sphere. The lines represent the three angels of rev. 14 circling the globe and our commission to take the gospel to the entire world. the overall shape forms a flame symbolic of the Holy Spirit.”

THE NEW LOGO OF THE SDA CHURCH*******************
Just a Coincidence?

South Pacific Division Logo

“Protestants were once thus apart from this great church of apostasy, but they have approached more nearly to her, and are still in the path of reconciliation to the Church of Rome. Rome never changes. Her principles have not altered in the least. She has not lessened the breach between herself and Protestants; they have done all the advancing. But what does this argue for the Protestantism of this day? It is the rejection of Bible truth which makes men approach to infidelity. It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy.” The Signs of the Times – 02-19-94 |
Campmeeting Notice
The tentative date for our next camp meeting is from Wednesday, August 5, 1998 to Sunday, August 9, 1998. This promises to be our biggest camp meeting yet, with several visitors expected to come from as far as England. Please start making preparations from now and make an effort to send in the usual contribution of $500.00 per person, as soon as possible. You will hear more on this, soon.
At Last – A Printing Press
Through the providence of our Father, we are now in possession of a printing press which is up and running. This edition of With Open Face is the first to be printed on the press. This press is a Multilith 1250.As we watched the press at work for the first time, many thoughts and feelings went through our minds; relief that we would no longer nave to wait days, and sometimes weeks to get our literature printed; joy that we will now be quickly able to adequately meet the demands of the work as the advances of the truth call for relevant literature to meet specific needs in different areas. But the predominating feeling was one of deep gratitude and awe.
We felt gratitude firstly to our heavenly Father for His providence in getting this press into our hands and awe at the realization that He truly has chosen us to be the instruments for disseminating His truth in our area in this time. Surely, God does not give a gift unless He has plans for its use.
We are also extremely thankful to brother Allen Stump for his single-minded, determined efforts in obtaining this press and all the necessary equipment which goes with it. Inks, a plate burner, plates, etc. In addition, he gave many hours of his time, inclusive of the time he took to come to Jamaica to teach us how to use it properly.
Special gratitude is due to brother and sister Charles and Lois Wilson who made the press available in the first place when brother Stump had no idea of where to look. Heartfelt thanks to the dear sister who wishes to remain anonymous, who gave a gift of $800.00 towards the acquisition of the press and related equipment. Also the many other dear brothers and sisters, many of whose names we do not know, but who contributed in one way or another to this project and demonstrated in a wonderful way that God’s true people everywhere are really all a part of one big, loving family.
May our Father continue to knit us all together in the bonds of caring love and grant us soon the privilege of meeting face to face when we may personally express our thanks for the efforts which were made on behalf of the work here in Jamaica. God bless you all and keep you faithful.
David Clayton
Open Face is published bi-monthly and is sent free to all who desire to receive it.
David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
P. O. Box 23 Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.
Phone: (876) 904-7392