Open Face No. 81 – November 2011

In this issue:

All Israel will be saved!

Christian Unity

Roan Mountain Campmeeting Report

Do you believe this?

Prayer Request

7 Ways to fight Alzheimers

All Israel Will Be Saved

David Clayton

Romans 11 is a chapter which is often misunderstood. It is one of the difficult chapters in the Bible because it seems to suggest that God has some special affection for the Jews as a race and that as a consequence of this, He will put forth special efforts to bring them back to Himself as a people. Many have come to the conclusion that God loves the Jewish nation above other people and that He will do more for them than He has done for any other group of people. Some are even going further and suggesting that the keeping of the law of Moses is integrally associated with the worship of the Jews and that when they turn to Christ, the observing of the law will be a major feature of their worship.

This is difficult to accept if we believe that God is unbiased and fair in His dealings with humanity. It is even harder to accept when we understand that the system of the law is no longer included in the worship of God’s people. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the key verses in Romans chapter 11 to see if we can get a more balanced understanding of what Paul is really saying.

The Root is Holy

A good foundation for understanding Romans 11 is obtained when we understand who is the root which is referred to in the following verse:

For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. (17) And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; (Rom 11:16-17)

Here, the Jews are represented as branches, but what is the root from which they grew? Is it the law? Some will emphasize this passage and suggest that this indicates that those who are grafted in must also be grafted into the observance of the religion and the laws which governed Israel. But notice that this is not what is being taught here. No, the root must represent the same foundation into which the gentiles were also engrafted. This foundation is Abraham, not the law. He is the source from which the seed sprung. He is the beginning of God’s chosen people.

Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. (Gal 3:16)

For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. (Gal 3:18)

The natural branches are those who are Abraham’s seed by flesh and blood (nature). Some of these were broken off, disconnected from Abraham’s inheritance, not because they rejected the law, but because they did not believe in Christ. Christ was the issue, not the law.

Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: (Rom 11:20)

Christ, not the law

Gentiles were grafted in, not by observance of law, but by believing in Christ. The word of John the Baptist was fulfilled in their experience:

And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. (Mat 3:9)

And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Gal 3:29)

The Jews, like many others today became confused about what really made them God’s people. Since the observance of the law was what separated them from other people they adopted the belief that they were special to God on the basis of their observance of the law (may God have mercy on those who are embracing the same fallacy today), but the law had never been the ground on which God established, or accepted His true people. The word of God teaches us that the system of the law was a temporary measure which governed the people and schooled them until they could receive the reality of the promised blessing in Christ.

Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. (Gal 3:19)

The word, “till” makes it clear that the era of law was of limited duration. It was to last only until the seed (Christ) should come. Indeed, it was only “added” because of transgressions. True salvation by faith in the promises of God had been established 430 years before the law was given and this fact demonstrated that the system of the law was never a necessary part of the experience of salvation.

And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. (Gal 3:17)

The law was a stop-gap to school (educate) the people until the promised seed arrived. The law had a goal, a purpose, an end. When that goal had been reached, then the law had fulfilled its purpose and its authority was now obsolete.

For Christ is the end (the goal) of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. (Rom 10:4)

The Jews not cast off

It is interesting that in Romans 11 Paul says that God did not cast off His people, but then again a little later on he says that God did cast them off.

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew ….(Rom 11:2)

For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Rom 11:15)

This seems like a contradiction until we realize that Paul is speaking about Israel here from two different points of view. First he says that God has not cast Israel away and he proves it by saying that he is an Israelite. The obvious meaning is that since he is not cast off and he is a Jew, then God has not cast off Israel. He further clarifies what he means when he says

Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. (Rom 11:5)

So we see that when Paul says that God had not cast off His people, he is not referring to Israel as a nation, but rather to those among the Jews who have become Christians. Those Jews who have faith in Christ. In other words what he is saying is, “God has not rejected all who are Israelites according to the flesh, for some of us are still God’s people (Christians). The theory that all Jews are cast off is disproven by this.”

But later on he says that the casting off of the Jews resulted in the reconciliation of the world. He suggests that the Jews have been cast off. Does he here contradict himself? Of course not. Now he is dealing with Israel as a racial group, as a system through which salvation was offered to the world. Jesus taught that salvation had been offered to the world through the Jewish system when He said,

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22)

Up to that time this was still the truth, for the Jewish system had not yet been cast off. But see what Jesus said later on:

(Mat 21:43) Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Since Paul had already said that not all Jews were cast off we are to understand that this casting off is not referring to Jews as individuals, but is referring to the system of salvation which was associated with the Jews. This system of salvation was the system of the law. This is what was cast off when the Jews as a nation were cast off.

Israel’s fall blesses the world

Now Paul says that the fall of the Jews, or the casting off of the Jews resulted in the salvation of the world.

Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? (Rom 11:12)

When we examine this superficially it does not seem to make much sense. Why is it necessary for one group to fall in order for the other to be established? If we see it as simply speaking of one group of people versus another, then it makes no sense. But what is Paul talking about? When we compare what he says here with what he wrote in Ephesians 2:12-15, the meaning becomes clear. Something separated Jews from Gentiles and created a stumbling block for the Gentiles which excluded them as a whole from the salvation process.

Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; (12) That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: (13) But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. (14) For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; (15) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (Eph 2:11-15)

If men were reconciled through means of the law, only the Jews would have been reconciled, because they were the people of the law. The law was the middle wall of partition which had been a stumbling block to the gentiles. (Eph. 2:12-15). As long as there was acceptance on the basis of observance of the law (circumcision etc.), the gentiles were excluded. Therefore, when the system of law was cast off, it was the Jewish system which was cast off, not the individual people, but the entire system by which they sought salvation. This made way for the gentiles to be accepted, since they did not have to come by means of the law (which identified and was exclusive to the Jews), but by faith, something which belongs to no nation, but is freely available to all individuals and all nations.

Faith is the only issue

Let us notice that the keeping of the law was never an issue in the casting off of the Jews, nor in the grafting in of the gentiles. The word of God is very, very clear:

Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: (Rom 11:20).

It was entirely a matter of faith. The testimony of Scripture is abundant that those Jews who were cast off were cast off because they deceived themselves with regards to the ground of their acceptance with God. They thought the law made them eligible for His favour, while in reality, it did no such thing. It was only a teaching tool to lead them to Christ. Because they put their dependence on it, they rejected Christ, the true ground of salvation.

But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. (32) Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; (Rom 9:31-32)

Since it was entirely a question of faith, it can never be that the acceptance of the Jews at the end of time can be on any basis other than on the basis of faith. It cannot be a question of dispensationalism as some attempt to make it, as though God says, “O.K. I will not save men through the law, but only for a while, in order to give the gentiles an opportunity. When I am through with the gentiles, I will return to saving men through the Jews and their system of law again.” This is an impossibility.

Re-engrafted by Faith

Upon what basis then will the Jews be re-ingrafted into God’s plan of salvation?

And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. (Rom 11:23)

Notice that word, “if.” If they have faith! If they do not remain in unbelief! But this has always been the way of salvation. Therefore Paul is consistent all the way through. There is nothing here for the Jews other than what has always been there for both Jew and gentile in all ages, although for a time God presented it to the world in the form of types and shadows.

So God cast away Israel as a group, because the group, the nation was tied to a certain system, but He will receive them again as individuals, not as a group, because groups can follow a system, but only individuals can have faith.

The law of consequence

One point of significance still needs to be clarified. Paul says,

As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. (Rom 11:28)

Here he seems to suggest that the Jews are specially loved of God because of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the conclusion has been drawn that because of this, God will work in a special way to save the Jews – that is, in a way above and beyond what He did and will do for others. But this is not true. God neither loves nor hates any people above others. The relationship of a person to God depends upon how the person receives Christ. His observance of rituals, laws and ceremonies does not commend him to God in the slightest degree. The genetic connection of one person to another does not in any way affect God’s affection and love for an individual. Just as God declared that the sin of the father would not be imputed to the son, in the same way, He declared that no man can save another by his righteousness.

What is true is that there is a law of consequence which exists in the universe, and many times God expresses the result of this law in a way which makes it seem as though He is the One who actually brings about a result when in reality, the result is actually the consequence of actions performed many years or centuries and even millennia before. This principle is evident all over the Bible.

For example, when God says that He hardened Pharaoh’s heart, every sensible person knows that it was Pharaoh who hardened his own heart, but God merely allowed him to do so.

When God says that He visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him (Ex. 20:5), we also realize that God does not punish children for the sins of their parents. This is simply a way in which God expresses the law of consequence. A child will reap the results of his parents actions, even though he did not actively participate in them.

The same is true on the positive side. God says that His mercy is unto “children’s children.” (Ps. 103:7). This does not mean that God displays favouritism, but the prayers of a godly person are heard when he prays for his family. In addition, the influences which are set in motion by his life of devotion to God impact on his children and are passed on for many generations. This is the reason why the Jews, as the physical seed of Abraham will turn to the truth in large numbers at the end of time – not because of God treating them with special favour at a certain time, but because the schoolmaster, combined with the good principles inculcated by their foreparent Abraham, will finally bear fruit after more than three thousand years. Many of them will turn from the law, to Christ.

What is clear, is that it is a seriously misguided Christian who believes that by adopting the Jewish form of worship, (the very thing which was an obstacle to them accepting Christ), he will by this means become a better Christian.

Christian Unity

Alonzo Trevier Jones

This article has been slightly edited to make for easier reading. The meaning of the content has not been altered.


Christian Unity is always the Christian things that are of the greatest importance. Yet while Christian Unity is in itself of great importance, to know what it is, is even more important. To strive for, and to promote, as Christian Unity what is not Christian Unity, is a most dangerous mistake and an immense loss. Much of this has been done, and much of it is being done just now as a part of several “movements” now being urged by the churches.

In studying Christian Unity for what it really is, it will be helpful first of all to say what it is not. One of the clearest expressions of what it is not is the following very false statement supposedly explaining what it is:

1. Unity of doctrine and faith, which consists in the common accord of all the Faithful in admitting and believing all that the teaching church proposes to them as revealed or confirmed by Jesus Christ.

2. Unity of government, which produces unity of communion, and which consists in the submission of all the Faithful to their respective bishops and in particular to the Roman Pontiff, supreme Head of the church.”

Yet utterly false and Romish as all of that is, if we take away from it only the part that pertains to “the Roman Pontiff,” it fairly expresses the view of every denomination in the world as to what is Christian Unity. But Christian Unity is altogether another thing than is any of that; and is as far higher than all of that as Heaven is higher than the earth.

Uniting of Christians upon doctrine, is not Christian Unity. Agreement of Christians in belief, is not Christian Unity. Uniting or agreeing of Christians upon a platform or statement of belief, or of doctrine, or of principles, is not Christian Unity. Uniting of Christians in an agreed submission to an order of church organization or church-government, is not Christian Unity. Union of purpose or of effort of Christians or among Christians in promoting a cause, is not Christian Unity. Free and pleasant fraternal association of Christians, is not Christian Unity.

Christians might have all of these things – indeed many of them do, and yet not have Christian Unity at all. Christian Unity is far more and far higher than is any association or denomination or federation or council even of all the Christians in the world for any purpose or upon any platform or in any cause or in submission to any church-government. And it is so well worth having that it is worth more than all other things put together.

Come then, let us know what it is in its pure truth and splendid worth, and then let us have it for all that it is worth.


In entering upon the study of The Church of the Living God, there is an essential reality that should first be considered: and not only first, but first and last and all the time. That essential reality is, The Place of the Holy Spirit.

At the beginning of the building of The Church according to the new order of the eleven apostles, all of whom had been personally chosen, and called, and taught for three years, and ordained, and commissioned, by the Lord Himself, to go and preach the Gospel in all the world, they were not allowed to go anywhere nor to preach at all till they were endued with power from on high in the baptism with the Holy Spirit. And they must tarry in Jerusalem and wait for that baptism.

At Pentecost that Baptism came. The Holy Spirit took its place, which was the first place of all. Then they preached the Gospel and the work went on. And that work went on with always the Holy Spirit in its own place, and that the first place of all and over all and through all and in all. This is God’s way with His Church and in His Church, and it must be our way.

Let us trace for a little distance, this way of the Lord in and with His own Church: before man usurped the place of the Lord, and machinery took the place of the Holy Spirit.

The second chapter of Acts is the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, Peter’s sermon telling that this was the fulfillment of the prophecy by Joel that God would pour out His Spirit “upon all flesh,” and the call to all to repent and be baptized, “and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

The third and fourth chapters tell of the healing of the lame man at the gate of the temple, of Peter’s sermon to the crowd that gathered and of Peter and John being arrested and imprisoned by the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees of the Sanhedrin, of the trial next day by the great council where “Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost,” made answer; and being let go, the two apostles went to their own company where they all together prayed “and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.”

The fifth chapter tells of the trick of Ananias and Sapphira in the matter of their agreeing to deceive as to the sale and gift of their property. And this was “to lie to the Holy Ghost,” and “to tempt the Spirit of the Lord.” The consequences were immediate and dreadful.

Then the apostles were all arrested by the high priest and council and were imprisoned for trial again. “But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth, and said Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this Life.” Again they were arrested and brought before the council “and all the senate of the children of Israel,” where again Peter “and the other apostles” preached the Gospel and declared. “We are witnesses of these things, and so also is the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey Him.”

The sixth and seventh chapters tell of the choosing of men “full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom” to have charge of the “business” in “the daily ministration;” and of Stephen “a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost” speaking before the council with his face shining “as it had been the face of an angel,” and of his “being full of the Holy Ghost” and looking up into heaven and seeing “the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”

The eighth chapter tells of the preaching by Philip in Samaria, and of their receiving “the Holy Ghost;” and of “the angel of the Lord” telling Philip to go from Samaria away down to the road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza, where, when he arrived a man in a chariot was just then passing and reading in the book of Isaiah what is now the fifty-third chapter, and “the Spirit said unto Philip Go near, join thyself to this chariot.” Philip did so, and preached to him Jesus in that same Scripture; the man believed and was baptized and went on his way rejoicing; and the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more.”

The ninth chapter tells of the apprehension and conversion of the raging Saul, by the appearing of the Lord Jesus Himself, of his being “filled with the Holy Ghost” by the laying on of the hands of Ananias who was sent to him for this purpose by the Lord Jesus “in a vision;” of “the churches walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Ghost;” and of the raising of Dorcas from the dead.

The tenth chapter tells of “an angel of God” speaking to Cornelius in a vision and telling him to send men to Joppa to call Peter to him; of a vision given to Peter to prepare for the coming of the man; of the Spirit’s telling Peter that the men were seeking him and that he was to go with them; of his going and preaching in the house of Cornelius and “the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.”

The eleventh chapter tells of the rehearsal of the foregoing experience to the Pharisaic believer at Jerusalem who contended with him for what had been done; of the preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles in Antioch, and of the sending of Barnabas over there “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.”

The twelfth chapter is the story of the deliverance of Peter from prison by the angel of the Lord; and Herod’s death from being smitten by the angel of the Lord.

The thirteenth and fourteenth chapters tell of “the Holy Ghost” saying to the church at Antioch, “Separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them,” and of their “being sent forth by the Holy Ghost;” of Saul, “full of the Holy Ghost” rebuking the opposing sorcerer; of the preaching of the Gospel at Antioch in Pisidia and of the disciples being “filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost.”

The fifteenth chapter tells of the settlement by the Holy Spirit of the controversy as to circumcision and keeping the law for Salvation, and the sending forth of the letter saying, “It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us.”

The sixteenth chapter tells us that Paul an apostle, and Silas a prophet “were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia.” and assaying to go into Bithynia “the Spirit suffered them not;” and thus traveling on, they were brought down to Troas where in a “vision to Paul in the night a man of Macedonia called them over there. And chapters seventeen and eighteen tell of their experiences there and in Greece.

Chapter nineteen tells that Paul found at Ephesus “certain disciples” to whom he said, “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” They replied, “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.” “Unto what then were ye baptized?” “Unto John’s baptism.” Then Paul preached Christ to them, and “they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues and prophesied.”

In the twentieth chapter Paul is on his way to Jerusalem, and he called the elders of the church at Ephesus to meet him at Miletus; and in his words to them he said, “the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me;” and “Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the flock of God.”

In the twenty-first chapter, when Paul came to Tyre the disciples “said unto Paul through the Spirit that he should not go up to Jerusalem;” and when he came to Caesarea, the prophet Agabus met him and “took Paul’s girdle and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.”

He went on to Jerusalem, and beginning in the twenty-first chapter and reaching to the end of the book there is one of the most remarkable chains of the direct providence and working of God that ever occurred in the world. And the last words of Paul in the book, begin with the great characteristic of the man and of the book, “Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the Prophet,” etc.

From only this mere sketch of the book of Acts it is perfectly plain that the one thing that stands out plain and clear and prominent above all other things throughout the whole book, is that the Holy Spirit was then the grand sovereign, reigning, and guiding power in the Church.

And there stands out clear and plain throughout the book the corresponding truth that the Christians of the time constantly recognized and gladly yielded to that sovereignty and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Everywhere God’s Spirit is recognized as first. In all things it is considered first, and the first. If they had not done this, the record could not have been what it is; for then the experience would not have been what it was.

If Christians again will so recognize and yield to the sovereignty and reign and guidance of the Holy Spirit in themselves and over themselves and over the Church, then again the experience of individual Christians and the Church will prove to be what it was at the first; for Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Such only is the rightful place of the Holy Spirit in individuals and in the Church; and Christ needs only that Christians yield to Him that place and recognize Him in that place, to prove Himself to be all that He ever was in the place that is supremely His.

Thus in all things of The Church and to The Church and in The Church, the place of the Holy Spirit is the first place. No step can be taken and nothing can be done in the right way until the Holy Spirit is given its place.

Roan Mountain Campmeeting Report

The Roan Mountain State Park in Tennessee may not be the first place you would expect to find a campmeeting of Christian believers, most of whom are from an Adventist background. However, since Brother Malcolm McCrillis organized meetings there four years ago, it has become the venue for a campmeeting in the fall of each year which has proven to be one of the highlights in the annual campmeeting calendar.

Roan Mountain, as the name suggests, is in the hills of Tennessee and since the meetings have always been held during the fall of each year, it has always been a cool time – and sometimes even cold. Those who have stayed in tents have sometimes had to wrap up extra tight at night. However, Roan Mountain in the fall is a beautiful sight and no inconvenience can outdo the pleasure that comes from walking in the woods or just simply sitting in a warm place and viewing the beauty of the fall colours on the Tennessee hillsides.

This year was no exception to the rule that Roan Mountain is a beautiful place at this time of the year. Far outweighing the physical benefits, however, were the spiritual blessings poured out on those who attended this years edition of the campmeeting. It was a rich spiritual time with good fellowship and outstanding messages from the word of God.

Speakers this year included Dr. William Van Grit, Howard Williams, David Clayton, Ken Corklin, Dr. Gary Hullquist, Eric Wilson and Jim Raymond. The messages presented offered a varied menu to those who attended.

Brothers Howard Williams and David Clayton focused on faith, the righteousness of Christ and the baptism of the holy spirit.

David Clayton and brother Ken Corklin also presented sermons on the subject of the ministry of Christ in the sanctuary which gave new and exciting perspectives on the meaning of the sanctuary message.

Brother Jim Raymond also focused on the issue of righteousness by faith, but from his own unique perspective, using graphic lessons from his experience in the medical field to illustrate and to emphasize his points.

Brother Eric Wilson is a fairly young Christian who came to Christ as a brand plucked out of the burning. His focus on Christ as our all in all was a blessing, especially in light of his unquestionable zeal and sincerity.

Dr. Gary Hullquist was being introduced to some of us for the first time. Brother Hullquist is a medical doctor who has had long years of employment with the SDA organization, but when his enquiring mind brought him face to face with the truth about God a few years ago, Brother Hullquist had to choose to follow the truth or to follow expediency. Truth won the day and for the past couple of years he has been an ardent promoter of the truth about God. His presentations focused mostly on the godhead, with emphasis on the position of the pioneers of the movement. We were all blessed as we were reminded, (in some cases with evidence we had not seen before), not only of the truthfulness of the non-Trinitarian position, but also of how deeply established this position had been in early Adventism.

Dr. William Van Grit as usual took us through the annals of history, showing how our spiritual forebears endured persecution and stood for the truth amid the fiery persecutions of the dark ages.

One feature of this campmeeting which stood out in my mind was the people who came to ask for prayer, either for some physical sickness or as a help to their faith in accepting the baptism of the holy spirit. This was a special blessing for me in particular. For the past two years, since we started preaching about the baptism of the holy spirit, there have been contrasting reactions. While on the one hand there has been some enthusiasm for this biblical truth, there has been in others, deep skepticism and in some cases, reserved caution. After two years of cautious observation and careful study of the Bible, it is evident that honest people are concluding that it is nothing but the pure truth of the Bible. If God says it, then it must be so and we need not be afraid to take Him at His word. It is as simple as that.

The number of person prayed for was not a large number, but somehow it made a deep impression on my mind, perhaps because of the testimonies of some of these persons as to how cautiously they had approached the issue and how carefully they had observed over the past two years. One other thing which I should mention is the unquestionable faith of those who requested prayer. One person who asked for prayer for her eyes, promptly took off her glasses and was about to throw them in the rubbish bin. I asked if I could keep them for I needed this testimony as a constant reminder to myself. My mind at first whirled about a bit when I saw this striking evidence of faith and for a moment the thought crossed my mind, “is this fanaticism?” Just for a moment and then I cursed the thought and rejoiced in the faithfulness of God. I know that it is just such deeply rooted elements of unbelief which prevent us from seeing the glory of God. We ask and then we make provision in case God fails us!! What terrible attitudes we have as Christians! No wonder God cannot work for us.

This sister knew that she was healed. Why did she know, was it the evidence of eyes that saw with crystal clarity? No, it was the certainty of the word of God who promises to heal all our diseases. God is not a liar and so, she knew she was healed, no matter what appearances may say. This confident trust in God’s word will reveal itself in the restoration of her eyes as surely as God is faithful.

At the end of the campmeeting there was that familiar feeling of something coming to an end at the wrong time. Just as hearts were bonding, just as the spiritual blessings were at the highest, it was time to say goodbye. It was over – well, not quite. On the morning following the last day of the campmeeting, there was another meeting in Brother Malcolm’s living room as there were some late requests for prayer. A fairly large group of left-over campers gathered there and our experience was capped off with a final round of petitions to our faithful God for special blessings on some who had decided that they needed it, at the last moment. It was a time of solemnity and rejoicing. There were tears of happiness in some cases as we felt the presence of the Lord very near.

When finally we had to say goodbye, it was with regretful, but satisfied hearts. None could deny that God had blessed us abundantly at this year’s campmeeting and we returned home recharged with the wonder of what God did for us, and is still doing in His Son Jesus Christ.

Do You Believe This?

The basis for ABSOLUTE confidence in prayer:

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. (14) And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: (15) And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:13-15)

First: We ask according to His will.

Second: We know that He hears us.

Third: If we know that He hears us, then, we also know that we HAVE the thing we asked for.

Prayer Request

We would like to pass on a prayer request we received from brother Reuben Rai who is located in Nepal. We are not sure what denominational persuasion brother Reuben is of, if any. As far as we can tell he is an independent Christian who is seeking to work for the upliftment of his countrymen. More details about his work and ministry can be obtained by visiting his website –

Here is his prayer request as we received it:

Please pray for teachers and students in Bible College in Kathmandu Nepal.

School Name : School of Basic Computer, Evangelism and Church Planting

Bible School Dates : 24 October to 16 November, 2011

Venue : Apostolic Church, Kathmandu,

Teacher : From Nepal and India

Number of Students : 20 Students

Prayer Point: Please pray for their good health, sufficient funds, and for teachers.

Seven Ways to Fight Alzheimers

Lenworth Frankson

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common causes of dementia, causing impairment of higher intellectual function, with progressive disorientation, memory loss, and disability. Wikipedia describes it as sometimes being called “ old-timers’ disease ” and that “ it is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease , which becomes worse as it progresses, and eventually leads to death ”. This is frightening stuff. When I think about this disease, realizing what happens to a person’s mind I honestly become a little scared. Maybe I shouldn’t be but I have personally seen what it has done to loved ones, relatives and friends. I would not consider myself to be an old man (although some of my younger friends tend to treat me that way), but I have already passed the halfway mark and sometimes when I find it difficult to concentrate, focus, and remember information, I can’t help but wonder if this mind crippling disease is slowly claiming another victim. However, I don’t waste much time thinking about this because I have given my heart (mind) to Christ, so now it belongs to him. He says to me every day: “ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5 and “be renewed in the spirit of your mind” Ephesians 4:23. It is his now, not mine; he decides what happens to it, not me. My only and daily challenge is to believe and abide.

However, there are a few simple things we all can do to aid in the prevention of Alzheimer’s. Observing these simple principles will definitely be helpful.

Get moving.

Inactivity is linked to greater Alzheimer’s risk, so going for a walk every day seems like a wise thing to do. Walking every day can keep your brain from shrinking, too. Our brains tend to shrink as we age, just like a piece of fruit on the counter. But you could help keep your brain plump and young just by walking about a mile a day. In a 9-year study, people who walked just 6 to 9 miles each week preserved significantly more gray matter as they aged, compared with their more sedentary peers. What’s so great about a big brain? In this situation it could means more mental power. In the study, not only did the walkers have less brain shrinkage, but also a reduction in their risk for cognitive impairment. What’s more, the researchers also looked at the benefits of physical activity in people already suffering from cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease and found that a mere 5 miles a week of walking seemed to slow progression of the condition. So when it comes to brains, bigger could really be better. Whe n it comes to memory and concentration, it may also pay to practice waist control. Gaining extra pounds will slow not only your time in the 50 meters dash-the race designed for old folks who want to run fast- but also your ability to remember things and stay focused. Obesity along with declining memory and attention has long been linked to the aged and surprisingly new research has found the same relationship in people in their thirties.

A large study tested 2,223 adults, ranging in age from 32 to 62, to see how their weight affected four different measures of cognitive function. Five years later, the researchers tested them again. Those who were seriously overweight did poorly on the first round of testing. Worse, their mental abilities had declined even more at the 5-year mark. One theory explains that a type of protein secreted by stored fat may affect learning and memory. Another theory states that the brain is harmed by cardiovascular disease, which is commonly associated with high body mass. Although you don’t need a ripped mid-section with defining abs or a tiny waist to stay fit and age healthfully, obesity is not a wise alternative.

Although the study didn’t prove that physical activity was the direct cause of the brain benefits in the participants, similar studies have shown that aerobic exercise boosts both the production and the survival of new brain cells. It seems possible that physical activity may indeed trigger the birth of additional nutrient-delivering blood vessels in the brain, which would promote a bigger, better brain as we grow older.

Don’t smoke.

It might seem odd to some readers that I have included the issue of smoking, but I must, simply because I know Christians including Seventh day Adventist who are struggling with the nicotine habit. Although some, older research studies have suggested that smoking has a protective effect against developing Alzheimer’s, more recent studies have found just the opposite. Moreover, it is absolutely clear that using smoking as a potential preventive therapy for mental illness or dementia makes absolutely no sense, even among people who are at high risk. The evidence that smoking actually increases the risk of Alzheimer’s, is already well established and it is indisputable that smoking directly causes suffering, disability, early death from lung cancer, other cancers, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and many other diseases.

 Dr. Marcus Richards at University College in London studied the effects of smoking on over 5,000 people and concluded that smokers were much less likely to retain information. Study participants were given 15 words for two seconds each and were asked to write down as many as they remembered; the results showed that smokers in their 40s and 50s had significantly lower scores than non-smokers. Additionally, those who smoked more, scored even lower. The study essentially showed that the more you smoke the more your memory is negatively affected.

Eat more watermelon.

A compound in this juicy summer fruit can help lower your blood pressure by as much as nine points. Low blood pressure at middle age may help protect against Alzheimer’s. A research published on April 13, 2011 in the on-line issue of “Neurology,” stated that

“People with risk factors such as high blood pressure , diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and high cholesterol were two times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those without vascular risk factors”

A pilot study conducted at The Florida State University indicates that a compound in watermelon can help lower blood pressure in prehypertensive individuals. Nine men and women ages 51 to 57 were evaluated who had prehypertension, a condition that is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. You have prehypertension if you have a blood pressure reading of 120-139 over 80-89. It is reported that more than half of the adults in the United States are prehypertensive or hypertensive. This is bad news. For six weeks, the study participants consumed 6 grams of the amino acid compound from watermelon extract. The watermelon was chosen because it is the richest edible natural source of this compound. Once it enters the body it helps to form nitric oxide which is essential to the regulation of the circulatory system and healthy blood pressure. The scientists found that all nine subjects showed an improvement in arterial function and thus experienced lower blood pressure.

Go to bed.

Getting a good night’s sleep can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. New research suggests that developing type 2 diabetes may increase your chances of getting Alzheimer’s. Diabetes appears to dramatically increase a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia later in life, according to a new study conducted in Japan.

In this study, which included more than 1,000 men and women over age 60, researchers found that people with diabetes were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease within 15 years. They were also 1 3/4 times more likely to develop dementia of any kind. How are diabetes and Alzheimer related?  All the connections are not known, but recently researchers found a gene that increases both the risk for Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes arises when the body can’t properly break down blood sugar, leaving the cells starved for energy. Being overweight is one thing that greatly increases your chances for poor blood-sugar regulation. Excess fat makes it harder for cells to properly use insulin, a hormone that helps keep glucose levels normal. Sleep deprivation seems to change the nervous system and hormonal balances which affects glucose regulation. Serious lack of sleep can causes insulin-producing cells to stop working properly, elevating glucose levels and leaving you wide open to diabetes. Sleep scarcity poses the greatest danger to those who are already predisposed to diabetes, such as overweight persons or those who have a family history of the disease. In addition, the National Sleep Organization reported that 67 percent of women regularly miss out on a good night’s rest, possibly doubling their chances of getting diabetes. Getting insufficient sleep is not a guarantee for diabetes but it definitely increases the risk.

Walk outside.

People who exercise outside, versus at the gym or inside the home, have less depressive moods. That is good news for the brain, because depression could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. The positive effects of exercise have been thoroughly documented over the years and recent research shows that outdoor activity helps to ward off depression as well as improve your general mental health. Researchers at the University of Essex investigated whether working out in nature, which they refer to as “green exercise,” would increase the benefits.  They found out that green exercise can perk up one’s life by reducing stress levels, enhancing mood, and improving self-esteem. People who walked for equal amounts of time both outdoors and inside of a shopping mall were studied.  The walkers reported better self-esteem and less feelings of depression after walking outside. The result showed that “92% of participants felt less depressed; 86% less tense; 81% less angry; 80% less fatigued; 79% less confused and 56% more vigorous.”

 Depression and Alzheimer’s disease could occur together creating a complex diagnostic and treatment situation. Researchers are now looking at how depression and Alzheimer’s may be related: They want to know whether depression is a risk factor for the disease. Two studies shed some interesting light on this question.

The first study, which appeared in the April 2008 issue of  Archives of General Psychiatry , found a correlation between depression and Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers now think that depression may change brain chemistry in such a way that the brain becomes more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease.

In the second study, which appeared in the April 8, 2008 issue of  Neurology , researchers found that people who have had depression are almost 2 1/2 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than those who haven’t had depression. Furthermore, those who experienced depression before the age of 60 were almost four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Take a class.

Higher education is linked to slowing the rates of Alzheimer’s. Having a higher level of education seems to delay the onset of dementia, but once cognitive decline begins the descent is steeper, a new study showed. With Alzheimer’s, a person with more education may live as long as a person with less but it is the “ curve ”, or the way Alzheimer’s takes hold over time, which will likely be different. For a highly educated person, it will be difficult to see at first if they have Alzheimer’s but when they do begin to have a noticeable decline; it seems to happen more quickly. In contrast, a less educated person has a steadier decline.

Alzheimer’s seems to affect people with higher formal education differently than those who have had a limited education. The research attributes this to the idea that people with more education have some kind of brain “reserve” that allows them to withstand the ravages of dementia longer. Eventually, however, the disease overwhelms this reserve, and the mental decline that follows is accelerated to a greater degree when compared to the “ less educated” person.

In addition, we must keep in mind that the term higher education should not be applied exclusively to individuals who have pursued a college or university degree but rather those who are continually studying and channeling their minds into learning new and deeper ideas.

I believe that the best way to challenge and educate the mind is to study God’s Words- the Bible. In 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 we read

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect , thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)

There are truths in the Scriptures to be discovered that will simply inspire and amaze us. Read attentively the following quotations from Ellen White regarding the study of the Bible:

Of all the books that have flooded the world, be they ever so valuable, the Bible is the Book of books, and is most deserving of the closest study and attention. It gives not only the history of the creation of this world, but a description of the world to come. It contains instruction concerning the wonders of the universe, and it reveals to our understanding the Author of the heavens and the earth. It unfolds a simple and complete system of theology and philosophy. Those who are close students of the word of God, and who obey its instructions, and love its plain truths, will improve in mind and manners. It is an endowment of God that should awaken in every heart the most sincere gratitude; for it is the revelation of God to man. {FE 129.1}

“The truths of the Bible are as pearls hidden. They must be searched, dug out by painstaking efforts.” FLB p.9

The fact is that there is no limit to a person learning new and improved things. It is said, and I believe that there is some truth to this, that if you learned more than one language as a child or remember enough high school Spanish or French you’ve got a powerful anti-Alzheimer’s advantage. Continually channeling and challenging your brain to solve problems and learning new skills can ward off the onset of this terrible disease. Being bilingual slows down the development of dementia and knowing three or more languages, they say, reduces your risk even further. Try stretching your brain further by picking a language that has little in common with English. Think Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.

Drop a few.

Becoming obese at middle age may be connected to higher Alzheimer’s risk. A team led by researchers at the Farber Institute for Neurosciences in Western Australia has shown that being extremely overweight or obese increases the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s. They found a strong correlation between body mass and high levels of a sticky protein substance that builds up in the Alzheimer’s brain which is thought to play a major role in destroying nerve cells and affecting cognitive and behavioral problems associated with the disease.

Dr. Sam Gandy the director of the above institute stated that the researchers in the study looked at the levels of a sticky protein in the blood and brain and found a relationship between obesity and the circulating protein. “ That’s almost certainly why the risk for Alzheimer’s is increased, ” he stated…“ Heightened levels of amyloid {sticky protein} in the blood vessels and the brain indicate the start of the Alzheimer’s process. ” The scientists reported their findings in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. According to, Dr. Gandy, evidence has emerged over the last five years that many of the conditions that raise the risk for heart disease such as obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol also increase the risk for Alzheimer’s. In some ways his statement is simply saying that by taking care of your heart you are also taking care of your brain.


While there is no special diet required for people with Alzheimer’s disease, unless they have another condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes that may require a particular diet, eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is extremely beneficial. Here are some basic nutritional principles to keep in mind:

· Eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods from each food group.

· Maintain a healthy weight with a good balance of exercise and food.

· Limit foods with high saturated fat and cholesterol.

· Cut down on sugars.

· Limit foods with high sodium and use less salt.

· Stay hydrated. Remember, your “ gray matter” consists mostly of water so it is imperative to keep it hydrated.

There is no question in my mind that Alzheimer’s disease is definitely one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases that destroy a person’s mind. It gradually gets worse over time and it affects one’s memory, thinking, and behavior. Memory impairment, as well as problems with language, decision-making ability, judgment, and personality, are all strong symptoms of this disease. As we get older, our risk of developing Alzheimer’s goes up. However, developing Alzheimer’s disease is not a part of normal aging. It came as a relief to me when I discovered that not everyone with mild cognitive impairment develop Alzheimer’s disease. Forgetting at times and finding it difficult to focus or concentrate does not mean that you have Alzheimer’s. It could be that your body lacks sleep or you are very dehydrated. As far as we know there is no cure for Alzheimer’s and it is not a disease that you “ catch” like the common cold or ring worm. There are some things that we can do however to help but no one can conclusively say that this sickness could never happen to them. There are at least seven principles that we all can practice to assist in the prevention. One simple and basic rule to remember is this: “ Take care of your body; and your mind (brain) will take care of you.” The Bible admonishes us in Proverbs 23:26 to give our minds to Christ: “ My son, give me your heart (mind) and let your eyes delight in my ways” . Our minds are what we give to Jesus so that he can abide there. We need not worry about the future state of our minds then, for when it is given it now belongs to him, not us. He will now supply, sustain, preserve and direct. The apostle Paul got it right when he said: “ But my God shall supply all your needs (including a sound mind) according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus .”

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