Open Face No. 85 – July 2012

In this issue:

It’s not Complicated

Defining Sin

A foundational truth

It pays to listen to God

The dangers of Gum Disease



It’s Not Complicated

David Clayton

The ultimate goal and purpose of all religion is God. Religion is really the expression of mankind’s need to find and relate to his Creator in a meaningful way. It is not surprising therefore to find that the great purpose of the holy Scriptures is to reveal God to humanity and to reveal the way for man to come into fellowship with Him.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. (Prov 9:10)

The principle expressed in this verse reveals the truth that the only way in which man can discover his true purpose and place in life, is by finding the truth about God and in learning to respect and honour Him. The converse is also true. The Bible warns that false concepts of God are very harmful. Ultimately, when our understanding of God is wrong, the consequences can be devastating. It is a principle of life that we become like what we worship and therefore, false concepts of God not only become a barrier to our salvation, but they produce people who misrepresent God and who dishonour and bring disgrace upon Him. This principle is clearly brought out by the Psalmist in Psalm 115.

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. (5) They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: (6) They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: (7) They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. (8) They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. (Psa 115:4-8)

When we understand this principle it becomes easy to see why idolatry is one of the sins most abhorred by God. Idolatry is not only an insult to God, but it results in a distortion of His identity, His character and His nature, and ultimately, it leads to the defacing of His image in mankind. The false understanding of God effectively makes it impossible for men to either follow or serve God. They ultimately misrepresent Him not only in their teachings, but also in their behaviour.

We should read the Bible with this understanding at the forefront of our minds. In reading it, the great goal is to obtain the knowledge of God. We should understand that in this book, God has set out to reveal Himself and receiving that revelation should be the great object of all our study.

Unfortunately, even among those who claim to hold the Bible as an authority, there are differing beliefs concerning the nature and identity of God. Most Christians in the world today believe that God is a Trinity, that He is three Persons who make up one God. Not every Christian believes this, however, there are some who insist that God is a single great individual who is the source and the sustainer of all things. They believe very strongly that this is what the Bible teaches.

So in this article, the question is, “what has God revealed concerning His identity in the Bible?” In attempting to make Himself known to mankind, has He declared the truth clearly enough that we can have an unmistakable understanding of who He is? As He warns us so strongly against idolatry, has He given us the truth clearly enough that we may be safeguarded against idolatrous distortions concerning God?

The reason for the disagreement and confusion among Christians has not come about because the Bible is vague or unclear. The chief reason is simply ignorance of what the Bible says. Many only believe what they are told to believe and pursue their religion by proxy, believing that religious leaders and institutions can be trusted to do the studying for them. Others are more persuaded by what is politically expedient than by what the Bible says. For them it is more a question of what is popularly believed and taught, rather than the question of what God has said about Himself.

What the Hebrews Believed

God’s revelation of Himself began with His earliest interactions with man as revealed in the book of Genesis and all the Old Testament period. Yet all Christians recognize that the Old Testament teaching concerning God is somewhat limited. God’s purposes are unfolded step by step as we proceed through the Bible. He reveals Himself and His ways to humanity by degrees depending to some extent on the spiritual maturity of His people and their ability to understand truth.

Let us note however that the people of God during Old Testament times had absolutely no concept of a Trinitarian God. They were rigidly monotheistic , which is to say, they believed in one single great individual who alone was God and who alone was to be worshipped as such. Trinitarian scholars have suggested that there are words in the Old Testament Scriptures which suggest and “hint,” at the Trinitarian nature of God even back then. They suggest that words such as “elohim,” and “echad,” used with reference to God, give hints and suggestions that God is more than one Person. However, a little careful thought will reveal that such a conclusion is unreasonable and illogical.

The teaching concerning God in the Old Testament is defined by what the Jews believed.. All the arguments about “elohim,” and “echad” are pointless when we consider that the Hebrew language is the native language of the Hebrews. They understood it better than anyone else and they saw nothing in any of the statements made concerning God to persuade them that God is more than one Person or Being.

The entire Old Testament was written by Hebrews. The Hebrews, as previously noted, were strictly monotheistic in the purest sense of the word. How is it possible that these people could have “hinted” that God is a Trinity in their writings, if they themselves believed no such thing? The heathen around them believed in multiple gods, but they themselves did not have any such belief, or any variation of such a concept.

Today, it is amusing to find Hebrew “scholars” who will study the language of the Hebrews. They claim to find meanings in the Hebrew language which the Hebrews themselves do not find in their own language! This would be like a Russian studying the Jamaican dialect (Patois) all the way over in Russia, and then claiming to understand the word “nyam” (Jamaican patois for “eat”) better than a Jamaican. How much sense does this make? Obviously the people who invented the language, who are involved in using it every day are the ones who are most aware of what the words mean. The Hebrews are the best interpreters of their language and they have never understood God to be anybody else but one single great Person who is supreme and who is the source of all things.

It is true that some recognized that He had a Son, A few enlightened men came to the understanding that this one great God had a Son. We find Solomon expressing this truth in Proverbs 30:4.

Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell? (Pro 30:4)

But they knew that this Person was the Son of God and not God Himself. Their understanding of God’s Son did not cause them to move from the foundational truth that God is a single great Person who is above all..

If God is a Trinity, He did not do very well at making it known during Old Testament times. But it is interesting to note that several heathen nations had well developed ideas of Trinitarian deities at that time. The Egyptians, the Persians, the Hindus and many others worshiped a trinity of gods many centuries before the Trinity entered the teachings of Christendom. Yet those who were God’s people, the Hebrews, never had any such concept of God. Were the heathen more advanced in their understanding of God than God’s people were?

But some say that God was waiting until the arrival of His Son before He revealed this trinitarian aspect of Himself. It is true that In Jesus, God gave the clearest and most comprehensive revelation of Himself. As we all know, the truth was veiled during Old Testament times. As God dealt with a people who were spiritually primitive, He revealed the truth to them in types, illustrations and shadows. Some argue that God, was indeed a Trinity, but He just did not make this fact known to the Hebrews because the time was not yet right for such a revelation.

What Jesus Believed

But then came Jesus, and when He arrived, this was God’s opportunity to make the truth known. Jesus’ credentials were more authoritative than those possessed by any other person who ever lived. He claimed something which no other person could claim. He had first-hand knowledge, He spoke of what He had personally seen.

No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (John 1:18)

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. (12) If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? (13) And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. (John 3:11-13)

The Bible teaches that Elijah and Enoch are in heaven. They were there before Jesus came to this earth. So when Jesus said, “no man hath ascended up to heaven,” He did not mean that no man had ever gone to heaven. The context of His statement shows that He is saying, “no man ever went to heaven to see what it was like and then came back to earth to tell of what he saw and learned there.” Jesus was the only teacher who ever came directly from heaven, therefore He was the only one who was qualified to speak authoritatively about heavenly things. This is the point He was making. Whatever Jesus said about heaven, and about God, was the absolute truth because Jesus spoke as an eyewitness, a heavenly being, one who could speak of what He had seen and experienced, not merely of what He had read, or heard.

Yet, Jesus’ revelations of God are strikingly non-Trinitarian. Look at the following statements made by Jesus:

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:3)

This is one of Jesus’ most well known statements. Here He identifies His Father as “the only true God.” This is not an oversight on His part for He also includes Himself in the sentence. He refers to Himself as the one who was sent by this true God but He does not describe Himself or any other person as being a part of the only true God. If God is really a Trinity, then Jesus did not help to make this truth any clearer by this statement. But this is not an isolated statement. Over and over during His ministry, Jesus continued to refer to God in this way, using language which made it clear that He regarded God as being only one Person, one great Being, a single individual whom He acknowledged as His Father.

And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon. (Mat 23:22)

A king sits on a throne. God has a throne in heaven, it is the place of the King of the universe. Jesus refers to the one who sits and rules there as “him,” not as “them.”

At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. (Mat 11:25)

Jesus refers to the one whom He called His Father as “Lord of heaven and earth.” The Lord is the one who rules. Earth has a Ruler and so does heaven. There is one who reigns there as King. There are not two or three who rule as Lord in heaven, there is only one and this One Jesus refers to as “Father.” It is God the Father who is the only true God. Jesus did not recognize or teach a trinity of divine beings.

Jesus’ references to God always applied exclusively to the Father. All His references to Himself as a divine Person were always in the context of Him being the Son of God. The Jews accused Him of claiming to be God in the sense of possessing the nature of God, or the divine nature. When He claimed to be the Son of God they accused Him of blasphemy and attempted to stone Him. But Jesus never claimed to be God. He reserved that title exclusively for His Father. He never taught or recognized a Trinitarian God. Again, we would have to say that if God is a Trinity, Jesus did not do a very good job in revealing this, even though John makes it clear that one of the great reasons for which He came was to reveal God (John 1:18).

But Jesus did say that He had many things to say which the disciples were not able to bear and which they would be taught by the holy spirit afterwards (John 16:12,13). Maybe the truth about the Trinity was one of those things.

Shortly after He went back to heaven Jesus poured out the holy spirit upon His disciples and they were blessed not only with great power, but also a great flood of light. Many of the things which they had previously misunderstood were revealed to their minds and the Scriptures began to open up to their understanding. If God really is a Trinity, then this was a great opportunity to make it known. At this point we are nearing the end of God’s revelation of Himself in the Bible and still, there has been no representation of God as a Trinity. In fact there has been an abundance of evidence to the contrary. So now we go to the teachings of the apostles, God’s chosen agents for spreading the knowledge of Himself in the world.

What the apostles believed

But as we examine the testimony of the apostles, we find that there is still a rigid emphasis on one God who has a Son. There is no declaration of a change in the understanding of God’s identity. There is strong emphasis on a change in the understanding of God’s character , but not His identity .

The apostle Paul’s teachings are especially informative. He was called by Christ long after the other apostles. His was a mind specially prepared for explaining the gospel to people who had never been exposed to the God and the teaching of the Hebrew religion. He was taught the truth personally by Christ (Gal. 1: 11,12). God did a special work in him in purging his mind of deep-rooted Jewish prejudices and freeing him from traditional thinking so that his presentation of the gospel to the gentiles was fresh, simple, pure and undiluted.

Yet Paul is the most uncompromising of all in his insistence that God is only one Person, one Being, one Individual. The following statements by Paul are very clear and unmistakable. Nobody reading them could reasonably conclude that God is a Trinity.

But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. (1 Cor 8:6)

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1 Tim 2:5)

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Eph 4:6)

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. (1 Cor 11:3)

These verses are just a sampling of Paul’s statements concerning God. If God is a Trinity, then we would have to say that the apostle Paul has done a great deal to deceive us. Why would God do this? Why would God be saying these things through Paul if He really is a Trinity and if this is the revelation of Himself which He wants us to have? Over and over He says it: “There is one God. This one God is the Father. He is above all.”

Almost every letter written by the apostle Paul begins with this greeting:

Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:3)

God is always identified as the Father, Jesus is always identified as our Lord. The holy spirit is never mentioned. In Paul’s teaching, there is only one God; He is the Father. He has a Son, Jesus Christ. This is the concept of God which is presented in the writing of the apostles. If God is revealing Himself as a Trinity in the Bible, He still has not taught this to us by the time we get through reading the writings of the apostles. Paul says again:

Which in his times he shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; (16) Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen. (1 Tim 6:15-16)

How can anyone read these statements by the apostle and still believe that God is trying to tell us that He is a Trinity? Paul says there is an ONLY Potentate. The word “potentate,” means “supreme ruler.” There is only one supreme Ruler, Paul emphasizes this. Then He makes it clear who he is referring to: This Person is somebody whom “no man hath seen or can see.” He dwells “in the light which no man can approach unto.” There is no question who this is talking about. It cannot apply to Jesus Christ, for men have seen Him. This supreme Ruler of the universe is exclusively, God the Father. This is the God of the Bible, the One who is revealed in the writings of the apostles and He definitely is not presented as a Trinity. Look again at how Paul refers to Him in Hebrews 8:1

Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; (Heb 8:1)

How can we mistake it? How can we deny it? Who is this “Majesty in the heavens?” Is this speaking of a Trinity, or a single great individual? Jesus is at the right hand of this Person who evidently is Sovereign, who is Ruler over all.

We have to say that if God is a Trinity, up to this point He has still not made this clear at all. In fact, up to this point He has taught very strongly that He is not a Trinity. What are we supposed to believe when we read these statements? Does God expect us to believe that He is a Trinity after reading statements such as these?

The Book of Revelation

But there was one final opportunity for God to make the truth known if He really desired to reveal Himself to be a Trinity. He was not quite finished yet. Many years after Jesus returned to heaven, nearly all the apostles and those who knew Jesus personally were dead. But there was one of the servants of Christ who was still alive and God had a special message for him. By this time John was nearly a hundred years old, but God had one final message for His Church and John was the vessel chosen to deliver this message. Jesus came to him where he was imprisoned on the isle of Patmos and gave him this final revelation from God. We find it in the book of Revelation.

The testimony of this book is compelling, because most of what John wrote in this book is the testimony of an eyewitness. He wrote mostly of what he saw and heard personally. In this vision he was taken directly to heaven and saw God Himself and witnessed the way they worship in heaven. Amazingly, this eyewitness testimony of John is the most non-Trinitarian of all the witnesses borne by Bible writers. Let us examine a few of the scenes which John saw in heaven.

And immediately I was in the spirit; and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. (3) And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. (Rev 4:2-3)

First of all John notes that he saw one Person sitting on a throne in heaven. If this person sits on the throne of heaven, undoubtedly He is the King of heaven. Notice what else John sees:

And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. (9) And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, (10) The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever …. (Rev 4:8-10)

The beings in heaven are worshiping the One who sits on the throne, but who is this Person? They refer to Him as “Lord God Almighty.” This is the God of heaven and this is how they worship in heaven. They recognize ONE Person as God and it is the One who sits on the throne. If we read the book of Revelation carefully we will see that this is consistently the truth in Revelation. There is only one Person who is referred to as God, or as the Lord God, or as the Lord God Almighty in this book of Revelation, and it is the One who sits on the throne. This is how it is in heaven, there, they are not confused about who God is. There is no confusion as to whether or not God is a Trinity, they know that there is only one God and it is the One who sits on the throne. Read the book and we will see. Here are a few more examples of what I mean:

And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, (17) Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. (Rev 11:16-17)

And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne , saying, Amen; Alleluia. (5) And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. (6) And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. (Rev 19:4-6)

How can we read these verses and be still confused? This is a vision of heaven, it is a representation of how they worship in heaven. The one who is worshipped as God is the One who sits on the throne. Jesus Christ is honoured and glorified many places in the book of Revelation, but as the “Lord’s Christ,” as “the Lamb,” as “the Son of God,” but there is no mention of any honour, praise, glory or worship being given to any person named the holy spirit, and there is no mistake about who God is. He is EXCLUSIVELY The one who sits on the throne.

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; (10) And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne , and unto the Lamb. (11) And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, (Rev 7:9-11)

This passage is especially interesting because it represents the time when God’s people from earth are standing in heaven, having been redeemed from earth. These people are not confused, they do not believe that God is a Trinity. They are not praising or worshipping one-in-three, or three-in-one. They know who God is and they cry, “Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.” Yes, they praise the Lamb, our Saviour Jesus, the Son of God, but they recognize only one Person as God and they declare it unmistakably, “our God which sitteth upon the throne.” The question is, where did they learn this truth? Did they learn it after they arrived in heaven, or did they know from before who God really is? Should any Christian be confused if he depends on the Bible to teach him? Not at all. As we have seen, the Bible is very clear. The confusion arises from sources outside the Bible, not from the word of God.

The penultimate chapter in the Bible, almost at the very end, continues to teach this truth very clearly, there is only one person who is God.

And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. (Rev 21:22)

Two persons are mentioned, one is “the Lord God Almighty,” the other one is “the Lamb.” The Lamb is Jesus Christ, He is not the Lord God Almighty.

This is the second to last chapter in the Bible. Once again we find the Bible representing God in a way which is totally contrary to the Trinity. How can this be if God is a Trinity? Is God deliberately trying to mislead people? If He is a Trinity, how can it be that right here, at the very end of the Bible, He is not only failing to enlighten us, but is deliberately misleading us by making us believe that God is only one Person? The truth is, if God is a Trinity, then He did a very poor job of revealing Himself in the Bible, for the Bible, up until the very end, declares plainly that God is one single Person who is Ruler over all.

So here we come, to the very end of the Bible, and up to now, on the basis of the biblical testimony we have to say that God has consistently revealed Himself as a single great Individual who is above all others with the closest Person to Him, being, His only begotten Son. God has not revealed Himself as a Trinity and if after reading the Bible through we conclude that God is only one Person, then God cannot fault us for this conclusion, for it is what He has revealed. If God is actually a Trinity, He did not do a very good job of making it known in the Bible.

Non-biblical origins

In fact, this is what secular authorities and even religious authorities concede. The Encyclopedia Britannica states that, “the doctrine of the Trinity is not explicitly taught in the Scriptures,” It goes on to say that it was formulated during the church councils of the 4 th Century, and that is nothing but the truth. The Trinity has its origins outside of the Bible. Not in what God revealed to His apostles and prophets and His Son, but in a council convened by the pagan emperor Constantine, nearly four hundred years after the last apostle of Jesus was dead. A council convened in the city of Nicea at a time when the greatest apostasy of the ages was rapidly developing, in a time of compromise and the adoption of pagan practices into Christianity. This is where the Trinity has its roots.

Some among the independent Adventists have made the claim that they don’t believe in the Trinity, but that they believe in the “godhead.” What they really mean is that they don’t believe in one Being who is made up of three Persons (the classic Trinity), but they believe in three Gods, who cooperate as one because they have similar goals and purposes. This is nothing but bare-faced polytheism. It is undisguised paganism and is far removed from the God revealed in the Bible. This so-called “godhead” is not the godhead of the Bible and no matter what name it is called by, it is still paganism and in fact, is an even worse form of the three-in-one-god than the Trinity.

This is now the ploy being used by many independent Adventists who against all reason, reject the plain teachings of the Bible. They claim to be defenders of historic Adventism and make many calls to the organized church to return to the “old paths.” But they are caught on the horns of a dilemma for there is no escaping the fact that the historic Adventists were decidedly non-Trinitarian. They cannot escape the reality that these pioneers over and over condemned the doctrine of the three-in-one god as pagan and as a teaching of Rome. So they recognize that they must reject the Trinity and this they have duly done. But strangely, instead of accepting the pure biblical teaching of one God, the Father, who has a Son, Jesus Christ, they have unaccountably created a three-person pantheon of gods – pure undiluted paganism – and have presented this to their gullible followers as the true God.

What if we understand everything which the Bible teaches, but miss the greatest and most important point of all? What if we are able to understand all prophecies, all doctrines, but reject the greatest doctrine of all, the truth about God, will the rest of it matter?

And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. (Dan 11:32)

I believe Jesus meant it when He said,

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:3)

Defining Sin

Walter Zill

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. (1 John 3:4)

When this verse is quoted as being the only definition of sin, it is necessary that the full meaning of the term “law”, as used in the verse should be understood. Many evidently do not grasp the significance of Romans 7:14, “…the law is spiritual…”.

When the Ten Commandments were spoken, the people “heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude…” (Deut 4:12). The reaction of the people was one of great fear. The requested that Moses go and hear and speak “ all that the Lord our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it. ” (Deut5:23-27)

The response of God demonstrates His knowledge of their condition, as well as their need:

“I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said all that they have spoken. O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and their children for ever!” (Deut. 5:28,29).

In Deut. 18:18,19, God implied that Moses’ ministry was not perfect and that some day he would be superseded by one with a more perfect ministry:

“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.” (In Deut. 18:18,19)

Isaiah reinforced the idea that something was missing in what had been presented at Sinai, and gave a promise that that need would be supplied. In chapter 42 of his book he stated,

The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable. (Isa 42:21)

Jesus identified himself as the One of whom Moses had prophesied, who would, “tell us all things.” Peter declared that when Jesus came, this prophecy of Deut.18 had been fulfilled (Acts 3:20-24). This prophecy pointed to Jesus and foretold how He would give humanity a deeper and more perfect understanding of God’s law. An example of how Jesus magnified the law and made it honorable, is found in His teaching concerning the spiritual application of the law in Matthew chapters 5-7.

It is needful that we recognize the spiritual nature of that law that identifies it’s transgression as sin. We must heed the words of Him who said,

It is the spirit that quickened; the flesh profited nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63.

When persons disbelieve those words, and depend on a fleshly strength, that strength fails to support them in the judgment of God. Remember what Jesus said,

…when he (the comforter) is come, he will reprove the world of sin….”


Of sin, because they believe not on me. John 16:8,9.

Of course, His teaching was more than simply a collection of ideas, because what He taught was lived out in His life. In gaining a proper perspective of God’s law, there is no substitute for an accurate example which natural man can behold. To fulfill that need, God put His word in living human flesh.

“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

More than a written set of rules, the life of Jesus is a living representation of what God’s law really is. The example of Jesus is one of doing good. In this way He revealed the character of his Father and showed the true nature of the law. (John 10:32). He cited his conduct as an example for his disciples to follow. (John 13:15). When one fails to do what the spirit of God instructs us to do, and rejects doing that which is recognized as good to do, he is as guilty of sin as if he purposely bore false witness against his neighbor. (James 4:17).

It is contrary to the spirit of God for a person to be partial in judgment, to “have respect to persons,” for such discrimination is contrary to God’s way of dealing with people. (Rom. 2:11; Deut.16:19).

If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors. (James 2:8,9).

In Romans 14:23, we read, “… whatsoever is not of faith is sin .” This is not contradictory to 1 John 3:4 which states that “ sin is the transgression of the law ”, it rather emphasizes the truth of the spiritual nature of the law by which sin is defined.

A Foundational Truth

Most Adventists believe that the great question is, “can man keep the law of God?” But every question in the Great Controversy stems from the issue which Lucifer raised at the very beginning. The controversy began before man existed, so the vital question has to do with more than simply the behaviour of man.. What is this key question?

When we look at Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven and when we see the questions which he presented to Adam and Eve, it becomes clear that Lucifer promoted the idea that created beings can be good without God. He told Adam and Eve that if they would choose to be independent of God, then they would become just like God. He did not use the word “independent” or invite them to be separated from God. All of this hinged on their choosing to follow their will instead of God’s. But before they took that fruit, first of all, in their minds, they had to make a choice that they did not want God to remain in control of their lives. They believed the lie that somehow, without God, life would be just as good. This is the same argument which Lucifer used in heaven when he persuaded the other angels that they did not need to submit to Christ.

The great question in the controversy is this: Can created beings be good without God ? When this foundational issue is understood, then the door is open for an understanding of every other doctrine in the Bible. The gospel becomes clear, what the church is, becomes evident, the truth of the investigative judgment, the final atonement – all these things fall into place and make sense.

Self-righteousness is the attitude which thinks, “I am able to do good. I can keep the law. All it takes is a little effort and discipline. God says it, and therefore I will do it.” It is the attitude which claims to respect God’s commandments but which does not feel the need for God himself. It is the feeling that it lies within ones capacity to keep those commandments. This is simply a manifestation of the issues of the original controversy where Lucifer claimed that he did not need God, but he was capable of doing what was right in himself.

The entire history of planet earth is God’s effort to answer this question conclusively. This question will be finally settled during the time of the last generation on earth. This is why the critical message to fill the earth is the truth of Christ and His Righteousness; the truth that “without me (Christ) ye can do nothing.”

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,    (Rev 14:6)

The most essential lesson for man to learn is expressed in the following two verses.

…There is none righteous, no, not one:  (Rom 3:10)

…there is none good but one , that is, God: …. (Mat 19:17)

This is something which it is absolutely necessary that we properly understand. There is no good being in the entire universe except one, and that One is God. Of course the Son of God is also included in this statement. He is of the divine family, He is the express image of His Father and has the same divine life in Himself.

This truth is the foundation of all righteousness. We will never understand or experience true righteousness until we embrace it and approach our religion from this perspective. Conversely, all false religion builds on the false idea that man has some good in himself, that any man is able by hard effort and discipline to live in harmony with the commandments of God.

It pays to listen to God

Gideon Clayton

This Incident took place during the late 1980s on a day when no one was at home except my wife Dawn (called Jill affectionately). Jill was good with her hands and used to crochet, sew, knit and weave in her spare time.

On this particular day she decided to sit in the living room and crochet. Rain began to fall which threatened to be a lightning storm judging from the brilliant flashes that accompanied the down pour. Jill suddenly had a strong impression to go and pray. While crocheting she would normally stay in the living room, but she often prayed in the bedroom.The very strong impression came upon her to go and pray immediately, so she turned and went to the bedroom and knelt by the bedside and began to pray.

As she prayed there was a sudden loud crash and the sound of glass splintering on the floor which sounded as if it came from the living room. She continued to pray until she had finished, then got up and headed for the living room. The sight which greeted her was difficult to describe. Jill decided not to touch anything until I got home so I could see for myself God’s care, love and ability to communicate with and protect his children if they will listen to his voice.

There was a picture of my wife’s family hanging in the living room just above the sofa which was her favorite spot. If she had been sitting there during the strike, she very likely would have been killed. The picture frame was made of metal and was attached to a metal chain suspended from an attachment in the wall. Broken glass from the encasement covered the entire room and what I saw was cause for wonder. The metal chain from the picture frame had been burned into the wall and all was imprinted as a testimony of God’s deliverance and mercy.

These wonderful experiences are treasures to be cherished, for they keep us aware of God’s presence in the lives of his children always.

The Dangers of Gum Disease

Lenworth Frankson

Not long ago I read an article which suggested, “ the gums are the window to your health. ” It was not until recently that I truly understood what this meant. Our gums do tell a lot about our overall health therefore it is only prudent that we pay close attention to them. The fear of developing gum disease is a very real concern for many people though many of us are not well informed, and are therefore at risk.

Gum disease, appears to be the leading cause of tooth loss in adults over 35, and is extremely common. but unfortunately, millions do not recognize the symptoms. Untreated gum disease can progress to impact not only your gums, teeth, and mouth, but your entire body as well. The tissue in your mouth is equivalent in mass to the skin on your arm from wrist to elbow and when tissue of this amount becomes infected, as it does during gum disease, it’s a serious health risk.


Gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects your gums and the bone surrounding your teeth. It is caused by plaque on your teeth, which leads to gum inflammation. In its mildest form, gum disease is called gingivitis . Gingivitis is caused by poor oral hygiene and it causes your gums to become red and swollen, and to bleed easily. If it is left untreated, gingivitis may progress into periodontitis , in which plaque begins to grow below your gum line. Many people do not realize when this is happening. Bacteria and toxins multiply leading to chronic inflammation that can destroy your gums and bone, supporting your teeth. This leads to teeth separating from the gums, forming infected pockets that can result in teeth loss and, as the disease progresses, heart disease, respiratory disease and diabetes. This might sound alarming to some readers but there is now overwhelming medical research and evidence that strongly supports this.

Warning Signs:

Gum disease can affect anyone; therefore you should visit your dentist to regularly remove tartar (hardened plaque) from your teeth. Smoking, diabetes, certain medications that reduce the flow of saliva, illnesses such as cancer or AIDS and hormonal changes in women (pregnancy) are some risk factors that can increase the likelihood of this disease. Researchers at the University of Maryland Dental School, have found that destructive periodontitis is more common in men than women and their gum disease tends to be worse.   One hypothesis in the dental world is that men visit doctors less frequently than women; they also don’t go to the dentist as often and apparently are more likely to have worse oral hygiene and compliance with treatment and aftercare than women. Younger men with the disease are more likely to suffer a stroke than those who do not have the condition. In a new study, researchers found a link between the life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, specifically strokes, and bone loss caused by periodontitis. Men under age 65 who have the gum disease were most at risk of suffering a stroke compared to older men, the findings concluded.

Another significant factor is that it is possible to pass the bacteria that cause gum disease through your saliva, which means the disease may be transmittable among couples and family members that share food and utensils. If your spouse or a close family member has gum disease it would be a good idea for you to get checked as well. Informing other family members if diagnosed will also make them aware not to drink or eat from the same food or utensils. It is important to note that gum disease in the beginning stages when it is most easily treated and reversed, is not always obvious.

Can a person know if he is getting gum disease? The answer is yes. Healthy gums are firm and pink, for most people. Some people have darker gums which are normal but you can know there is a problem if the gums become red, tender, swollen and are prone to bleed when you brush and floss. Bad breath can also be an early symptom. This can be early-stage gum disease, or gingivitis, and you should bring these symptoms to the attention of your dentist.

Though your personal health history, including heredity considerations, may be a factor, gum disease often develops due to poor oral hygiene, when a lack of brushing and flossing causes a sticky layer of bacteria or plaque to coat the teeth causing inflammation to develop along the gum lines. As mentioned earlier, certain medications as well as smoking and chewing tobacco, definitely increases the risk for getting gum disease. If ignored, the plaque hardens to become tartar or calculus, building up over time. In time this irritates the gums and leads to pockets of infection and inflammation that begin to destroy bone and supporting tissue.

Warning signs include:

• Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth

• Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard food

• Gums receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before

• Loose or separating teeth

• Pus between your gums and teeth

• Sores in your mouth

• Persistent bad breath

• A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

• A change in the fit of partial dentures

Inflamed Gums = Inflamed Body

In people with serious gum disease, bacteria and their toxins enter into the bloodstream causing inflammation. This condition can do more damage once the tissue that supports the tooth breaks down and the infection begins to destroy the bone. Inflammation triggers the liver to make C-reactive protein which is considered a “marker” of inflammatory activity. According to Dr. McGuire, associate clinical professor of implant dentistry at the New York University College of Dentistry, elevated levels of C-reactive protein are associated with an increased risk of more serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. People with diabetes are significantly more likely to have periodontal disease. This is because diabetes makes the body more susceptible to bacterial infection. People with diabetes have a decreased ability to fight germs that invade the gums. Not only does having diabetes increase the risk of gum disease, but gum disease in turn increases blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes complications, according to a study in the Journal of Periodontology . This finding highlights the importance of healthy teeth and gums for staying healthy and avoiding diabetes and heart related complications.

There are a few steps you can take to protect your oral health if you have diabetes. One is to brush with toothpaste specially formulated for gum health. Another is to pay attention to everyday oral hygiene (brushing and flossing), and the third is, get professional cleanings twice a year. For many folks this could be all that is needed to prevent gum disease and even reverse the early stage.

Ignoring the Problem

Ignoring the problem and allowing the infection and inflammation to go on for weeks, months or years will only make matters worse. It is interesting to note that people are willing to tolerate this condition in their mouth for so long when they would aggressively fight any other equivalent infection that was eroding the soft tissue, bones and ligaments in an arm or leg. Signs of the disease are often ignored which puts not just your teeth but your overall health at risk. Our bodies functions as an integrated system, not as separated independent units, and infection in one place leads to problems in another.

New research found that people who don’t brush their teeth regularly have an increased risk of heart disease and for those who “rarely or never” brushed their teeth, the risk of a heart attack and stroke was 70 percent higher than those who brushed twice daily. The rare brushers also had higher levels of  C-reactive protein , a marker of inflammation and a potent indicator of heart disease.

Tips for Prevention

Gingivitis can often be treated and reversed through proper dental cleanings and attention to oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing are the basics to keeping your teeth healthy. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day if possible, and floss daily for best results. You should also visit your dentist regularly — at least once every 6 months.

Your teeth will only flourish if you maintain a healthy diet. A healthy diet will support your oral hygiene routine, making your teeth and gums strong and healthy. Foods rich in calcium and phosphorous help in remineralizing our teeth, a process during which minerals are put back onto teeth enamel after acids remove them. Firm and crunchy fruits and veggies like apples, celery, cucumbers, carrots and pears, guavas etc which have high water content, stimulate the flow of saliva and dilute the effects of sugars, making them especially beneficial for oral health. An unbalanced, highly processed or fast-food diet will make it impossible for your immune system to function at its best, and studies show that people with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of gum disease.

Sugar and starches (bread, crackers, and cereal) are particularly problematic when they’re left on your teeth after a snack of meal. Avoid snacking; it is bad for proper digestion, weight control and your teeth. Think about it; how many people are going to brush their teeth every time they taste a snack. The truth is, we don’t need to when we are eating healthy and at the right times. Sugar feeds bacteria. Bacteria in our mouths coupled with starches and sugar produces acid in our mouths that can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities. If sugary or starchy foods are eaten you should brush your teeth immediately afterward to remove the damaging substances. A diet which consists of natural foods (unprocessed foods), especially a raw diet, produces far less tartar on our teeth than one that is made up of processed foods. The Bible tells us that God said

“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.  30  And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food. ”

Our creator knows what is best for our bodies including the types of food we should eat for healthy teeth and gums. Whatever God does and says is always the best. “ And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good .

Remember, gum disease is a serious illness and one that should not be taken lightly. If you have any of the gum disease warning signs then see your dentist as soon as possible to have your oral health assessed. Losing your teeth and having inflamed gums might not be enough to scare some people to take this disease seriously but knowing the potential danger and damage to one’s overall health might just be enough to convince them to take action. Our teeth are not designed to self-repair, so once they become decayed or your gums are damaged, it is difficult if not impossible to bring them back to their original state. Therefore it behooves us to take steps now to keep teeth and gums strong and healthy.

7 Natural Remedies:

1) Vitamin C

People with low intakes of vitamin C have higher rates of periodontal disease.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant which is needed to repair connective tissue and accelerate bone regeneration. Foods rich in Vitamin C include grapefruit, oranges, kiwi fruit, mango, papaya, strawberry, red pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe melon.

2) Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects and may reduce susceptibility to gum disease.  Vitamin D comes from sunlight, so sensible and limited exposure will boost your levels.

3) Stress levels

Keeping your stress levels low is healthy because as stress increases plaque accumulates.  Vitamins C and B complex are the stress vitamins to boost, so increase your intake. Definitely avoid tobacco and alcohol.

4) Coenzyme Q10

Low levels have been linked to gum disease and it is essential as coenzyme Q10 is needed to properly repair gum tissue.  It is produced naturally in the body and also found in some fish like salmon and sardines. Smaller amounts are found in foods like peanuts, roasted sesame seeds and pistachio nuts, broccoli, and spinach. Both soybean and canola oils contain moderate amounts of coenzyme Q10.

5) Onions

Onions contain powerful antibacterial sulfur compounds. In a 1997 test tube study, onions killed various types of bacteria, including S. mutans. Research indicates that they are most powerful when eaten freshly peeled and raw. Of course, raw onions can do a number on your breath, so be sure to have some fresh parsley on hand.

6) Tea tree oil

Tea tree has so many uses I believe every medicine cabinet should have a bottle but in this particular instance tea tree toothpaste will do the job.  It has proven antibiotic properties and a study on people with severe chronic gingivitis who used the toothpaste for 4-8 weeks were found to have a significant reduction in the degree of gingivitis and bleeding.

7) Change your toothbrush

A Dutch study found that the use of electric toothbrushes with oscillating, rotating heads for 3 months reduced gingivitis compared to manual brushing with a regular toothbrush. There was also some reduction in plaque, although it was not statistically significant.


David Clayton  

The betrayer came to the Master’s side,

With smiling face and arms held wide;

There was no hint in the friendly smile,

Of a traitor’s cunning and artful guile.

“Hail Master!” with that, he kissed Him there,

With feigned affection and pretended cheer;

He held Him close with a friend’s embrace,

As he sold his Lord to a criminal’s place.

In Christ there was peace – no fear He knew,

All man might be false, but His Father was true;

Yet the light n His heart was shadowed and dim,

For this murderer He loved, He was dying for him.

The mindless mob then gathered around,

In a moment the innocent One was bound;

They led Him away through the garden gate,

To an unlawful trial and a murderer’s fate.

Yet the love in His heart never faltered nor failed,

Though He hung all alone on the cross;

For His head was wounded and His hands were nailed,

To save us from infinite loss.


Please make a note of the following dates. There will be three camp meetings in the Fall of this year and each one promises to be an outstanding experience.

Roan Mountain, Tennessee

This campmeeting has become established over the past few years as one of the outstanding convocations on the spiritual calendar. It is normally held at the Roan Mountain State park in the beautiful hills of Tennessee. This year the venue will be the same.

The meetings will be held from September 11 to September 16, 2012.

Among those expected to speak at this campmeeting are Nader Mansour and Imad Awde from Australia, David Clayton and Howard Williams from Jamaica, as well as several others from the USA

For more detailed information on this campmeeting, please contact brother Malcolm McCrillis. His contact details are as follows:

phone: (423) 772-3161



Wenatchee, Washington

The Wenatchee Campmeeting will be hosted by Coming Home Ministry and will begin on, Wednesday September 19 and will end on Sunday, September 23, 2012

The meetings will be held in the Social Hall of the Wenatchee Community Center. This is the same meeting place as last year, but in a different room. The physical addrss of the hall is:

504 S Chelan Ave.

Wenatchee WA 98801

Speakers will be, David Clayton and Howard Williams from Restoration Ministries, Jamaica, Nader Mansour and Imad Awde from Australia and Ken Corklin of Pennsylvania.

Theme: “The Gospel of The Kingdom.”

The meetings will start at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, September 19th. The other days, they will begin at 10:00 AM.

For more information, contact Steve or Saci Noyes


phone: (509) 782-2439

Coming Home Ministry

P.O. Box 420

Dryden, WA 98821

Restoration Ministries Campmeeting 2012

This year the Jamaican campmeeting will be held at the Bethel Christian Mission campsite in Newport Manchester. This is a nice clean place with adequate accommodations. It is located about seven miles to the South of Mandeville and is about 15 minutes drive from the Restoration Ministries chapel.

Our campmeeting date was shifted from the spring to the fall of the year, because of the difficulty frequently experienced in finding a free campsite during the spring. So this year, our campmeeting will be from Thursday, October 11 until Monday, October 15. Please mark these dates and plan to be there. It promises to be a rich experience.

The end of the ages are upon us. Even secular commentators are in awe and fear as they see the unmistakable signs of an impending, catastrophe of immense proportions looming over our planet. God is not silent at this time and in keeping with His promises, He is now opening up the understanding of His people to the deeper and long-hidden truths of the everlasting gospel. Here in Jamaica, our hearts have been thrilled at the things which God has been opening up to our understanding from His word. Our expectations are high that these blessings will continue to be poured out at this coming campmeeting and we encourage all who are able to attend to be there to share in the anticipated blessings.

For more information, please contact us:


Phone:- 876-603-0821

From the USA:- 1 (304) 932-4543

Open Face is published bi-monthly and is sent free to all who desire to receive it.

David Clayton: Editor and Publisher
P. O. Box 23 Knockpatrick
Manchester, Jamaica W.I.

Phone: (876) 603-0821 Or (304) 932-4543

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